The Randoms - January 2011



  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    QOTD: Seriously...My brain is swimming. Last night I came home and my husband said "How was your day?" I then requested that he invent some sort of device that plugs into my head and then prints up a report so he could read it all! Not because I don't want to tell him about my day but because there is too much to tell! :o) I miss my time on MFP. :o( I'm hoping that my days slow down soon. Many times I am on the computer but just not able to scoot over here as often. I've really been missing my working out as well. Since I fell I stopped completely but my doctor said today that I could begin to incorporate a little exercise back into my schedule (after I gave him puppy dog eyes!) I don't want to push it and I'm scared I won't be able to run as much as I was running. This making me discouraged. Blech. This kind of went way off of the QOTD...but I guess that is what being Random is all about!!! :o)
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Oh Mandie! I totally remember those days. Be thankful you don't have to do it with children too. That was tough, and I'd never want to do that again!

    Tara- I so hope you feel better soon. I plan on watching your clip tonight as I haven't had a free moment either! But I am SOO proud of all you have been doing!
  • SarcasticManiac
    QOTD: Classes and getting settled back in my apartment!!! Busy busy busy busy BUSY!!! Also, textbooks cost WAY TOO FREAKIN MUCH!
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Haha! I hear ya! I don't care for text book prices. Go to and search your text book ISBN number. Saved me literally HUNDREDS on text books!
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    QOTD: If you could tell young you one thing what would it be??

    I would set Young Tara down and I would say...Listen here ya young whipper being so dang hard on yourself! Don't be a perfectionist. Love yourself WITH your mistakes. Because your mistakes make you stronger and wiser and you do not have to be perfect. :flowerforyou:
  • just4peachy
    just4peachy Posts: 594 Member
    QOTD: Classes and getting settled back in my apartment!!! Busy busy busy busy BUSY!!! Also, textbooks cost WAY TOO FREAKIN MUCH!
    Half price books carries some texts too, just call before you go since their selection can vary by the minute.
    QOTD: If you could tell young you one thing what would it be??
    Don't start! Put the effing smokes down. WTH are you thinking???
    But young me doesn't listen so it probably wouldn't help.
  • SarcasticManiac
    QOTD: I'd probably tell myself. "Hey, you only get one body and then you die and it's all over. Take care of it and make the most of it in the limited time you have!"

    I'd also probably tell myself "Life is too short to take everything too seriously. Have as much fun as possible while you can."
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    QOTD: I would tell myself that it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of me. Nobody else's opinions define who you are going to be. Only you and your choices
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    But young me doesn't listen so it probably wouldn't help.

    This is a very good point. I am pretty sure that people told me to stop being a perfectionist and I didn't believe them. THOUGH...MAYBE...if it was future me and I appeared out of no where in an awesome cloud of smoke and back to the future music started playing and I came up and shook the crap out of younger me and said TARA! DO NOT BE A PERFECTIONIST! YOU ARE AWESOME THE WAY YOU ARE! And then shouted something about the flux capacitor and ran off in white sneakers...

    Yup...that would totally work...
  • Shinemaria
    Shinemaria Posts: 107 Member
    QOTD: I would go back and give myself some tough love - "Right now you are able to skate through things on natural ability without really needing to develop good habits, but later you'll be disadvantaged by needing to develop them late - just suck it up now and put down the phone and stop doodling hearts on your paper and DO things, because you enjoy being productive! You just don't know it yet because you're always running from responsibility."

    Young Me has heard other people give this speech, so I'm hoping that knowing it comes from Old(er) Me will help make it sink in. However, Young Me (and Old Me, actually) has a hard time believing that she's in the wrong and needs to WORK on things.
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    QOTD: If you could tell young you one thing what would it be??

    Hey Mandie! Listen up kiddo!!! You are unique and incredible just the way you are. Don't always worry about what other people think of you or trying to make others like you. Give people a chance to know the real you & you'll find that you are loved just for who you are. Stop TRYING so hard. Just be yourself...[that's actually kind of an emotion If only we could really go back & tell our youngster selves these thoughts I wonder how different our lives would have turned out...sorry, psych major thinking here:wink: ]
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Haha NICE. That would be a good one. Credit cards in general are a dirty word in our house. We took a Dave Ramsey class a few years back and changed the course of our financial life forever. They were an addiction. I'm so glad they are gone! :)

    On a random note: My husband leaves for Haiti on Sunday. I'm a tad nervous, but more excited for all the experiences and growth he is going to have when he is down there. I'm NOT looking forward to being a single mom to my three kids for the next week. I don't like my schedule to change, and with this trip comes NO gym time, NO zumba and NO help. I have the ability to work out at home with my Kinect and my treadmill, so that's not an issue per se; however, I joined a gym because I always made excuses not to exercise at home. I forsee myself doing the same next week. So I have to make a plan. I'm writing this out publicly so that I will be held accountable. So here you go fellow random friends:

    Sunday- "rest"--play a little Kinect with the kids. Stay active even on a rest day.
    Monday- C25K/Biggest Loser
    Tuesday- My sister- in law said she could watch my kids if I wanted to go to zumba--I might take her up on it.
    Wednesday- C25k/Biggest Loser
    Thursday-Rest Day (or just some kinect with the kiddos)
    Friday- I get off earlier so MAYBE i can hit the gym
    Saturday- C25k/Biggest Loser
    Sunday- Rest day: HUBBY COMES HOME!!!! Spend quality time with him and my kiddos

    How does that look. Hold me accountable. I will try to get out of this. And I'm good at that too when no one is watching. :wink:
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    Hey my lovely and fabulous Randoms! I"m baaaaaackkkkk from SoCal. What a business trip! Diet and exercise basically went out the window. I had $71 a day to feed myself with and they had some darn good beer, I couldn't resist! I totally pigged out. I really haven't been that out of control in a long long long time, and I"m a bit pissed at myself for letting it get that far. I'm hoping I didn't gain too much. I was at 150! So close!!!! I'm gonna use this week to really work out and behave, but I have a wedding this coming weekend and it'll be temptation all over again. I'm torn between wanting to live a little and not wanting to erase my progress from the last few weeks. I think I'll have to strike a better balance this time. I definitely didn't need to drink every night, and I didn't need to eat quite so out of control, but I can let myself indulge a bit.
    QOTD: If you could tell young you one thing what would it be??

    Hmmm.. I wish I could have better informed myself about health and fitness. It really took me until I was moved out of college and my parents' house to realize what a portion was, what fat content should be, how many calories a person should be eating, etc. I'm a numbers person, and I definitely think I would have better controlled my eating if I knew what i knew now.
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    QOTD: If you could tell young you one thing what would it be??

    I'm going to go out on a limb here and answer really seriously. This question really made me pause.

    I would say: Live for Jesus. Nothing else really matters.
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Well just home from 3rd overnight shift...Had to Shovel before I could snow blow yesterday to get to work because snow was deeper than my snow blower is high...LOL:grumble: Guess was good exercise though.

    HMMMM..... I would tell young me: ...Smarten up! There is more to life then dancing and eating... finish BSN right out of high school and go on for NP from there...not wait til in 30's to get BSN. Take time to enjoy life along the way and remember to treat yourself well. (Have tendency to take care of and do for others sometimes forgetting to take care of me.)
  • SarcasticManiac
    QOTD: What music are you listenin to RIGHT NOW? If you're not listening to music right now, what was the most recent?

    For me, it's Swedish power metal band Sabaton.
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    QOTD: The last music I heard was my ring tone going off for the millionth time this morning and its Zelda theme! The last music music I listened to was Lady Gaga on the radio yesterday...Rah rah AHAHAHH ROMA! Yes...don't I sing amazingly well? I thought so...
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    QOTD: What music are you listenin to RIGHT NOW? If you're not listening to music right now, what was the most recent?

    For me, it's Swedish power metal band Sabaton.

    Well I am in a diner in daytona beach and they are playing the beach boys - Kokomo
  • Shinemaria
    Shinemaria Posts: 107 Member
    QOTD: I've got Shy Boy by Jordin Sparks stuck in my head, or I did until I read the word "Kokomo" - now it's switched over and I need to find some less catchy tune to play!