Fit For Future Families - January 2011



  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Ron, are you using the applicators? That could be causing the UTI.

    BFP story is hilarious!!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Erica - I used the applicators last month but not recently.

    Jenny - that story made me laugh so hard I almost had an accident at the computer!!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Well you might just be sensitive to something in the preseed. I had the same problem with condoms. My UTIs went away when we stopped using them (minus that month I didn't get up to pee for 30+ minutes after BDing). Definitely stay well-hydrated. I get the UTI pain when I'm dehydrated. Feel better!
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Ron - Boo! UTI's are a TTC'er's worst enemy! I hope it gets better soon!

    I have looked for pre-seed and haven't been able to find it. We don't use lubricants a lot, but wouldn't mind it if it would help our chances. CD35, still no AF...Hubs and I were too tired to BD last night, but I've heard it's better to do it every other day when TTC anyway. We're just trucking along, it's taking all i have not to re-test. I'm trying to determine what exact bloodwork i want to have done on Tuesday. Thyroid for sure, HCG for sure, can they test if i ovulated this month? Temp was's like my body doesnt want to go above 97 degrees!!

    So i've decided i'm re-starting my Journey on Monday. I'll start with an official new weigh in, and start logging my food. I should be able to get a good workout routine in there too bc on T & R I have a 2hour break in between classes but i'm too far from home to run home real fast, so i'm going to join a gym close to campus and work out for 1-1.5 hours on those days and then MWF i want to start taking my son and dog for walks in the evening so that my son can get some exercise. I'm trying to get myself into a good routine to stay distracted from the inevitability of my husband leaving soon.
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,772 Member
    Alisa - the only place I was able to find pre-seed was at CVS.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    We picked up our Pre-Seed at a sex store - I guess since it's sort of a specialty purchase...

    Alisa - news?
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    No AF for me yet....did another OPK and it was negative again...AHH I'm not going to test, I'm not going to test, I'm not going to test! I have my dr appointment on Tuesday afternoon....I guess that will be the verification....Assuming i don't get my period until then that will be CD38....I'm REALLY hoping that the reason AF is not showing up is bc i'm already preggo bc at this point we're down to about 25 days until the hubs leaves so we're running out of time! COMMON BODY GET IT TOGETHER!!!
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    No AF for me yet....did another OPK and it was negative again...AHH I'm not going to test, I'm not going to test, I'm not going to test! I have my dr appointment on Tuesday afternoon....I guess that will be the verification....Assuming i don't get my period until then that will be CD38....I'm REALLY hoping that the reason AF is not showing up is bc i'm already preggo bc at this point we're down to about 25 days until the hubs leaves so we're running out of time! COMMON BODY GET IT TOGETHER!!!

    Have you been late like this? Do you normally have issues with your cycles being out of whack? What about symptoms? I don't know how you aren't peeing on every stick you can get your hands on! lol! But I will attest that it will only drive you more nuts by doing so. Crossing my fingers for a BFP for you. With a military hubby myself I totally understand the world of scheduling things around when he will be home and gone. It definitely makes life a little more complicated, especially this whole baby making gig! :)
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    This is month #3 off birth control , was regular the first month, started on day 32 the second month and this is month 3...before i went on BC I wasn't "Regular" persay but i got one every month. When I FIRST got my period when i was 13 I had one every month for like 3 or 4 months in a row and then went like 4-5months with/out one, then they medicated me, jump started it and I never had a problem again. Went on BC and have been on it ever since i was 17. (got preggo with my son ON bc and got back on bc when he was 6 weeks old)

    The only changes i can see in my body is my finger nails are rock hard (and i'm not even taking a pre-natal) my skin (as in whole body) is breaking out more than usual (chest, back, chin...) and i feel tired...but i am normally tired. I slept almost 13 hours last night....I'm trying not to test bc i don't want to see "not pregnant" a bunch just to find out i'm pregnant...HaHa I'm just trying not to think about it and just wait until Tuesday. Inevidably they will test if i'm preggo, when i tell them my last period was Dec 5 and it's Jan 11, they're going to test me. Hoping that if i am that my levels are high enough for them to tell....
  • thepurplestar
    thepurplestar Posts: 28 Member
    fc for you x
  • Hopeful4757
    Fingers crossed AlisaToth. You're only a couple days away now from your appt. Hope things go well for you. How long will your husband be gone for?
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Alisa, they can check your progesterone levels to see if you've Od.... though they typically like to do that 7dpo. I'm not sure how it will make a difference, but with your temps still low and that fertile patch of CM, I'd say it's an annovulatory cycle. I hope not, though. Sometimes, women get +OPK when they test and they have HCG in their system. That's how a friend of mine found out she was pregnant after a long, crazy cycle.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I also wanted to add that everyone on this thread really should already be taking a prenatal vitamin or extra folic acid at the very least. The most important time for folic acid is the first few weeks of development, often before you even know you're pregnant (or before you can get in to see a doctor for prescription).
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Alisa- fingers and toes are crossed for you.

    I too am still waiting - it doesn`t seem like a lot of time for me - it`s CD 34, but I was really hoping that the tool would be able to predict based on my last 6 months history. Bearing in mind that my AF that started this cycle was 3 days and very light, I`m kind of worried about the tempest that may be brewing for me. Maybe I should test again. Maybe just before new years was too early??? It was a pretty definite negative though (LOL - I think that the speed that the negative comes up shows how sure it is....LOL I know thats not right, but it was immediate and no questions). I have to make a doctor's appointment for tomorrow, so maybe I should just ask her. If not, I was told by the fertility doctor to request a refill on the progesterone on CD35, so it might be a good idea to have the doctor test? What do you guys think?

    As for the prenatal, my doctor told us when we first started TTC that you should take it for at least 3 months before you conceive ideally (if you're trying, obviously if it just happens, that's not possible) so that you have it in your system right from the get go. If you wait until after you know, you've already missed a few weeks of the pregnancy. So I've now been on prenatals since 2002 LOL Yikes. And it should contain at least 1mg of folic - some only contain 500mcg. I started a new type this last month - it's a no-name, gigantic blue bottle (it looks like a small bottle of protein powder). My brother walked in and asked if he could make himself a protein shake........I told him, he was welcome to try....LOL I've noticed that since this new type, I'm not peeing flourescent yellow anymore so I guess the B vitamin levels are way better for me than the last brand.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    The specialist that I saw 2 weeks ago recommended that along with a prenatal you should be taking an extra supplement of folic acid. He said that the amount in almost all of the prenatals is the lowest possible amount needed. He also recommended consuming at least 4000mg of omega 3's and cut out omega 6's (which I had heard at some point in time were good for women trying to get pregnant). He said that omega 6's are way too abundant in our diets already. So his recommendations are prenatal vitamin (which I've been taking for years and years now), folic acid supplement (I lost the little paper that had the exact amount suggested so I've just been winging it), Omega 3 in Fish oil, Vit D supplement (I take mine with a calcium, and Vit D3 combo), and a baby aspirin. I highly recommend New Chapter Organics Perfect Prenatal. It is pretty pricey but it is the best I've found. Doesn't turn my urine crazy colors like others do and you can take it on an empty stomach if needed and won't give you a belly ache.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    OMG - I just had one of those know when there is a glimpse of clarity. I've always thought it would take me years to get off the weight and get back to a healthy goal weight.

    I have 71lbs to lose from Jan is entirely possible that I could do that all this year (if I don't get pregnant). Even if I do get pregnant, I'm not going to weigh as much as I did before I started this journey in July. By July of next year, I could be at goal if I do get pregnant.....that's completely mind boggling to me.

    71lbs in a year is completely do-able...even if I get a 9 month break in between.....
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Pam - How awesome that you are that the turning point of a having completely attainable goal! I can imagine what a great feeling that is for you! I love those "Moments" where you're just like...holy moly, i can TOTALLY do this!

    Hopeful - My husband will be gone for approximately 7months. I plan to visit him once while he's gone when they pull into port but I probably won't be able to line up a visit with an ovulation week so if we don't get pregnant this month we'll have to wait until early fall.

    My husband keeps telling me not to stress, and i'm not stressing about being/not being pregnant, i'm stressing that if i'm not pregnant WHY haven't i gotten AF! I honestly wouldn't care if it was an annovulatory cycle as long as i started a new cycle ASAP! HaHa Well my temp "spiked" to 97.18 today, I did drink some alcohol last night and I know that can effect your temps, but it was only 2 rum and diets over a 6 hour i'm not sure if maybe it was THE spike or if was just another random change in temps and it will drop back down again...
  • erlagis
    erlagis Posts: 20
    Alisa - the only place I was able to find pre-seed was at CVS.

    I bought pre-seed on Amazon.
  • erlagis
    erlagis Posts: 20
    and a baby aspirin.

    why do you take baby aspirin?
    Does that help when you're TTC?
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    You should only take baby aspirin if you have a diagnosed clotting disorder and/or it has been prescribed by a doctor.