200+ Pushin' For Less Cushion!



  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Annette - 3 miles is a great workout!!! That's 3 miles more than most of your friends/family go...

    Lacey - the food sounds delicious!!! Great job on weeklong meal planning.

    Ronnie - congrats on your loss and enjoy your vacation!!!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Andrea and Kerry - we all have bad weeks. Hopefully you'll get back on track this week.

    Kristina - glad you had a cuddly weekend with Emma!!! You both needed it...
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Amber - hope this week goes better!!! I'll keep you in my "positive" thought mode.
  • Yocum1219
    Yocum1219 Posts: 400 Member
    Crystal-my first 15 lbs lost was just with dieting, so yes, it is possible! Just hang in there! I know it'll be hard with the baby, but I wish you luck!

    Wow, everybody's had such a busy weekend! My trip went fantastic! Casey LOVED the concert! I've got some awesome pics of him having a blast! Unfortunately, my camera is a dinky point & shoot, so no great concert pics, but some funny video of him dancing to the music! One of the songs Newsboys sang is one our choir is doing in our Easter program next Sunday & all the youth & kids had to learn sign language for it, so he was signing during the concert, so cute! Yeah, I'm just a bit stuck on my boy, can ya tell?! :-) Poor thing froze during soccer though! It was 47 degrees & windy & wet! Even with extra shirts on & some gloves, his hands were red & sore when he was done. We had to stop & get hot chocolate for lunch! Followed by ice cream...only my kid!

    Weigh in this morning...237.2. Still a loss from last Monday! Up from Friday, but considering all of the crap I ate while traveling...I'm proud of myself! I went over on my calories on Saturday, so *sigh* I'm glad it wasn't worse! I really gotta get in some regular exercise, not sporadic like I have been. Might help me more! It's just hard when you have something to do 5 nights a week & on weekends too! Add in a 2 yr old...and forget it! But I do what I can!

    OK, I've gotta get some work done...it's Monday & it was apparently a busy weekend, so I have a darn good stack of paperwork!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    WTF!!!! The world is white and the roads are icy. It's going to be a long ride home.
  • anvy0530
    anvy0530 Posts: 1,606 Member
    I'm back at it! Thanks for the encouragement, Victoria! I did my dog walk and my Insanity Plyo workout. I also have cut WAY down on the refined carbs in my diet and upped the protein a bit. I think last week went awry when I upped my calories but those extra calories were kinda crappy ones (refined flours and junk food). This week, I am working on eating quality food. So far, so good.

    Karen: It sounds like you and your son had a great weekend. That's awesome!!

    Ronnie: You are doing great with your losses!

    Victoria: I have no idea if ulcers give you nausea or not but I do know that my stomach feels sick if I eat too much greasy food. Maybe that's your problem?? Congrats on your race!! You did awesome!!!!

    Kendal: I think taking those pics is gonna be fun for you. Enjoy!

    Crystal: I'm glad your ankle is sprained rather than broken but it stinks that it's gonna effect your workouts. You CAN lose weight through diet alone, though.

    That's about all the time I've got. I will check back in later. Have a good one ladies.
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Victoria, congrats on the race! Such an awesome achievement! Sorry to hear your stomach has been giving you so much trouble, I hope you figure that out soon!

    Kendall, I think the pics sound like fun! A little weird that its your cousin's husband taking them, but enjoy it! I did a trash the dress session after my wedding and I think it was more fun than the wedding picks themselves!

    Amy, glad to hear you're back on the wagon. My weekend wasn't much better than yours... all I got is that I didn't skip my P90X either day. Saturday I was up until 3 am, which means I was eating cold pizza and drinking beer at about 2. Not good, but I definitely had fun.

    Karen, I'm super glad to hear you and your son had fun at the concert! Sounds like it went pretty perfectly!

    Crystal, so sorry to hear about your sparined ankle, that really sucks. Thank goodness it didn't turn into a full on fall with a broken ankle, especially since you had a baby in tow! You will just have to be careful with calories and you will still lose weight! Plus you can do upper body stuff stil.

    Well like I said, my weekend my have had a bit too much food and drink in it, but I did work out both days. Kristina, go ahead and use my weigh-in of 204.9 from Friday for my weigh-in, which puts me up for this week of the challenge. I don't know if this week will see much improvement since TOM should start Wednesday. I'm just going to watch my cals and drink an obscene amount of water. I'm in recovery week now for P90X so I get to do a bunch of yoga and cardio and kenpo, which I'm excited about. This morning was just Xstretch, and I WOULD have gone for a little run too except its freaking snowing out. There is so much that I love about Michigan, but snow in April is NOT one of them.

    Sorry if I missed people and I hope you all have a fantastic Monday!
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Mon morning weigh in.. loss of 1.6 lbs since the last weigh in. Total loss since joining MFP 10 lbs:happy:

    I have tried a few diets before... but never lost more then 7 lbs!!!! I am excited:smile: Now getting back on track again.

    Thanks everyone for all the support, guidance & help... I REALLY could not have done this without you all.:flowerforyou:

    :heart: Suze
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Weighing in at 205.6 this morning!! Woohoo!!! Thank GOD for this bodymedai fit!!!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    WOW you all are some busy chicks this morning! I loves it!!

    Angela - congrats on your loss!! Yeah for under 300!!

    Crystal - so sorry to hear about your ankle. I too am at fault for trying to carry WAY more than I should now that I have a kid. I find myself cussing every time I have ten grocery bags, a purse, a gym back, Gracie's school stuff all in my hands at the front door and I wonder why I can't unlock the door. DUH! I hope your ankle heals fast and yes you can lose weight and not work out!! Just keep to your calorie goals and eat wholesome foods!

    Hailie - Doesn't surprise me about the college PA or Prof saying that to someone LOL. I hope you had a great date!

    Suzie - your talk of indian food makes my mouth water every time I read your posts. I LOVE indian food and there aren't any restaurants where I live. In Toronto I went to this buffet in this tiny little restaurant and the owners were making all the food right in front of us and hand patting the naan out...O.M.G. We ate and ate and ate. As cliche as it sounds, this is a journey and it takes time to get it right. I believe yoga is like massages, they caution doing either for a few hours after you eat! Now you know!
    YEAY For the loss!

    Kendal - I think that the photos are an awesome way of "owning" your body and just flat out having girlie fun!!! I want to see pics!!

    Victoria - yes nerves and ulcers can make you have nausea. I've had a few ulcers when I was in myu early 20's because I could pull myself out of this terrible relationship...its not good. Do you have any stomach enzymes or probiotics?? They do help. I hope you feel better soon girlie!! That sucks about the weather. Again. Will it never end this year??

    Ronnie - WOOHoO!!! Congrats on the loss!

    Karen - so glad you had a good time with your son!! Congrats to you on your weight loss!

    Amy - doesn't it suck when you look up and go OH! I've been eating too much crap lately and here Ive thought I've been good because I'm under calorie goal?? Its totally lame!

    Kerry - good job on the working out over the weekend. That at least will help balance all the food and beer. Beeerrr...I love beer. SIgh.

    There are so many new people in this group and I :heart: that everyone is sticking with it and checking in so frequently!

    It is sunny here, and should be for a few days hallelujiah!
    Amazing what a blue sky, a little warmer and sun on your face can do for your disposition!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    As far as the weather, its warm and 78 degrees today. It's a nice break from the tornados we had all over the state over the weekend. It was windy as $ H I T on Saturday, but other than bouts of heavy rain, I didn't get much of anything at my house. The wind was so loud I thought it was absolutely pouring down rain though.

    But it's over today and I'm wearing a new sundress and flip flops. I'm really hoping this week will be better than last week.
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    ok those of you who have an itouch/iphone/ipad thing. I got the mfp app but now its showing up in some "health" folder and I don't know how to take the shortcut out. help!

    you should be able to touch/hold over the folder to open it and then touch/hold over the app until it "shakes". Once you do that, you can drag it to out of the health folder. I do keep all my health related apps in a folder, though, so you may want to keep it.
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    Is it too late to join the challenge? I'm still getting familiar with the groups and challenges, but would love to join. current weight is 205.
  • dixiegal2484
    dixiegal2484 Posts: 293 Member
    just a quick check in before i head off to work. so far today has be good. my weekend was rough considering they scheduled me and only me in my dept all week end.( in case you are wondering i work at walmart in the dairy section. any way today has been better so far. i got up at 8 am (something i rarely do) and i went to the park with my friend that is into photography and we took pictures of different things. some of the early pictures were lost because my card was full but he loaned me his SD card and we continued. i got some good ones. but i feel happier today maybe because i spent the morning in the sunshine and fresh air. and i am passing on weigh-ins today because i wasbad and ended up stress eating over the weekend

    well off to work i will respond to everyone tonight. bye all:heart:
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Is it too late to join the challenge? I'm still getting familiar with the groups and challenges, but would love to join. current weight is 205.

    not at all! we always welcome new people! tell us a bit about yourself.....age? relationship status? kids? pets? weightloss journey and goals? questions so far? we don't only talk about weight loss so if its on your mind, let it out!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Just a quick reply to Lacey's post... MMM Indian food. You doing all that talking about naan has got my mouth watering too. Luckily, I have 2 GREAT Indian restaurants in town (thank goodness for being in a Big Ten town!) and just might have to get that for dinner one night this week. And beer is my total weakness. (who am I kidding? i could also say wine is my total weakness. Or a bloody mary.... or... or...) What kind of beer do you like? I have been trying to drink light beers lately and I'm starting to think I'd rather spend more time working out to have the calories to burn on a good microbrew instead. We all have our vices, right? :blushing:

    And welcome to sophjakesmom! We are always welcoming new people and would love to have you around. Tell us about yourself!

    Amber, I'm glad you got outside and enjoyed some sunshine!
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Oh and Kendall, since you are a self-admitted geek :wink: , how do you quote someone in a thread? I have tried and it never works. Stupid question, I know.
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    Oh and Kendall, since you are a self-admitted geek :wink: , how do you quote someone in a thread? I have tried and it never works. Stupid question, I know.

    no such thing as stupid questions, they are "easy to answer" questions lol.

    if you hit the "quote" link in the bottom right corner of the post, it will automatically quote the entire post. Really all it does is add the html code [.quote] and [./quote] before and after the text (without the . of course). Anything thats inside those brackets will be in the blue quote box.

    Say someone has a super long post and you only want to quote a small part of it, you can hit that "quote" link and delete everything that you don't want to quote (just leave the brackets alone). That way you will show specifically what you are responding to.
  • noelle55165
    noelle55165 Posts: 41 Member
    Hi there Ladies

    I've just realized that I haven't checked in with you in forever.

    I weighed in on Sat morning at . . . .199!!

    More progress.
    Love it!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Kerry - In the summer I like Heinekin. Black and tans, IPA's.... I don't like cheap crap beer. It tastes like yass and makes me feel like yass too. Well the once exception to that is the Miller Chelada beer. We've been through quite a few of those the past few summers. The only bummer is that we aren't drinking much anymore at our house due to said December Incident. Have you tried Ninkasi yet? Not sure if it has hit your state yet. Anyways, its a local brewer here in Eugene that has totally taken off. Phenominal beer!
    I live for when I travel for work so I can drink wine and beer and gin. I'm a total gin girl. Well, I don't really live for work travel, but you get my meaning. I'm not a total lush lol.

    Welcome back Noelle.

    I'm working for another 1/2 hour then hitting the gym. Gonna keep it pretty simple for the next few weeks and see how it all washes out with the BMF. Mon-Wed 30-45 minutes cardio HIIT. Tues-Thurs 30-45 minutes weight training with small warm up and cool down. Sat-Sun is whatever I feel like. Friday too. The goal is to work out 5 days per week.