Confessions: The "Fattest Thing" You've Ever Done



  • soopaang
    soopaang Posts: 27 Member
    A friend and I once planned the "perfect meal" which was basically our favorite things from five different restaurants. We planned a route and scaled the city all day. Once we had all the items we took them home and had a ritual feast. It was actually pretty fun but also kind of a fat thing to do...
  • klkarlen
    klkarlen Posts: 4,366 Member
    This should have come with a warning not to read it at work. I had a hard time stifling the laughter!

    Back in the days when I didn't have to watch my calories, I used to go out to dinner with my future ex-husband and another couple to a local Chinese restaurant. We would get a booth, and they would have to bring another table over to hold all the food we would order. It was gluttony at it's finest. The owners LOVED seeing us come in the door.

    At the age of 5 I ate a half loaf of Arnold's bread while my mother was gardening. Didn't even get sick.

    After wisdom tooth extractions I was craving brownies, but was still on a liquid diet, so I made the brownies and ate half of the uncooked batter.

    ETA: Went to visit the same couple when they moved to a new state, and we ordered take out delivery from 3 different restaurants just for dinner.
  • ashleydawndill
    ashleydawndill Posts: 242 Member
    Moderation is a bit of a struggle for me. I (used to) eat things in their entirety;

    A whole box of mini wheats
    An entire loaf of bread (sometimes plain, sometimes slathered in peanut butter)
    Entire 2-litre bottles of pop
    Whole box of cream-puffs. But seriously, those are so good.
    Entire cakes, whole dozen of cupcakes, whatever. I'd eat it all

    I have a fierce craving for creampuffs now..
  • tzdani
    tzdani Posts: 13 Member
    Lied and said I didn't eat lunch or dinner when I really did so I could go out to eat with friends...still ate an entire meal anyways. Did this countless times haha.

    Often ate an entire can of jalepeno cheese dip with doritos..until one or the other ran out..usually the dip lol

    Personally, I like a can of jalepeno cheese dip with cheetos! And no, I don't do it anymore, but... I miss it!
  • Angimom
    Angimom Posts: 1,463 Member
    The list made me laugh so hard!
  • ChunkLaFunk
    ChunkLaFunk Posts: 38 Member
    Convincing myself I still had a 32-inch waist by wearing my pants lower and lower. Had to accept reality when I could no longer tuck in my shirt. :happy:
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I once ordered a $2.22 filet o fish and fries at McDonalds on my way home from work.. 26 miles later I stopped at a SECOND McDonalds and ordered another one.. WITH an apple pie.

    On no less than a dozen occasions I bought a box of Drake's cakes Yodles or Devil Dogs at the grocery store and ate the entire box before my husband got home.... then hid all evidence.

    I ate my nephew's Halloween candy.. and blamed it on the dog.

    I ate candy canes from two Christmases ago.

    I have eaten sugar cubes straight.

    I have ordered two meals at a drive through and gotten two drinks even though it was more expensive just so that the counter girl wouldn't think that all the food was for me.

    I made a lemon meringue pie for thanksgiving.. then had to make a new one at midnight because I couldn't wait and had eaten the whole pie by myself... straight from the tin.
  • dnfenton
    dnfenton Posts: 24 Member
    ordered two drinks so it didn't look like all the food was for me!

    ^ I used to do this all the time! Also I would keep a note pad visable so it looked like I was reading other people orders. Nope just me, myself and I.
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    After a night out and drinking a little bit too many, I went to Taco Bell and ordered six items and I'm pretty sure finished them all! :tongue:
  • JustinAnimal
    JustinAnimal Posts: 1,335 Member
    After a night out and drinking a little bit too many, I went to Taco Bell and ordered six items and I'm pretty sure finished them all! :tongue:

    Mere child's play.
  • arickettsjr
    arickettsjr Posts: 32 Member
    Once ate 2 foot long subs and a large 16" pizza

    And apparently converted it all into pure beast mode strength!
  • Autk79
    Autk79 Posts: 286 Member
    Ive had that triple dipper from Chili's numerous times and regretted it every time

    Potato wedges and a breakfast jack and two tacos all covered in Buttermilk from Jack n Box... uggghh

    And a all you can eat Sushi roll buffet... never again lol.

    And the devil----... Foot long coney with tator tots with cheese, sometimes chili on the tator tots...

    The article was funny. Thanks :laugh:
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    When I still lived at home I would sneak bags of chips, cans of pop, candy bars, you name it down my parent's laundry chute so they wouldn't catch me. I would wrap everything in laundry so it wouldn't make a "thud".
  • littlelaura
    littlelaura Posts: 1,028 Member
    I ate an entire box of cocoa puffs cereal in one day for breakfast, lunch, dinner, was stress eating.
  • love9705
    love9705 Posts: 465 Member
    I sat and ate a entire pint of hagen daz banana split ice cream