not-that-heavy girls trying to lose weight



  • lwebsmfp
    lwebsmfp Posts: 297 Member
    I'd been on a break after losing a little over 20 pounds. I've got about 10 to 15 pounds left to lose and am getting back into the swing of things.
  • ✿KẙMb529✿
    I have about 5 more lbs to go until I'm at my goal weight!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Wow, welcome to all the newcomers!

    moriyaj, you're scaring me. I have been thinking the difference in maintenance calories between my current and goal weights were so small it wouldn't be hard to maintain. What is your plan for not boinging again, ie lifestyle changes?

    rachmaree, you bring up a great point. Most of us on this thread should NOT be focusing on the scale, but rather body recomposition. We have to learn to let the scale go (myself included!)

    lexisteps, how long did it take you to regain 10 pounds? For upper body and back, I would recommend 30 day shred highly. It toned my back and arms up a ton. Circuit training and training upper and lower body at the same time will give you the most bang for your buck. If not the shred then remember those principles and do full body training at least 3X a week. Try squats with shoulder raises, static lunges with tricep kickbacks, forward lunges with bicep curls, and supermans and back rows. Jillian's DVD offers this am more for like $10 and some 3-5lb weights

    livingthegoodlife and others who have been told you need fattening up, the FUNNIEST thing happened in Jamaica. My husband (who is Jamaican) took me to some old wise man that gives you health advice. People travel for miles to see him. As soon as I sat down amongst the group, he was like, "hey, where did you come from? Let me see your hands - You are too meager (Jamaican for skinny). Take these vitamins and eat some food! Then he kept pausing and saying, "I hope the next time I see you you have some weight!" :laugh: Jamaicans usually like thicker women....

    texaslonghorn, I wish you a speady recovery. Having to lose 15lbs is a small price for your life being spared. Now you can be one of those super-fit cancer survivors! Cheers to you and yours.

    anjacope, I understand where you are coming from on the body recomp - you need to add muscle more than eliminate fat

    maryrountree, since our stats are almost the same can you take me with you down to 112, where I've never been in my adult life??? :flowerforyou:

    congrats on the weight loss eclairuk!!!

    asjerven, at the tremendous risk of sounding like one of my family members, I can't play the violin for you. 1 pound from goal is like a bowel movement or a glass of water. You are at goal, girl! What's more important at this stage is how you look at feel!. Congrats, I'm very jealous.

    jenjabbour, we are twins as usual. I am fighting my holiday pounds as well but still want 110-115. Some are going away, but not all - can you really regain fat THAT fast - dang!!! :grumble: I am also retreating from fast carbs (especially sugar) and trying to do mostly fruit, vegetables, and meat. This makes meeting my calorie goals a little hard. This week I am just going low carb, next week I will likely re-introduce ESE. The biggest change will be my training, it think - i will transition to mostly interval training and really pump up the intensity of my strength routines (I am sore all over from starting this already!). Did you read the slow carb book?

    mccrawley22, one of my favorite things to do with hummus is use it as a dip for raw veggies. I will also use it on sandwiches instead of mayo. Try it, you'll love it!

    Congrats, kimb529, you are so close!

    ok, that was a long post, but I think a recurring themes for all of us are:

    CLEAN UP THE DIET - severely limit refined foods like sugar, measure everything
    FOCUS ON RECOMPOSITION - not the scale, let's all check our measurements and at least get a body fat estimate online if not invest in calipers. Add or increase the intensity of strength training
    MAKE LONG TERM PLANS - how will we maintain the low body fat we're after? I learned that sugar is my pandora's box and am reading "sugar shock" to help me say goodbye. Maybe I'll only allow it once a week....

    Other comments, suggestions for getting there? Should we do a challenge? I have Jillian Michael's Making the Cut, anyone interested in doing a 30 day challenge based off of that?
  • mcrawley22
    yum! on a sandwich would be good!!
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    haha, cutmd, no sympathy for me, I will have to find another thread, huh? I will look for JM making the cut, I haven't seen that one! Is it all strength?
    Meg, for hummus I always want the pita. I can do it with carrots and celery but I always want that pita bread! I really like this hummus with sun-dried tomato, by Sabra but it is 70 cals for 2 tablespoons so it sounds like you got a light one!
  • everet36
    Hi I need help losing body fat. I'd like to lose 10-15lbs (5'5'', about 130-133lbs, size 6-8) but my main problem is my body fat % is really high (29.1%). I started swimming 10miles/week this fall....only lost 1%. Any tips?
  • kprangernix07
    kprangernix07 Posts: 124 Member
    Thats awesome! I am in the same boat. How'd you go about it!? Keep up the good work!
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    haha, cutmd, no sympathy for me, I will have to find another thread, huh? I will look for JM making the cut, I haven't seen that one! Is it all strength?
    Meg, for hummus I always want the pita. I can do it with carrots and celery but I always want that pita bread! I really like this hummus with sun-dried tomato, by Sabra but it is 70 cals for 2 tablespoons so it sounds like you got a light one!

    YUP, you will have to make a REALLY-not-that-heavy girls trying to lose ONE pound :laugh: Seriously, I'm happy for you!

    Making the Cut is Jillian's book for people who want to shed those last 5-20lbs (she didn't say anything about one pound :tongue:). It offers a diet (You stick to your BMR for the month and determine your metabolic type), exercises, and also tricks and tips to look extra fabulous for a special event (including water gain reduction, etc). She has rules in the book that could potentially be a challenge, like no white foods, etc

    I love the trader joe garlic hummus. It's 50cals/serving
  • briteyes
    briteyes Posts: 435 Member
    cutmd, yes, we are twins! i didn't read the book, but i just did a bunch of internet research. today is day 1. i might have to hold off on ESE as well, i am finding that i'm hungry tonight. i have no idea what to eat right now because what i really want is something sweet and filling - some bread, some chocolate...LOL not Spinach or Eggs.... so my sweet tooth is going to be my enemy.

    i plan on taking my measurements again after my TOM comes to an end. I don't want my results to be skewed from that. Do you know of any decent sites w/ body fat calculators? next month or so, the health fair will be coming to my work and i'll do my annual body fat using the hand-held one. i have been quite unhappy with the results in the past couple years, so I really hope to get satisfying results this time around.
  • livingthegoodlife
    livingthegoodlife Posts: 18 Member
    hmmm, making the cut sounds interesting - has a lot of great reviews. Worried about my knee though - has anyone else ever had runners knee? Need tips on how to get back into more challenging exercise routine without it flaring up again!! (just walking/jogging now trying to build up the strength)
  • louiseei
    louiseei Posts: 254 Member
    Hi All,

    I'd also like to join this thred. I'm 5' 7" and have lowly over the years seen my weight creep up from 9st at college to 9.5 stone when I had an active job, that around 10st 2lb pre pregancy. I then seem to gai a pound or two with every holiday, leaving me at 14lb after Xmas. I have a deskbound job now, which doesn't help.

    Started MFP last week and have dropped just over 3lb. I'm determined to get under the 10 stone mark, and am aiming for 9.5 stone. I'm 40 next month and determined to tone up and be fabulous by then.

    My husband has been very impressed with my increased excercise, no alcohol and stopping the snacking post Xmas, but colleagues keep saying "you're already slim," and passing the biscuits!

  • elfward
    elfward Posts: 52 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I wanted to say hi and join in with you all! Although I'm not over-weight, (5'7 and 10st 12 - 152 lbs) I am 21 lbs heavier than I was 3 years ago - I blame moving in with my boyfriend who has a super fast metabolism and eats like a horse! I also work from home now, so no longer get the 40 mins walk I used to do as part of my commute.

    I'm keeping an eye on what I'm eating, trying to run 3 times a week (I'm aiming for a 5k in February and a 10k in April - wishful thinking?!) and my boyfriend is getting me started on some strength/weight training exercises. Now all I need is the motivation to keep going! I'm hoping I can get down to 10 stone (140 lbs) by the end of February - and also fit into some of my old clothes!

    I haven't weighed myself this year yet (I last weighed on 31st Dec), but I'm buying some scales on Thursday, so will do so then - am hoping to have shifted at least 4 lbs since Christmas!
  • DoralisM
    Hi ladies...another shortie here!!! LOL I'm 5'1" and 135lbs... doesn't look horrible but my ideal weight is 117--119. If i can get to 120 I'd be more happy with myself. My problem area is my abs... and also want to tone my arms; cant wait to feel SexY again!
  • Sparklewolfie
    Hey all! Sorry for being so inconsistent with posting :embarassed: but I've been battling the binge and am now winning more often than losing :drinker:

    I don't have any post-holiday gain because we didn't celebrate Christmas or Western New Year, but the gloomy, cool, and rainy weather has made me want to just curl up and sleep, waking up only to eat! :laugh: Does anybody else feel this way? On the bright side, I've been eating less because I don't want to go get the food :tongue: Just been drinking lots of hot water!
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    Started MFP last week and have dropped just over 3lb. I'm determined to get under the 10 stone mark, and am aiming for 9.5 stone. I'm 40 next month and determined to tone up and be fabulous by then.


    Loise, I'm 5'7" also and I started my journey 6 months before my 40th birthday. I met my goal the week before my birthday and have been in maintenance for the last 2.5 months. Best birthday gift I have ever given myself. Good luck on your journey, I wish you all the best and welcome to the thread.
  • Paige1108
    Paige1108 Posts: 432 Member
    Welcome elfward and DoralisM, I wish you the best in your journey. A lot of us have heard the "you don't need to lose weight" mantra from friends and family. But I can say that, looking the way all those people saw me, has been a good experience for me.

    Sparklewolfie, I'm very inconsistent with my posting these days also. I've been so busy, already in the new year, finding time for the forum has been really hard. Most days, I can just get in log and have to run. I'm glad you are feeling stronger in your battle. I hope you continue to feel like you are winning the battle with your monster.

    Good journey everyone, I hope this new year brings you all the goals you have set for yourselves.
  • gembanana
    gembanana Posts: 13 Member
    i'm putting my hat in!

    64.5 inches and 151 pounds - need to get back to my ideal weight - 135 in the winter, 130 in the summer. Anything under that and i get a really skinny face and start losing my curves. I've been using the app on and off since last spring and lost 10, and now i'm ready to commit.
  • kzaunbrecher
    Hey all. I'm Kala. I found this message board and figured I'd chime in! I'd like to be a part of this. I am 5'6, 147.5 pounds and would like to get down to 135 so that's about 13 pounds to lose. It's always so hard to lose these last few. I started this summer at 155.6, so I'm almost 10 pounds from there, but still have another goal. I am new-ish to MFP. Need to update somethings on my profile, etc. I have used it before but only to track calories. Never really used the community section, but I think it would be great, hello to all!
  • asmoon
    asmoon Posts: 3
    hi everyone been reading your thread and was wondering if i could join for support! 5ft 4 and about 130ib would like to get back to 118 like i used to be, i lost weight before counting calories then stopped because i thought i could handle just eating didnt happen i used it as an excuse to eat loads and accidently on puropse forget about how much i had really eaten each day because i wasnt logging anymore so i am back and ready to get back into it!
  • savagegirl
    savagegirl Posts: 33 Member
    Just checking in!! 5ft 6inches and 141lbs. 40 in April and would ideally like to lose 10 lbs by then although everyone says i'm fine as i am would like to lose my tummy!! :-D