Fit For Future Families - January 2011



  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Jenny, Well now I feel like a dolt. I, unlike everyone else, saw it but got caught up in a bunch of other stuff at the time (at work) and forgot to come back and say something. When I logged in from home, I just started from the ones I hadn't read. I'm so sorry, no excuses - I remember what it was like to get that call from the clinic. I'm glad you're getting support from somewhere, even if we're a little insensitive. I hope you rethink your decision to leave the thread - you will be missed.
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 806 Member
    Oh my world of feeling the exact same way I managed to totally drop the ball on congratulating you as well. I've not posted for a while because I feel a lack of support and what a feeling to feel from people you don't really even know. At times this is the first place that I've gone to when I needed support or to reach out to support others, but lately I've felt that all of my posts are all but ignored. I don't have the support anywhere else...both ttc and weight loss. That is why this makes me sad. I am sad that you have felt the same way. :(
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I think the nature of TTC makes us all pretty self-centered. It's hard to focus on what's going on with everyone else when you're all wrapped up in your own little world. I'm sure a lot of us feel ignored (I know I do) and I'm 100% sure that not one of us means to do it.
    We're here for you, even if we don't type it out in a message. I know I read all of the messages and I think, "Oh wow, that's great!" or "Oh man, that sucks" but I often don't actually say that. So I'm very sorry for not voicing my comments.

    So giant hugs to everyone who isn't feeling support right now. :flowerforyou:
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 414 Member
    I second that Erica. I know I am completely guilty of this. I am so terribly sorry to those who have felt ignored or not supported! I hate that it has come to ppl feeling like they should leave to open my eye's to this. I plan to start writing notes while I read so I can remember everything I want to say!

    Erica-aren't you in the 2WW right now? What dpo?

    Heather - how long do you have your husband before he leaves for training again? What does he fly?

    KCurtis- did you get the renter to pay up??

    Afm - I'm still confused about this temping thing..well not confused about the concept just how my body is I guess..temp went up to 96.96 today so I'm assuming if it stays that high then that was the spike I have been waiting on and I O'd yesterday...good tgoing the hubs and I BD'd "for fun" last night lol
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Yes, I'm 11 dpoish (I'm half-heartedly temping and got a temp rise two days after my +opk, though without my faux temps, FF calls me 12 dpo). AF should be here Sunday or Monday. I'll probably wait until Tuesday to test. My temp was still high this morning, but I'm sick so that might be why.

    Alisa, that temp spike looks good for O! I think I shared an article on here, but if not, they do say that while temping can show the shift, it's not always accurate within a specific time frame. You could have Od after your +opk and your temps might just now be reflecting it, or it could be spot on. There was a lag of Oing up to 6 days before the shift or 3 days after (as tested by blood work and sonograms.) I imagine as long as you finally see that shift and your temps stay up, then you can feel good that you did indeed O.

    Yes, Kcurtis, did you ever get your tenant to pay up??
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    I agree with Erica and Alisa, I know I’m so caught up in what I think are early pregnancy symptoms that I’m kinda in my own world right now. I’m sorry if I’ve made anyone feel like they’re not getting the support they need. I know there are lots of times when I log in and think, “Oh, no one commented on what I said,” but I love this group and don’t want anyone to leave.
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 524 Member
    Oh, Jenny, Heather and everyone else I am SO sorry! I think Erica did say it best and I am completely guilty of being self-centered! I am very sorry that you had the feeling of being ignored. I too am one that checks in at work and doesn't have, or take the time I should, to really read through the posts and share everyone's news. So.. my new goal.... go back to taking notes while catching up on everyone's posts so I can comment on everyone! I too am very sorry it has taken someone leaving for me to realize what I haven't been doing. I hope you all the best and support you in every way! BIG HUGS!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 524 Member
    Yes, our renter FINALLY paid! We gave her an official court document ordering her to "Pay or quit." Apparently that lit a fire under her rear and get us the $$ last Friday. So I guess she is off the hook for another month. LOL We'll see what happens in less than 2 weeks when Feb. is due....

    Erica, Ron,Heather, KT, Katy and Alisa, I am sending all the prayers and baby dust your way! I don't want to jinx it but it's sounding positive for all of you!

    Alisa- Thanks for liking my pic. My Hubby took that the day I bought my veil for the wedding. I was so excited! Good thing you can't see my body...I was my heaviest at that time. :frown:

    BTW: AF is here, so disregard my previuos, freaking out, post from last night around midnight. LOL
    I think I have edited this post 5 times. LOL I keep forgetting things! :laugh:
  • Hi ladies,

    I haven't used this site for a long time but am stuck on a plateau and thought I would give this a try again. I am hoping to start to TTC around April and this group seemed like the perfect fit for me!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Welcome, Teacherkd9!

    Kcurtis, I like your profile pic, too. What's really odd is that you look like my mom. The first few times, I had to do double-takes. You look more like my mom than I do. :laugh:
  • kt4au
    kt4au Posts: 64 Member
    Jenny sorry about not posting but I went back and read it because I thought to myself, what did I miss. When I read it again I was like that was awesome. I know sometimes when there are a lot of postings going on, I just skim through and usually miss something. Sorry about all of that but I know that has to be exciting getting that letter!

    AFM: I tested this morning and it was a BFN. Somehow this month, I was not as disappointed as I have been in the past. I think it is because I figured that there was no chance because there was no medical intervention. I am still having cramps and my temp is still somewhat elevated. If I am not pregnant, I think that I might jump for joy if AF shows up. AF has only showed up 1 time in my life without medicine and that was my very first at 14. When she never showed up again, my mom had me put of BC. So when I was on BC, she came and when I wasn't she was on an extended vacation. For the past 2 years, she has shown up with the help of Clomid and Provera.

    Date night last night was fun except for the movie. We saw The Dilemma and it was really bad. I did okay with the calories because we ate a light dinner and so I hardly wanted any popcorn. Today, DH is on day 5 of some kind of stomach issue. Yesterday he was feeling a little better but then he ate somethings he propbably shouldn't. Today he is working from home and I won't let him eat anything but toast, yogurt and bananas. Good news for him is that he has lost like 5lbs.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Awww, kt4au, how disappointing that must be with temps elevated for 19 days. I think I'd be in tears... I'm glad you're handling it well.
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 414 Member
    KT- boo! That sucks! But at least your Dr is aware and ready to take the next step!

    So today has been boo! Forgot to eat breakfast, so I grabbed Starbucks, then realized when I got to work that I left my leftovers that I had planned on eating for lunch in the fridge! I'm starving and getting ready to venture out to find food!

    Welcome teacher!
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    I know what you mean, Alisa. I grabbed oatmeal and yogurt for my food today, but nothing for lunch because I can't chew anything. So I ran to Walmart and bought a Ramen soup cup. Holy sodium, Batman. Not a great choice, but easy to get down with limited pain. I hope you found something healthy.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Hey guys, I feel like I'm intruding here. Is this a group I can join? Or is it too late?

    I've been married since October (pretty newly-wed) but we have officially been not preventing pregnancy for only a month now. I'm just wondering if there's anyone in my boat.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    Please do join us. We've got a couple of women on here who have just started trying and some who have been trying for awhile... and some who haven't started trying yet. Just feel free to chime in with whatever you want to talk about. :smile:
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 414 Member
    HMKAN! absolutely you can join! Welcome! As Erica said, we are a very diverse group of women at various stages of ttc!

    So, I ended up choosing something close, fast and terribly unhealthy! There is a little shack about a quarter mile from my office so I decided to try it...I had the most delicious hotdog I have EVER had...mustard, relish, chili, cheese and onions...OMG, it was like melt in your mouth yummy.. the combo I got came with two hotdogs and fries for $4.50....I ate both hotdogs and half the fries...I need a nap...
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    Thanks guys. You all seem pretty tight. Sounds like a great community!
  • ron2282
    ron2282 Posts: 2,760 Member
    Welcome teacherkd9 and HMKan!!!! :smile:

    Kt – I’m sorry it didn’t work out this month for you.

    Alisa – I did that other day. I slept through the alarm and run out of the house without breakfast, lunch or snacks. I ended up at Dunkin Donuts for breakfast and Quizzno’s for lunch.

    We were supposed to go to dinner at my cousins tonight but we rescheduled because of the weather. I’m still at work and DH called to tell me he’s picking up Chinese and of course I said yes…there goes my healthy day. :ohwell:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,064 Member
    Here it goes (with notes)

    Alisia - my goals for the rest of January is to stop my junk binges at night....that's all....LOL I only want one little thing. If I can get that under control, I'll be really happy. Did anyone else set any new goals?

    Heather - I'm sorry that you're feeling that way too. I've been lurking on your diary since you were talking about the low GI foods.....I have to do my groceries tomorrow and you gave me some ideas of meals so thank you for that.

    KT - I know what you mean by jumping for joy if AF starts on her own - mine only ever did when I took a pregnancy test (and that just got expensive....:laugh: ) I have my fingers crossed for you that if the BFN is right, that it does start on its own. I know what a major major step that would be for you (just happened for me last cycle!!!! Which is why we're trying so hard for this one to get the timing right....):flowerforyou:

    Alisa, Erica & Ron - splurge eating has been my specialty this week so I know how it feels to be slightly out of control. Alisa, now I want a hotdog with PB and chocolate (gross I know.....but see what food talk does...just jumbles up the cravings....LOL) Erica, has your jaw swelling gone down any? Ron - weather's still bad here it snowing there? At least you have workout options with the shovelling. It's going to be the coldest weekend of the year (abnormally cold....feeling like -30C or -17F). The roads are not good though, we had two major accidents in the city involving over 40 cars combined......looking forward to spring at this point.

    AFM: Cinnamon Bark taste is back. I haven't changed my medication this time so I'm not sure what's going on. I'm thinking that it happened around this time in my cycle last time. I think that my body's sensitivity to the medication might change with the pending ovulation....does anyone else experience anything like that? I cannot eat chicken right now - tried the other night and then at the Chinese buffet we went to at lunch. I cannot eat eggs right now either (they're just baby chickens....) Beef is typically okay and pork....which kind of sucks because I do prefer chicken to either....but I'm all wonky. Came home from work tonight and crashed. Just woke up (4hours later)....blah.....don't want to eat. Hubby's going to make me PB on toast with a chaser of yogurt and baby carrots for I at least get a balanced meal, but it won't be heavy......CD12 for me......things are starting to perk up....LOL

    Welcomes to Teacher & HMKan!!!

    Also - I was trying to add all the newbies as friends, but apparently I'm not allowed to add more than 5 friends in 10 minutes. I'm going to try and come back in about 30 minutes, but if I miss you, it's not personal, I just don't know where I left off :) We have so many new faces in here. Please add me as a friend - if we're not already!!!!
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