Like Minded Lushes March 2011



  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Just caught up on the weekend posts! I had a marg Friday and a beer, then went to the movies-saw Paul, it was ok. DH's choice. Also his choice-a large pocorn! you should have seen that trough. I had all I wanted and then some.
    Saturday we went to the art museum and H burger, where I had two beers, then to a bar for another beer, then home where I had two more beers.
    Sunday I had two bloody mary's at brunch at Billy's, yum!
    I am bloated today, maybe the salt, or the birthday cake, but I will start downing water and see what happens.
    Trying to be good this week, I think drinking tomorrow but then I can wait for the weekend.
  • crazycat59
    crazycat59 Posts: 165 Member
    Hello Lushes! Welcome back from the weekend!
    Well I'm finally back down on the weight again. I had gained back 3 pounds and it took me 2 weeks or so to get it back off!! I'm determined not to let that happen again. I hate how metabolism after 50 slows down!! :sad: In younger days it would have taken 2-3 days tops to lose that and continue losing. Right now, I want to stabilize that number. So I will try not to drink beers. I will drink tequila and Crystal Light lemonade. That was my experiment last ....and I think I better limit it to 2 drinks, maybe 3. BUT NOT 5!!. OMG a little too much last night! :laugh: (I do measure my shots.) Cheers!:drinker:

    Berry, I like that you lost 3 lbs on wine and pizza! Good deal!
    Julia, I think we are on the same mission! Good luck to the both of us!
    Robin you are doing awesome!
    Everybody have a good week!
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Just thought I'd post I found a new *fav* drink... Ciroc Berry Vodka & Diet Cherry 7-UP. I word... "YUM!" Think it came out to like 69 calories... :)

    Gotta try this! Thanks!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Boy, lots of posting going on here...or, lots of lushes...not sure which one

    Yvonne, I love the way you treated the, drinking wine
    Robin, I have a metabolism of a 25 year old would be nice...good job on holding tough on the weekend

    Not sure who posted the skinny margaritas, but I enjoy them as well...your right, if you drink them too fast, they will sneak up on you and bite you in the @SS...I like the strawberry idea as well...might have to try that.

    Well, I didn't exercise this week, didn't log calories and had about 14 drinks....weight 179.6 (up 0.6 lbs)

    IDK, I've just been blah, blah, blah this week. I'm 44 and wondering if I am starting to have some perimenopausal issues. Life just gets better and better, UGH. I'm sure it will be nice to throw that variable in the mix of life. I was so mean and b!tchy last weekend at hubs.

    Anyway, here's the plan for this week:

    I plan to hit the exercise hard this week and make my 360 minutes of exercise
    Limit alcohol to the very minimum until the breaking point and I snap
    Log at least 5 of 7 days of food
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    Boy, lots of posting going on here...or, lots of lushes...not sure which one

    Yvonne, I love the way you treated the, drinking wine
    Robin, I have a metabolism of a 25 year old would be nice...good job on holding tough on the weekend

    Not sure who posted the skinny margaritas, but I enjoy them as well...your right, if you drink them too fast, they will sneak up on you and bite you in the @SS...I like the strawberry idea as well...might have to try that.

    Well, I didn't exercise this week, didn't log calories and had about 14 drinks....weight 179.6 (up 0.6 lbs)

    IDK, I've just been blah, blah, blah this week. I'm 44 and wondering if I am starting to have some perimenopausal issues. Life just gets better and better, UGH. I'm sure it will be nice to throw that variable in the mix of life. I was so mean and b!tchy last weekend at hubs.

    Anyway, here's the plan for this week:

    I plan to hit the exercise hard this week and make my 360 minutes of exercise
    Limit alcohol to the very minimum until the breaking point and I snap
    Log at least 5 of 7 days of food

    Good for you for getting re-focused! It takes a daily effort, but the end result is so worth it. The hormonal changes you are experiencing won't be going away any time soon, unfortunately. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that's just the way it is. So, you can feel like crap - sorry, but that's the most accurate word I could come up with - and not stick with your program, or you can feel like crap and stick with it, becoming healthier and more fit along the way. Might as well stick with the program - lol. You will get through this time, and you'll look and feel better when you do.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Good for you for getting re-focused! It takes a daily effort, but the end result is so worth it. The hormonal changes you are experiencing won't be going away any time soon, unfortunately. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that's just the way it is. So, you can feel like crap - sorry, but that's the most accurate word I could come up with - and not stick with your program, or you can feel like crap and stick with it, becoming healthier and more fit along the way. Might as well stick with the program - lol. You will get through this time, and you'll look and feel better when you do.

    Thanks for the encouragement...if I keep it up, I might lose a lot of weight...about 220 lbs, my husband!!!:laugh: hmmm, I'll have to think about it:bigsmile:
  • faithikins
    faithikins Posts: 679 Member

    Thanks for the encouragement...if I keep it up, I might lose a lot of weight...about 220 lbs, my husband!!!:laugh:
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    I'm 44 and wondering if I am starting to have some perimenopausal issues. Life just gets better and better, UGH. I'm sure it will be nice to throw that variable in the mix of life. I was so mean and b!tchy last weekend at hubs.
    Yeah ditto on the bad news Kim. I'm in my late 40's and the hormonal thing is really starting to catch up with me. *don't read on if you're not into reading about female issues*

    It's really sucks when you experience all these symptoms..night time hot and cold flashes (why can't my body regulate it's own temp??) which keep you up most of the night and yet you're STILL cursed with your monthly visitor..although now it comes whenever the hell it wants when you're out in public...15 days...45 days..there's no telling.

    So like It'sTerri said..the one thing you CAN control is your diet/fitness plan. Which is what I've been doing. I still feel like crap a lot of days (mostly from lack of sleep :yawn: ) but knowing that I'm exercising and trying to maintain a decent diet makes me feel somewhat better. Getting old really freakin sucks.

    And I managed to do ok this weekend. Maintained my calories and still had my red wine.
    I lost those 3 lbs I gained from last week (when I dared to have pizza lol) plus another. So I'm back on track, hopefully.
    I took today off from exercising because I upped my weights and I'm freaking sore as hell. I needed a break.

    Have a good week everyone! :smile:
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member

    Thanks for the encouragement...if I keep it up, I might lose a lot of weight...about 220 lbs, my husband!!!:laugh: hmmm, I'll have to think about it:bigsmile:

    Too funny, Cheers:drinker:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    OK, it official

    Monday, 0 drinks

    SoCalWoman...thanks for the, um,

    So, remember talking about metabolisms of 20 year son (20) came home and ate 1/2 of a roasted chicken from the grocery store and some strawberries with whip cream...right after he was done, he headed out the door to chipolte for a burrito cause he was still hungary??? Ya, I remeber being 20....and skinny....and, I thought it was last forever
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    ha..anytime. :bigsmile:

    I hear ya on the metabolism. My son is 6'2 148 and eats non stop. the lil *kitten*!!
  • delilah514
    delilah514 Posts: 126 Member
    hey everyone! I have not checked in for a while & thought I would stop in and say hi.

    I hope everyone is doing well :)
  • emilyrosedye
    Hey, I'm loving reading through this thread although I may be too late to join for march. I too usually like to have a beer or two after work (bottled miller usually) but for the past two weeks I have completely cut out drinking on week day evenings. I've changed to now having tomatoe juice, coke zero or water and I'm already loving the benefits of it. I feel more re-freshed the next morning, I sleep better and not to mention the effect its having on my mid-riff! I'll keep following this thread for the rest of the month but sign my up for april already!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Sunday 0
    Monday 0

    Yeah, I:noway: know, I can hardly believe it my self but I am really on a role. I just wish something would happen with my waist. Being 50 (almost 51) I all too familiar with what happens to your metabolism. (and perimenopause and now full blown menopaus, oh joy oh joy) It is frustrating when you do all the right things (eat 1450 calories) and exersize moderately (walk for an hour at 3.5 t0 4.5 on various inclines) include strength training 3 days a week and I still gain weight. I noticed that my metabolism was shot to hell back in the early 90's when I tried the Norplant as a birth control. It totally wrecked me I went from 130 to 160 in two months and I have struggled with it ever since even though I had the thing removed in two months.

    So to all you youngin's out there don't take it for granted and things WILL change as you get older. it gets a whole lot harder.
  • elizabeth9474
    I bet! I'm 28 & its already harder... ugggh :sick:
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Good Morning!
    No drinks last night BUT its appears after both workouts today I will be under calories, so I think I HAVE to have some wine tonight right, I mean I have to keep up with my calories...just saying :wink:
  • Froggy1976
    Froggy1976 Posts: 472
    I was so happy last night after walking for 90 minutes that I could have a guilt free glass of wine afterwards. I haven't been excercising much at all but since my son has practice 3 nights a week at the baseball field I figured that was the best time to do laps. Normally I just sit and watch them practice. It felt good, small steps! And that glass of wine was sure good when I got home.
    Oh yeah and how do I post my ticker?
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    Monday=0 drinks! I haven't posted that in awhile!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Oh yeah and how do I post my ticker?
    Look under tools and cut and paste the code into your signature :)

    No drinks since Sunday for me. Being broke keeps me sober!
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Oh yeah and how do I post my ticker?

    Just figured it out this morning......go to your profile. Click under ticker "add to your site". Then copy the BBcode. Go to message boards, click on signature and paste. That should do it :)