Fit For Future Families - January 2011



  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    2011 SW: 241.8

    Week 1: 237.9lbs (-3.9 lbs)
    Week 2: 235.5lbs (-2.4lbs)
    Week 3: 238.9lbs (+2.5lbs)

    I didn't do well on the eating this weekend (I was on such a baking jag that muffins and brownies kept coming out of the oven into my mouth). I also didn't drink a lot of water. I was under on calories on most days though so such a large gain is surprising. I'm going to go crazy on the water this week and see what happens.....feeling tired still this morning. Want to go back to bed but am trying to rev myself up!
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    Went up this week to 152.4:sad:
    I was down all week except this morning, I’m sure it’s water retention from lots of sodium in the Pad Thai last night but I’m still bummed.
    My goals this week are to actually go to the gym at least 3 days! Eat out only twice and both times needs to be relatively healthy. And most importantly to stay within my calorie goals!
  • jessi4d
    jessi4d Posts: 7 Member
    :happy:Lost 2lbs last week, probably due to not drinking any alcohol during the two week wait.
    My goals for the week are to get to the gym at least 5 times. 41 days til vacation!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 376 Member
    Hi all--Happy MLK Jr. Day everyone (in the US)! Lost .4 lbs this week...which feels pretty good given what I thought the numbers might say.

    Finished my first round of Clomid yesterday. So, serious BDing to commence soon. Today i feel a bit...punkish. That's the only way I can describe it. Not really sick, but just not normal either. I didn't exercise yesterday or this morning. I'm still trying to convince myself to give it a go today. Maybe it's the hormones and meds, or maybe I'm just trying to get whatever my son has been fighting with for the last week. Either way...blech. I hope it goes away soon.

    Hope everyone has a good week!
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Congrats to those that lost some weight this week.... Keep it up! I pretty much stayed flat (down .2) but I wasn't the best eater this week, so I'm happy with it. I'm excited cause I actually got myself to the gym this week! For those that gained, based on what you said you at it definitely sounds like sodium, so just try to up your water and sneak in a workout and you should be back soon!

    Kah, Feel better! Hope its just a one day funk! Get to that BDing! You too Alisa!!!! And wine country sounds like a blast!

    I think I might schedule a doctor appt soon as I'm having trouble understanding my cycle. It acts like it's going to start for a few days, takes a break then comes back full force for several. I was on the pill for quite a while until this past October, but I don't remember it being like that before!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    Congrats to everyone who lost weight this week. No change for me, but I went over my calories most days so I'm happy with staying the same.

    Today is a baby filled day! :bigsmile: DH and I are both off work for MLK Jr Day, and my brothers ex brought the baby over to my house so my mom could see her grandchild for the first time. My mom started to cry, it was very emotional for me to watch. Now I'm off to hang out with my friend and her 4 month old daughter.

    TTC: for about a week now I've been having cramps on and off on one side. Today I stared to feel a really weird pressure in my lower abdomen. I wouldn't consider them cramps and it only hurt when I picked up or moved something heavy. Even pushing the cart around the grocery store made it hurt. I'm on CD21 and have no proof that I actually O'd this month, but we're still BD'ing every other day. Also, this morning DH wakes up and says "I had a baby dream." I'm thinking - big deal, I have them all the time. He started to tell me about it and we pretty much had the same dream. In both of our dreams there were 2 girls, one a few months old and one was a toddler; in both dreams they had light eyes, very light skin tone and brown hair. It probably means nothing, especially considering we recently saw my cousin and her twins (who look very similar to that), but it still made me smile. Who knows, right? :smile:
  • gjspiller
    gjspiller Posts: 115 Member
    this sounds like the group to be in!

    i'm Guen, 38 years old. My husband and I have been together for almost 16 years. Stopped birth control 9 years ago. Got married about 4 years ago. Never been pregnant. I thought it might be PCOS, so I went to the fertility doctor, and they said that I didn't have it, but that I have diabetes, and they will not treat me until it is managed and under control. This was the first time I had ever been told I was diabetic. But I had gained 30 lbs. after the wedding, so it made sense.

    SO...if I can lose weight, change my lifestyle, the doctor will treat me. The clock is ticking....loudly.

    So far I've lost 3 lbs. since the new year. I lost 12 lbs. last year. So I want to keep the momentum, but lose MORE.

    Sounds like a great group and I feel comforted reading your stories.

  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 414 Member
    It's been a slow day! Worked all company doesn't do MLK day of...Boo....Came home and made my in-law's a yummy turkey meatloaf! Both were very impressed with the flavor and said they wouldn't mind making it that way at home! Woot woot for teaching some old dogs some new tricks! My MIL has been a GOD SEND! She's been super helpful with my son!

    The hubs and I have been BDing once a day at night before we go to bed....but i've been so tired i've honestly never NOT wanted it more...:laugh: The hubs and I LITERALLY are just like "ok, we're doing this for the greater good!" lol hopefully our efforts will not be in vain!

    Ron - the mild cramping could be a good thing! Keeping my fingers crossed for you! Hope you 2ww flies by! You're already half way there!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    My biggest detractor from weight right now is bad habits. I am eating poorly even if I'm not hungry and not really in the mood. I have to put a kibosh on it...and soon!!!! I'm not heading toward TOM, but am craving everything under the sun!!! :sad:
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    My accomplishment this week: I made savory breakfast muffins on my day off yesterday so I'll have easy breakfast for the next two weeks.

    Other than that, I'm completely hormonal and irritable. I'm not usually like this, so I have no clue what's going on. Most be more progesterone than usual. 8 or 9 dpo and just waiting. I'm hoping I have energy for the elliptical tonight. Right now, I just really want a nap.
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 414 Member
    Erica - Easy breakfasts are always good. I normally end up grabbing an eggo waffle and spread a little margarine on it on the fly

    Pam - I get that way sometimes...where i just want...ANYTHING and EVERYTHING and it is no way related to the makes it harder to get a grasp on it when you know that it is just YOU that wants it and not your hormones... :-)

    Getting ready to go to brunch with the in-laws, then heading out the the Navy base to do some legal stuff with my husband that apply to what i'll need while he's gone (Power of attorneys, will's, etc) then the MIL is taking me grocery shopping which IS my favorite thing to i'll get some yummy stuff to cook for them while they're here and hopefully get a few things they'll need once they're gone...
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 524 Member
    Good afternoon everyone!
    Great job to those who maintained and lost this week. And to those that are up, keep positive thoughts and up that water. You will get back on track! I completely understand the feelings of needing to eat everything, anything, at all minutes of the day.
    I am down 2.6 this week! I'm shocked and excited at the same time. I have been all over the board between 141 and 145 since getting back from Hawaii. I really hope this loss stays around and maybe I can see my goal of 139 soon (or ultimate goal of 135).

    Going to double up on Zumba tonight, regular Zumba then Zumba Toning. The schools got canceled today due to winter weather, so I don't have to teach dance. Also, DH and I dug out my recumbent bike so I can work that into my routine.

    My fingers are crossed for those waiting. DH and I have been "getting to work."(Alisa- I know what you are talking about "taking one for the team" lol) I don't even know if I am Oing yet (Depo Shot has totally messed up my system), or even if I Oed this month, but doesn't hurt to try. We are going to try this month, then I am going to use the Clearblue Easy Fertility tester to see if I'm Oing. If no O detected next month I will be making a Dr appointment.
  • Hi everyone!

    Welcome to Guen and anyone else who is new to the forum!

    Erica, how do you make your muffins last 2 weeks? Hide them behind the broccoli? I love making muffins too, and my DH loves eating them, so they only last a few days.

    Checking in for this week...
    FF gave me a possible O on Sunday, so I'm hoping my temps stay elevated and it means I really O'd, that'd be great! So, now I've entered the two week window and couldn't join DH in having a glass of wine last night, and actually I was kind of excited to turn it down!

    I've maintained at 128lbs since last week, which is my goal so I'm okay with that. We have BEAUTIFUL weather here in southern CA so I got out and jogged on Sat and Mon, and enjoyed some fat free frozen yogurt with my extra calories. Okay, I also had a chocolate chip cookie, too. That's my confession for the day!

    P.S. 5K's and 10K's and sprint triathlons make GREAT motivators to get healthy! I see a few of us have either done them, or have wanted to do them. I was never athletic and never thought I'd do anything like that, but last August I did my first sprint tri. It was 500 meter swim, 18k bike, and 5k run. I thought I'd feel totally out of place, but was surprisingly encouraged to see women of all shapes and sizes there. Most of us were even in wetsuits! And, it feels totally awesome to cross the finish line with all those people cheering. Go girls!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Manda, I don't think my DH would touch the muffins even if I served them to him on a fancy plate. LOL. Most of them are in the freezer at this point, though. These taste more like cheddar biscuits than muffins. Which is awesome in my book.
  • yummy! can you share a link to the recipe? (I'm always looking for healthy recipes that pass the "this doesn't taste like cardboard" test)
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Hi ladies! I've been MIA for a while. I've not been seeing the scale move so I went through a couple of days of sabotaging myself (which lets face it isn't the first time...) then I realized that even though the scale wasn't moving, I FEEL better. I'm being active and working out at the very least 50 minutes each day and typically over an hour and a half most days. Usually when I am focused as I am now I drop weight quickly (always starving at night as I lay in bed to sleep though). This time it is different. I am eating for health of not only myself, but for my fertility and to decrease my risk of miscarriage again. So no I'm not shedding the weight persay, but I'm eating a healthy amount of calories (enough to lose, not enough to starve) and staying fit. Why should this make me feel like a failure if the scale isn't moving? So basically I'm here, feeling good, trying not to be disappointed in the lack of movement on the scale....

    On a more positive note, welcome to all the newcomers! There is lots of support and information here.

    manda-what I wouldn't do for warm weather!!! I am stuck in the midwest freezing my butt off! Haven't taken my poor dog outside for a walk in weeks! We definitely have cabin fever and winter is nowhere near coming to a close!

    erica and jenny- I was intrigued by your psychic readings so I had to do one for fun! mine says I will get pregnant in March (which unless my cycle changes isn't gonna happen cause DH will be leaving again for 3 months to AZ for more training) due in December and will have a boy. Sooo I'm hoping she is off and that I get pregnant in Feb, due in Nov and have a girl! lol! It was fun anyways. Doesn't look like any of the baby psychics are on point most of the time according to the forums on BBC.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    I officially had a lousy day today - not work wise, health wise, but food wise....Yup I had junk, junk, junk and then to top it off Fish & Chips for dinner.....hubby had a craving and apparently the word no doesn't exit my mouth. I'm going to try and get some exercise in tonight, but I'm bone frozen!!! It's supposedly 1C here right now (about 32F) which is warm enough that I should want to get the dogs out for their walk.......but my feet would be icecubes before we got back..... :angry: (that's a frozen Pamsicle) So out comes the biggest loser for the wii and I think i'm going to do some Wii Fit Stepping during Biggest Loser episode tonight (for some reason I have to be doing something during that show....I should just put it on reruns always).

    My body is definitely feeling the effects of not working out in a back is incredibly sore and my normal stretches for the sciatica are hurting more than they did ever. Tomorrow's my BL weigh in day (just happens to be a Wed cause we started the program on a Thurs)......not looking forward to it in the least....
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    Welcome to all the newbies!

    Erica- I make muffins for my morning snack in advance too, mine are bran/cranberry muffins, and DH doesn’t touch them either because they’re bran.

    Heather- it’s so easy to get cooped up in the winter, do you do any winter activities? Skidooing, snowshoeing, skiing, skating, etc… It makes the winter go by so much quicker. Oh and don’t worry about not loosing, we tend to need to give our bodies at least a month to register to a new diet/lifestyle, give it time and you’ll start loosing again!

    Pam- Don’t worry too much about a one day slip up, you seem to already have the right frame of mind in wanting to workout! Keep going, you’ve done amazing so far!

    So I’m completely back into the right frame of mind, its sad how it takes days to get out of the habit of eating healthy and exercising but takes weeks to get back into it! I had my taebo class last night and am planning to take a yoga class tonight, I even set up another cross country skiing trip with my MIL for Saturday.

    On the TTC front, I just finished O’ing and like you too Alisa, I wasn’t always in the BD’ing mood but made sure to anyway. Hopefully I wont need to even go in for an ultrasound next month and instead will get preggers on this cycle (wishful thinking I know!), but wouldn’t it be nice to not have to see cycle 17! I’m still waiting to hear back about the blood work I had done, but I didn’t do the blood tests at the clinic and went to a hospital instead so that I was covered by medicare, so it may be a while till I get the results.

    Baby dust to everyone!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Good luck, abeare! I hope this is your cycle!!

    Heather, of course the psychics are hit and miss. I'm completely amazed any of them ever come close to getting it right and some of them really do. I've seen several women get multiple readings and have the majority line up, too, which I find fascinating. The BBC group I listed before keeps track. However, it's best to just use it for entertainment purposes. I know I am. :laugh:

    My DH is trying very hard to share a cold with me. I felt pretty crummy last night, so I didn't work out. Maybe I can do some pilates tonight. My asthma is starting to flair up, so elliptical is probably out for now. We're also supposed to get 3-9 inches of snow today. Yuck.
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