Not tonight honey, a Friends re-run is on....



  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    There are a lot of interesting views on this subject here. But the truth remains that about half of all marriages end in divorce in the US. If most of you are from the US, then is it safe to assume that half of you have a mistaken opinion on what makes a successful marriage?

  • DenDweller
    DenDweller Posts: 1,438 Member
    There are a lot of interesting views on this subject here. But the truth remains that about half of all marriages end in divorce in the US. If most of you are from the US, then is it safe to assume that half of you have a mistaken opinion on what makes a successful marriage?

    Flame bait, or sadly real opinion?
  • cronly
    cronly Posts: 307 Member
    There are a lot of interesting views on this subject here. But the truth remains that about half of all marriages end in divorce in the US. If most of you are from the US, then is it safe to assume that half of you have a mistaken opinion on what makes a successful marriage?

    Flame bait, or sadly real opinion?

    It was a question.
  • EmpireBusiness
    EmpireBusiness Posts: 333 Member
    I started making my own spreadsheet a few years back. By week 4 it was just depressing so I stopped lol.
  • EmpireBusiness
    EmpireBusiness Posts: 333 Member

    Women typically desire the emotional / affection side of things

    ahem..plenty of us desire hot sex too..:)
    just sayin'

    BUT..I will tell ya..the quickest way to zap any desire I have is to not fullfill my emotional/affection most women.

    I am not excusing any behavior..but its a full have to understand women and women have to understand men..and we all have to understand that the normalcy within our gender sometimes is NOT normal all the time.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Just want to make it known..plenty of us chics are not frigid beaches..

    I've heard that a lot... from frigid beaches, just saying.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    There are a lot of interesting views on this subject here. But the truth remains that about half of all marriages end in divorce in the US. If most of you are from the US, then is it safe to assume that half of you have a mistaken opinion on what makes a successful marriage?

    Flame bait, or sadly real opinion?

    It was a question.

    Sounds incredibly legit.
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    Honestly sex is not everything but if you don't want to have it don't make BS excuses, it'll just make the situation worse...I like me some Friends but c'mon!
  • SwashBlogger
    SwashBlogger Posts: 395 Member
    I hate to be the one to say it (not really), but it's seriously no wonder guys cheat. Withholding sex from your man for that long while just making lame excuses is no better. Personally I don't believe his actions were wrong if he had previously tried to discuss things before many times to no avail. And if she put it on the net, so be it. In my eyes, she's the jerk and it only validates that.

    This. Women complain about lack of communication from men. What could be more black and white than this? Shame on her for posting this online. Although it backfired as she looks like a lazy ice queen.
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    I refuse to have sex this week. Just so everyone knows before they try to put something in me.

    That's just great! Now my plans for this week are ruined. :sad:
  • EmpireBusiness
    EmpireBusiness Posts: 333 Member
    I hate to be the one to say it (not really), but it's seriously no wonder guys cheat. Withholding sex from your man for that long while just making lame excuses is no better. Personally I don't believe his actions were wrong if he had previously tried to discuss things before many times to no avail. And if she put it on the net, so be it. In my eyes, she's the jerk and it only validates that.

    This. Women complain about lack of communication from men. What could be more black and white than this? Shame on her for posting this online. Although it backfired as she looks like a lazy ice queen.

    On a more pressing issue, can excel handle lists like this extending for years?
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I hate showering. You get all cold and wet and then your hair is wet when you go to bed and then it looks all stupid in the morning. Huge waste of time. I don't even sweat that much. Or stink. So there.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    This is going to be long winded and angry because quite frankly the responses in this thread have me annoyed as all freaking get out.

    1. Women are NOT always the one who turns the partner down. This is a myth that has to die. NOW. I know plenty of women who happen to feel like the turned down party. Women who are beautiful, women who try things. Women who are HURT by this.
    And what's more hurtful is threads like this where every idiot man and woman is coming to the consensus that it's always this way.
    How do you think the often turned down woman feels when she is told by society that men ALWAYS want it and women ALWAYS turn it down . They wonder why they aren't wanted.

    2. Relationships have ebbs and flows. From what I have gathered in recent experience the more you bring up the fact that it's not happening between the sheets, the more the partner not putting out refuses. Constantly bringing it up doesn't help. Spreadsheets won't help. All it's going to do is make you feel like you are married to an insensitive man/woman.

    3. The man not getting attention = memes about men not getting any and cheating? Let's reverse this. A woman only gets it four times a month makes a spreadsheet then cheats or leaves .Chances are a lot more excuses will be made for the man and a lot of people will call the woman dirty things.

    4. Relationships are supposed to be a good thing. But sex is NOT an obligation. A woman should not feel "lucky" her partner wants her. A m,an should not feel "lucky" that his partner wants him. The two should feel fortunate to have a wonderful partnership that sometimes leads to some hot banging.

    You are going to some amazing extremes to stick up for her behavior based on almost no information and an obviously one-sided story (which somehow still shows her in a bad light).

    I am printing this list out and brining it home to the hubs as proof that wives can say no...

    but I know him well enough to know that I'll say: "Look at this list! Women say no to sex all the time. I want you to listen to me now when I say no."

    Yes, people say no to sex 27/30 consecutive times with lame excuses. They share one thing in common. An imminent divorce.
    meh. Honestly I wasn't as much sticking up for her as I was saying I'm sick of the misconception women are frigid b'tches and the only ones who do this.
    myself, I can't think of many reasons I'd say no. I don't really defend either of them
  • Losing_Sarah
    Losing_Sarah Posts: 279 Member
    Yes, the guy was wrong for making a spreadsheet and sending it to his wife. In a marriage, he needs to learn to communicate better. These actions are incredibly childish and petty. It makes me kind of mad. The husband is so wrong for doing this.

    At the same time, the wife is wrong for withholding sex from her husband for that long, seemingly without reason. This is her husband. She should want to have sex with him sometimes. If you're in a marriage and you no longer want to be physically intimate with your spouse at all, then something is wrong with your marriage and you need to work on it. Physical intimacy is a very important part of a marriage.

    I agree with all of this!
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    This is going to be long winded and angry because quite frankly the responses in this thread have me annoyed as all freaking get out.

    1. Women are NOT always the one who turns the partner down. This is a myth that has to die. NOW. I know plenty of women who happen to feel like the turned down party. Women who are beautiful, women who try things. Women who are HURT by this.
    And what's more hurtful is threads like this where every idiot man and woman is coming to the consensus that it's always this way.
    How do you think the often turned down woman feels when she is told by society that men ALWAYS want it and women ALWAYS turn it down . They wonder why they aren't wanted.

    2. Relationships have ebbs and flows. From what I have gathered in recent experience the more you bring up the fact that it's not happening between the sheets, the more the partner not putting out refuses. Constantly bringing it up doesn't help. Spreadsheets won't help. All it's going to do is make you feel like you are married to an insensitive man/woman.

    3. The man not getting attention = memes about men not getting any and cheating? Let's reverse this. A woman only gets it four times a month makes a spreadsheet then cheats or leaves .Chances are a lot more excuses will be made for the man and a lot of people will call the woman dirty things.

    4. Relationships are supposed to be a good thing. But sex is NOT an obligation. A woman should not feel "lucky" her partner wants her. A m,an should not feel "lucky" that his partner wants him. The two should feel fortunate to have a wonderful partnership that sometimes leads to some hot banging.

    You are going to some amazing extremes to stick up for her behavior based on almost no information and an obviously one-sided story (which somehow still shows her in a bad light).

    I am printing this list out and brining it home to the hubs as proof that wives can say no...

    but I know him well enough to know that I'll say: "Look at this list! Women say no to sex all the time. I want you to listen to me now when I say no."

    Yes, people say no to sex 27/30 consecutive times with lame excuses. They share one thing in common. An imminent divorce.
    meh. Honestly I wasn't as much sticking up for her as I was saying I'm sick of the misconception women are frigid b'tches and the only ones who do this.
    myself, I can't think of many reasons I'd say no. I don't really defend either of them

  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    I like sex

    Are you offering, because I will take you up on it. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member

    Women typically desire the emotional / affection side of things

    ahem..plenty of us desire hot sex too..:)
    just sayin'

    BUT..I will tell ya..the quickest way to zap any desire I have is to not fullfill my emotional/affection most women.

    I am not excusing any behavior..but its a full have to understand women and women have to understand men..and we all have to understand that the normalcy within our gender sometimes is NOT normal all the time.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Just want to make it known..plenty of us chics are not frigid beaches..

    That's great....
    But I got a spot next to me, to warm you up. :wink:
    Just in case you know
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I like sex

    Are you offering, because I will take you up on it. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Ok! Score!!:smooched:
  • hoppinglark
    hoppinglark Posts: 213 Member
    I don't see why people are getting mad at her for posting it online.
    She took it down when she suddenly realized more people agreed with "him" than "her"

    I'm going to take a guess that he's had conversations about this with her before.
    She says "you're exaggerating" so he decided to keep a record to see how much
    is embellishment and how much is fact.
  • ProfessorOwl
    ProfessorOwl Posts: 312 Member
    From what I saw on the news last night - they are both 25 and have been married for about 2 years. Something seems a bit off. And I think the husband IS trying to communicate that he sees an issue. Maybe it would have been better if there was his side of the data in the spreadsheet... but seriously, her going public with it makes her the jerk in this equation.

    Also, I'm with Brett on this one. SO glad I'm not married.

    Ok... to all the guys out there that are using this as fuel for their "never settle down" fire...

    I swear not all women are like this!

    This woman is a horrible wife, and soon hopefully be a horrible divorcee...

    That seems like a pretty large leap.

    Sex is important but it's not the only important thing. And not wanting it doesn't make one a horrible person. There could be tons of reasons why she isn't willing more often.

    Possibly, but now that I'm 30 and single, I've got a pool of single 30-something's to chose from %99.9 of whom refuse to ever re-marry because either

    A) Their previous marriage was just like this or worse


    B) All their buddies marriages (or previous marriages) are just like this or worse

    None of them believe me that not all women are like this, they've been burned too hard in the past.

    In the event that the list is real, and that she had a serious medical issue every single night, but he recorded it as re-runs, than yes, that is a stretch.

    If she's is truly saying no for these silly excuses, than I do believe she is a horrible wife.

    I mean, if it was really sore, she could do it another way FFS

    She seems to be completely neglecting his needs, to me.

    So selfish.

    And he'll be in my 30's single's pool again going "Nope, never, ever, ever, ever again."

    Still, it's hard to get over it. I'm married. It's been more than 2 years for me. No real reason, no sickness, etc. Just because she's not feeling it. Any attempt to discuss the issue is met with a LOL. It's abusive and cruel, and I would be fully justified in getting some on the side until we can part ways for good, although I haven't. Marriage again? Not a chance.
  • mthr2
    mthr2 Posts: 158 Member
    On a more pressing issue, can excel handle lists like this extending for years?

    Ha ha!!!!!

    Yes it can....also, you could give every attempt/rejection a rank and add up the points over time to make some kind of summary. It could be like your very own statistical study. Also, you could even use "if" statements somehow to really draw some really nice conclusions. You should take a class on excel. The possibilities are nearly limitless. You could even add color and use macros to turn it into some kind of pretty database.

    I love excel! ....wait were we talking about getting rejected for sex? Ooooh, sorry. Well with excel, getting sexjected can be more fun!