You are looking so thin......



  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    To me "Thin" is not beautiful.


    fit is beautiful, thin is not!"

    This is why I love the internet.

    If we were having this discussion in person she'd again say, "No I didn't say that. You're misunderstanding me."

    She did say that, and I can only assume she meant it since she took the time to type it out. It's right there in black and white. You can stand by what you wrote, you can admit you were wrong and take it back, but you can not tell everyone else they're misinterpreting your own words when they're right there clear as day.

  • fadedfawn
    There's no wrong way to have a body.
    thank you
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Cliffs notes?

    Excuse for staying fat #78
  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member
    so in to read laters!!
  • vegkitten
    vegkitten Posts: 106 Member
    Ooh, might want to not post things of this nature. Telling women are are thin that are not beautiful is a slippery slope. Not everyone who is thin is thin by choice. I get what you meant, but coming from someone who is very thin, it's very counter productive to say that thin women are not beautiful. There is no wrong way for a woman (or anyone) to look, be it thin, skeletal, unhealthy, healthy, fit, fat, chubby, squishy... everyone has their own issues, and their weight does not define their beauty.
  • laurie04427
    laurie04427 Posts: 421 Member
    Love yourself as who you are now, because NO ONE will EVER love you, like you do!! S&S&S (Smooches, Squeezes, and Spanks)
    I agree with this. :) And yep I'm a fan of my own hips lol.
  • moveyourself
    To me "Thin" is not beautiful.


    fit is beautiful, thin is not!"

    This is why I love the internet.

    If we were having this discussion in person she'd again say, "No I didn't say that. You're misunderstanding me."

    She did say that, and I can only assume she meant it since she took the time to type it out. It's right there in black and white. You can stand by what you wrote, you can admit you were wrong and take it back, but you can not tell everyone else they're misinterpreting your own words when they're right there clear as day.

    THIS ^

    I'm getting so annoyed by people shaming one body type for the other... This trend needs to stop.
  • The_WoIverine
    The_WoIverine Posts: 367 Member
    There is a difference, fit is beautiful, thin is not!

    I am not in anyway saying, a thinner female body is, in anyway less beautiful.

    And of course, water is not wet, ice is not cold and most definitely fire is NOT hot :grumble:
  • conklil
    conklil Posts: 81 Member
    Cliffs notes?

    Excuse for staying fat #78

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • lizzybathory
    I spent a lot of time crying about my body when I was a stick-thin teenager who didn't have boobs and couldn't put on any weight. Thanks for validating that I was as ugly as I felt, and nobody would ever be attracted to me. Appreciated. /sarcasm

    I am totally in support of curvy women (I've been one of them myself, off and on, for years) but you don't need to hate on another body type in order to love your own. Some "real women" have curves. Some "real women" don't. Some "real women" are very overweight. All of them are women, and all of them deserve respect, okay?
  • mumabearshaz
    I think to improve yourself sure but to be so careful to not go to far. In saying that I have some thin even one friend who is as you put it as thin as a clothes hanger but they are very beautiful people so maybe sometimes when we write tact could be the improvement we are looking to change .Cheers to all of us to our improvement of ourselves as we all need sometimes.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    So, let me get this right ... OP, someone tries to compliment you on how you're looking and you throw it back in their face because of their word choice? I would, personally, avoid giving this kind of person a compliment again.

    I get that you don't aspire to be "thin" (by your definition of it). But, just like beautiful, healthy, and fit are appearances open to the beholders interpretation, "thin" may mean something different to the person you just insulted.

    Go for the body that works best for you. Don't shame other people's body choices.

    And above all, learn how to take a compliment in the spirit it was given. Just say "thank you" and move on. You'll have a lot more friends then.
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    Holy body shaming.....I wonder how well it would go over if someone posted up a thread saying fat women aren't beautiful...probably like a fart in church :laugh:

    Not cool.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    So- my friend is a male belly dancer- he does mostly Turkish and he is quiet possibly the most fabulous thing EVER. And he posts stuff like this occasionally and it's genius- so I'm typing the original- and then I'll give you a re-edited version- because it's true in ALL walks of life.
    In the process of defending your right to not have your dance over-sexualized because that is what YOU want, don't fall into the trap of de-legitimatizing someone else's dance because because that's what THEY want.

    Contrary to popular belief that's not going to help you- or them.

    In your quest to defend and define yourself- be careful you aren't devaluing someone else's opinion or body.

    Just because you don't want to be thin- doesn't mean someone else isn't or cant' be. It makes them no less valid or valued - not even considering beauty because that's obviously subjective.

    Contrary to popular belief that's not going to help you- or them.
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    I think there's this delicate line between self - acceptance and the need to validate it through cutting others down. You could state you love your body the way it is. That's great, I'm super happy for that. But then, I have people who post **** like this on FB

    ^this is not cool. My friend posted this a few months ago and I wanted to scream into my phone. Body shaming, irregardless of fat, skinny, tall, short, pear, square, fit, muscley is NOT okay. To make someone feel inferior for their outer appearance is pretty awful.
  • knt6743
    To me "Thin" is not beautiful.


    fit is beautiful, thin is not!"

    This is why I love the internet.

    If we were having this discussion in person she'd again say, "No I didn't say that. You're misunderstanding me."

    She did say that, and I can only assume she meant it since she took the time to type it out. It's right there in black and white. You can stand by what you wrote, you can admit you were wrong and take it back, but you can not tell everyone else they're misinterpreting your own words when they're right there clear as day.

    THIS ^

    I'm getting so annoyed by people shaming one body type for the other... This trend needs to stop.

    I totally agree. That trend is driving me crazy. It's supposed to be empowering but it all has to do with pitting one body against each other on which is more attractive. Body acceptance is great but it's not true body acceptance if your putting down other people's bodies.
  • Daiako
    Daiako Posts: 12,545 Member
    To me "Thin" is not beautiful.


    fit is beautiful, thin is not!"

    This is why I love the internet.

    If we were having this discussion in person she'd again say, "No I didn't say that. You're misunderstanding me."

    She did say that, and I can only assume she meant it since she took the time to type it out. It's right there in black and white. You can stand by what you wrote, you can admit you were wrong and take it back, but you can not tell everyone else they're misinterpreting your own words when they're right there clear as day.

    She did say 'To me'. She didn't say this is how everyone should view the world, but that this is her perception.

    She's not obligated to think other people are beautiful. It would behoove her to keep her opinion to herself, sure, but she doesn't have to think something is lovely just because other people are that way.

    Personally I don't care for being called thin either and I'd probably frown or sigh at anyone who used the word. The feelings of women other than myself over their bodies and how much they like being thin or are naturally thin has nothing to do with how I feel about the word and my body, nor do I have to be demur and pretend that I'm flattered by certain words because otherwise I'm making people feel bad.
  • Saucy_lil_Minx
    Saucy_lil_Minx Posts: 3,302 Member
    Here is the wonderful thing about forums. People like me, who are not writers, but want to share....... can do so........also that sharing is a personal opinion, and everyone has the right to interpret the words you display, the way they see fit.

    Opinions are like A- holes........everyone has one. Any of my friends who know me............ know I am an absolutely positive, loving person. who want to lift as many people, and push people to be a better them.

    As far as an excuse to be fat.........HARDLY.

    In the sea of negativity.... there will be one or two who see the light house in the distance, and will start swimming towards it. I hope you are one of them, and if not and I have offended you. I am sorry you did not see the post for what it was.

    My parent did not do me a disservice, but teaching me to love me, and to love all others for who they are. Shame on you for saying that. My parents were light years ahead in teaching me that no matter who you you for you.

    Maybe re-read my words with a positive view. A "glass dang near full" point of view, and you will see what I was trying to convey.

    If not, and you chose to view it in a negative are welcome to do so, but (again this is MY opinion) how sad for you that you can not see the "light house" it was intended to be.
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    My lighthouse brings all the boys to the yard...