Like Minded Lushes March 2011



  • katnotfat
    katnotfat Posts: 58 Member
    I've been trying to cut down beer as well and had a Pomegranate Vodka and Diet Sierra Mist the other night, It was actually pretty awesome and low calorie. I'm trying really hard and not seeing results yet but I hope that cutting down the beer will be helpful! Too bad my new skinny drink will hurt my pocket more. ugh.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Chef boyfriend wanted to open a bottle of red last night to use some in a sauce. It would have been rude not to have a glass.
  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    Chef boyfriend wanted to open a bottle of red last night to use some in a sauce. It would have been rude not to have a glass.

    Chef boyfriend? How do you make it through a day? I can't imagine having temptation so close at hand!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Chef boyfriend? How do you make it through a day? I can't imagine having temptation so close at hand!
    He doesn't get home until after 10pm and only gets Sunday off! Though we have a huuuuuge Sunday roast and lots of luvverly booze then!

    He's one of those skinny chefs they tell you not to trust :tongue:
  • Soooo big question for my like minded lushessss :) I have stayed under my cal count EVERYday for 3 weeks and only went over it ONE day (this past Sat-- UFC night+beer+vodka) Even on that Sat night, I came in at 1800 or so. I just got on the scale... haven't dropped an oz! WTH..?! :( Can my ONE night of drinking really be doing this...? Not ONE ounce lost? :(
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member will drink the wine, the scale will drop 3 lbs tomorrow...your body will welcome the wine with open arms and give you the weight's holding pounds as hostage

    2.6 pounds actually. :laugh: Under the 160 mark again. And I slept like a proverbial ROCK ! it was wonderful. I didn't even hear hubs get up in the middle of the night and to me that is bliss.

    So remind me again why I don't want to drink every night. :noway: oh yeah its not good for me and its empty calories.

    Keep on lushing my dear lushy friends.

    Elizabeth, I don't know how long you have been doing this or how much you have lost but I am also at a stand still my self. eating right, exersizing and no scale movement to speak of. (I actually gained almost 20 back of the 34 I lost) The thing about alcohol is that your body will burn it first befor it burns fat so even if you are at your calories if you are drinking you will burn off the alcohol and not any of your fat stores. That is one reason it really slows down weight loss.
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    Wow, 2 nights in a row with no alocohol. Three if you count Sunday. I had one drink in the afternoon, but no more and skipped my usual bedtime cocktail. Of course, it doesn't seem to be making any difference in my weigh loss attempts. I'm going to give it the rest of the week and see what happens.

  • Elizabeth, I don't know how long you have been doing this or how much you have lost but I am also at a stand still my self. eating right, exersizing and no scale movement to speak of. (I actually gained almost 20 back of the 34 I lost) The thing about alcohol is that your body will burn it first befor it burns fat so even if you are at your calories if you are drinking you will burn off the alcohol and not any of your fat stores. That is one reason it really slows down weight loss.

    Ive been doing this off/on for a year. I really got serious about it again 2 months ago. Watching EVERYthing I eat/drink. Yes I have my Sat night drinks-- but I USUALLY stay close (or within) my calories by eating super healthy the day I know I'll be indulging in a few drinks. I've lost a total of 22 pounds since last year but have gained 8 back. I've been at this weight for the past 5 months. So I decided to really get serious again, and I can't seem to lose? :(
  • Wow, 2 nights in a row with no alocohol. Three if you count Sunday. I had one drink in the afternoon, but no more and skipped my usual bedtime cocktail. Of course, it doesn't seem to be making any difference in my weigh loss attempts. I'm going to give it the rest of the week and see what happens.

    Let me know if it works for you. Ive cut down to just drinking on the weekends (By then I NEED it, lol) but I havent noticed a difference. Hopefully it works for you!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I just found this group...woohoo! I always feel a bit sheepish when I post on MFP that I budget calories (or sometimes go over) for wine because inevitably I will be admonished for slowing my weight loss.

    I have found my people! :bigsmile:
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    I just found this group...woohoo! I always feel a bit sheepish when I post on MFP that I budget calories (or sometimes go over) for wine because inevitably I will be admonished for slowing my weight loss.

    I have found my people! :bigsmile:

    Welcome! Always happy to have another lovely lushie!
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    I've been trying to cut down beer as well and had a Pomegranate Vodka and Diet Sierra Mist the other night, It was actually pretty awesome and low calorie. I'm trying really hard and not seeing results yet but I hope that cutting down the beer will be helpful! Too bad my new skinny drink will hurt my pocket more. ugh.

    That sounds so good! :love:
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    Boyfriend opened a bottle of wine last night...I gave in. :sad:

    Monday--2 glasses of wine
    Tuesday--2 glasses of wine
    Wednesday--0 (hopefully) :embarassed:
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Looks like wine is part of my evening plans again....and still under calories, woo hoo!!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Robin, I knew it!!! Yay, for weight loss and drinking. You were probably so stressed about the weight and not drinking. So, those couple glasses of wine relaxed you enough. Also, you explained the burning of alcohol vs. fat very well, it's exactly how it works. I bet you did sleep well.

    However, I've had insomnia for DAYS. Next MD visit, I will have to try and get something for it. I really need to cut back on the nighttime drinking if I want to lose this weight. So, anyway, I started the month about 179 and today I was 176.4...I need to stay strong with goal is 4 lbs a month until goal. I will go to the gym for about an hour again today. Seems like, I need to burn those calories so I can eat!!!


    Elizabeth, what kind of exercise do you do? Have you tried any sort of interval training. Supposed to be the best form of exercise to burn calories and build muscles.

    Natasha, what's a girl supposed to do when her man opens a bottle of wine??? Drink it, obviously:drinker:

    Terri, the days do go suprising slow when we are abstaining...:grumble:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I am doing Warrior Dash too! It's in August in Colorado. Have you done it before? It looks like fun. What are you doing to train?
    Last night I went to a retirement dinner for my boss and had a marg and a coors light, then I went to a friend's to watch Weeds, and had three bud lights. I ate so much at the mexican restaurant, but then I went ahead and ate popcorn and movie candy anyway. ugh, I don't know why! This saturday's weigh in won't be good, I can be pretty sure...
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Amy, I've done warrior dash last year in the Chicagoland area...I am doing 1 in MN (co-workers and friends) and 1 in WI (sisters, cousin, kids and grandma & grandpa). My Dad has been training since this January saying he's going to beat everyone. It is so much fun. I have a couple pics in my profile page from last year

    The thing I've decided is that the upper body and balance are pretty key in getting ready for it....not so much the distance running because of the obstacles in-between. You definitely need to be able to hoist your body. So, I basically need to drop some weight and work on the upper body. I plan to do some kettlebell workouts for the strength mainly cause I like those workouts.

    Make sure you have a cool costume!!! Oh, and don't forget your camera.
  • so I've totally fallen off the wagon here. Came down with a horrible upper respiratory infection last Monday but by Thursday the worst was over. I haven't done a damn thing good for me since, let's see...2 weeks ago? I've even been avoiding logging on here b/c I feel guilty but don't want to do anything about it. Boredom at work may just be my saving grace though, I'm back on here and hopefully I can find the energy and motivation to get back on track...just not feeling it :/
  • kblue2007
    kblue2007 Posts: 2,564 Member
    so I've totally fallen off the wagon here. Came down with a horrible upper respiratory infection last Monday but by Thursday the worst was over. I haven't done a damn thing good for me since, let's see...2 weeks ago? I've even been avoiding logging on here b/c I feel guilty but don't want to do anything about it. Boredom at work may just be my saving grace though, I'm back on here and hopefully I can find the energy and motivation to get back on track...just not feeling it :/

    Its seems like you have done very so far....don't let it get you down! Stay motivated, not being on top of things for a few weeks and then getting back on the horse is much better then not getting back on at all!!!!!!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I want to post a challenge for about 10 people to do a biggest loser challenge. It will be 2 teams of 5 with weekly weigh-ins. I have 3 people committed, 2 possible people and looking for 5 more

    It should last about 5 to 9 weeks as the losing team will eliminate 1 person. If anyone is interested, PM me and I will give more details

    I am thinking Monday would be a good time to start. I need some pressure to jumpstart into Spring (even tho we are having a blizzard right now)

    There will be rewards and weekly challenges...guaranteed to keep us motivated
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