Poll: Thinking Thin



  • zlotaj
    zlotaj Posts: 1 Member
    2) 115
    3) south carolina
    4) moderate
    5) I try to stick to workout 2 days, rest 1
    6) not usually
    6) typically lunch
    7) 2-3 (usually 2 meals & a snack)
    8) 8-10 cups/day
    9) still trying to break the habit of binge eating/binge workout
    10) depends on the restaurant but pescetarian/vegetarian dishes
  • Khatastrophic
    Khatastrophic Posts: 81 Member
    1) age: 30's
    2) 195ish
    3) Texas
    4) moderate to advanced
    5) 5-6 days a week, 45 mins-1.5 hrs
    6) daily
    6) breakfast
    7) 5 or 6
    8) never less than a half gallon
    9) i either eat what i'm craving or i dont. it depends on if it fits my macros
    10) depends on the choices, but i'm a sucker for steak/bison
  • princesszuko
    1) 18
    2) 159
    3) Illinois (going to college in Iowa next year)
    4) I try to walk everywhere but not much formal exercise
    5) I take long walks a few times a week
    6) Yes
    6) Dinner
    7) 3 small meals, 1 or 2 small snacks
    8) a few cups
    9) chewing gum when cooking or around food
    10) salad, dressing on the side - I always look up the menu before going anywhere
  • yuuen
    yuuen Posts: 114 Member
    1) late 20s
    2) 165-170lbs
    3) southern california
    4) light exercise
    5) 3-4 days a week
    6) no (makes me throw up, have to wait a few hours)
    6) lunch (thanks to the above)
    7) 2-3 meals a day
    8) 2 liters of water a day
    9) ask myself if I'm actually hungry and assess it from there
    10) milk tea or denny's french toast (hahaha)

    there's 2 number sixes >__>
  • kryztoval
    kryztoval Posts: 8 Member
    1) Mid 30's
    2) 370 pounds
    3) QUE
    4) Sedentary
    5) 1 and a half hours, 6 times a week
    6) Always.
    6) Meal, at or around 2pm
    7) 4-5
    8) 4-6 liters per day
    9) I eat a portion equivalent to 100 cals of what I am craving if it is sugary, or a meal containing 600 cals tops of it if it is not sweet.
    10) Grilled Chicken Breast Tacos
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    1) age: 28 today!
    2) approximate weight: 63kgs
    3) physical location. Australia (TAS)
    4) activity level. advanced exerciser
    5) How often do you exercise? 4-6 times per week depending on recovery needs
    6) Do you eat breakfast? No (unless I have a specific sporting event that requires early fuel)
    6) what is your largest meal of the day? often a tie between lunch and dinner
    7) how many times a day do you eat? 3
    8) how much water do you drink? 8-10 glasses
    9) how do you deal with food temptations? Make sure I don't get too hungry/treating in moderation
    10) what is your typical restaurant meal? pizza/thai stirfry/salmon and veggies (some of my favs but obviously depends where I go)
  • catmurray2
    catmurray2 Posts: 34 Member
    1. 20´s
    2. 146
    3. New Brunswick, Canada
    4. Moderate
    5. 6 Days a week
    6. Always
    7. About 6 times a day
    8. I drink about 4L of water
    9. I go for a walk or exercise when I need to figh my temptations
    10. Whatever I want
  • EmpireBusiness
    EmpireBusiness Posts: 333 Member
    1. 20's
    2. 220 lb
    3. Florida
    4. Moderate
    5. 5-6 days a week
    6. Does a can of Pepsi count as breakfast?
    6. Largest meal is dinner
    7. 2-3 times
    8. Varies. 1L to 3L
    9. I make similar but lower calorie substitutes
    10. Fish + fries or veg
  • Cjmi427
    Cjmi427 Posts: 26 Member
    1) 30s
    2) 120lbs
    3) Michigan
    4) light to moderate
    5) 3-4 days per week
    6) yes
    6) dinner
    7) 3-4 times per day
    8) around 64 oz per day of water
    9) I tend to overeat starchy foods, so I decided to only eat these foods once a day and measure them. I also find I feel less hungry if I eat protein, fat, and vegetables the rest of the day. Salty starchy foods like chips I have to avoid completely because I can easily eat a whole bag in a sitting.
    10) I don't have a typical meal, but since I've been tracking calories I try to eat more proteins and not order bread or pasta. It seems like I'm less likely to overeat when I do that.