Day By Day Challenge-February Part 6



  • nam14uk
    nam14uk Posts: 556 Member
    Tuesday goals
    1. Circuit class this morning. CHECK
    2. At least 8 cups of water. 12 cups
    3. Stay within cals. NO!!
    4. Eat some of the green stuff! A Bit!!

    It's a bit late for today but I must stay in my cals and stop stressing at work. Too much to do and too little time! There's only one of me and only so many hours in the day. Not going to make it to pilates an legs bums and tums - boo!!

    Hope you're all having a great day!
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    2-15-2011 goals
    1. Under on calories, carbs and fat - Yep!
    2. 6-10 cups of water, depending on sodium - Yep, 7 cups, technically 7 1/2. :smile:
    3. Get to the gym, preferably for both weight training and cardio - Yep! It meant I was there quite a while, but I felt GREAT about it!
    4. Week 2, Day 1 of sit-up challenge (Re-doing Week 2 because I only did one day last week.) - Yep, late in the day, but I did it.
    5. Bed by 10! (This one is becoming more important.... Had to take a half day instead of a full day because I could NOT get up this morning.) - No, so fortunately I didn't get called today and got to sleep in a little.

    2-16-2011 fitness goals
    1. Under on calories, carbs and fat
    2. 6-10 cups of water, depending on sodium
    3. Bed by 10!

    2-16-2011 non-fitness goals
    1. Do laundry
    2. Update finances
    3. Do dishes
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    2.15.11 Goals:

    1) WATER - decent
    2) Exercise - nada
    3) Eat sensibly - fair

    70+ days till vacation...

    2.16.11 Goals:

    1) WATER
    2) Laundry
    3) Rest
  • What a great group! I've been struggling to maintain my weight loss mojo. I lost 30 lbs last year and have maintained since November, but still have 10-12 lbs to go. I LOVE the idea of setting small daily goals and appreciate the honesty of the posts I've seen so far. goes!

    Feb. 16
    Track all foods
    Excercise at least 30 min
    Be in bed before 11pm
  • Ravyn1982
    Ravyn1982 Posts: 225 Member

    My goals for today
    1. water
    2. log everything
    3. try to keep a positive attitude today.

    So didn't do too bad today. :happy: Barely got any water in today but i was able to squeeze in 8 glasses worth. Even managed to stay under my calories even though we had not so healthy bacon and ranch pasta salad tonight. Didn't get any exercise in today but I'm still a little down right now and have been looking for any pictures I might have of my cousin.

    So Mhy goals for tomorrow
    1. Water
    2. Log everything
    3. Enjoy the nicer weather while its here!
    4. Get my nails done maybe....still not sure if I want to do it this week or wait till next week.. will depend on money...

    Hope you all have a wonderful day tomorrow! :heart:
  • SKismet
    SKismet Posts: 137
    Well, don't have a whole lotta time right now, but I did want to check in with ya'll.

    Yesterday was pretty much a total fail.... Over on all three things, not enough water, wasn't to bed until after 11.... And I only got a couple of loads of laundry done!

    2-17-2011 goals
    1. Under on calories, carbs and fat
    2. 6-10 cups of water, depending on sodium
    3. Week 2, Day 2 of sit-up challenge
    4. Bed by 11, unless I have to be out later due to my second job
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Feb.16:
    1. Water.--Better
    2. Stay in my calories.--Over a little.
    3. Exercise.--30 minutes before work.
    4. Meditate and BED ON TIME!!!--Just barely!

    Cold here today.

    Goals for Feb. 17:
    1. Water.
    2. Stay in my calories (watch the evening snacking!)
    3. Exercise.
    4. Meditate and bed ON TIME!

    Rayvn--I'm so sorry about your cousin. Remember the good times, okay?

    Hoping we all do well today!
  • hutchins123
    hutchins123 Posts: 42 Member
    Yesterday Recap:
    1) 10 Glasses of Water ( Had 9)
    2) Track Everything and make sure it's enough! ( YEP)
    3) Go to my nephews birthday party and have one SMALL piece of cake! ( Did and was still under my calories)
    4) Do 25 minutes on the Elliptical tonight, I've done 20 the last two days and want to improve!! ( I did 26 just to get to 3 miles:happy: )

    Today's Goals:
    1) 10 Glasses of Water
    2) Make a plan for this weekend, going to Mohegan Sun!!
    3) Do a load of laundry
    4) 3 miles on the elliptical tonight

    Have a wonderful day everyone!!
  • Wednesday:

    1. Water - Yes
    2. Calories - Yes
    3. Walk, Shred, & Something else -Yes!
    4. Laundry! I’m down to the weird clothes. - Yes

    Just a quick post hope you're all doing really well:

    1. work out before going out tonight
    2. Renew car tax
    3. Try and keep the calories under control at dinner tonight.

    Have a great everyone!
  • Feb 16 Goals Recap
    Track all foods -- yes
    Excercise at least 30 min -- did 60!
    Be in bed before 11pm -- close...11:15

    Feb 17 Goals
    Take the stairs all day at work -- yes
    Track all foods -- yes
    Run 5k on treadmill -- yes

    Feb 18 Goals
    Complete at least four items on my work to-do list
    Wish my brother a happy birthday!!
    Enjoy a amazing dinner with my husband (date night!)
  • Goal for tomorrow:
    1. drink 10 glasses of water
    2. walk for 3 hours on the treadmill (incline of 9)
    3. not overeat at dinner (big family dinner tomorrow)

    (love this idea of daily goals :))
  • Morning,

    I didn't manage to get any of it done yesterday. Today will be better though.

    1. Shred & 30 mins cardio
    2. Look for phone. It has to be around here somewhere.
    3. Car tax
    4. Draw

    Have a lovely day everyone and incase you don't get the chance to check in over the weekend, have a great weekend.
  • Love it! I know I will fail if I look to far ahead. So this sounds like a good posting section for me! I'm new and it's halfway through the month, but it's never to late to start right? Hello everyone!
    About me:
    I'm 23. Just graduated college!!!! I accomplished one goal! I am a new mama to a beautiful girl. I need to do this for myself and my baby girl. And I want to make my boyfriend one day take a double take at the girlfriend he already thinks is gorgeous.

    Goals for Friday, Februaury 18th:
    1.) Drink at least 4 glasses of water...if I say eight I will hate this so I'll start small in order to acheive and keep on track then move to bigger goals :)
    2.) Walk the dogs while strolling baby girl with the family-- at least 15 mins
    3.) remain under calorie goal
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Hi everyone! I have to, Have to, HAVE to make time to post my daily goals before my day gets so hectic. I really miss it because by the end of the day, I realised that I forgot to do something and by then I'm too tired to do it.

    jrevi001, welcome! congrats on graduating and on being a new mom! Great accomplishments! Good luck with your daily goals. Jump right in, its okay if the month's almost over, I guarantee there will be one posted for March!

    Friday's goals:
    1. try this new protein drink.
    2. try a new fitness class (90 min. boot camp) without passing out by the end of it.
    3. stay hydrated.
    4. work on abs
    5. do resistant band exercises that I learned from my trainer.

    non-fitness goals.
    1. see if I can catch a flick before my daughter gets out of school.
    2. mop the floor.
    3. fold clothes
  • pmjsmom
    pmjsmom Posts: 1,926 Member
    Goals for Feb. 17:
    1. Water.--Not the best.
    2. Stay in my calories (watch the evening snacking!)--Better.
    3. Exercise.--30 minutes before work.
    4. Meditate and bed ON TIME!--Stayed up (though I shouldn't have) but am going in late today so got my sleep anyway.

    Goals for Feb. 18:
    1. WATER!!!
    2. Stay in my calories.
    3. Exercise.

    I am babysitting my grandson tonight. He is SO cute but also a handful! He gets into everything now (he's almost 8 months old).

    Welcome, jrevi001!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I'm going in to work this afternoon instead of this morning. Hope to get some things done around the house so my weekend is free to work on my jewelry.

  • Welcome, jrevi001!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Thank you! :happy:
  • hutchins123
    hutchins123 Posts: 42 Member
    Recap of 2/17/11
    1) 10 Glasses of Water ( had 8)
    2) Make a plan for this weekend, going to Mohegan Sun!! ( no plan!!)
    3) Do a load of laundry (nope)
    4) 3 miles on the elliptical tonight (YES!!)

    Today's Goals:
    1) 10 glasses of water
    2) Track EVERYTHING!!
    3) finish my application
    4) Work out hard!! I'm going away this weekend and I know I will be over my calories, I just want to maintain my weight loss this week!!!!

    Hope you all have a good day and a wonderful weekend :)
  • Hi I am Erin, a 37 year old mom of two boys, a 2 y/o and an 11 week old and I want to lose the baby weight, I want to wear all my clothes again, Ive been living in sweats, workout clothes and pjs, my poor husband.....Im glad to get to set some goals each day bc usually by nightime Im like what would one more slice of toast hurt? I like being accountable.
    1. stay the entire legth of weight class today- I tend to skip out early
    2. no food after dinner
    3. Be the peace and harmony I desire for my household...focus on what is going rt, not what annoys me
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Hey everyone!

    I know said I was coming back hardcore. And I kind of have on the diet front but I've been super busy getting ready for THON which started today!! So ... I thought I'd say if anyone is interested you can watch it live here!

    I would strongly recommend watching between 12 and 4 Sunday especially. But tomorrow night is the pep rally which will be good too! Have a good weekend everyone!

  • Recap of today:

    1.) met my water intake!
    2.) took the dogs and baby out for a walk!
    3.) was not under my calorie goal :/

    For February 19th:
    1.) Water- 5 glasses
    2.) remain under calorie
    3.) have my bags packed by 4 pm to go out of town!
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