Senior Golden Sneakers - January 2011



  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member
    Happy Monday!! It is snowing AGAIN!!! Good day to stay in, exercise and work on converting my VHS home movie to a DVD.

    Sorry to you Seahawk fans. :cry: But I am excited about the Bears and Packers playing as I am sure Connie is also. :bigsmile: The last time they played each other in a playoff game was in 1941 (even before I was born) Bears 33, Packers 14, BTW!!! We in the Chicago area all have MONSTER HYPE!!!! I am not into football and hardly watch any games but this is exciting and I am routing for a Super Bowl win!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Barbie, good luck on your test tomorrow and I hope you get a "clean" bill of health!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Marie, hope you are feeling better, please let us know what the doctor says or have your daughter give us a heads up. :love:

    Maddy, hmmm food court probably the best would be something Chinese, but I really don't know since I rarely eat fast food. :ohwell:
    Spending time with your sisters should be fun, I love to be with my sister. :bigsmile:

    Gayla, you are getting your Spring cleaning done early, good for you. How is our boy Neil, any changes?? :love:

    Lynn, don't worry about hurting anyone's feelings, I think we are grownups who know how to play fair, aren't we???? :blushing:

    To everyone else, I have forgotten what all the other posts said but know that I read them and enjoy all of them. I wish you a great day!!
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Maddie, don't know what your food court has. If there is a chick filet, that have a wonderful side salad or grilled chicken salad and they have fruit cups...small, medium and large. Their salad is a good green salad with Romaine Lettuce.

    Good Luck!
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    I was interrupted by DH. If you have a Wendy's, they have some good salad choices and offer half orders. I don't eat dressing on my salads, haven't for over 8 years now. I don't miss it. I try to pick salad choices that offer Romaine. When I order, I ask them to give me the greenest one they see. You can also ask that they leave ingredients off that you don't like or would add cals that you don't want.
    Good Luck!:flowerforyou:

    Gayla~we are having a break in our winter weather... I still love the snow.:flowerforyou: We have cold weather and snow predicted for later in the week. My grandson just came in to give me a kiss. He and DH are going to get a haircut and he was freezing cold to the touch.:tongue: It was worth it for the kiss.:laugh:

    Marie- I hope you are better!:flowerforyou:
    Barbie-Good Luck!:flowerforyou:

    Sandy-thanks for relieving my mind:wink: In our state basketball is a big, big deal. You have Louisville Cardinals and Kentucky Wildcats and you are either for one or the in between. When they play each's a major event. You know where most everyone is at during this time. At the game or in front of the tv. DH(and sons) always watch the Super Bowl.

    DH just helped the grandson(6) to build a birdhouse from the kit he received for Christmas. It was a feeder and house combined. He received a tool bench and real tools(like Grandad's) for Christmas. He was so excited. He thought it might save any bird eggs from dropping on to the ground and killing the baby birds...he told me he saw one like that when he was about four.:smile: To him, that was the main purpose for this project.

    Buzz- was glad to see you on here. Hope you are doing well:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I can't go without telling you a story on myself and my family. Every year we go on Veteran's Day and shop. We go to Louisville, where there is a 3 -story Macy's, Dillards ,Penneys, etc.. and a two story Kohls.
    We had shopped all day during this particular event. We decided to go to Sam's Club last. There were six of us. I usually drive because I usually have a suv or van. However, my sister, at this time had a buick and thought the trunk was big enough for all our stuff. (what were we thinking??:bigsmile: ) There were six of us.

    We all went into Sam's and came out with our carts all full. We roll them up to the car and stop and look at each other, All six of us, at the same time, realize that we have a full trunk and there are six of us where is all this stuff going??. :laugh:
    This is six women, who have crunched numbers, taught school, some graduated head of their class, organized events, etc...
    We all just started there are six women in the parking lot at Sam's, 8:30 at night all of us laughing until we had to hang on to our carts to just stand up. :laugh: :laugh: People were giving us a wide berth, they didn't know whether we were crazy, drunk or both.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: We finally got ourselves straightened up enough to load the car. It was in the trunk, in our laps, beside us and in the floor board. We went through a drive-in window, you should have seen the looks on those peoples' faces. :laugh: :laugh: We laughed for an hour and a half on our way back home. It was a crazy time and I still laugh when I think of it. The looks on our faces, the peoples faces who were there ...well it was priceless. :laugh: :laugh: Needless to say, we drive 2 vehicles and I always have one going because of what I drive.

    Have a good one and hope you have a least one good laugh!!:smile:
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Thanks for all the advice. What I ended up doing was taking a 5 oz packet of salmon, a clementine and a quaker 100 cal. bar. They ate, I ate, everyone was happy!!

    Lynn, you are a crazy person and I want to come hang out with you! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I did enjoy the time with my sisters but this particular mall has lost a lot of its pizzaz. We went there because it's in the middle of where we all live. The company was the important thing and I found a pair of shoes! First ones I picked up...never happens...have big, wide feet!! :sad:

    Calie: Do you feel better today? :frown:

    And, I lost another 1.5 lbs but I'm not officially posting until Thursday!!!! :blushing:
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    So my Slim Fast experiment was only a moderate success. I did see another 1 pound loss but this morning I am so bloated that the pound that was lost seems to have been found. I'm going to take it anyway as I did see it on the scale so I know it will appear again. I hate to let a week go by without any downward movement.

    After the scolding we all got from Maddie, I'm going to see if she is right and this week, eat every calorie I'm allowed and/or earn through exercise. I've already begun with a 300+ calorie breakfast which is twice what I normally have. A mushroom omelette, whole wheat pita bread and glass of no-sugar added orange juice adds up quickly.

    I know my biggest problem is night time. Last night I went to bed knowing I was more than 500 calories under my allotment so when I woke up in the middle of the night I used that as an excuse to binge. Too much Chex Mix (sodium galore), orange juice, peanuts - no wonder I'm bloated this morning. I have no will power I guess. I don't mean to do it but once I start there is no stopping me - like a run away train. I woke up on the sofa, television on, about 5:30 this morning and sheepishly returned to bed.

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    Marie,hope you are better. It is 71 in Amarillo. Tx today! Have a good week!
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    So my Slim Fast experiment was only a moderate success. I did see another 1 pound loss but this morning I am so bloated that the pound that was lost seems to have been found. I'm going to take it anyway as I did see it on the scale so I know it will appear again. I hate to let a week go by without any downward movement.

    After the scolding we all got from Maddie, I'm going to see if she is right and this week, eat every calorie I'm allowed and/or earn through exercise. I've already begun with a 300+ calorie breakfast which is twice what I normally have. A mushroom omelette, whole wheat pita bread and glass of no-sugar added orange juice adds up quickly.

    I know my biggest problem is night time. Last night I went to bed knowing I was more than 500 calories under my allotment so when I woke up in the middle of the night I used that as an excuse to binge. Too much Chex Mix (sodium galore), orange juice, peanuts - no wonder I'm bloated this morning. I have no will power I guess. I don't mean to do it but once I start there is no stopping me - like a run away train. I woke up on the sofa, television on, about 5:30 this morning and sheepishly returned to bed.

    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    I didnt' mean scold anyone. I just want everyone to be healthy. You have just proven part of what I was saying, you didn't eat your calories and you were hungry....that's what happens. If you space your food out all the way from morning till evening, you will do much better. When you are starving, you eat way more than you really want. It's a cycle. I'm glad you're going to give eating a chance. I think you'll like it! Good food with vitamins and fiber and flavor....:flowerforyou:
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Nice to pop in and try to read everything, and thanks, Lynn, hope to be able to stay regularly soon! Darn elderly eyes; how can they have gotten this way when I still feel like a kid...sometimes!!! :ohwell:
    My nutritionist got me on the right track when she insisted I eat an entire 1200 calories every day! I guess I had lost all knowledge of what 1200 calories looks like until I stumbled on my! I could not believe how much food there was to be consumed every meal, and how my body had gained at least 35 pounds trying to conserve energy! I lost around 14 lbs, but stopped coming to MFP around Christmas time, as my eyes got more and more blurry! Without printing up MY FOOD every single day, I slid somewhere along the line, and am adding and losing the last 3 pounds constantly. Luckily, I have an appointment this Thursday with Catherine, my nutritionist/goddess and hopefully she will get me back on track! :embarassed: ... funny, my measurements seem slightly down (Clothes a bit looser) so I can't figure, but I'll post her solutions for Connie and everyone else who hit the wall!
    We are on tornado watch here in S FL; we need rain badly, but today is unbelievably gloomy. At 70 degrees, I cannot complain, though :noway:
    Gotta post my food now, before my sight has disappeared...crazy, non?
    :love: love you all..:flowerforyou:
    Buzz...(the 3rd Barbara!)
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member

    This is a test because I'm one is here. Where are you....helloooooooooooo
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,126 Member

    Maddy........brackets which are next to the P on the key board and only one / and success....try again. :heart:
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Crapola! It worked!!! But it will make people blind. Next time I'll pick something else.....THANK YOU !!
  • jsavy
    jsavy Posts: 28 Member
    Well, couldn`t resist popping in on this Senior group since I :wink:

    My name is Janet I am 69 awaiting the big 70 in April. I am a widow and live in Ohio, I have twin girls and one son, two grandchildren.

    I am going down this journey AGAIN for the uptenth time and hoping I learn something that will stick.

    I wish all of you good luck, I just started this on January 3rd so going slow right now. ...........Hope to drop in again soon...:drinker:
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Well, couldn`t resist popping in on this Senior group since I :wink:

    My name is Janet I am 69 awaiting the big 70 in April. I am a widow and live in Ohio, I have twin girls and one son, two grandchildren.

    I am going down this journey AGAIN for the uptenth time and hoping I learn something that will stick.

    I wish all of you good luck, I just started this on January 3rd so going slow right now. ...........Hope to drop in again soon...:drinker:
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    Well, you ain't no ole grey mare, that's for sure...Welcome!! Put your feet up, stay awhile!!!:bigsmile:
    LUV2CRUZ Posts: 356 Member
    I just can't resist trying one more time and then I'm turning off the darn computer!!!

  • vacoop
    vacoop Posts: 1
    Hi Everyone I started Jan 2 ,2011. I am diabetic , and a cancer survivor , and am trying to eat healthier and loose some weight. I also have other health problems. This is much easier than trying to count your own calories.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Welcome Vacoop!:flowerforyou:
    This is a nice bunch of ladies. I enjoy this forum, tremendously, myself.
    To quote Maddie-pull a chair up and stay awhile...I like that one, Maddie.:laugh:

    Buzz come back when you can...:flowerforyou:

    Good nite all...and Maddie what are you trying to do?
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Welcome will learn, if you stay around awhile, that I have a short memory:bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    One of my best friends is 76. So, you aren't old to me.
    I hope you enjoy this forum as much as I have...:flowerforyou: