Fit by Summer - January



  • We have almost the exact same goals. Time to buddy up!

    Sounds great!
  • Hi All! I'm Bria and I'm 25 years old, a graduate student in a pretty stressful program. My weight fluctuates quite a bit, so my real goal is to just establish some sort of equilibrium I can deal with for the rest of my life! I am currently ~140lb, but my goal is 125. My brother is getting married on 3 July of this year, and I really want to lose those 15 lbs before the wedding!

    ...and I really want to buy a new VS bikini. THAT is scary. :embarassed:

    I love running but I'm not very good at it (strange, right?!) so I am registering for progressively longer races all spring. First 5k is 12 February...brrr!!! Also into Bikram yoga - is anyone else? I'm not even sure if it is a good workout but man, is it exhausting!!

    best of luck to everyone! <3
  • swisspea
    swisspea Posts: 327 Member
    Hi! I'd love to join this!

    I'm a 24 year old education students. This summer (mid-July) I will be moving back to Europe to finally be back with my boyfriend after almost a year physically apart while I'm back in Canada finishing my second degree (except for some fantastic trips that he has spoiled me with). This summer will be a very happy one, and I want to greet it feeling fantastic in my own skin, incredibly healthy and excited to begin the next phase of my life :)

    Bikhram is definitley a workout! That being said, time to do some Ashtanga :)
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    I wish that exercise could get rid of twin skin! I am going to try to loose as much of my belly fast as possible so that at least I can look good in a one piece. I'm afraid my bikinis went away with my two bundles of joy :)
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    My current weight is 149.2. I want to be 141 by summer's start. Last spring, I got down to 146.8. That was the lowest I had been in 12 years. I know I can get down to 141 this time if I just stick with it this time! I work full time and have 4 large dogs. I want to have smaller thighs in my lycra biking shorts. They always make me feel a little self-conscious.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Alright friends, I am more motivated then ever to get down to 200 lbs!!! I just got off the phone with my older sister and told her about my weight loss goals.... she basically laughed at me and told me good luck trying!! I will not let her negativity get to me, even though I feel her behavior is very unfortunate and hurtful. The next time I will see my family will be during the summer..and honestly I am looking forward to getting compliments on my body rather than criticism.

  • KC1206
    KC1206 Posts: 90 Member
    I wish that exercise could get rid of twin skin! I am going to try to loose as much of my belly fast as possible so that at least I can look good in a one piece. I'm afraid my bikinis went away with my two bundles of joy :)

    I am right there with you! I hate the post-baby skin that I have. Thank goodness that one-piece, vintage-inspired suits are totally in style now!
  • Hi

    My name is Tracey and I have just joined this week this is the first time I have ever dieted like this and so far I am finding it all very useful and I am keeping an eye on my calorie intake. Need some friend's to help motivate me and I will offer the same back.

    Keep smiling I work next door to a Fish and Chip Shop its hard work!!!!
  • slm4
    slm4 Posts: 37
    I'm very short so my numbers just look like they're low...Here are my stats for our post: I weighed in this morning at 118 and hoping to lose about 20 lbs. Good luck everyone!
  • mjanet
    mjanet Posts: 54
    Good morning everyone. So first weigh in I've lost 2 lbs. I weighed in at 213. I'm so proud of myself that's without really working out. I plan to add workouts next week. I'm just trying to get my body used to this limited calorie intake. Have a great day
  • OceanAddict
    OceanAddict Posts: 55 Member
    OOff - feeling like I need a little motivation this morning - I was so exhausted yesterday that I went to bed right after dinner and skipped my workout. :mad:

    Going to try to squeeze one in to my busy day today....
  • Its okay to skip a work out here and there , you'll get back to it :)

    I GAINED weight this week, back to 152, how depressing to take away the 1 lb that I have lost :(.....

    Ohwell... Just means I have to eat better this week right?
  • OceanAddict
    OceanAddict Posts: 55 Member
    Alright friends, I am more motivated then ever to get down to 200 lbs!!! I just got off the phone with my older sister and told her about my weight loss goals.... she basically laughed at me and told me good luck trying!! I will not let her negativity get to me, even though I feel her behavior is very unfortunate and hurtful. The next time I will see my family will be during the summer..and honestly I am looking forward to getting compliments on my body rather than criticism.


    Wow - family can be negative sometimes. I believe you can do it - I'll bet you'll knock their socks off in the summer! :happy:
  • weighed in this morning at 151.4. feh.

    BUT did half an hour of cardio and half an hour of yoga and feel awesome at the moment. :)
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    I weighed in at the gym last night, 249...I thought I gained weight, but not really bad news because I guessed that is how much I weighed. I am hoping to be at 247 by next weigh in
  • mjanet
    mjanet Posts: 54
    I weighed in at the gym last night, 249...I thought I gained weight, but not really bad news because I guessed that is how much I weighed. I am hoping to be at 247 by next weigh in
    Good job. Just keep at it.
  • mjanet
    mjanet Posts: 54
    Its okay to skip a work out here and there , you'll get back to it :)

    I GAINED weight this week, back to 152, how depressing to take away the 1 lb that I have lost :(.....

    Ohwell... Just means I have to eat better this week right?

    Stick to it. Don't worry there's always tomorrow
  • Hey my name is Ben I would like to join this group and will participate in weigh in next week.

    My current weight is 300, I would like to be around 270 end of June.
  • FrenchCanuck
    FrenchCanuck Posts: 60 Member
    Hi! im Chantal and I want to lose 30 pounds by summer so I can be fit enough to enjoy more summer outdoor activities!
  • Hi, i am leslie. i am a mother of 2, and i would like to loose at least 20 pounds by summer.
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