Just for today -- anyone want to join me on a 10 week "Just for today"

mytime6630 Posts: 4,245 Member
edited October 2014 in Motivation and Support
I am a binge eater, and sugar is my biggest downfall. I can do OK if I stay away from sugar, but once I start back eating a little sugar, it is so hard to get back on track. One of my dear MFP made the comment of staying on track, exercising, etc., "just for a day", and I loved that idea. If I can do this just one day, well, maybe that one day will lead to another day, etc etc., and it will become better habits.

So, starting today, I am starting again, and going to try and do the minimum each day:
1. I am going to get up and do at least 10 minutes of exercise - running into place, anything to get my day started.
2. "Just for today", I am NOT going to have my nighttime snack of popcorn - but drink water instead. This will be hard for me, but I can do this, Just for today.
4. Just for today, I will write down Everything I eat, and measure.

There are 10 weeks left to Christmas. I have 15 lbs I would like to lose before the end of the year, and hoping to be able to start New Years closer to my ultimate goal weight. But more importantly, to develop better, lifelong habits.


  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    1. Just for today, I will do 30 min of planned exercise.

    2. Logging is a real problem for me, but just for today I will log my food.
  • clsalmon
    clsalmon Posts: 22 Member
    This is a great idea! And, I'd like to see us do this each day until Christmas (or beyond).. If we think about it as "just for today", it seems so much less overwhelming!

    1. Just for today, I will go for a walk "around the block" (1.25 miles) after work
    2. Just for today, I will add some upper body work with weights
    3. Just for today, I will prepare the food that I will eat tomorrow

    I added #3 because I realized that I have nothing planned for dinner tonight - and that is when I get in trouble..... no food prepared for lunch or dinner on a daily basis, and I'm forced to grab something from a nearby restaurant, or eat something unhealthy because it's available and convenient.

    Have a great day!

    Door County, WI
  • thenelsons0424
    thenelsons0424 Posts: 2 Member
    Love this, and would love to do this everyday! :smile:

    1. Just for today, I will do 30-45 minutes of exercise (one of my Turbofire videos).
    2. Just for today, I will prepare a healthy lunch to take to work tomorrow.
    3. Just for today, I will drink a minimum of 100 ounces of water (currently at 40).
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,245 Member
    Love this, and would love to do this everyday! :smile:

    1. Just for today, I will do 30-45 minutes of exercise (one of my Turbofire videos).
    2. Just for today, I will prepare a healthy lunch to take to work tomorrow.
    3. Just for today, I will drink a minimum of 100 ounces of water (currently at 40).

    Thanks for the idea about Water!! I need to add this onto my list as well. I always forget to drink my water - probably what leads to overeating at nighttime!
  • morning_joy
    morning_joy Posts: 1,063 Member
    Thank you for this thread. This is something that not only do I need to do but something that i CAN do. so...here goes.

    Just for today, I will not use the fact that I am sick in bed as an excuse to binge. I will eat healthy food that will heal me.

    Just for today, I will prepare my food for tomorrow so a lack of time will not be an excuse to eat poorly.

    Just for today, I will stretch and release my sore muscles so I will be ready for tomorrows workout.

    Just for today, I will log ALL my food.

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,245 Member
    jul_ohare wrote: »
    Thank you for this thread. This is something that not only do I need to do but something that i CAN do. so...here goes.

    Just for today, I will not use the fact that I am sick in bed as an excuse to binge. I will eat healthy food that will heal me.

    Just for today, I will prepare my food for tomorrow so a lack of time will not be an excuse to eat poorly.

    Just for today, I will stretch and release my sore muscles so I will be ready for tomorrows workout.

    Just for today, I will log ALL my food.


    Great things to do Just for Today!! I accepted your friend request - and yes, I agree, this is a great way to keep each other going. If anyone else wants to become friends, I think that would be great.
    - And Julaina - I hope you feel better soon though!
  • I need a group like this!!! Thank you for starting it! :smile:

    *Just for today I will remember that the chocolate I ate did not derail my life and I can do better tomorrow.

    *Just for today I will push EXTRA hard at Body Pump because of said chocolate!

    *Just for today, I will love my body and all it does for me!

    I have 28 lbs to lose and I workout A LOT! My eating is what kills me and I need SUPPORT in a big way when it comes to sweets!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,245 Member
    edited October 2014
    So how did you guys do on your Just today! I did pretty good. I got my exercise in - what I wanted to do was 10 min on the ellipitical each morning. This morning I did 20, plus 10 on my exercise bike. I wrote everything down. And for me, the biggest thing was no popcorn or snack tonite. I went for a walk after dinner, which helped some. But I am SO hungry - but I know it is just a habit. I drank a lot of water, and still hungry, so I cleaned and cleaned! The bathroom drawers really needed cleaning and organizing, so around 9pm, which I could have died for some popcorn, that is what I did. And you know what - I really don't feel nearly as hungry. I still feel hungry, but, I know I had enough food for today, so I am going to try and ignore that hunger - because I know it is just a habit that I am determined to break.

    So I am posting my goals for tomorrow for Just One Day - Wednesday, Oct 16.
    1. I will once again get up, and try to do at least 10 minutes on the ellipitical. If I can do more, great, but I will plan for at least 10 minutes before starting work.
    2. I am really going to work harder on my water - just for today. This is something I really struggle with a lot. So for one day, I am going to work on drinking minimum of 8 glasses. One of you guys wrote that, and that is something I really need to work on.
    3. I am going to log all my food, and once again, NO POPCORN or snack before bed. I know it is not hunger - because I eat enough during the day. It is just a habit, which in time, I am hoping to break. I know there will still be times when I want popcorn at nite, and will have it, but just for today - no snacks.

    I hope you guys all had great days. Think of how great we will all feel by Christmas, and hopefully by then, these will become habits that we won't even have to think about to do! And -- we will look and feel great!!
  • holliebevineau
    holliebevineau Posts: 441 Member
    Just for today I will measure and weigh all food so my logging will be accurate.
  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    I am just discovering this thread as I close out the night and prepare for bed, however it's a wonderful idea! I will check in first thing in the morning to post my "just for the day" thoughts.
    Thank you!!!
  • mommyred35
    mommyred35 Posts: 275 Member
    I love this idea.
    Just for today I will avoid bread, pasta, crackers, etcetera.

    Just for today I will walk around on my breaks (totals 30 minutes)

    Just two for just today. Keeping it simple and loving it.
  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    edited October 2014
    Good morning...

    just for today I will treat exercise time as "me time" and something to look forward to, instead of thinking of it as a chore.

    Just for today, I will stay away from the "pot luck" area and eat what I packed.

  • gopgirl425
    gopgirl425 Posts: 140 Member
    I must get in on this and thanks for making this post:

    Just for today:
    I will log ALL my food that I eat.
    I will drink all my water.
    I will get my 15k steps in today!

  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    This really helped me yesterday when I did not want to exercise, but I did it.

    Just for today:

    1. Lift weights
    2. Log my food and stay below my calories
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,245 Member
    This really helped me yesterday when I did not want to exercise, but I did it.

    Just for today:

    1. Lift weights
    2. Log my food and stay below my calories

    Great job! I was the same way - planning for even just 10 minutes of exercise in the morning has really helped, and both days I actually was able to get in 30 min. The hardest part was in starting. One day at a time I hope will help me to stay on track, and you also!
  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    Update: I have no idea where the pot luck was even situated at. Also, I enjoyed a nice long walk afer work.

    Thank you again for this idea.
  • luvmybeebees
    luvmybeebees Posts: 681 Member
    Great idea! I will start with this tomorrow, since I just found it, and it's 7:30 pm here!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,245 Member
    losingrae wrote: »
    Update: I have no idea where the pot luck was even situated at. Also, I enjoyed a nice long walk afer work.

    Thank you again for this idea.
    Sounds like you had a great day, staying away from potluck!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,245 Member
    I love hearing everyone's ideas! I did pretty good today-- still have to work harder on getting my water in.
  • lapierrecyclist
    lapierrecyclist Posts: 153 Member
    Great idea, I'd like to join in too. Since it's evening now, and we just ate (and I made my calorie goal), I'll post that just for today, I won't eat anything more until breakfast time tomorrow morning.