40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Great day kids....

    Kelly--Thinking of you. Hope each day gets better.

    Nick--One thing about our mind is; when we tell ourselves we will do something, it is as good as done. You want to be in the 150's you will indeed accomplish that. I remember pushing myself like no one's business when I wanted to be under 200 pounds and join the ranks of the onderland club. Now I am fighting with all I have to NEVER see 2anything EVER again.

    Ruby-glad your feeding went well. Nothing more fulfilling than knowing that your hard work did not go unnoticed. You rock.

    Handyandy---It has been a bit. Welcome back.

    Fay---You know you rock. You are the female version of Larro, always on the go and still fit exercise in also.

    Beeps--What's on the lift schedule today?

    Kate--Hope everyone is feeling better.

    Larro---What's happening on the ranchero today? I know you never disappoint when you do post.

    My trainer KICKED MY CAN LAST NIGHT!!!!!!!!!! I absolutely DO NOT LIKE lifting in the back where all the men are. Talk about pressure. Once I had my game face on, I belted everything out and was proud of my performance. My thighs and shoulders are sore today. Nothing for me today other than a few walks.

    Have a great day.....
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Morning everyone. You guys are all kicking butt. We have lots of determination, inspiration and perspiration on this thread.

    The evidence is mounting that I am losing my mind. I knew today was Thursday. I wrote down my numbers when I weighed this morning so I could post them. Yet when I was starting my workout I put 33 minutes on the timer and started Gazzeling into the sunset just like it wasn't a lift day. 15 minutes in it dawned on me I still had to lift :'( Believe me when I say that wasn't the kind of surprise you look forward to. So I got an extra 5 minutes on the Gazelle this morning. Over time I will have to do more than 5 minutes of Ab work if I want to get rid of these Jell-O Abs, but I'm trying to keep my everyday workout to an hour. As far as doing the squats in the shower, I'm not sure how that got started, but it was 2 minutes of time that was being wasted everyday.

    My sister is scheduled to have a steel plate put in place this afternoon at 1515. She is 59, so broken bones are no walk in the park. And the fact she uses all her sick days to kayak on the river means she has no days to spare. She will have to work if she wants to get paid.

    I have to go into work early today, so no time to say hello to everyone individually. So here is a big collective HELLO. I have to finish setting up for a bank conference that we have tonight. That and my boss just wanted the afternoon off. Since I get paid by the hour, you will hear no complaints from me.

    Here are the numbers:
    22.3% Body Fat
    56.6% Body Water
    24.7 BMI
    176.9 Pounds

    0.6 Pounds gained for the week, but 3.5 pounds lost from a high of 180.4 after the weekend of overeating.

    Everyone have a good weekend. I'm off to the shower {and my squats}

  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Hi all! Hanging in here. I did get a run in yesterday morning- great trail near my parent's house. I have been trying to behave with the eating, but we ate out all day yesterday- can you say sodium- UGH!
    - I talked with the patient a bit ago, and things are progressing slowly. The doctor's are narrowing down the infection so they know what antibiotics are going to work the best. Originally they said six weeks of antibiotics, now they are saying it will be more like 2 months. Physical therapy came in yesterday and gave him some leg exercises to do in bed. Until he is better and his back is stronger, he has to wear a back brace when he gets up. They tried it last night and it gave him a lot of pain, but he did get up with it on today and took ten steps with a walker. He was a bit disappointed in himself, but I said that 10 steps was better than none. :grinning:

    Thanks for all of the well wishes. I am trying to concentrate on eating well and I think I will go back to the gym tomorrow morning. Saturday I will be making the trip back to Rochester, but will sneak in some exercise before I go.
  • nantnet
    nantnet Posts: 17 Member
    I am 45 and down 103 lbs total and loving life. Would love to join the group. I am now on a Ketogenic diet learning as I go. It ir really great so far and pretty easy to stick with but I am still trying to make sure I am balancing all of my fats, proteins and carbs at the right level and I think I actually could be eating more veggies than I am now so I am a work in progress. :)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    caramel - you lift all the time! Why wouldn't you like where all the men are?!?

    larro- i hope your sister heals quickly.

    KellySue - here is hoping that antibiotics quickly help your husband.

    I lifted today! BOOM!
  • mrbyte
    mrbyte Posts: 270 Member
    Hey everbody! Sorry have been really busy and this new format I'm having a hard time finding older posts.
  • wmcmurray61
    wmcmurray61 Posts: 192 Member
    Hi! I am 53. My goal is to get strong, lose my last 20 lbs and feel better. I am on day four of walking 30 minutes a day and lifting every other day. I am reducing my calories to 1400 a day because I found that if I go much lower than that I don't lose. I'd be happy to get some support and give some support to the other over 40s here.
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Happy Friday kids.....

    Hope all of you are well and in good spirits.

    Welcome all newbies. We are a nurturing and supportive group. Hope you enjoy your stay.

    Larro--you are right; we are a thread full of determination, inspiration, and perspiration. I love it. I hope your sister

    Beeps--I have no idea why I am still bothered about going to the back of the gym. One thing is for sure, when it is time to workout, my gameface is on and I am very focused when I am back there. The more I think about it, that could be the reason she takes me back there....HMMMM.... I will ask her Monday for confirmation of this notion. Lift heavy today.

    Kelly--You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

    Kate--I hope everyone continues to recover and you are doing well.

    Alf & sdereski---Missing you both....Hope both of you are ok.

    Ruby & CG----Any plans for the weekend?

    My employer and gym both host a 8-10 week holiday challenge to help keep the weight off. I actually joined both challenges last year and lost 10lbs last November. I certainly plan to do it again this year. How do each of you plan to NOT gain weight during the holiday season? That time will be here before you know it.

    Have a great day

  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Friday All! Made it to the gym today and just did cardio today- 10min each of treadmill, stairmaster, intervals on the bike, and elliptical. It felt good to get back there. :sweat_smile:
    - I talked to my hubby just a bit ago and he and my son-in-law will be meeting with a social worker later this morning. They are looking at discharging him to a rehab facility until he is able to move around more on his own since I am not home during the day and he is a big guy and too hard for me to handle on my own. So hopefully by Monday he will be closer to home.
    - Caramel- my plan is to continue to exercise as much as possible through the holidays and stick to my calorie allotment on most days. I won't worry so much about the actual holidays 'cause, REALLY, who doesn't want to indulge in all the yumminess! :wink:
  • vtroys
    vtroys Posts: 16
    There are so many of you all....I'm 44, new to myfitnesspal. I've gained a lot of weight since having a baby at 36 (3 attempts with IVF and it finally paid off). I've also changed careers, studied and passed CPA exams and have dealt many years with plantar fasciitis. We are a family of 5 - 3 boys (18,16, 8).

    Since passing the CPA exam early this year and when tax season ended, I vowed to myself this was my next big goal - to get back into shape and lose my weight once and for all.

    I've found a great chiropractor to get me into alignment, which has also helped with my plantar fasciitis. I've joined a gym, go swimming, biking and walking. I do some body pump classes too. I haven't been losing, just maintaining, so I thought the next step would be to log in everything i'm eating. I eat clean - try to eat Paleo, but I slip up here and there. I measure and weigh everything. I dropped 2 lbs this week, started myfitnesspal on Monday, so I'm very happy! I so much want to get back to my weight when I was 30! I rocked it then....I want to rock it again. :)

    today I head to the Dr's for some digestive issues I've had for a week - hoping it's not my gallbladder....I'm very nervous. Hurts terrible when I eat. Skipped the gym this Am, too much uncomfortableness, so I hope to get whatever is wrong straightened out so I can stay on track! Cross your fingers for me it's not my gallbladder! :smile:

    Happy Friday everyone!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Afternoon all.

    I'm running late today. I worked late last night, then was lucky enough to sleep in this morning. It was after 1100 when I finished my cardio and had breakfast. I tweaked my workout again this morning. Went with 10 minutes Gazelle moderate, 5 minutes stationary bike, 25 minutes Gazelle extreme, 10 minutes Ab Rocker. Haven't done the math on calories burned, but it comes out under an hour of logged cardio, and not too much over an hour in real time.

    Now I'm cooking a pot of peas to take over to Sister's tonight. {who is doing pretty good, all things considered} My niece and her family is flying back to Denver tomorrow, so we are all getting together tonight. BIL is grilling ribs and Margie will fix her green beans with sliced almonds when she gets in. I have a package of bacon laid out to season the peas. {I fry it up, then add it} It will be hard to not sample some of the surplus.

    KS, they will work your husband if it's like the rehab my mom went to. Hope he is able to come home soon.

    Caramel, last Christmas when I was still losing, I did stall out for a couple of weeks. Now that I'm doing maintenance I might even gain a few pounds. But this week have shone me I can lose it back pretty easy. {sorry, it's a guy thing}

    Beeps, how was your lifting day? I know you nailed it.

    Mrbyte, {if you have already figured this out, please disregard} by clicking on the star at the upper right on the thread you will bookmark it. New comments on bookmarked threads will show up as numbers beside the little bell.

    wmcmurray61, welcome. It was neat to see you are an artist. I have 2 friends who draw and paint. They both promised to do the cover art for some of my books, but with full time jobs, just haven't found the time. Since you are retired {which makes me jealous. How did you mange that at 53?} maybe we can work something out.

    vtroys, welcome. My wife went through the gallbladder thing about 23 years ago. It was tough until she found out what was causing her problems. But when she had her gallbladder removed, it was an easy surgery. Good luck to you.

    nantnet, welcome and congratulations on your weight loss. Well done.

    Welcome to all the other new comers, and Hello to everyone else. Hope you have a good weekend.


  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    have a great weekend everyone....I plan to enjoy our beautiful fall colors here in WI, we are in peak season of red, yellows, orange. I will try to post a pic if I get a good one. I was at the local apple orchard last weekend and bought some honeycrisp and fireside, YUMMM

    Caramel - my plans for the holidays is just to keep exercising every day if possible but at least 5 days a week, I will keep pushing to try to keep it challenging. I will be baking and eating, cooking is too much a part of me to say I won't
    ~ I would be lying. B)

    welcome all the new comers glad to have you with you.
  • handyandy9x
    handyandy9x Posts: 93 Member
    Wow this group is growing fast, lots of new faces.
    Larro - thanks for the tip on clicking on the star, I was getting fed up of searching for the thread.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    What, no photo today, larro?!?! Smarten up and post some eye candy!

    caramel - whatever scares you - it is THE THING you must do! To the back of the gym for you!

    Congrats on the CPA, vtroys....yes, now is the time to tackle other goals!

    I am going to lose weight between. Now and xmas. And weight will pop up over xmas....but it will be bloat. I just want 1/2 lb per week of weight loss....so that by next summer, i am stable and the ten lbs are gone!

    I did a lifting routine ripped from "oxygen" magazine today. I needed a "change".

    Have a good weekend....go lift heavy things!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Here you go, Beeps. This is my grand nephew Johnny tearing into his wings tonight at supper. They are flying out early in the morning. There wasn't much time to visit with them staying at the beach.


  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good morning Cool Kids! Welcome to all of the new people!
    I stayed with my parents last night and was going to go running this morning, but it's raining and crummy outside! Not sure what the plans are for the rest of the day. Hubs had a bit of set back yesterday and was not able to keep anything down. The doc decided to do an x-ray and two things happened- 1) he twisted wrong trying to get on the x-ray table and his back is hurting again 2) he has a blockage in his colon- He's getting an enema this am- sorry if this is TMI for anyone. We're hoping that this is not going to delay him going to rehab, but we'll have to see.

    Have a good day all!
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Morning Kid's!
    Down another pound. Whoop! Pretty good for missing a week at the gym. Though I think I may be headed for the dreaded "skinny fat" everyone's been talking about in the forums.
    Josie has finally gotten over her high fever. It lasted 5 days. Found out the wipes we were using ( Sam's brand) had some kind of bacteria which makes me wonder if they weren't the culprit. She was hospitalized last year for bronchitis. A bout of hand, foot, and mouth roughly a month ago. Followed by a cold; and then the fever. Otherwise I think we are finally all well. Knock on wood..

    Kelly Sue - Sorry hubs is still under the weather. Eating apples has helped me a lot lately.

    Ruby- Just recently started eating Honey crisp Apples. Yum. Found this recipe...though I just did the caramels in mine last night. http://www.thegunnysack.com/2014/09/bloomin-baked-apples-recipe.html
    Thinking some chopped pecans would be yummy.

    Carmel- I love the gym when I can get there. Of course there are a lot of older people at mine and not much eye candy sadly. LOL. I deleted a few more the other day. I have little tolerance for people whining "how it's been 11 days and they haven't lost any weight yet" just easier to push delete.

    Hello newbies!
    Not much else to report. Will check back later.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    larro....that photo is actually timeless! Coulda been a kid from the 50's! Thanks.

    KellySue - sorry for the struggles.

    Kate - one missed week at the gym is simply what i call a "deload" week....but, get back to the gym NOW. Go lift some heavy stuff!


    I did a cardio class, today. Boring....i know. Also, inhad ZErO food after supper last night. It has been a LONG time since i have focused on "no food after supper", so i am adding it back into my lifestyle....should help with my fat loss goals for 2014, too. It is getting PRETtY late in the year and i have NOT met my 2014 fat loss goals.

    Time to fix that. No BS. I just have to do the things that work for me.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Hey everybody. I've had a long, long day at work, with at least an hour yet to go. My Noles tried to give me a heart attack, but they, and I, lived through the game to fight another day.

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend,


    Just saw this picture on Margie's Face Book page. It's {my 86 year old} Mamma, me and my grand niece and nephew the other night at Sister's house.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,994 Member
    Wow! Happy people!

    Nice to see.
