The Things No One Tells You About Weight Loss



  • IcanIwill1
    IcanIwill1 Posts: 137 Member
    That healthy eating does not translate to regularity.
    That the bowels need bulk for peristalsis.
    That almost 80g of fiber a day, means squat to the bowels, it wants bulk to move.
  • pkrey12
    pkrey12 Posts: 3
    That is so true.
  • lyanes
    lyanes Posts: 36
    -- It takes your brain way longer to catch up with your body (i.e., you still feel you are/look heavier than you really are).

    -- Nobody tells you to forget all the cr*p you tried/heard about in the past, open your mind, listen to people who have had success before you and learn before you leap.

    -- Achieving results you never thought possible might make you reflect on many parts of your life and make the entire process more emotional than you expected.

    -- Not losing weight on the scale doesn't mean you aren't making progress; you are fitter/stronger/healthier than before.

    ^ This
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    That weight loss by inexpensive means (no gyms or classes....just running and cutting back on food) becomes expensive when NOTHING...including your bras, undies, and shoes NO LONGER fit. You want to be excited that you are smaller, but the cost of replacing literally everything you own is incredibly frustrating (and in particular if you do NOT like to shop).

    I can't wait to shop for small clothes again. I used to love clothes shopping and when I got fat, I began to dread needing new stuff. I literally can't wait to clean out my closet
    I have cleaned out my closet 3 times now, it is time for #4.
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    That it takes a lot longer for your self-image to catch up to your actual image.

    This. So true.
  • soniyamas
    soniyamas Posts: 160 Member
    nobody told me how much advice I would get from people (not in here but in the outside world) who are overweight and don't eat right and don't exercise. everybody is a diet consultant!

    I knowwwww.. :grumble:
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    nobody told me how much advice I would get from people (not in here but in the outside world) who are overweight and don't eat right and don't exercise. everybody is a diet consultant!

    I knowwwww.. :grumble:

    Agreed. I just smile and thank them.
  • DaniWhis
    DaniWhis Posts: 27 Member
    This is an awesome post!

    I learned the hard way that adjusting your social life is sometimes necessary to meet your goals...especially when it comes to people that are not on the same page or not supportive...

    It's sad how much more expensive healthy food is vs quick processed junk. :(

    It's okay to forgive yourself. You need to in order to stay on the journey. I'd always failed before because I was too hard on myself.

    Also, agreed on the digestive system changes with fiber...whew.... :)

    Again, awesome post!!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    That it takes a lot longer for your self-image to catch up to your actual image.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    That keeping the weight off is far harder than losing it.
    So True!
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    How emotional weight loss is.
    Getting emotional reading all of these great responses.

    Great job, everyone! Keep it up!
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member

    I think for me it's how much my husband trying to be supportive sounds like nagging to me when I'm tired (of course that could be him actually being bad at phrasing things).
    ^^^ this. It probably doesn't help AT ALL that he has gained back all 90 of the pounds that he lost and has no intention of losing them again.
    I count calories, log my food, walk the dog and do a workout video and if I complain that I am tired or don't want to, his "You can do it, babe!" makes me want to punch him in the throat. I'm sure the fact that he lays on the couch while I work out doesn't help either.

    Have to remember that I am doing this for me--and not to bite the heads off my loved ones when I am tired and sore, lol.
  • dutchgirl78
    dutchgirl78 Posts: 1 Member
    Want to come back to this!
  • amcook4
    amcook4 Posts: 561 Member
    I'm only starting my weight loss journey, but so far it is that vegetables will make you gassy and saying no to the office donuts really isn't that hard.
  • sanz002
    sanz002 Posts: 16 Member
    That a lot of people will ask how you are, kinda insinuating that you must be sick. It seems easier for them to understand weight loss from sickness rather than pure determination.
  • nespinosa3
    nespinosa3 Posts: 116
    Thank you so much for this just made me go from super frustrated to determined :)
    Probably a couple of repeats but here's what I've learned:
    - My body has changed so much more than I think it my mind, "just 15 pounds", but nothing fits me, I can hardly recognize my now-shaped arms, and people are even starting the "Don't lose any more weight" conversations
    -It's scary how many delicious things are not worth the calories. Seriously, 500 calories for a cup of hot chocolate???
    - I actually love weight training, and it doesn't make women bulky at all :)
    - I'm going to have to live with this lifestyle's not "over" when I get to goal weight
    - Body type does matter in weight - some of us just weigh a little more (but this doesn't mean that 20 pounds overweight is fine!)
    - Find your best time to work out, it's different for everyone. I'm a morning-cardio person, after 6pm I am worthless and my work out just sucks.

    Still learning:
    - Accept that there are going to be temptations pretty much every day and people can't seem to stop offering me candy, so you just have to look the other way.
    - Weight isn't everything. I shouldn't let the weight define my mood for the day/week.
    - I shouldn't compare myself to others. My body is different and the fact that people with my stats look amazing at 130 pounds doesn't mean that I should go down to 130 too. My ideal weight is actually just 5 pounds below what is considered overweight, and that is FINE.
  • kindel2
    kindel2 Posts: 67 Member
    That it was actually pretty easy when I didn't over complicate the process.

    I agree with you here. I think this is why I kept quitting, that and the scale. This time I'm just taking it one day at a time. New day = walking, biking, exercise, video... something!
  • kindel2
    kindel2 Posts: 67 Member
    Sorry repeat post
  • crunchergirl
    crunchergirl Posts: 184 Member
  • timmemin
    timmemin Posts: 72 Member
    -- It takes your brain way longer to catch up with your body (i.e., you still feel you are/look heavier than you really are).

    This. I go into the dressing room still with a size 12 out of habit and end up buying a 4 or 6. Salespeople must think I'm nuts.