How can I pick up a cougar at the gym?



  • Karabobarra
    Karabobarra Posts: 782 Member
    how old are you & how old are you looking for ?

    Just turned 18, about to graduate from HS next week. So yeah done with HS girls and I think it's time for an upgrade in chicks.'re not looking for a cougar, you're looking for a college girl that has just escaped the overbearing parents and is free to do what she wants. Start hitting the areas around a local college.
  • tmaryam
    tmaryam Posts: 289 Member
    Is there some kind of fascination for women to be a cougar?.... Just curious... :)

    I think it's more of a joke that makes us 40 somethings who have had our self esteem kicked in the gut a few times in our past feel empowered. No longer are we worried about being pitched aside for a younger woman....we can do the pitching. the end of the day...I'm much more interested in someone my own age. :)

    QFT. A nice, honest response.
  • weightlifter01
    weightlifter01 Posts: 564 Member
    Too focussed on my workouts and I ignore the obvious stares :)
  • LifterDave
    LifterDave Posts: 112 Member
    I give up, I am destined to die ALONE.

    In all seriousness now. If you think no higher of yourself than to give yourself the handle of Scumbag, well, you can expect that people will take your word for it that you are. And indeed you will be alone. How about just being Gil?
  • csuhar
    csuhar Posts: 779 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    honey, go to college.....

    This, multiplied by a few thousand.

    Seriously, though... Give women your age some time. High school doesn't mature everyone equally. Some of us mature because we've got responsibilities, and others stay fairly "young" in mind because they're not required to work hard. Plus, school, a somewhat artificial environment, has been the focus of the past 12 years of your life.

    You might be surprised at the changes that happen as the reality of being an independent adult hits home. When people realize they're all on their own and have to take care of themselves, personalities change.

    Plus, as someone who's older than the "cougars" you're looking for, I can tell you that even people in their mid-to-late twenties don't always have life figured out, and some of them are STILL pretty immature. You may just need to adjust the groups of women you're looking at.

    But, if you want to pick up a more "mature" woman, make sure you act like a more mature man (I don't know if you do or not). And with that 25-ish age range, simply going up and talking to them may work. The biggest risk you face is that they might be one of those "don't you dare talk to me EVER in the gym" types. However, I don't know how well someone that age might respond to being called a "cougar", so you might want to stick with "hey, how's it going?" or "can you believe they closed the weight room off without letting anyone know?". Who knows? Maybe you'll find yourself talking to a 21-year old who simply acts in the "mature" fashion you like.
  • MuscleHeadNerd74
    MuscleHeadNerd74 Posts: 1,930 Member
    this is too funny (The Topic) I don't have time to read it all even though its amusing, first be confident be yourself woman are like animals they can smell fear, don't be scared and if they are interested you’ll know it, there are obvious signs I need not to mention, common sense should kick in be aware of your surroundings, I have ventured there once, older woman do know what they want, but on the other hand it doesn’t matter the age each is different... Good luck
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    this is too funny (The Topic) I don't have time to read it all even though its amusing, first be confident be yourself woman are like animals they can smell fear, don't be scared and if they are interested you’ll know it, there are obvious signs I need not to mention, common sense should kick in be aware of your surroundings, I have ventured there once, older woman do know what they want, but on the other hand it doesn’t matter the age each is different... Good luck

    True, we CAN smell fear. To me it smells kind alike AXE body spray.
  • MuscleHeadNerd74
    MuscleHeadNerd74 Posts: 1,930 Member
    lol....that was a good i take it since you have no pic your an older female?
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    Any tips on approaching? Getting tired of girls my age, they are really immature and basic. I want something new, and an older chick might be it. I was thinking of chatting some up at the juice bar or treadmills. Not really sure what to say though. Any tips will be of some help thanks.
    You could try one of these, I guess...
  • MuscleHeadNerd74
    MuscleHeadNerd74 Posts: 1,930 Member
    lmfao...that was a good one whitebalance
  • rollng_thundr
    rollng_thundr Posts: 634 Member
    Any tips on approaching? Getting tired of girls my age, they are really immature and basic. I want something new, and an older chick might be it. I was thinking of chatting some up at the juice bar or treadmills. Not really sure what to say though. Any tips will be of some help thanks.
    You could try one of these, I guess...

    You're missing one key element.. a needle of BOTOX in the back of the cage otta do it... :bigsmile:
  • MuscleHeadNerd74
    MuscleHeadNerd74 Posts: 1,930 Member
  • melb_alex
    melb_alex Posts: 1,154 Member
    depends how 'old' but simple, just lift weights near the older ladies and smile at them and be less gravitational towards the young girls :)

    Pretty much do opposite of what every guy your age is doing :)
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    Some tips here from a pro...
  • MuscleHeadNerd74
    MuscleHeadNerd74 Posts: 1,930 Member
    whitebalance your too funny... that was fnk gross... but funny yeah dude watch it
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I don't even get it why they have to kiss in that vid? Is nothing sacred?
    . That's what I get for getting online instead of eating my placebonana for insomnia
    . . . thanks, I think you've just cured me of sleep forever....i'm gonna have all the nightmares.
  • MuscleHeadNerd74
    MuscleHeadNerd74 Posts: 1,930 Member
    lmfao i know right
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    Right? Not just a nice, chaste, grandmotherly peck on the cheek either. :sick:
    I dunno, maybe when I'm 93 that'll seem like a good deal. :ohwell:
  • gothomson
    gothomson Posts: 215 Member
    Seriously man chill out your 18 not 80! Also you'll find women of all ages respond to being considered as human beings and not a "category". Treat women with the same respect you'd be expected to be treated with. If they reciprocate great, if they snub you move on. As a matter of fact that’s actually a great way to treat all people.