Can you LOSE 50+ pounds by July 1st? CHALLENGE!!!



  • GooBeGone
    GooBeGone Posts: 439 Member
    Is it too late to join????

    u can join at anytime but u must post ur current weight every saturday. if u miss a day then u'll b deleted off the list. welcome & good luck!!! :happy:
  • Chyrap
    Chyrap Posts: 4 Member
    Is it too late to join this challenge??? i really want in!
  • arfdemob5
    arfdemob5 Posts: 109 Member
    ok! I'm in!
    SW: 348.2 12/26/10
    CW: 342.6 1/10/10
    GW: 225 (to start..then we'll see!)
  • I'm brand new to this site and highly motivated. I'm tired of living my life for other people. I'm in.
    SW: 255 on 1/4/11
    GW for July 1: 165.
  • life1979_24
    life1979_24 Posts: 147 Member
    hi every one
    last night i found netflix workout vids and tried a couple out. it was great.
    fyi i wont be on much. i have a busy week to prepare me and my house for my un-planed trip to texas for two weeks. i will weigh in sat morning before i leave. i will miss one weigh in because i wont have a scale. i will have online but i'm not sure ill make it on much. cross your fingers for me, i will be staying with a foodie. i will have very little control over my time and diet when i am there.
  • ANGERisMYgift
    ANGERisMYgift Posts: 5 Member
    Is it too late to join this challenge???? I want in
  • ANGERisMYgift
    ANGERisMYgift Posts: 5 Member
    K... suppose I shoulda read the previous post before I asked if I could join in on my last post.... My starting weight is 271.
  • Trotty2004
    Trotty2004 Posts: 15 Member
    I want in too! Stephanie, thanks for starting this. My goal was to lose 50lbs by summer before i saw this. How perfect that you've started a challenge.
    On 1/1/11 I was 258.5
    CW 254.5.
    7/1 goal 208
    Final goal 160 and to run a half marathon without stopping
  • hello all. sorry i wasnt able to post our chart yesterday. i will have that done by tonight.
  • You are nice enough to take the time and do this for us, please do not worry about the fact you have not have the time to post our chart.
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    You are nice enough to take the time and do this for us, please do not worry about the fact you have not have the time to post our chart.

    I 100% Agree!!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member

    Well I am on a role guys and feeling great. I am hoping I can hang on to these feelings. I am a realist. No binges, but good clean eating even though I am still going over my calories.

    I checked the scale today....:-) and I am down from weekend weigh in. I can't help it but I am not weighing every day now so I will take it. I actually got on the scale because I thought I was up and wanted to see how much so I was pleasantly surprised. I will wait until weekend to record it. I still hope to get in 3 days under 2,000. If not I will keep trying because I want to be in the calorie range I need to be in for life.

    Good job everyone!! We can do it!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    You are nice enough to take the time and do this for us, please do not worry about the fact you have not have the time to post our chart.

    I 100% Agree!!

  • I'm in! (: This is just what I need.
  • I have an idea, what do you all think about me posting a chart every month. I didnt want to set a limit on this group as to the number of people who can join like many other groups do, because I feel everyone has a right to be in the group. With the charts when their made, because we have so many people, when its uploaded to photobucket, its very hard to read. Since this is a mid to long term group because we will be checking in until July or until you lose your 50 lbs, so I was thinking of posting a progress chart every month. I hope that's ok with everyone. I really liked the 3500 calorie burn challenge this week. I still want to push everyone to keep going. I have been looking online for a new challenge that we can push ourselves with starting Friday. Thank you everyone for joining this group, having patience with the chart, and thank you for pushing yourself to succeed.
  • sarahmckinley
    sarahmckinley Posts: 23 Member
    I would LOVE to join this group! You guys are so amazing!! This is for real a crazy CRAZY challenge, but I KNOW we can do it! WHEN I meet the challenge (not if!), I will be only 14 pounds shy of having a normal bmi...I haven't seen that in 10 years!

    Starting...last time I weighed, on Monday 1/3, I was 209
    Goal for July 1, 159

    My boyfriend and I are doing this other challenge that ends on July 1--for every day that passes since 1/1/11, you do that many reps of push-ups, dumbell rows, and squats...I adapted the exercises for my girlieness...Here's the link with info on that one if you want...!&utm_campaign=chadwaterbury

    By July 1, I will lose 50 pounds and be able to do 182 push-ups! heck yes! :happy:
  • Chyrap
    Chyrap Posts: 4 Member
    ok, i'm in late but i'm in!

    Goal weight-155

    Reason for doing this? I want to fit into my ENTIRE closet full of clothes that no longer fit! I want to be HOT again!
  • OOH...i am IN!

    CW- 239
    GW- 160

    Why? Tons of reasons but one in particular...I'm going to India for a wedding this summer and seeing a bunch of family I havent seen in 4 years...I wanna look hot for it. Also, I'm in the same boat aw Chyrap...a bunch of my clothes aren't fitting anymore/are too tight...I want to make my entire closet available to me again. =)
  • Sorry I'm late! I just stumbled onto your post so here's my stats:

    Screen Name: YVONERAB
    Starting Weight (On January 1st 2011): 225
    Goal by July 1st, 2011: 175
    Why do you want to lose 50+ pounds?: HEALTHIER BMI AND JUST TO GENERALLY FEEL GOOD ABOUT MYSELF.


    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I think posting a chart every month is a good idea.
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