Fit For Future Families - April 2011



  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Hi ladies

    Just posting that it was not my month this month - AF came two days early on me today :( Makes me a little concerned as my LP was 11 days instead of 13 like it has been for the last four months, and my cycle itself was 27 days instead of 29 or 30. I thought LP's were supposed to be pretty consistent, so I think that's why I am thrown off. I did just get over brochitis, and it has been an extremely stressful two months with my dad's quintuple bypass, my brother's thyroid storm, and my grandparent's fire. UGH

    End rant.

    I am so happy that things are moving along for some of you ladies (like Karen)! :flowerforyou:

    Buckets and buckets of baby dust to all!
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Happy Tuesday Ladies! Congrats Pam and Jalara on the losses this week! I have not lost any but i am starting to feel things tighten up which is my ultimate goal...I don't mind the weight so much bc I am fairly curvy, just don't want jiggly curves.

    So today would have been CD69 however, AF showed up day...and OF COURSE she would show up today bc today was my Dr. appointment that I have been waiting 4 weeks for! My LP was only 8 days which was something else that concerned me.
    I was afraid I would get in there and the Dr would say "Oh, you got your period? We don't need to do anything! Come back after being off BC for a year" But when I told him that I had had two cycles longer than 50days he got concerned. So I am scheduled to have blood work done on CD21 (May 2nd) to check if I ovulated and check certain levels. Depending on the results we would then schedule an internal ultrasound to determine if there is something keeping me from ovulating regularly since the past 2 cycles I haven't ovulated until CD 35 or later. I was happy to hear that he was wanting to be so proactive. Especially since my husband is deployed, he seemed very sympathetic to the fact that we will only have 4 months to TTC when he gets home before we have to stop until right before he leaves on deployment again next year. He told me to start taking PNV a month or two before he gets home to build up the folic acid and such in my system before we TTC.

    It's actually been really nice bc If we get preggers right when he gets home (or really within the first 4months after he gets home) he'll be able to be home for 80% of the pregnancy (the 20% of him gone would be just off and on for 3-6 weeks at a time doing work ups preparing for deployment) and the birth AND he'll be home after the 2nd deployment before the future-baby's 1st birthday so he won't miss that milestone.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Sounds like AF has been going around like the flu.....

    LPs can change sporadically, so if you've only been temping a month or two, you're just starting to see your trends.......Andrea - sounds like stress may have played a part.....hopefully the next cycle will be a normal one and you can get to the task at hand :)

    Alisa - jiggly curves....LOL I got more than I want of those! It's so relieving to hear that your doctor is being proactive and that it sounds like he wants to get you in "shape" to make a baby when your hubs comes home!!! And that the timing is perfect sounds like it might just be the right time (unlike November, when you weren't sure whether he'd make it home in time for the birth and stuff). I love that you're focused on the toning and not the weight loss. I'm sure you'll see lots of success!!
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    I have had signs of PCOS since I was about 15 or 16. The doctor threw my on the pill to fix it at the time (extreme acne - facial hair which bothers me incredibly - lack of period) i had an extremely rapid weight gain and a very difficult time losing weight.

    I am fairly sure in that I dont ovulate. For one my pill was the kind that prevents ovulation. For two - I havent been getting my period. And with afformentioned issues from when I was a teen - I fear the worst. I am losing weight to hopefully fix my fertility. I could just be having issues because I was on the pill for almost 10 years with little time off in the middle. I sincerely hope that is my issue. I dont know how I can fair against much more - I will if I have to - but I cannot stand that which I cannot control!!!!!

    So regardless 7 months until I can say I've been trying one yearand off the pill for one year - then I can see what the doctor can do for me. In the mean time I would like to drop 50lbs by then if I can. I aim for 114 more pounds - but I am trying to make little milestones.
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Chii - it sounds likes a rough way to end up on the pill! Sorry you had to go through that :) All birth control pills prevent ovulation, and it is possible to ovulate without getting your period. The only way to know if you're not is to 1) track your basal body temperature, or 2) have ultrasound scans done. You may get a lot out of tracking your temp - it can teach you so much about your own body! It needs to be tracked for a few months to see a pattern, so it could be something you could start now, and then when you see the doc you could have a lot of information to help narrow things down.

    Good luck and welcome (again)!
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Pam- Whoo Hoo, that is very exciting!

    I haven’t switched over to higher fat dairy products because I’m allergic to fat in milk. I can eat as much low fat dairy products I want with no real consequences, but once it is high in milk fat I cough and cough and cough (and get a tummy ache too:cry: ). I so love sweet potatoes and always tell myself I’m going to eat more and then forget to buy them…

    Dragon- I take One Day for Women, vitamin D and Calcium combo, apple cider vinegar, and fish oil vitamins. My Dr. said as long as I’m getting in my folic acid he is happy- so One a Day for women is a good choice. I did have problem with my vitamins making my nauseous/shaky/sweaty, but as long as I take them every day I no longer feel like throwing up. I also try eat them at night about 20 minutes after I eat dinner. But as I said, the key for me has been to take them every day! If I miss a day the next day they will make me sick.

    Andrea- Bummer! Definitely the stress…

    Alisa- Sorry AF timing was so horrible, but I’m happy your Dr. is being proactive and listening to your concerns!

    Chii- that is a horrible way to end up on the pill! I hope you have changed your dr. since then. I agree that tracking your temps will help you know what is going on with your body (speaking for myself I will say I find tracking cervix positioning has helped me feel more in tune with my body...not that it has helped me get pregnant)

    AFM: Today was a horrible and disappointing eating day! (long story be prepared for my venting:explode: ) I was planning to go the grocery store during my 30 minute lunch break to grab a quick healthy lunch and make it back in time to eat…but instead I ended up having to stay 10 minutes into my lunch period to help one of my 7th graders with math…so I rushed over to McDonalds and bought a McDouble Mini Meal with a diet coke…only to get back to the teacher’s lounge to eat and discover they gave me a McChicken instead of the McDouble I ordered…I was so mad, but had no time to drive back so I had to eat the unhealthy food that I didn’t even want :mad: !!!! (I feel much better now that I got that out)
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Chii - if you're not getting regular periods and you have new symptoms of PCOS, your doctor might be able to help you out earlier than the one year mark. PCOS is definitely not a fertility death sentence, it can be treated through eating clean and regular exercise :) I can tell you that I thought it was completely hopeless until this round of dieting. Something has just "changed" for me. I don't know what exactly, but I think it has to do we my having a better understanding of how insulin and insulin resistance is affected by the foods I eat. If you do have PCOS and they can demonstrate that (or if you had a diagnosis before) there is more at stake than fertility and you should get it worked out before the year is up. As for temping, it should give you a better idea (and the doctors once you're ready to go that route) understand what is going on. Just a heads up that if you do have PCOS, you might not have regular charts and that it will show strange things...........

    Good luck - weight loss and changing eating habits help dramatically!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Hello ladies!

    So I just got back from getting my pertussis shot - what a fiasco! Yesterday I ended up calling Public Health and they had the Immunization Director call my doc and speak to her. So I went in today and got it, but I had to voice my concerns to her. Last night DH and I talked about changing doctors, and how she is less than reliable, but today (as I was still upset) I told her I was upset and why, and that it concerned me that a GP isn't familiar with vaccination protocol. She took it well (I was sure to not sound angry when I spoke to her) and she thanked me for voicing my concern. I could tell it shook her up though because her hands were shaking and she kept falling over her own words. She apologized about 5 times in a 15 minute window and I told her that I wanted her to know so that our doctor-patient relationship wouldn't be harmed. She seemed to understand that. It's funny, before I got into nursing school I never would have stood up to a doctor. My, how things have changed!

    Yesterday, while I was mad I decided to clean my kitchen and bake a cake. So I asked some people on here for cake topping ideas, and they were great! I ended up using crushed orange and a dollop of cool whip - it was awesome!

    Study day today.... oh joy.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Wow - braver than me. I think my old GP found it a shock when I moved (I had been with him since I had moved to Canada at the age of 2 - I was 28 when I changed). But the reality was that I had moved 65kms from his office and he was never on time and we had someone opening an office 5 minute walk from my house. Good for you though.....

    A friend of mine posted a pic of the cupcakes she made this week and they are such a great idea (and I'm sure way lower on calories and stuff. It's a plain old vanilla cupcake. She then took a paring knife and scooped out a hole in the middle (hence the lower on calories) and inserted a topped strawberry. So now it's like half cupcake, half strawberry. She topped it with lime frosting, but I think you could do something similar with lime whipped cream (to lighten up the sugar content)......Everyone's baking.....LOL my kitchen right now is a disaster zone with the new cabinets being built. DH was making the wine rack to go above the fridge earlier today and once it's all in, it will look spectacular, but there is stuff all over the place and he keeps getting frustrated with me because he pulls stuff out of the cabinets to do something silly like secure them to the wall and then I come along and put it all back in.....LOL Then the next thing he has to do he has to pull them all out again.

    I had a pretty major asthma attack last night and wound up sitting in the ER until 6am so I'm off from work today. To make me feel better, he went out and bought 3 new roses for me.....that's 3 new SHRUBS of roses (not individual roses). I'm so excited. It means he was listening when I told him which ones I thought I wanted from the nursery when they posted pics on Facebook a few weeks ago. It's still a little early to plant them out, but I'm going to give it a shot.....once they're out there next year this time, they're going to have to deal with a little bit of frost...
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Pam - I'm so sorry about the asthma attack! Are you okay? You've had a few lately, I hope it's nothing serious! Does spring affect you. Poor Pam!!!

    The hollowed out cupcake sounds like a great idea! Good tip!

    Roses....awwwwwwwwwwe! So cute.:heart:

    Question - about The Diet Soluation - what parts have you implemented so far?
  • paldal
    paldal Posts: 154
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    I'm going through a large section on abuse, child abuse and family violence for school.... it's so sad, it tears me apart every time. *sigh*
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Yeah - I'm actually doing much better this year than in previous. By this time last year, I was rushed by ambulance (first time ever) after having pneumonia, which I didn't know I better asthma than pneumonia!!! It's just sore to breathe today and I was so tired that work was the last thing on my mind....

    I've done the metabolism typing and am trying to stick to those lists of suggested foods and the portions. As I'm buying new products, making sure they're organic and all that stuff. I've tried some of the recipes and they've been pretty good.....

    The abuse stuff sickens me. I was just reading an article on Feral Children (whoops, almost wrote Chicken....I'm getting dinner prepped) and at least 3 of these children were abandoned in the woods by their parents....disgusting!!!

    Paldal - long time no see. Welcome back :)
  • heathercrist1
    heathercrist1 Posts: 810 Member
    I just wanted to say that I miss you all dearly... I miss the support that I got here. I feel utterly alone and without a support system. Found out today that my DH won't be home for another 2 1/2 months (he has been gone for over a month now). I posted how sad I was on the Pregnancy board and pages later was completely ignored... :( You ladies would have never left me so sad. I hope I'm not being selfish posting on here I just want you all to know that you are very blessed the have the support each of you gives one another. Evidently trying to have a baby for over 7 years and losing 2 babies puts you as less than human on the pregnancy board... Ugh... Again I miss you all and hope you are all doing well. Hugs!
  • afleming22710
    afleming22710 Posts: 56 Member
    Can I join this group?

    I'm Ashley. I'm recently new to MFP. My husband and I have been together for 6 years and married for a little over 1. We have a 2 year old son and an almost 6 month old daughter.

    I've been overweight all my life, and have tried dieting many, many times. I've finally come to the realization that I need to make this a lifestyle change.

    Both of my pregnancies were difficult. My last pregnancy was the worst though. I had high blood pressure from 5 months until the end. I had a pre-e scare, and thought my daughter was going to be born at 34weeks. Luckily, my bp was able to be mantained with medicine.

    My husband and I are wanting to have one more child. I NEED to lose some weight before we do though. I'm wanting to lose, all together, 120lbs. But I'm looking to lose 60lbs before getting pregnant again. I'm currently 267lbs. We're hoping to start trying within the next 6 months-1 year.
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Heather - *hugs* Sorry you're feeling so alone. I know I will find it unbelievably hard to make the transition (WHEN I do, because I will, now it's just a matter of whether or not it's while you're still preggo or not). I'm always here if you need to talk (although, I'll be clueless when it comes to what happens after TTC is successful :))

    Ashley - Of course you can join :) There are lots of us in different phases of trying....I'm in a similar boat (not the family boat, unfortunately) with the weight - It really does help when you look at things differently :) Good luck with your journey!!!
  • LolasEpicJourney
    LolasEpicJourney Posts: 1,010 Member
    Heather: I'm sorry he will be gone so much longer! I can imagine it would be difficult to have him far away - especially with being pregnant. I pray everything goes well for you <3
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Heather - I am so sorry you feel so lonely! You're not alone! You can come here whenever you want!

    Ashley - welcome!
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Heather- I don’t know what is going on over there but we love you and I’m happy you came to check in with us :flowerforyou: ! I’m sorry hubby will be gone longer than expected!!! I know that has to be hard, but we are here when you need us. P.S. Your ticker is sooooo fricken cute :bigsmile:

    Pam- ER visits are no fun, I'm glad you are feeling better

    Ashley- Welcome!

    My mantra right now is…Stress, stress, stress, GO AWAY and don’t ever come back any other day...I'm not doing very well meeting the goal I stole from Pam...I'm going to coninue to try
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Heather!! We still gotcha girl! I'm so sorry to hear that your hubby will be away longer....booooo. You can post here anytime you want---we'll listen.

    Pam--breathe girl, breathe!!! You have to be able to breathe if you want to have a baby. Haha.


    Luki-Stress go away! I agree--one day, one hour, one minute at at time, ok?

    AFM: Tomorrow I weigh in. We'll see what the scale says. Then, I go to work for a few hours, drop my son off at my parent's house, and start a mini-staycation with my hubby, where I will probably undo any good work that shows up tomorrow morning. I got a groupon deal for a local hotel, so we are going to stay there, and just spend tonight and tomorrow doing whatever we want,and probably not watching what I eat. Well, I'll be watching it, go right into my mouth!! I'm excited--it'll be the first time both of us have been away overnight (crazy, huh?) since Josh was born. In possibly related news, it is that time of the month for a possible "O". Hubby says we have to try our best this's our last chance to do this before it starts costing a lot of money. Haha. I'm not getting my hopes up....but being at a hotel with champagne and strawberries can't hurt, right?

    In unrelated news, hubby told his parents last night about our baby saga. So, now both sets of parents know. I don't know if that will make it easier or harder, but at least it's out there now with all of them, so it's not like they all are going "what's going on with them". I'm taking Josh over there later today to make empenadas with a family friend who is coming over. My only hope is that we will have to leave before they are done...otherwise there is no way I'm going to be able to resist those. We'll see. Either way, it'll be a win. Haha!

    Happy Thursday Ladies!