Turbo Fire - i need some buddies!



  • daniedee81
    daniedee81 Posts: 155
    Can I join you ladies? I am on week 3 of TurboFire and I am totally addicted. I have done P90X and ChaLean Extreme but TF is my fav. I love that you can select the option for the music to be louder than Chalene. It's good to hear her the first couple of times around but it's great to just be able to rock the f out too.

    Welcome Sass! Yay for TF addictions. Not gonna lie, i was sold on the DVDs based on the music alone. There's nothing I love more than turning the music up and dancing around my house (or in this case working out! haha)
  • daniedee81
    daniedee81 Posts: 155
    I really liked it, but it was hard to keep up. Not so much because of the workout itself, but because she was moving too quickly through the moves w/ no explanation. I kept moving, but it made it difficult to keep up. It was very high-energy and motivating, though, and I felt great all day. :)

    I am sticking w/ the 1500 cal/day diet. It was pretty close to where I need to be anyway, and I like that I can follow the nutrition guide more easily. Anything that makes my life easier is good. My overall goals include weight-loss first and then body shaping. I have about 40 lbs that I would like to lose total.

    I loved P90X and Insanity when I did them before (it's been awhile... I'm a "yo-yo" exerciser too). I'd like to do both of those workouts again, but I've heard great things about TF and I really want to focus on losing the weight right now.

    Thanks for asking. Any tips?

    Welcome aboard Stacio! Thanks for telling us about your first day using TF. I'm really excited to start on Sunday. Right now, I'm finishing up TJ and prepping for TF this week so i'm not so lost in doing the moves during week 1. (lol i'm kinda uncoordinated like that - i guarantee it'll take me about three tries before I get each workout right.) anway, keep posting progress girl!
  • daniedee81
    daniedee81 Posts: 155
    I did insanity twice , but really didn't lose any weight, i have 7 more pounds to go , very frustrating since the scale wont move, i am eating 1300 calories, do u think i am not eating enough? do u eat your exercise calories and if so how is it working for you, enough about me:tongue: , first off drink lots of water , personally i hate water, so i flavor it, second get good workout shoes cause there is jumping around, and third give it your all, the music should keep you pumped so you don't get bored easily, lastly have fun

    Hey Cookie! You are a trooper --- so amazing that you did the Fire 60 today. I'm excited to start TF but i'm not gonna lie, i'm kinda dreading those longer cardio workouts. However, I know that if I want to lose weight, i'm gonna have to suck it up and just do it.

    I was actually reading a few articles about the whole "calories in-calories out" and from what I gather, I think you do have to eat the calories you burn...if your daily goal is 1200 calories, for instance, after working out and eating you should still be at 1200 calories..I found a short blurb that may give you a bit of guidance...

    " In order to lose weight, you must create a calorie deficit. It is easier and healthier to cut back your calorie intake a little bit at a time. Every 3,500 calories is equivalent to one pound.
    So, if you cut back 500 calories a day, you should lose about one pound per week. That said, If you exercise to burn off 500 calories a day you should lose approximately one pound per week. Do both, and ... you get the picture. Ideally, you should do a combination of both, (such as cut back 250 calories; burn an extra 250 calories).

    Your weight loss will vary from week to week and at times you may even gain a little weight -- if you're working out you could be developing muscle, which weighs more than fat.

    The long-term results are what matters. "

    hope that's a bit of help. :smile: keep at it though - hard work ALWAYS pays off.
  • I'm totally on board too! I just started a hybrid of Turbo Fire and Chalean Extreme last week, and I love them both. I've been neglecting weights for a while and it's so nice to get back into it - I feel leaner and stronger already. I love these workouts so much more than P90X and Insanity. I feel like the burn is the same, but they're so much more fun. Chalene is great too. She's such a machine, and I love it when she says, with a big huge smile, "You're not tired!" It's the best brainwashing ever. :)

    Good luck to everyone!!!!
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Welcome Cranky, thanks for the advice daniedee, i actually just looked at the steps to figuring out how many calories to eat with turbo fire, it said 1397, so i guess i will start to eat that for a week, and i will see if i start losing any weight , i am just so scared that i will gain weight , so frustrating , cranky how has been your first week and have u seen any results so far also how many calories are you eating ,hope u guys have a great tuesday
  • kikix5
    kikix5 Posts: 187 Member
    I have been doing turbo fire hybrid with Chalean extreme for 2 months now if not longer. I have been off for a week with the flu and today ready to start again! Still waiting on some results!

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • Hey girlies!! I am in week 6 Of Turbo.. I LOVE IT! So much fun.. I lost 5 days my 2 year old was sick and then I caught a little bug... So I should be on week 7... I just started over at week 6. Yeah I am excited to make more Turbo friends!!! You will be so happy you got it.. In the first month I lost 4 lbs and 5 inches all over!!! Heck Yeah.. Add me ...

    "CRUSH IT!"
  • I have been doing Turbo for 2 months now i'm not following the schedule at all i need to loos like 35 pounds so far i have lost about 8lbs. Anyone have any tips on how to boost my weight loss going on a trip in May, need help! Need to shed some major poundage, and fast, I love Turbo it is high energy which i totally need. So happy to find you all here. It think it'll help me stay motivated:)
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Welcome allemay and caligirl, today is 45 Ez and Lower 20, hoping to burn some major cals, hope everyone is having a great day
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Burned 462 calories, :drinker: hope everyone is having a great evening
  • Welcome Cranky, thanks for the advice daniedee, i actually just looked at the steps to figuring out how many calories to eat with turbo fire, it said 1397, so i guess i will start to eat that for a week, and i will see if i start losing any weight , i am just so scared that i will gain weight , so frustrating , cranky how has been your first week and have u seen any results so far also how many calories are you eating ,hope u guys have a great tuesday

    Thanks Cookie.

    I've always done my cardio in the afternoons, but now that I've added the weight training in the morning I definitely notice that I'm been a lot hungrier, and much earlier in the day. I'm hoping that's a good sign that my metabolism is actually speeding up a bit. I haven't increased my overall calories though. I still stick with the deficit that MFP gives me and eat back whatever I burn off from the cardio.

    I know eating back your calories is such a big deal around here, and I'm not about to give advice, but my personal experience is that I didn't lose anything back when I was doing Insanity and trying to keep my calories to around 1200, but now that I'm eating my exercise calories the number on the scale is moving in the right direction.
  • heppin1
    heppin1 Posts: 32 Member
    I definitely want to join in!!! I need losts of accountability friends so anyone who is doing turbo fire please feel free to add me! :) I am finishing up the inferno plan today and I am going to start the prep schedule starting tomorrow!! I really love it so far and I cant wait to see the amazing results I know I will get!!
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Welcome Heppin, what were your results with the inferno plan, and what is your calorie intake:smile:
  • heppin1
    heppin1 Posts: 32 Member
    I've lost about 4 pounds. I'm going to weigh in tomorrow for my final result. I have been following a plan from my nutritionist rather than the inferno's diet plan but it was around 1200 with empahsis on protein. and limiting simple carbs.
  • Hi, everyone!

    I absolutely love TurboFire. Unfortunately, I had a bad 2 weels where I just wasn't motivated to workout, so I started the TurboFire Prep schedule yesterday, but I am thinking that by May 1st I would definitely be able to go all out and add the HIIT workouts in again. I have Chalean Extreme too and I debate whether or not I should do the hybrid but would like to complete a cycle of each before I mix them in. What does everyone think. Feel free to friend me on here, I don't have any yet. LOL! : (

  • Hello there! I plan on starting them next Monday. I have turbo jam though! best of luck to you and let me know how it turns out!
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Excellent Job Heppin, i lost 3 pounds on the inferno plan, but for some reason my weight keeps going up 2 pounds then goes down 2, it's like i gain and lose the same 2 pounds over and over again, i am trying to lower my carbs and sugar but it's hard when i love candy and chocolate , :happy:
  • heppin1
    heppin1 Posts: 32 Member
    I know exactly how you feel!!! I'm supposed to be eating sooo much protein but I'm finding it hard to get it all in. I will say that my weight did creep up after Easter Sunday..so the weight loss I told you wa pre-easter bloat :( but it's coming back down so all I can do is keep pushing play!!
  • Loveebbs
    Loveebbs Posts: 300 Member
    Hey ladies...I would like to join but I love anything Turbo Fire. I'm in week 7 and love how my body is changing. GL everyone!
  • chelseelovesyou
    chelseelovesyou Posts: 109 Member
    I'm obsessed with Turbo Fire. Good luck to everyone who is starting it and feel free to add me! I'm on week 10
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