Back To basic



  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Hello Monday Morning Back to Basic Team.. Lets see if I can get the chart up and challange up at the same time before I hit the gym.. Sorry I didnt get it up sooner!!

    Amber....... Loss 6 lbs last week.....................loss 7 lbs this loss 13 pounds
    Risa...........loss 1 ibs last week......................loss 0.6 this week..........Total loss 1.6 pounds
    Jessica.... Sw 152............................................CW 154..............................Gain of 2 pounds
    Rupi...........SW 147........................................CW 145.5 ...........................Total loss 1.5 pounds
    Marcie-.......SW 150.5.........CW 149.0.......GW loss 1.5 pounds
    Jena-..........SW 182.5.........CW 182.0.......GW loss of 0.5 pounds
    Bobbie.....SW 189................CW 179.5.......GW loss of 8.5 pounds
    Nicole......SW 170................CW 169.2........GW loss of 0.8 pounds
    Tamara....SW 135.2............CW 131.8........GW loss of 3.4 pounds
    Anita......SW 419..................CW???............GW loss..New to team

    total loss as a team................................................................................................... 22.3 pounds
    I didnt recieve any report from these people...
    Karen, Tanya, Mitzi, Don, Deneen, Sayuri, Teresa, Kerry, Tracy (cragntraci02),Jeanne(Jeanne1949) Please send me your weights if you are still on our challange.. We would love to support each adnd everyone of ya'll.. Sorry my chart wasnt posted yesterday but like I said it was more fun baking with amber.

    Awesome job on everyone doing there sit up.. Continue to drink your water, it the most important part of releasing toxins from your body..Drink it like its going out of style..

    Our Challange this week..Is on the this message board you have to post something postive about yourself... This one is really difficult for me, becasue I see lots of faults..So I think we can all benefit from this challange, this challange may be harder then the Sit up challange and by far harder then the water chllange..

    I will start it off for mine today: Today I look at my legs and I am really pleased to see I have Runner Legs.. I never thought of myself as a athlete much less a runner.. I am proud of all the hard training I am doing and plan to continue building my body to take care of me..

    I am off to eat my fantabulous orange cranberry muffin and finish my coffee up, I hope ya'll have an awesome day..Its Monday lets make the best of it and roll with it.. Smile you choose to make yourself a better person and a healthy person you should love yourself more today then yesterday..Every day is a challange and we choose to make the best of it.. Thanks for being such an awesome team and lifiting each and everybody up..

    Quote of the day from David Viscott:

    You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be!!! This so fit this weeks challange.

    .Good Luck ladies...We are here for you..Lets have another awesome weight loss this week.. We have been on this for less then 2 weeks and we have lost of 20 pounds, what does that say??? We are amazing..we can do anything we put our minds too.
  • Hi everyone. Just a quick check in. The chart looks great Tamara. i am glad you had a great day yesterday. My day was not good. i did not feel well all day and just ate and ate. then we got a call from Geoff's parents and they are putting the family dog to sleep today. He is a chocolate lab that they have had since 2003. He has a tumor the size of a soccer ball under his rib cage. He is 13 years old. They rescued him from the humane society. They could do surgery, but at his age he may not recover. I think they are doing what is best for the dog, but it is still very sad. Geoff and his family are really tore up about it. It is a very sad day. Oh and I am still sick to my stomach this morning.

    Okay I am done for today. I hope you all enjoy your day.
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    Just checking in quickly. Another weekend gone by and no excercise....I have been managing to keep calorie intake good, so that maybe helping me, but I really want to get more active. Oh well here's to a new week. I will get all my water in today and I will go walking during my lunch break.

    Can't stay long today, but I would really love it if Tamara would send us all the recipe to the fantabulous orange cranberry muffins!! :happy:

    Might be a good idea for us to share some of our recipes...I know I sometimes get tired of the same thing over and over!

    You all have a good Monday!!
  • strbryt
    strbryt Posts: 488 Member
    Good morning everyone,
    I would like to first start by saying that my wedding rings are getting a little loose. I know that sounds crazy cause I have only lost 13 lbs so far but these things are getting slippery. Another good thing I could say about myself is that I am proud of myself for the decisions I am making. I feel really good about this and am excited to see where things will take me

    Tamara- I had a great time with you yesterday and am about to eat one of our muffins right when I am done. I hope we can make a little time every week to get together and try something different recipes.

    MNLopez- Great job at staying positive and looking forward to the next week. Good luck at walking today during your lunch break

    Bobbie- Listen lady I did not get my butt in gear for your to start slippin. I love you very much my friend so stop take a deep breath and back away from the yucky for you food. I know you can do this. I also know tha cupcakes are your weekness but you can resist I know you can do it. Please feel free to call or text me when you are having it rough cause I do it to tamara all the time. That is the only way we are going to get through this. We have to lean on each other. By the way give yourself and Geoff a hug from me and tell him I am sorry about his dog. Love you girl
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    at marci request::

    Serves: Prep: 15min Cook: 25min Total: 50min
    NOTE: Ingredients for a changed serving size are based on a calculation and are not reviewed by the author or tested. Please also consider scaling up or down cooking containers as needed.

    •1 tablespoon trans-free margarine or butter, melted
    •1/2 cup packed brown sugar
    •1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

    •2 cups whole wheat flour or whole grain pastry flour
    •2 teaspoons baking powder
    •1/4 teaspoon baking soda
    •1 teaspoon salt
    •1/2 cup granulated sugar
    •3 tablespoons grated orange zest
    •1 cup orange juice
    •1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce
    •2 lightly beaten eggs
    •1 cup fresh cranberries, chopped
    •1/2 cup finely chopped walnuts (optional)
    1.Preheat the oven to 350°F. Generously coat a 12-cup muffin pan with cooking spray.
    2.In a small bowl, combine the margarine or butter, brown sugar, and cinnamon.
    3.In a large bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, granulated sugar, and orange zest. In another large bowl, mix the orange juice, applesauce, eggs, cranberries, and nuts, if desired. Add to the flour mixture and stir until just combined. Do not overmix. Evenly divide the batter among the prepared muffin cups. Sprinkle each muffin with the sugar-cinnamon mixture.
    4.Bake for 20 to 25 minutes, or until a wooden pick inserted in the center of a muffin comes out clean. Cool on a rack for 10 minutes before serving.
    Recipe Notes
    To make use of stale muffins, crumble them and lightly toast in a 350°F oven for about 15 minutes. Use the toasted crumbs to top desserts such as crisps, cobblers, betties, buckles, and crumb cakes.
    Nutritional Facts per serving

    CALORIES 206.9 CAL
    FAT 5.4 G
    SODIUM 303.1 MG
    PROTEIN 4.8 G
  • NicoleL83
    NicoleL83 Posts: 68 Member
    Hello Everyone
    I had a great weekend, maybe a little too much fun! My husband I went out Friday night for drinks with his co-workers and then out for supper at a new pub. I had pizza. It was delicous. Then on Saturday my husband went out with some friends so I stayed in and watched chick flicks. It was great. Had some drinks and popcorn. Sunday arrives and I made homemade pancakes and then didn't eat until supper. On the positive note I bought Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. I did level one and it kicked my butt. I had to take a few little breaks or stop using weights while lunging. I am sore today! I am excited. I hope this is something I found and can stick to!!

    On a crappier note, it is still snowing!! We got at least another 5 inches this weekend. Me and my husband car pool and today we couldn't get the car out. So we had to go the back and get my truck which lucky made it out. I was ok but my husband was a little cranky!! And it is still snowing! I love winter because I snowboard but it is getting a little ridiculous.

    Tamara-I am glad you are feeling better, just remeber we are all here for you if you need to vent or talk!!

    Bobbie-I hope you are feeling better soon. I am sorry about your inlaws dog. I remeber when my parents put down our dog. They do become part of our families

    Marci-Great job being positive

    Strbryt-That is great about the wedding rings

    As for the challenge this week-One thing I like about my self is my calves. Although they are bigger than they use to be, when I flex them I still have muscle definition and it makes me feel strong!!

    Have a great week everyone
  • NicoleL83
    NicoleL83 Posts: 68 Member
    I forgot to ask on my last post-does anyone do measurments to keep track of inches lost. Thanks
  • kbefit
    kbefit Posts: 116
    Hey Tamara...I did sent my weight on Friday. I maintained because I was tying to get on the Friday weigh in schedule so zero loss this week. Hope I did that right. Should I send you a private message? Sorry about the confusion.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Hey Tamara...I did sent my weight on Friday. I maintained because I was tying to get on the Friday weigh in schedule so zero loss this week. Hope I did that right. Should I send you a private message? Sorry about the confusion.

    Kerry your fine girlie.. Just send me a private message so I dont have to scrowl through pages of post.. But keep posting lets motivate our friends!!
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Howdy team.. Hope everyone is having a good day.. everyone has been quite on here, I have been busy looking for a job.. also my body is trying to have a period its been since june since I have had one,, so I think its gonna be a doozie.. wish me luck..

    My postitive for the day.. I am greatful to see my period coming on, it means I am treating my body right after many month of mistreat from not feeding it right..

    I am running behind was slow to rise this morning still need to make the kiddos lunch.. Have a great day everyone and I will post later!!
  • Hey everyone. I hope all is well. Just a quick note today. I am not really feeling it at all this wekk. I stiil have an upset tummy and it is now sensitive to the touch. My head is not in the game this week. I am not committed and I have no focus. I am sorry if I am disappointing anyone or letting anyone down. I tend to put others and their feelings before mine and this week I just need to think of me. I have a lot going on in my head right now and I am struggling a lot. I have also decided to skip weigh in on Friday. I have been bad for 4 days and if I have a bad weigh in then I let myself and this team down and I can't deal with that too right now. I am so sorry if I am bringing anyone down. I hope that you all have a great week and a super weigh in on Friday. I will be back soon, but I just need a few days off. Sorry guys.
  • MNLopez
    MNLopez Posts: 355 Member
    Hey everyone. I hope all is well. Just a quick note today. I am not really feeling it at all this wekk. I stiil have an upset tummy and it is now sensitive to the touch. My head is not in the game this week. I am not committed and I have no focus. I am sorry if I am disappointing anyone or letting anyone down. I tend to put others and their feelings before mine and this week I just need to think of me. I have a lot going on in my head right now and I am struggling a lot. I have also decided to skip weigh in on Friday. I have been bad for 4 days and if I have a bad weigh in then I let myself and this team down and I can't deal with that too right now. I am so sorry if I am bringing anyone down. I hope that you all have a great week and a super weigh in on Friday. I will be back soon, but I just need a few days off. Sorry guys.

    You take all the time you need! We will be here thinking, praying and waiting for you! It does hurt to know that you are having a rough time. You are just one of my biggest cheerleaders!

    I had every intention of sticking with my plan yesterday, but I failed miserably. I am just having such a hard time with this all of a sudden! I will try again today. So far so good, but I've only made it through breakfast.

    I will check in later....gots to run!!
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    I had a nice 3 day weekend. Wish I'd gotten more done, but it is what it was. No going back to fix thing.

    I have a harder time eating right when I am home. I did make some not so great choices (like too many chips & guacamole - a favorite of mine), but I still ended up fine with calories because I ate less at other times. Works for me!

    To the ladies who are struggling with motivation - I've so been there. I thought for sure my motivation would not come back as I've struggled with it in the past. I tried not to beat myself up over it because it only makes things worse. My motivation ended up coming back again. Just give yourself time. This isn't a race.

    I ended up getting a couple of workouts in this weekend. Yeah! One of them was playing Just Dance 2 with my dd. That was a fun way to burn some calories and get the old heart rate up!

    For the challenge: I'm happy that my thighs are smaller. They aren't where I want them to be, but I look soooo much better than I did months ago. I went clothes shopping yesterday and bought two new pairs of jeans. I'd bought a bigger size at the end of last school year, but those are now too big. That reminds me: my stomach is flat again!
  • Hello everyone...
    Thanks to all of you who have been trying to track me down.... I am so in a rut and can't seem to pull myself out. It's AMAZING (and not in a good way) how easy it is to just throw all of the tried and true methods right out the window and how EASILY bad habits come back... :sad: I'm so unhappy with myself and the sprialing downward hasn't stopped and the sad part is - I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN STOP IT!!!!!!!
    Karen - Thank you for the motivation. It's nice to know that others have "been there". I was sooooo proud of myself this Fall, and this really isn't all that hard. Log your food, do some exercise and just pick yourself up when you make a mistake. Ever since, I got into bad habits about a month ago, I can not seem to stop... I just cant seem to find the time to log my food and shop and eat better, and, and and the saddest thing of all is if I do NOTHING, I will still be like i was last summer - Sad and Fat!!! and I don't want that. You know, they say that insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results - so I guess that makes me crazy, cuz i'm back into bad habits and then wonder why the scale either isn't moving or is moving up...
    So, here we go - let's try again. I say that everyday and then when I eat something not so good for me, instead of just logging it and moving on and making it a better day, I just make it a segue into continuing bad behavior - someone come over and just shake me please!!!!
    Bobbie - I saw your post and that did it for me. You, my friend, are such a wonderful, motivational person and you are feeling bad, because you did not put us ahead of you and I realized that by not doing the right thing, I am also letting all of you down. My cyber friends who keep believing in me and supporting me and telling me I can do it. Well, today has been really bad, but the day is not over, so time for me to make it better, right?
    Jena - hang in there girl - you are a little energy bubble and you'll get it back - really!
    To all of the rest of you who I haven't mentioned by name - thanks for joining and sharing your stories and I need to sit back and read all of the wonderful (and sad) things you've shared.
    For now, I am at 248.... :( If i had stuck with it, I would have been in the 220's or even less by now, so today is a new day - let's all make it a good one. No need to wait until Monday or tomorrow, we can make the rest of today a good one - even a few less calories will help, right. I'm throwing my soda in the trash and going to go get moving for lunch.
    I wanted to be thinner by my office party this saturday, but at least i can not be any fatter, right?
    Marcie- miss you, sister.
    Tamara - thanks for listening and for checking my pulse. I'm in! All the way in - I will NOT force you guys to come and find me anymore. I will make this my habit! Thanks to you all.
    Happy Tuesday! Really - make today the first day of the rest of your life - Ok Deneen? Did you read what you wrote??? :)
  • Hi ladies -
    Oh my lordy lord - I just logged my food for today and if that isn't a wake up call?!?!?!? I haven't officially had lunch yet and i've eaten so much CRAP that if i get no exercise, I only have 10 calories left for the rest of the day!!!!! AND, i've had NO water...
    Wow - when you put it on paper (so to speak) - that really opens your eyes.....
    What am I doing to myself!?!?!??! It's a wonder that I don't weigh 348 pounds - shame on me...!!!!! :(
    And hurrah to each of you who keep doing this day after day - what an accomplishment!?!?!? REALLY! it's soooo easy to spiral out of control and NOT even realize what you are doing to your body...
    Be proud of yourself for logging in each day and taking the steps to taking care of you and making a better you!
    Treat yourself to a big glass of water and a smile - no calories... :)
  • Jena_72
    Jena_72 Posts: 1,057
    :happy: Hello B2BTeam!
    Had fun in Vegas didn't eat too bad except for the mucning on the way home. But its ok .
    Doctor appt went fine I was down 22 lbs from my highest weight. My dr was amazed how much I knew about nutrition and said noone she has seen in recent memory knew exactly how much sodium and fiber they eat in a day! :laugh:
    I told her I have hit a plateu and she said what I already knew.... Up Your Intensity:sad: *sigh* which I guess brings me to my "Challenge Answer For The Day" I AM Strong! I could outlast most thin people in a cardio workout! AND I can do it with 50lbs of extra weight! :wink: So Whats Your Superpower?? :tongue:
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    hey everyone checking in, hanging in there as much as this period is kicking my tail.. I really havent even been hungry today but knew I had ot eat.. I did 90 minutes of cardio and one hour of yoga.. and lets just I would much rather do the 90 minutes of cardio.. Yoga was so hard and my ab muscles are gonna feel it in the mornig..heck it already feels it now.. Well gonna enjoy kiddos.. Ya'll keep me in your thoughts and prayers.. I have a test for a possible job interview...
  • strbryt
    strbryt Posts: 488 Member
    Hey there my wonderful group-
    Sorry That I am checking in so late but better late than never huh? LOL. FIrst for the challange- I would like to say that I am so proud of myself. Today I went and filled out the paperwork to join the gym once again.

    Tamara- I hope you feel better my friend.ip

    Bobbi- Listen my friend first I am sorry that you are in a bit of a funk. I really hope things get better for you but don't think for one second that you are letting our team down. We are a team and we stand by you and are rooting for you.

    Everyone- Today I had my first slip up. I ate 3 small handfulls of M@M's but I did count them. I love this team and everyone on it thanks to everyone.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Good Morning team.. I am so glad that we are together during this.. This is a hard time for all of us.. everyday is a struggle let me tell you.. I was thinking last its been abotu 2 1/2 years since I started my journey and yep its just as hard now as it was then.. But alot healthier and I have accomplished so much, ran a few 5k's ran a few half marathon went on the today show.. I am in a great place.. So as I think some days is this reallly worth it, I stand up and say yes I have way to far to turn back now.. So lets hold our head high, take a deep breath and say I can do it.. Its not always easy but well worth the ride.

    I am proud this morning to say I am cramping like h@ll and I am still up at 3 am to eat breakfast fix kids lunches and head out at 5 am for spin and weight lifting.. Yes I feel my abs from yoga and holly molly!! What an awesome class..

    Amber- I am glad you that are enjoying this I am glad this is a road that we can travel together my friend..

    Bobbie- Love you girlie,miss you.. Hope geoff enjoyed all his gooodies..we are here for you when you are ready to come back and NO you are not letting us down.. You have been through a lot in a short period.. We are here for you..

    Jena- I am glad you enjoyed your trip and ate sensiable..

    Marcie- How you doing chicka??

    Deneen- Girl we are here for you.. we hear you loud and clear.. Proud you took the first step and logged all your food yesterday good bad and all of the above.

    Karen- I am happy you enjoyed your 3 day weekend. I am so ready to go back to work, I am beside myself.. I am a working person.. I haet to sit.. I think and think and think.. I am sure ya'll see some smoke far off in the dinstance soemtimes just think hey thats Tamara thinking..

    Everyone else who I missed.. .I am sorry.. Lets here some positive about yourself.. Thats what this team is about lift up and support!!

    Gotta jet have an awesome day today, you choose what goes in your mouth you choose how to let people effect you.. Dont let them get the best of you!! Your better then that!!
  • kbefit
    kbefit Posts: 116
    Hey all...haven't posted in a few days. Been nursing myself back to health and I have to say I think my antibiotics are finally kicking in. It's amazing how those heavy colds can totally kick your butt!!!

    I haven't exercised but still tried to eat well and am hoping to start moving again today.

    I did notice that there are some of you who seem so down in the dumps and I so sorry for that. As cliche as it sounds, you need to treat yourself as you would a friend. Know that you're worth every minute of this journey and if you feel like you've slipped just remember thats all that it is....a slip. Don't beat yourself up. Remember that guilt implies that you've done something wrong. Eating more calories than you're supposed to isn't wrong, it's just a choice. And always remind yourself that when you're fortunate enough to wake up to another day, you're fortunate enough to be able to make a different choice. But whatever choice that is, don't ever consider it "bad" because when you do, it's so much easier to give up. We've all agreed to not give up on eachother, so let's not give up on ourselves either. I don't know any of you that well yet but you all seem like such a caring bunch, so let's celebrate that! Think about the challenge that we have this week...saying something positive about ourselves. What a great way to start the week!

    Thanks for such a supportive forum...hang in there everyone!!! WE CAN DO THIS!!!
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