p90x classic started 3/21



  • jmecale72
    jmecale72 Posts: 214
    So this may be premature, but as anyone thought about what they are going to do after the 90 days of P90X? Are you going to do another round? Are you going to try something different?

    I've thought about doing another round of P90X myself. But I've also thought about maybe doing Insanity or one of the other Beachbody products. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I cross it....

  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    So this may be premature, but as anyone thought about what they are going to do after the 90 days of P90X? Are you going to do another round? Are you going to try something different?

    I've thought about doing another round of P90X myself. But I've also thought about maybe doing Insanity or one of the other Beachbody products. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I cross it....


    You read my mind! Haha! I'm pretty sure I'm going to take a week 'break' (I'll still be doing light cardio because I can't help myself lol) and then I'm going to do a second round I think.
    I do already have the Insanity series and I can say that it is all that it is promised to be lol! I haven't done the program yet, I have added one of the workouts to my P90X program though, just for the cardio part. They do alot of arm work also in the disc I chose to include in my P90X routine, but I just jog around my house when they do that part as my arms need rest too :)

    If I just can't bring myself to do P90X again right away, I'll do the Insanity alone. It's only 60 days, so maybe it would feel like 'faster' results lol!
  • jmecale72
    jmecale72 Posts: 214
    So this may be premature, but as anyone thought about what they are going to do after the 90 days of P90X? Are you going to do another round? Are you going to try something different?

    I've thought about doing another round of P90X myself. But I've also thought about maybe doing Insanity or one of the other Beachbody products. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I cross it....


    You read my mind! Haha! I'm pretty sure I'm going to take a week 'break' (I'll still be doing light cardio because I can't help myself lol) and then I'm going to do a second round I think.
    I do already have the Insanity series and I can say that it is all that it is promised to be lol! I haven't done the program yet, I have added one of the workouts to my P90X program though, just for the cardio part. They do alot of arm work also in the disc I chose to include in my P90X routine, but I just jog around my house when they do that part as my arms need rest too :)

    If I just can't bring myself to do P90X again right away, I'll do the Insanity alone. It's only 60 days, so maybe it would feel like 'faster' results lol!

    My co-workers husband is doing Insanity and he tells me it's pretty intense. So who knows? I was thinking about doing another round of P90X though. I want to master some of those exercises.

    So let me ask you something Tabi...have you considered becoming a coach? For me, the more I progress in this whole P90X thing, the more I'm thinking about becoming one. I have talked to a couple of people here locally and they tell me they are starting out with P90X. I share my experience with them and I get stoked just talking to them about the program. I think I like the fact of being able to help people.

    Anywho...just thought I'd throw that out there....
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    I've played around with the idea of helping others do it too, I just think I would need a little better dicipline in the diet area before I could feel good about giving others advice lol. I would have to stop bingeing first......and who knows if I'll ever stop hahaha!
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    P.S. I rocked Plyo today ! YAY!
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    Week 4 day 2 complete. 23 days in the books. Core synergistics.

    Some of the exercises I will say lololololol. brought it.

    737 calories
    18% fat
    16 min fat burn
    52 min fitness

    133 avg hr
    170 max

    This week will test dedication with several late night meetings.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Great job Tabi - you rocked it today!
    The only thing you need to be a great coach is a desire to help others .... period.
    I decided to become a coach because I wanted to help others -- perhaps show that any fitness level can do this program and see benefits.
    If you ever want more infromation about it ... please do not hesistate to contact me!
  • tabi26
    tabi26 Posts: 535 Member
    I finished Back and Biceps. I'm not impressed with the small calorie burn, but I was surprised with how quickly my arms had enough! lol Hopefully soon they'll be stronger :)
  • jmecale72
    jmecale72 Posts: 214
    I finished Back and Biceps. I'm not impressed with the small calorie burn, but I was surprised with how quickly my arms had enough! lol Hopefully soon they'll be stronger :)

    Very kewl. I'll get my workout in tonight. We'll see how it goes.....
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    Week 4 day 3 is done. Kenpo

    I am starting to get all the moves down.

    674 calories
    16% cal fat
    15 min fat burn
    47 fitness

    134 avg hr
    167 max hr

    24 days down

    P65x to go
  • jmecale72
    jmecale72 Posts: 214
    Week 4 day 3 is done. Kenpo

    I am starting to get all the moves down.

    674 calories
    16% cal fat
    15 min fat burn
    47 fitness

    134 avg hr
    167 max hr

    24 days down

    P65x to go

    Good job at getting the moves down. It can take a while. Luckily for me, I had taken some martial arts training a while back, so the moves weren't all too difficult for me. Keep it up! BRING IT!!!
  • jmecale72
    jmecale72 Posts: 214
    So here's another random thought...

    I was talking with my wife the other day and I told her that when I'm finished with the first 90 days I was going to buy myself a P90X t-shirt.Now to some people, they might say, "Well it's only a t-shirt...what's the big deal?"

    Well for those of us are bringing it by being on this P90X journey, a simple t-shirt means so much more.

    Here's what that t-shirt represents to me...

    - I committed to a lifestyle change that will continue well past that first 90 days.
    - I committed to "bringing it" everyday for 90 days.
    - I did "actual DNA removal" and transformed myself for the better.
    - All the recovery drink that I put in my body...
    - The time and the energy it took to "press play"!
    - The mentality of "do your best and forget the rest"!

    So as simple as a t-shirt may seem to others, to me it represents a new beginning for me....

    So...who's gonna get a t-shirt? :wink:
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I am DEFINATELY getting a shirt :)

    I am doing a modified recovery week this week ... my second half marathon is in 2 more days!
    I have always skipped Yoga because of my running.... but I did Yoga for the first time tonight and lemme tell you it kicked my butt (and my arms) I can definately see how this will make me stronger because all of those planks, etc was hard on me. I can hardly wait to do Yoga again... and Plyo too because I had to cut Pylo out towards the end of my training because my knees were starting to have problems with Plyo plus the long runs... :)
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    Yes on the shirt
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    Week 4 day 4 done stretch

    192 cal
    54% cal fat

    56 min fat burn
    0 fitness
    90 avg hr
    123 max
  • Hey everyone... I'm pretty new to this, and planning on doin a second round of p90x... is there anyone who hasn't done it yet who might want to join me?
  • jmecale72
    jmecale72 Posts: 214
    Hey everyone... I'm pretty new to this, and planning on doin a second round of p90x... is there anyone who hasn't done it yet who might want to join me?

    Hi Solomon...welcome! I'm in the first week of phase two. So I can't join you right now. Thanks for being here!
  • MsAngelJ
    MsAngelJ Posts: 3 Member
    I have P90X and did the first 30 days last summer. I am interested in starting over. My problem is time. I work two jobs and have class almost every evening, but I need to kick start my exercise program into gere. When do you plan on starting?
  • jmecale72
    jmecale72 Posts: 214
    I have P90X and did the first 30 days last summer. I am interested in starting over. My problem is time. I work two jobs and have class almost every evening, but I need to kick start my exercise program into gere. When do you plan on starting?

    Hi there! Welcome!!! Good luck with your workout.
  • golferd
    golferd Posts: 400 Member
    Week 4 day 5 complete. Core

    Working out upstairs and not ruining a/c brings the sweat.

    So, today reached a new low. .4 pounds lighter. Very sad. Fat simmer vs fat burn. Will keep plugging along, made a commitment to give it 90 days.

    876 cal
    14% cal fat
    8:22 fat burn
    1 hr fitness
    146 avg hr
    174 max

    P26 done
    P63 tomorrow. Yoga

    Keep pushing, your too far to quit now. Start planning your celebration, shirt, outfit, trip, Another round, insanity, beach body coach.
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