

  • TAsunder
    TAsunder Posts: 423 Member
    I would not think you would need any sort of fueling strategy at this point in your c25k. I would only bother with fuel if you are out there for > 60 minutes. Otherwise you can just refuel after you get back. Your body does not need fuel during your run until you get to longer distances. Even 60 min might be a bit low.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I wouldn't consider trying to do serious miles until you've lost another 50lbs. But those people telling you that you can't run a marathon in 10 months? Ignore them. The worst that can happen is they're right and you can only manage a half marathon in a year. For a worst-case scenario, that's not bad!

    This is *not* the "worst that can happen" for someone who makes a stretch goal a "do or die" goal above all other considerations.

    (I won't say any more because my arms are tired and this horse hasn't moved in weeks.)

    But just wait for your next cut!

    Good point. The calorie burn from beating a dead horse is nearly zumba-like.
  • traceyann1214
    traceyann1214 Posts: 73 Member
    Be prepared to cry at the finish line :) It is such an overwhelming feeling of pride and joy! I have not done a full, just a half, more power to you! I think if you are fully committed, TAKE YOUR REST DAYS, use the foam roller, get the shoes, follow the training can finish the marathon! It's mind over body, just keep remembering your goals! Everyone's body reacts differently to running, and I know others have mentioned fueling your body and the night before can make a difference on long runs. If I do not have a proper meal with carbs the night before a long run I will get lightheaded and see stars. Happens every time. Start paying attention to your bodies signals with that. Also, you're going to have bad runs. Some days just SUCK. It happens. Just push through, get the distance in even if it's slower than your normal pace. The next run could be your best, who knows! A lot of people have given you some good advice though, and having a family member that has been through it multiple times is a great asset! Good luck!
  • Chimis_Siq
    Chimis_Siq Posts: 849 Member
    So at what point in your overall training plan do you intend to transition from treadmill to running outside?

    I already have. :)
  • Chimis_Siq
    Chimis_Siq Posts: 849 Member
    I would not think you would need any sort of fueling strategy at this point in your c25k. I would only bother with fuel if you are out there for > 60 minutes. Otherwise you can just refuel after you get back. Your body does not need fuel during your run until you get to longer distances. Even 60 min might be a bit low.

    good point. I guess I more meant eating something light before I jog. I have been doing a piece of toast with honey..and then go and run.
  • Chimis_Siq
    Chimis_Siq Posts: 849 Member
    Be prepared to cry at the finish line :) It is such an overwhelming feeling of pride and joy! I have not done a full, just a half, more power to you! I think if you are fully committed, TAKE YOUR REST DAYS, use the foam roller, get the shoes, follow the training can finish the marathon! It's mind over body, just keep remembering your goals! Everyone's body reacts differently to running, and I know others have mentioned fueling your body and the night before can make a difference on long runs. If I do not have a proper meal with carbs the night before a long run I will get lightheaded and see stars. Happens every time. Start paying attention to your bodies signals with that. Also, you're going to have bad runs. Some days just SUCK. It happens. Just push through, get the distance in even if it's slower than your normal pace. The next run could be your best, who knows! A lot of people have given you some good advice though, and having a family member that has been through it multiple times is a great asset! Good luck!

    :heart: I can only imagine that feeling at the end. Ill probably be bawling once I see my fam. lol......Thank you for the advice. Note taken :)
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    How is your distance now?
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    I would not think you would need any sort of fueling strategy at this point in your c25k. I would only bother with fuel if you are out there for > 60 minutes. Otherwise you can just refuel after you get back. Your body does not need fuel during your run until you get to longer distances. Even 60 min might be a bit low.

    good point. I guess I more meant eating something light before I jog. I have been doing a piece of toast with honey..and then go and run.

    Na, you don't need to worry about fuel till you get to the half marathon distance. Your body has plenty of energy and water stores to keep you going for up to 90 minutes with no problem. Now if you're walking this distance you'll probably want to bring something. A 4 hour walk to do a half marathon will make you regret not bringing a snack or some water.
  • Chimis_Siq
    Chimis_Siq Posts: 849 Member
    How is your distance now?

    Well Im doing the Couch to 5k Program and do 2.25 miles in 30 min. After the 30 min program, I just finish off walking (to complete my hour) and usually finish 4.1-4.2 miles . This week I am starting week 3 which has me doing 2 repitions of Jogging 90 sec, walk 90 secs,Jog for 3 min, walk for 3 min for a total of 28 min.
  • Chimis_Siq
    Chimis_Siq Posts: 849 Member
    I would not think you would need any sort of fueling strategy at this point in your c25k. I would only bother with fuel if you are out there for > 60 minutes. Otherwise you can just refuel after you get back. Your body does not need fuel during your run until you get to longer distances. Even 60 min might be a bit low.

    good point. I guess I more meant eating something light before I jog. I have been doing a piece of toast with honey..and then go and run.

    Na, you don't need to worry about fuel till you get to the half marathon distance. Your body has plenty of energy and water stores to keep you going for up to 90 minutes with no problem. Now if you're walking this distance you'll probably want to bring something. A 4 hour walk to do a half marathon will make you regret not bringing a snack or some water.

    I knew that my body had enough "energy" to complete what I was doing but had no idea about going up to 90 min. :) Learn something new all the time!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    As someone who always hated running and still do not consider myself a runner (even after completing Chicago, NYC and the Boston marathon w/in the past 4 years) I'm so excited for you! I ran my first marathon after running several halfs. You definitely need a base but can do it with a year to train if your goal (like mine) is to finish, not for a time.

    1. Def register for shorter runs leading up to the race. It helps you gain confidence. You should run at least a 5K, and several 10Ks and at least one half marathon prior to the full marathon. Helps a ton. If you're running the marathon solo, reg for these solo. It'll help you to rely on yourself and no one else for support and push during the run.

    2. Don't be afraid to run training runs with friends who run at the same tempo as you. I feared this for a long time but if you're just getting through the mileage not focusing on speed, it def helps to have people to talk to.

    3. Get properly fitted sneakers. Not like size wise but get fitted for running a marathon at a reputable sneaker store that specializes in distance running.

    4. Get the right socks. NOT COTTON.

    5. Use a free training program like Hal Higdon provides.

    6. Get a GPS watch. This way you know exactly how long you've ran, even if you get lost. :)

    7. Get a fuel belt. You need to stay hydrated out on a run and practices keeping both it and sports drinks down. If you can find out which one they are using for your particular marathon and practice? So much the better.

    8. Really practice fueling your run. Some people can eat normally. Others, like me, cannot eat a lot of fiber before a run - even the night before. Some things may upset your stomach even if normally they'd be fine. Test now and find out.

    9. Lady tip: use vaseline on lady chafe areas as well as your feet. Under your sports bra, between your thighs and 'cheeks'. If not you may end up with open blisters from 'rub'. Been there, done that: soap and sweat sting like a mo fo.

    10. Invest in a foam roller. You need to do this daily. Huge in preventing injuries.

    11. Read up on how to fuel your run. Do not try to lose weight during this time! And don't be surprised when you gain weight. It's water and glycogen. It will come off after you're done training. But, that said, it is very easy to gain weight during training as you'll want to eat everything in sight.

    12. Change your sneakers out after 500 miles so that they'll provide adequate support for the issues your body has. I'm an overpronator with bad knees/ankles. My sneakers help with this. W/o properly fitted sneakers I couldn't run a mile.

    13. If you're new to distance running, check in with your doctor and a chiropractor. Some injuries can be rectified if found quicker.

    14. Don't listen to the haters. You want to do this. You CAN do this. You just need a plan and to stick to it.

    I'm happy to discuss more if you need. :)

    Thanks again! I will be investing in a foam roller this week. So far havent needed it but then again im barely doing 4 mile walk/jogs with C25k. I have been trying different things for fueling and yes am super hungry all the freakin time now!! I believe I have a good plan in the works and from the advice of my brother who will run and has run many marathons, i believe I can do just fine! Thanks for your support! :heart:

    As you were forced to admit earlier .. you're not really doing 4 miles with C25K since there no such thing as a 4 miler in a plan to reach only 3 miles. You're not even following that plan. Everything you claim you're doing supports the positions of those who warned you about overtraining.

    AND here we go mentioned earlier.. lol.. I am following the plan to a T. I am doing 2.25 miles in the 30min of C25k. I walk for the rest of the 30 min. I am not trying to outrun anything. C25k in the first weeks only tells you to "jog" for "90 sec" its only in the later weeks does it tell you run "3 miles" etc etc etc. ..and yes I am finishing 4.1-4.2 miles when I do C25k (with the 30 min walk at the end). So you are telling me that I cannot move/walk/do anything on the day I do c25k? Really?: Overtraining? LOL......oook :) have a good day. Thanks for the laugh.

    So you're not following the plan to a T ... read your post then compare it to C25K. You've once again claimed to be doing things "with C25K" that are not part of it.

    Sure boss. To make you happy. You are right. You are the all knowing. Thank you for gracing this forum with your knowledge. LMAO. You are soooooooooo right, I mean heaven forbid that I move after I run the C25k day, because ANY activity after, before, on the same day as..would just be crazy.

    I agree. A lot of C25kers have dogs. That's a daily walk before/after the run program. If it's something you are used to doing, it's NBD.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    I would not think you would need any sort of fueling strategy at this point in your c25k. I would only bother with fuel if you are out there for > 60 minutes. Otherwise you can just refuel after you get back. Your body does not need fuel during your run until you get to longer distances. Even 60 min might be a bit low.

    good point. I guess I more meant eating something light before I jog. I have been doing a piece of toast with honey..and then go and run.

    Na, you don't need to worry about fuel till you get to the half marathon distance. Your body has plenty of energy and water stores to keep you going for up to 90 minutes with no problem. Now if you're walking this distance you'll probably want to bring something. A 4 hour walk to do a half marathon will make you regret not bringing a snack or some water.

    I knew that my body had enough "energy" to complete what I was doing but had no idea about going up to 90 min. :) Learn something new all the time!

    There's a couple of things. First, you burn roughly 100 calories/mile. So, you can make up the entire calorie burn of a 5k with a banana and a glass of chocolate milk. Or an apple with peanut butter. Or nothing and just let your daily calories take care of it.

    The second thing is the glycogen in your muscles. You have enough stored in your muscles to last about 20 miles. Using your reserves starts affecting performance earlier than that, though, so some people choose to fuel during half marathons.
  • Chimis_Siq
    Chimis_Siq Posts: 849 Member
    I would not think you would need any sort of fueling strategy at this point in your c25k. I would only bother with fuel if you are out there for > 60 minutes. Otherwise you can just refuel after you get back. Your body does not need fuel during your run until you get to longer distances. Even 60 min might be a bit low.

    good point. I guess I more meant eating something light before I jog. I have been doing a piece of toast with honey..and then go and run.

    Na, you don't need to worry about fuel till you get to the half marathon distance. Your body has plenty of energy and water stores to keep you going for up to 90 minutes with no problem. Now if you're walking this distance you'll probably want to bring something. A 4 hour walk to do a half marathon will make you regret not bringing a snack or some water.

    I knew that my body had enough "energy" to complete what I was doing but had no idea about going up to 90 min. :) Learn something new all the time!

    There's a couple of things. First, you burn roughly 100 calories/mile. So, you can make up the entire calorie burn of a 5k with a banana and a glass of chocolate milk. Or an apple with peanut butter. Or nothing and just let your daily calories take care of it.

    The second thing is the glycogen in your muscles. You have enough stored in your muscles to last about 20 miles. Using your reserves starts affecting performance earlier than that, though, so some people choose to fuel during half marathons.

    The body is so amazing isnt it! :) thanks!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    So you're not following the plan to a T ... read your post then compare it to C25K. You've once again claimed to be doing things "with C25K" that are not part of it.

    Sure boss. To make you happy. You are right. You are the all knowing. Thank you for gracing this forum with your knowledge. LMAO. You are soooooooooo right, I mean heaven forbid that I move after I run the C25k day, because ANY activity after, before, on the same day as..would just be crazy.

    I agree. A lot of C25kers have dogs. That's a daily walk before/after the run program. If it's something you are used to doing, it's NBD.

    it's not that a 30 min walk is crazy hard and killing her recovery. it's that she's got a short window of time to execute a plan and she's given herself ZERO margin for error or injury...and here we are at week 2 and she's already veered off course. it's more that it's indicative of a personal flaw where she refuses to listen to reason and then won't follow plans that have lead to success for others. if she's already winging it in week 2, what's she going to be doing 5 months from now?

    having a personal flaw isn't a big deal. we all have them and i certainly have mine. but not recognizing them and adapting strategies that minimize them is a route that leads to failure more often than not. but hey, more fun to keep blaming things on all the haterz.
  • Chimis_Siq
    Chimis_Siq Posts: 849 Member
    So you're not following the plan to a T ... read your post then compare it to C25K. You've once again claimed to be doing things "with C25K" that are not part of it.

    Sure boss. To make you happy. You are right. You are the all knowing. Thank you for gracing this forum with your knowledge. LMAO. You are soooooooooo right, I mean heaven forbid that I move after I run the C25k day, because ANY activity after, before, on the same day as..would just be crazy.

    I agree. A lot of C25kers have dogs. That's a daily walk before/after the run program. If it's something you are used to doing, it's NBD.

    it's not that a 30 min walk is crazy hard and killing her recovery. it's that she's got a short window of time to execute a plan and she's given herself ZERO margin for error or injury...and here we are at week 2 and she's already veered off course. it's more that it's indicative of a personal flaw where she refuses to listen to reason and then won't follow plans that have lead to success for others. if she's already winging it in week 2, what's she going to be doing 5 months from now?

    having a personal flaw isn't a big deal. we all have them and i certainly have mine. but not recognizing them and adapting strategies that minimize them is a route that leads to failure more often than not. but hey, more fun to keep blaming things on all the haterz.

  • Pie319
    Pie319 Posts: 129 Member
    Hey I think it's awesome you are doing this. I'll admit I didn't read the entire thread, but I did notice some naysayers in the bunch. I truly believe that if you train properly you will accomplish your goal!
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    So you're not following the plan to a T ... read your post then compare it to C25K. You've once again claimed to be doing things "with C25K" that are not part of it.

    Sure boss. To make you happy. You are right. You are the all knowing. Thank you for gracing this forum with your knowledge. LMAO. You are soooooooooo right, I mean heaven forbid that I move after I run the C25k day, because ANY activity after, before, on the same day as..would just be crazy.

    I agree. A lot of C25kers have dogs. That's a daily walk before/after the run program. If it's something you are used to doing, it's NBD.

    it's not that a 30 min walk is crazy hard and killing her recovery. it's that she's got a short window of time to execute a plan and she's given herself ZERO margin for error or injury...and here we are at week 2 and she's already veered off course. it's more that it's indicative of a personal flaw where she refuses to listen to reason and then won't follow plans that have lead to success for others. if she's already winging it in week 2, what's she going to be doing 5 months from now?

    having a personal flaw isn't a big deal. we all have them and i certainly have mine. but not recognizing them and adapting strategies that minimize them is a route that leads to failure more often than not. but hey, more fun to keep blaming things on all the haterz.

    It's not benefiting her in any way either. There is no way to increase her fitness to run past her physical constraints and she's already at an adequate level with C25k. Although I am a new runner, I would think that cross-training with running or swimming would be better since it would increase cardio fitness while using different muscles (allowing the ones used for running more recovery).

    I think we're seeing more misinformation about the best way to effectively train than a real personality failure.

    It's like somebody who looks at the MFP set-up and thinks "I can lose 2 pounds a week!" not realizing that it's not ideal for their situation.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Hey I think it's awesome you are doing this. I'll admit I didn't read the entire thread, but I did notice some naysayers in the bunch. I truly believe that if you train properly you will accomplish your goal!

    So, what do you think is proper training, if it doesn't allow for the physical conditioning that can only come from time on your feet over an extended period of time?
  • jcolglazier
    jcolglazier Posts: 22 Member
    I have completed 4 full marathons, about 25 half marathons and several other races. Find a training group or a partner to train with you. You must have good shoes. Pay attention to refueling and maintaining hydration.:happy: