90 Day Challege- Challenge 2



  • rugrat200324
    rugrat200324 Posts: 128 Member
    3/5 water so far still working on it.
    30 minutes of walking today.
    I did 10 minutes of up and down stairs:)
    So far I have cut back the 100 for today hopefully i can keep it that way:)
  • lorcine
    lorcine Posts: 26 Member
    Start January 8, 2011
    End April 8, 2011 (My Birthday)
    Turbo Jam (January)
    Chalene Extreme & Turbo Fire (February & March)
  • mirna_ayala0428
    mirna_ayala0428 Posts: 406 Member
  • mirna_ayala0428
    mirna_ayala0428 Posts: 406 Member

    1. Drink at least 5 (8oz) of water EVERYDAY this week. Accomplished: Drank 8 (8oz)
    2. Do 6 Sets of 15 Sit-ups 3 out of 7 days this week. Accomplished
    3. Get 30 Min of cardio at least 3 out of 7 days this week. Accomplished: I did 35 mins extra
    4. Cut 100 calories from your diet EVERYDAY this week. Accomplished: Cut 224 calories
  • brittyboo07
    brittyboo07 Posts: 109 Member
    Wow look at this weeks challenge! It is that! Ok I still need to get the rest of my water in and im getting ready to do my regular workout and then an extra 30 min on the treadmill! I will report back wanted to get this thread into my topics! Oh and on my calories I cut back 60 today so I was a little off. Ok Im off to exercise!!!!!
  • KaydeanH
    KaydeanH Posts: 25 Member
    #32 Checking in
    5/5 water - Complete
    100 calories less - Complete
  • brittyboo07
    brittyboo07 Posts: 109 Member

    6/5 water... complete
    1/3 30 min extra Cardio... complete
    0/3 6/15 situps... incomplete
    60 calories cut today but after exercise 406 calories under woohoo!!!!

    ok i think that is everything for today!!

    Thanks again for doing all of this!!!

    Good luck to everyone in this weeks challenges!!!
  • Challenge 2
    Start Date: Jan 8, 2011
    End Date: Jan 14, 2011

    "1. Drink at least 5 (8oz) of water EVERYDAY this week.
    2. Do 6 Sets of 15 Sit-ups 3 out of 7 days this week.
    3. Get 30 Min of cardio at least 3 out of 7 days this week.
    4. Cut 100 calories from your diet EVERYDAY this week.

    While challenging, these all seem doable and GOOD choices :)
  • Sybil #28
    Drank 8 glasses of water.
    Went over my goal by 13 calories. Today is my cheat day. Tomorrow I will officially start the challenge.
    No workouts today.
  • 1. Name: Brenda
    2. Current Weight: 232 lbs
    3. Goal weight by April 1: 195lbs
    4. Current Workouts : no workouts. Just getting started after 6 years.
  • aeleton
    aeleton Posts: 171
    Please use these reference numbers when logging weigh in and challenge accomplishments. Please refer to the 90 day Challenge- Challenge 2 topic. I will create a new topic for each week because its getting to long.

    123 Jill- jbeans67
    127. Brenda
  • aeleton
    aeleton Posts: 171

    I did 30 min of Weight Loss Program on Treadmill
    I did 58 Min of Kenpo x in P90x
    I have drank 5/5 water
  • #56

    I currently do 30 day shred every day, so that should take care of the sit ups and a lot of the cardio, and the rest I'll make up with couch to 5k! I'm already trying to drink 64oz a day, at least, and my calorie goal is at 1200, which (from what I've read) is the lowest that's recommended so I'll have to stay at that! This week is going to be a little easy! I did move up to level 2 on 30DS tonight, so I will be working out a bit harder this week!
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: No 7

    Just found challenge 2 will start today
  • heaventrull
    heaventrull Posts: 22 Member
    1. Heaven
    2. CW: 154.2
    3. GW April1: 130
    4: treadmill, elliptical, weight lifting
  • aeleton
    aeleton Posts: 171
    Heaven, your reference number is 128. Please use this number when logging weigh ins and challenge accomplishments
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    #15 - Amy:

    1. Drink at least 5 (8oz) of water - DONE
    2. Do 6 Sets of 15 Sit-ups - Day 1 of 3 DONE
    3. Get 30 Min of cardio - Day 1 of 3 DONE (45 min of walking the dog)
    4. Cut 100 calories from your diet - DONE (So far I am doing fabulously at keeping under my calories this weekend!)
  • aeleton
    aeleton Posts: 171
    as long as you are under your calorie goal by 100, that counts!!!!
  • sliceofsarah
    sliceofsarah Posts: 141 Member

    1. Drink at least 5 (8oz) of water EVERYDAY this week. Accomplished.
    2. Do 6 Sets of 15 Sit-ups 3 out of 7 days this week. Accomplished
    3. Get 30 Min of cardio at least 3 out of 7 days this week. Accomplished. 33 minutes of elliptical
    4. Cut 100 calories from your diet EVERYDAY this week. Accomplished. Way under my calorie goal tonight.
  • Nicmc8
    Nicmc8 Posts: 178 Member

    5/5 water
    did not log food today:(
    cleaned house, did tons of laundry, dishes, took downn Christmas inside and out, but no "official" workouts.
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