What can you do now that you couldn't do (or didn't think yo



  • MobiusMan
    MobiusMan Posts: 385 Member
    3 months ago i nearly passed out in 9 minutes on a treadmill to do an exercise echo-cardiogram because i was having chest pains.
    Last night i did 66 minutes on my rowing machine at a ridiculous pace. I could have gone on but was breaking through the callous on my hands.......gimme the pain baby.
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    I can do more than 2 girl push ups(sad but I could barely do 2 before) last checked I could to 10 without stopping Next up REAL push ups. :) And I have the confidence in my body to get there.

    I can do jumping jacks

    I can hold plank longer than a few seconds(yeah I know I was out of shape)

    I can walk fast to my daughter's bus stop in the afternoons without getting winded(can probably climb stairs too but haven't had to yet, well more than the 3 to get in my house)
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    I can cross my legs and not be embarrassed that my foot sticks out. Now my foot goes down!
  • After 4 weeks of being back into my training this morning I did a BP on my ride and took 1:30 off my time over 15 kilometres
  • Wow!! Lot’s of new posts on here!! I love it!!! You are all AWESOME!!!

    And I have something to add myself!!


    I can say my weight begins with a one!!! Yes, it’s 199 (and it’s not official on here, cause my weigh in is tomorrow, but I peaked!!)

    And, I can touch my toes!! Not my shin not my foot and not the knuckle of my toe, my tip, tip toes!!! I know, but sometimes it’s the little things that really make your day!!!

    Ok, getting over myself and moving on!!

    What can YOU do????
  • I completed my first half marathon last October and I'm doing another one in March!
  • I can do jumping jacks, say no to sodas, say no to pizza even when my employer buys, I can do a few pushups (which is a few more than I could do when I started) AND I can look at myself in the mirror without feeling sick at my stomach! I don't look great as I've only lost just under 20 pounds but I've lost inches and I can breathe when I tie my shoes before I work out.

    Congrats to the rest of you and your CAN DO'S!!!
  • I can bench press 135 lbs!!
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    I can exercise without getting burned out too fast and jog for quite a while at a steady pace.
  • bmbellamy
    bmbellamy Posts: 51 Member
    I can play 2 hours of racquetball and kick.......well, let's just say I can play 2 hours of racquetball. LOL

    I can shop for more than 1-2 hours without pain.

    I can keep up with my grandkids

    I can bypass the elevator and opt of the stairs

    I can lose weight despite being hypothyroid

    I can be inspirational to others with my lifestyle changes
  • Today I did not eat any muffins or bagels that rep brought in. I had fruit only.
  • ShellyKay67
    ShellyKay67 Posts: 489 Member
    I can bend down and tie my shoes without turning red in the face and not being able to breathe!!!!!!!
    YEAH!~ lol
  • fat_beyonce
    fat_beyonce Posts: 133 Member
    I'mjust going to do my favourite thing as I'm going to bed soon and can't be arsed
    1.I can see a bus and no matter how far away I am from it if I choose I can catch it :D
  • Thank you SO MUCH for these comments! I'm printing some out that relate to me and putting them up on my walls, in my wallet (when I reach for my $ to buy unhealthy food!), on unhealthy food in my kitchen etc.

    First day on the message boards and 60 kg to lose - but I am definitely going to do it!
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    A year ago I jogged a half mile and thought my chest was going to explode. Now, I run 6.5 miles every day and just bumped my speed to 6.3 MPH.

    Eat veggies and fruit with every meal.

    Eat yogurt and look forward to it.

    Do my grocery shopping around the outside of the store and only get a few things off the shelves in the middle. Used to be the opposite.
  • Only a small thing, but I can buy bracelets and ankle bracelets that fit :o)
  • Texsox
    Texsox Posts: 146 Member
    I can be discouraged when I do everything "right" and the scale doesn't move.
    I can be encouraged when I do everything wrong and the scale suddenly dips 3 pounds.

    I can look in the mirror and see no change after losing 20 pounds.
    I can smile when people say how different I look.

    I can pass on high calorie / low satisfaction foods
    I can eyeball food and come close to the calorie cost.

    I can believe I will never see 199, which makes my goal of 180 even more impossible.
    I can say "when I'm 180 . . . " and believe it.

    I can type out one liners I think are clever and motivating.
  • Texsox
    Texsox Posts: 146 Member

    Do my grocery shopping around the outside of the store and only get a few things off the shelves in the middle. Used to be the opposite.

    ^^ great observation. But at my store, the ice cream is along the outside wall ;-)
  • I can do a chin up!
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member
    Thanks for posting, this is a cool topic to read.

    I can do sit ups.

    I can complete an entire Pilates workout.

    I can get myself to the gym every morning before work even when it is below freezing outside or the roads are covered in snow..

    I can measure food properly now.

    i can see lower body bones.

    I can pick my pants off the floor because they fell right off my butt! :laugh:
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