Senior Golden Sneakers -March 2011



    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    addie I thouht we had a new member till i got to you post. Smart ideal.I will be out of pocket most of the day. got to make a quick run to the store and Kathie will be by to take us to the hospital to see Alice. Which is a long way. from here. I will be on later. take care All!!!!!!!!!!!Marie
  • good job Maddie glad you told us about your name change I am trying to get back in the swing of things after vacation anybody have any good tips.
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Checking in. Have an eye doctor appt. Got a walk in this morning so I'm off to a good start. I'm going to the grocery store after the dr appt and I'm shopping for natural foods. I've been eating too many processed foods. Was up a pound this morning. Official weigh in is Sunday AM so I'd like that pound to be gone. My hubby has only one more week (week after next) in Memphis, so we'll get him signed up on Sunday. He wants to lose 10-15 pounds.

    So glad you found this thread,'s wonderful!
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Just received an email from church. Our missionary friends, the Colbournes, are in the area worst hit east of Tokyo. Please pray for them. :cry:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,272 Member
    Good Morning Sneakers!! Will be back later, my DIL gave me a certificate for a massage this morning, so I will be back later.
    Enjoy your day and keep those from the East in your prayers and thoughts today. :heart:
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,318 Member
    Good Morning All,

    Hope you are all having a fabulous day.

    That earthquake and tsunami is scary stuff. Hope none of you on the West Coast are affected.

    Having lots of fun this weekend with the Grandkids. We took them to Boston Pizza for supper. Lucky for me and my weight loss efforts, the only gluten free, dairy free, egg free item in the menu was grilled salmon, steamed vegetables, and a side salad. You really can't go wrong with that. Well, okay I had a glass of wine,, but even with that there was no problem. I'm down another 1/2 lb this am. My goal is getting closer and closer.

    I'm also trying really hard to get in 30 minutes of exercise each day. I listen to my self hypnosis CDs almost every night. So far, so good.

    Have a wonderful Friday.

  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    By the way...I have forsythia bushes blooming now and snow flurries predicted tonight:noway:

    I wish I could send you some forsythia blooms and daffodils, Sandy.
    Here is some Forsythia for everyone. Most awesome sight!
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Maddie said:
    Confession: I found myself starting to binge in the evenings. This is what I was doing before I came here. The food is different but the action is the same. Especially when I don't feel's pity me food. I'll be sitting there trying to decide which snack to have and I think that I decide but after I have it I think I was wrong so I have another and maybe another. I'm so glad that I saw myself doing it and I'm nipping it in the bud! You know the saying, "Onwards and Upwards", well not on this's 'ONWARDS AND DOWNWARDS'......Woo Hoo!

    Oh, Maddie - this is my biggest demon! I'm not a good sleeper and often wake at 1:00 or 2:00 am and then am up all night - eating! Last night I didn't fall asleep until 5:30 am - and then had to wake at 7:00 to go to my husband's doctor appointment with him. I'm afraid I ate an entire bag (3 servings) of 100 calorie a serving snack crackers. And then a handful of baked Gorgonzola crackers. It's making me CRACKERS! Thank goodness I had a killer workout day and almost 600 extra calories when I finished logging my real meals but this has got to stop.
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    I want to share some good news with everyone. A fellow MFP poster who lives in nearby West Plains joined the site 90 days ago at 441 pounds. He is now down 53.4 lbs and has reduced his BMI by 7.2 points, his waist size by 7.25" and his neck size by 2.5". It's a daunting task when you start out that size and he is to be congratulated for his effort. His user name is Tomhusker so if you're so inclined, do a search for his 90 Day Progress Report post and congratulate him.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :flowerforyou: Hi Everyone,

    It's a sad day for the people of Japan today. Hawaii has flooding. There is a tour group from this area (probably more than one) over there. My DIL's mother talked to her friend. They arrived there last evening. They were in bed about 2 hours when they were told to go up to the 17th floor. They are coming back home. No taxis are out, nor buses..they will have to walk to the airport. Flooding everywhere they can see.

    I have changed my user name. I have learned that when you google the username...your posts on your home pages are open to the public. :noway: So I hoped it would help to change the username. I have protested on the tech forum. It might help if everyone did.

    I hope all of you on the West coast such as Barbie and others that I may have not remembered, are okay.

    I'll check back on the posts later.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Maddie brought up a subject this morning about our privacy on here. We all know we are on a public forum here. We know when you look at someone's profile page, you can see their friends, their pics and somtimes their diary. However, their activity on their Home page is not open to viewing unless you are a friend. What I didn't realize until Maddie brought it to my attention, was that when someone Googles(Bings) or whaterver, they can see your Home Page activity, UNLESS you are logged off. I thought you might want to know that UNLESS you are logged off that is open to the public.
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    :happy: Connie,
    That Forsythia bush is beautiful!!! A bright spot to a sad feeling day.

    I had a joke I was going to post this morning but I will wait.
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    :cry: JACKIE: LOVE rhubarb and seldom see it in markets! Maybe there is frozen rhubarb , in which case I stew it with
    strawberries. Use to adore strawberry rhubarb pie, but I guess it's a no-no!

    Confession: I found myself starting to binge in the evenings
    Oh my goodness; you made me aware that's what's going on with me, too!:frown: This site and all of us are so helpful in ways we may never realize! You
    work on it, and so will I, Babe!!!

    CAGRAMMA: Hi there; I think we haven't met yet. Have you a nickname or ID I may have missed? Hope your
    vacation was a good one, and that you are NOT near the coastline in CA!!! At least for today!!!

    DEE: We hope your friends are safe. Dreadfully strong Quake! So glad my son has left Hawaii, as he was right on water!

    SANDY: Lucky you; I will have only a pedicure massage, but it's a bit of heaven , too

    JERI: Good for you on that 30-minutes-a-day exercise! I think that's the secret to steady loss!

    CONNIE: OMG---your forsythia is GORGEOUS! Thanks for the memory! None in Florida :cry: and as for
    crackers: I ate several fistfuls yesterday, which shocked me! DOWNFALL- - - !

    LYNN: you, too? Isn't this an invasion of privacy? I hate Facebook because it's SO available to snoops!

    BARBIE...Are you in danger on your peninsula? We saw pictures of a ship caught in a whirlpool somewhare in the Pacific
    How ghastly this quake and tsunami are! I think SANDY was right when she advised me to live in the present!
    We should NEVER put anything off to the future!

    MARIE...wishes for Alice's return to health, and Jerry, likewise, and you have the strength to keep on being
    their Rock of Gibralter!!!:flowerforyou:

    GIGI...If you're with us...SEE? Perfect weather for you, even if it's only 63 degrees! Enjoy your visit:drinker:

    Everyone...enjoy every day as if it's our last!!! :wink:
  • oldtyke
    oldtyke Posts: 149 Member
    My thoughts are with all the people in Japan who have lost loved ones. It makes all our worries seem trivial.
  • Happy Friday to you! You look like a vibrant senior. I'm going to be 64 in May and my goal is to be fit and vibrant well into my 80's.
  • maeadair
    maeadair Posts: 496 Member
    Hello Sneakers,
    I just got a ford Taurus, not brand new, because they ended up totaling my Vue (RIP RED, I will miss you) after the 'fender bender' . I am not pleased at all. The damage was only the front right corner/fender and right light assembly, but, they say Saturn's are "devalued" since they are no longer in business and they have a hard time getting parts; therefore they totaled it!:sad: The lady who backed out into the road in front of me received $4,800 for a minor scratch and dent her husband repaired. Go figure!
    I can not lament( or I should not.... just very irritated !)

    Sorry I have been so long but my work schedule has been full, plus was down with sinus infection. This is a very prolific group with a lot to catch up on. Please forgive me if I miss some.

    BARB: Glad they had your wallet. I think most of us would be in a tizzy at the thought of losing ours.

    JUDI: Love the recipe thank you. I hope you enjoy Percy. I have a lot of birds and squirrels in my yard. My dear old neighbor has fed them for over 30 years. He is now in a Nursing Home and the animals are still coming/looking for food. I dig up so many old rotten peanuts that the squirrels have buried every year when tilling my garden.
    Way to go, doing 30D shred.

    SANDY: Indeed that is one lucky granddaughter. Hope you did catch it on tape. OOPS I see the pic, Nice!
    Shrove Tuesday was always pancake day here. And meatless Fridays were 'Prince spaghetti' days ( spaghetti and meatless sauce).

    MARIE: It is very nice to have Xyla helping you with your menus. :happy:
    Glad you will be able to get plants in. We usually have to wait til after Memorial day (end of May - for non US sneakers)which means a short growing season compared to many of you folks. Already started eggplant and peppers in doors.
    Sorry to hear about your daughter and grand daughter. Uterine cancer is not as bad as it used to be ; they have come a long way in treatments. Prayers for her/you.
    Hope your granddaughter finds the strength with support to get out of that relationship.
    Take a few cleansing breaths when you begin to feel overwhelmed...deep breathe in thru nose and slowly let out thru pursed lips/repeat 3-4 x's and feel the tension release.
    PHOEBE: You will have tell us if the weeds wave back....LOL. Stay safe on the roads. Maybe you can find local farmer's markets along your travel routes. I try to do a small few raised beds in my back yard and supplement from my brothers larger garden and farmer's markets. There is nothing like fresh fruits and veggies. Yes, finally rested (slept for close to 12 hours only up to pee). Then worked extra this week...12.5 hrs./14 hrs/12hrs/13 hrs last nite. Today trying to stay up to flip back to days til Tues and back to overnights.

    JUDY: Sorry to hear things are so tenuous in your neck of the woods. Glad you are safe and can still log in.

    MARILYN: My son says 'we are not dieting, we started a life style change, a journey to better health!'

    CONNIE: Glad to hear your friends are doing ok. Scouting history helped again. The relief to get a bath/shower and clean clothes, what a gift!
    We had a W.T. Grant's loved the place. At least they could not see his blushing face thru the radio. Also had 'The Boston Store, Woolworth's, Kresge's, and a J.J.Newbury. Loved going to Grant's and getting a hot dog and fries with a root beer float... that was a special treat 1-2x/yr. as a youngster.
    Also remember licking the green stamps dad got with gassing up the car. Mom used them to get camping gear.

    GAYLA: Vent away. Sounds like the girl was a bit 'snarky' and that is not ok in her position. Sounds like she needs to learn what 'support person' means. It is hard as a mom to give up the day to day control to another care giver, But no matter what Neil will always have Mom in his corner.

    BUZZ: Cute chap stick story...LOL

    JERI: welcome. Losing weight on a cruise! You were dedicated. I do a walking Program with discs by Leslie Sansone ( goes in DVD/TV) and find it enjoyable. She gets you doing a 12 min.mile or 5mph rate and it mixes things up a little vs boring straight walking indoors. Oh, cystitis is very uncomfortable, I feel for you and hope you got some Pyridium (or something similar) to ease that discomfort.

    ELLE: The 30 hrs was not straight work... I worked 14, went shopping (cause was just told the nite before about the baby shower), then to the baby shower, then took my 92 yr old mom for groceries/home unpacked shopping and visited a little, then home to unwind and bed. My 'flip days' can be 20 - 28 hrs awake so I can do things in the "real world". Being an overnight worker can be challenging. That is why you see days without me on here (sneakers) I just do general logging.
    Elle we plant our garlic in late fall and let it winter over in the ground. I will be starting lettuce, onion sets, some squashes in a week or two indoors to transplant after June 1st.

    GIGI: Sorry to hear of all you woes with your mom. Hope you get good news Wed.

    JACKIE: Sorry to hear of your computer crash.... I lost one a couple yrs ago ( due to son's error) and was devastated, lost all my pics and songs. :cry: Hope you were able to salvage the important things.

    MADDIE: Hope you are feeling better by now ( just reading 3/7/11 post ...trying to catch up ). Even when under the weather you take time to make us laugh,...bless you.
    Good luck with the "munchies", they seem to come with the steroids for me each time (also asthmatic). It is hard to lose when on Antibiotics and steroids to say nothing of no breath to exercise with. You do still need to get your minimum calories for basic metabolic functions and for getting better.

    LYNN: I too am trying not to leave anyone out, but apologize if I mess up.
    Migraines are hard to get over, and the medications for them cam make you feel 'fuzzy' for the whole next day I have found. Hope you do not have them often.

    BARB: Cute proposal. It is nice to have the laughs.

    IRENE: It was nice that you got to have time with your siblings. I think it is great that you are keeping a family history/journal. Generations will cherish it.

    BARBIE: Sounds like was a delicious 'doggie bag'.

    Well just finished thru 3/8/11 and have been on here over 4 1/2 hours.... time to take a break. Sorry I did not get fully caught up:ohwell:
    This is getting so long no one will want to read any of it...LOL

    Going to go get some food then laundry is calling to me..

    Hope all have a good day/night/week (in case I do not get back for awhile.)

    MAE :-)
  • lyn54
    lyn54 Posts: 415
    Hi Mae,
    I read your post. :wink:

    You did a good job of addressing all of us:flowerforyou:

    Everything is quiet on here today. I would joke and 'stuff" but I feel like it's a day to be quiet out of ...

    I have beautiful sunshine so blessed. It's 50 degrees and a beautiful day.

    Has anyone heard anything from Marie, yet?
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Sixty something

    Happy Friday to you! You look like a vibrant senior. I'm going to be 64 in May and my goal is to be fit and vibrant well into my 80's.

    Hello sixty something I haven ' any ideal how to address you give us a name so we can chat. Nicname or something just so it is short
    But did want to welcome you to our group. looking forward to getting to know you. You came to the right place. How did you find us so quick? Be looking to hear from you a lot Marie
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Lynn said:
    Maddie brought up a subject this morning about our privacy on here. We all know we are on a public forum here. We know when you look at someone's profile page, you can see their friends, their pics and somtimes their diary. However, their activity on their Home page is not open to viewing unless you are a friend. What I didn't realize until Maddie brought it to my attention, was that when someone Googles(Bings) or whaterver, they can see your Home Page activity, UNLESS you are logged off. I thought you might want to know that UNLESS you are logged off that is open to the public.

    Seemed strange to me so I checked and Lynn is absolutely right. If you are signed in at the time someone Googles your MFP user name, they will find your Home page here on MFP. Imagine my surprise when it also found all sorts of other things I had completely forgotten about like a storage folder on the server at an internet service provider I haven't used in almost four years. I took a look inside and here's what I found.

    Any one know who the fellow with me might be? If you're about my age, you should.
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Let's take this privacy issue a step further. If I'm logged in at MFP, and I'm listed as your friend on your home page, someone who Googles my user name can also see YOUR home page.

    I think this needs to be brought to the attention of the folks in control.
    PS: Note, If you decide to change your user name, keep in mind you can do so only once. I changed my user name to something I've never used anywhere else. Hope I can remember who I am. I'll still sign my posts with my real name.
This discussion has been closed.