Fit by Summer - January



  • sandi50lock
    sandi50lock Posts: 71 Member
    I would like to join and get almost to my goal by the summer I have to lose 10lbs my April we have joined a group called scale back alabama and they want everybody that joins to lose 10lbs by april and i am going to do it is four to a group wish me luck
    My weight is 232 and i am planning on being at 222 by april or less
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    I just am doing such a crappy job staying within my calorie range, today I did better only going over by 300 cals. I really need to get my butt to the gym tomorrow, I really want to get down one dress size bad.

    do you have your diary open to view? Just stick to it. I know you can do it, what is it that's motivating you? Just keep that in mind and don't loose focus of it. Just stick to it.

    I am trying to stay just gets hard when people, especially a few women in my family are very hard on me about my weight so I guess that is what is driving me more to get into shape (although I would never tell them that). I am realizing that now as I get older, that I need to work on breaking old habits before it get's to late. I have always been a chubby girl so it would be nice to be on the other end for a change.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    I am proud of myself today, I have been on track with my calorie intake...and have found that planning my meals in advance helps me do I will try to do that from now on!! Also am proud of the fact that I have been eating breakfast everyday this week, I usually don't eat breakfast and have noticed the energy change I love it.

  • cohollywood
    I'd love to join and get some motivation and support!

    I'm Holly - I'm 24. I have a 4 year old little boy, who is the greatest blessing in my life, but caused me to go from 120 pounds to 172 pounds over the past 4 years. His lifestyle of chicken nuggets, mac and cheese and oreos, along with just the initital pregnancy have put me far above where I want to be!

    I've been working out 5-7 days a week since the last week of November. So far, I have lost 18 pounds. We're going on a cruise in 9 days, and my goal was to be 150 at the start of the cruise, so 4 more pounds to go!

    By summer, I would like to be 135-140. I don't necessarily care about the number, just how I look and feel. I just started C25K this morning, and I'm hoping to run my first 5K in April.

    Good luck to everyone!! I'm looking forward to meeting some friends!
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    I would like to join and get almost to my goal by the summer I have to lose 10lbs my April we have joined a group called scale back alabama and they want everybody that joins to lose 10lbs by april and i am going to do it is four to a group wish me luck
    My weight is 232 and i am planning on being at 222 by april or less

    Welcome! I wish they had a group like that over here, I should look into it.
  • xtina1982
    y'all, no lie: my fitness coach on the wii will absolutely kick your *kitten*. 45 minutes of aerobics, 15 minutes of toning, 468 calories GONE. (468-ish, i'll say; it might be less because i don't have a heart rate monitor and i'm going with the program's estimate.)

    but it feels good. i'm starting to see changes that i like. kind of excited for weigh-in. :)

    btw, as far as earlier posts that it's hard to stick to the calorie counts: it gets easier. if you miss it one day, pay attention to what threw you off track and just try to avoid that situation, take a smaller portion, etcetera. and pretty soon your body acclimates and it's a lot easier to stick with it. took me a couple of weeks to not be consistently over, but i've been able to stick to 1200-1210 calories a day for a week or so now. :)
  • minni2906
    minni2906 Posts: 182
    Sooo proud of myself. Pushed myself on wiifit last night and maaaann can I feel it in my abs today! Woohoo!
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    My name is suzanne.I wanted to say hi and may I please join your group.I love the idea fit by summer.We need are bikini bodies.I am in my 40's.I have 7 children.From older children to younger children.Only 2 children a little boy and a little girl are living at home with me now..I am divorced after 24 years of marriage.I need lots and lots of motvation.But I can do it.I need to lose about 15 to 20 pounds by summer.I'm older so I need to tone up alot.I have been working out stretching and walking and toning.I want to try some of my exercise video's by next week and work my way up slowly.I'm not real good at my diet.But I will try harder.It is very nice to meet everyone.Have a very happy day today.
  • mjanet
    mjanet Posts: 54
    Hello everyone! How are you feeling, doing today?

    I just would like to say welcome to all the newcomers to the group. Keep us posted on your progress. We're here to help motivate and push each other. so when your feeling a little under the weather, just give us a shout, we're here for each other.

    Now today I feel above fantastic! I feel energized, and recharged. I went for a walk this morning and it feels good, gave me that extra umph I need to wake up. I don't know how i'll do on weigh in tommorrow, but that's okay, I am focused on the end result of 35 lbs.

    So at my job they have this program that they pay you to lose weight. So I went in to weigh in yesterday, and you have to lose 10 lbs to get 100 bucks, after that they pay you $10 a pound. That's a whole other motivation factor. I'm feeling good today.
  • silvereyes01
    silvereyes01 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi there! I'm Kelly, and I have to little stubborn miracles myself. My daughter who will be 4 and my son 2. They definitely keep me on my toes. I am giving myself a deadline of June 15 to lose the extra 30 lbs so I can finally look good in a swimsuit when we go on our boating trips, and for the first time we are going to go on a big vacation so I want to look good for that. Instead of the short fat munchkin that I am. lol. :tongue:
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    Morning everyone!! It is a brand new day yay! My goal today besides staying within my calories, is to drink at least 8 cups of water because I have been falling short this week.
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    I am horrible at drinking water during the day too...I will join you!
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    Been staying under my calorie limit but I keep gaining weight! It's so frustrating.
  • suzanne63
    suzanne63 Posts: 616 Member
    Ok,I'm checking in I did my toning and stretches today.I will probably start adding aerobics in next week sometime.It's another snow day for my children they did not have to go to school today either.I had to shovel(I call it snovel)snow today.It was hard snow.So it wasn't fun.So I will call that a workout today too..I just ordered and sent off for 3 old workouts I use to have that are some of my favorite workouts.3 workouts on one DVD.Kathy Smith's strong,sleek and slim.So hopefully I'll get them soon.Kathy smith's weight loss loss workout is one of my all time favorites.It also has ultimate workout and I like ultimate stomach and thighs workout alot too.Have a happy day today everyone.
  • Eilonwy74
    Hi! I'm Lacy. My goal is to lose half of my entire goal weight by the end of summer (30lb) and to lose at least half, but more hopefully 2/3 of that by May 2, when my family is taking me to Disney World for my 27th birthday. When I did an internship with Disney in Florida in Fall 2006, I weighed about 150. Now I'm 183, down from 192. I'd love to be 150 again for the May trip, but I'm shooting for a more realistic 160ish. :)
  • oysterboy
    oysterboy Posts: 31 Member
    Hey guys,

    Hope you're all well.

    First weigh in of the challenge tomorrow and I'm not optimstic unfortunately. I had a seriously heavy weekend so I've been playing catch up all week. I'll be good from now on I promise.

    If any of you would like to add me as a friend so that you can give me a nudge of I fall off the radar it would be helpful.

  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    So confused, when I weighed myself at the gym last week it gave me a totally different reading then when I went to the doctors today...I think I am going to go with the doctors of course, but also am getting my butt out right now to get that digital scale I have been meaning to get <----procrastinator

    I have been drinking my water though!!!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    I finally broke down and got a digital scale to go by too. It is just so much easier to keep specific track that way. I always weight in at my emptiest - in the morning, after the bathroom but before breakfast. I always go by the specific reading to judge my weight loss.

    Lacy, we have the exact same goals, I'm gonna friend you :) What did you do during your internship ad Disney? That is such a cool place to have an internship.
  • andreasoulcastle
    andreasoulcastle Posts: 478 Member
    OK so I didn't get the scale last night, but I will this weekend I promise, walmart didn't have the one I wanted. So the scaled reading I got yesterday was 259!!!! SCARY!! You guys should have seen my face when I saw that. That is 10 pounds more then the reading I got last week!! So here I am back at the starting line..well 4 pounds still under the starting line...workout today is gonna feel dam good.

    Weigh in: 259
    Goal: 230 by summer
  • mjanet
    mjanet Posts: 54
    OK so I didn't get the scale last night, but I will this weekend I promise, walmart didn't have the one I wanted. So the scaled reading I got yesterday was 259!!!! SCARY!! You guys should have seen my face when I saw that. That is 10 pounds more then the reading I got last week!! So here I am back at the starting line..well 4 pounds still under the starting line...workout today is gonna feel dam good.

    Weigh in: 259
    Goal: 230 by summer

    Don't get discourged. Just keep at it. Increase the intensity of the workouts, and you'll see it'll come right off. Drink more water, and stay under calories. That seems to be working for me. Just keep going!