Dating age difference



  • Suz_8589
    Suz_8589 Posts: 146 Member
    I've always dated older, Way older in my opinion. I was 16 he was 26? And another relationship when I was 18 and he was 32. And my last one I was 24 and he was 37. Lol age is just a number but also none of these relationships worked out so maybe I need to date my own age again lol
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    rml_16 wrote: »
    The bottom limit of creepy is age/2+7. A 36 year old can date, at the youngest, a 25 year old. Any younger is creepy. A 37 year old can date down to 25.5 years old.
    Says who?

    It's a commonly known "rule."

    It's a helpful guideline. Most people date withing the half-your-age-plus-seven rule.
  • sunglasses_and_ocean_waves
    Suz_8589 wrote: »
    I've always dated older, Way older in my opinion. I was 16 he was 26? And another relationship when I was 18 and he was 32. And my last one I was 24 and he was 37. Lol age is just a number but also none of these relationships worked out so maybe I need to date my own age again lol

    Honestly, I find that kids usually say age is just a number. It's not. There's a heck of a lot to be said for life experiences. Having said that, I'm only really dating for one thing, and younger men are better for that lol.
  • magnum26
    magnum26 Posts: 356 Member
    I go 10 years younger I'm 29, older doesn't really matter to me so much but I would say upper limit would be 45.
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,895 Member
    It really depends on the person. I am 33 and have dated both younger and older men. Maturity is a question at any age so I couldn't use that as a reason not to date a younger guy. I have dated older men and there are some things I am not ready for, yet. If you have to remove your teeth from your mouth to clean them properly, I am not the person for you. I have known people in their 20s who have dentures so it is still not a question of age.
  • j_bark
    j_bark Posts: 1,271 Member
    I never have had a problem with a specific range. A person is a person is a person. Attraction is attraction. I do have a friend however who set in stone a five year either way rule, everything else be damned.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,588 Member
    I am 26 & would not date anyone over 35 but even 35 seems too old ...and would not date anyone younger than 21

    I find myself more interested in people my age or younger now a days... older people are boring me
  • GordieLaChance
    It's strange because I'm nearly 31 and would date a 21 year old and I'd also date a 45 year old, but I'd expect nothing serious from either. I think when speaking of a long term relationship, +/- 5 years is a bit more ideal.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,871 Member
    My wife and I are roughly the same age, and for the most part, I've dated people roughly the same age save for a couple of times.

    When I was 23 I dated a girl who was 19 and that sucked...we were just living in completely different worlds and different places in our life and not on the same page. That same year I dated a hot 30 y.o. "cougar" and other than the sex, that sucked too...again, just at completely different places in our lives...

    In my experience, being relatively close in age has worked the I stated earlier, the older you get the less of a difference a few years makes..but the younger you are...well, those few years can be huge.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    I'm 21 and have always dated older. The oldest I'd date is someone who's 30 though. I would never date anyone younger.
  • 13shark77
    13shark77 Posts: 65 Member
    I have dated women ten years older and ten years younger. Each bring something special, and with understanding that I agree or disagree with. Still, I hope to find that one I can really settle down with myself. Guy can only dream lol
  • RebeccaChemmy
    RebeccaChemmy Posts: 66 Member
    I'm 20. Youngest would be 20. Oldest would be 24. I don't know why but I'd just want us to be a similar age... Probably because I'm still relatively young.

    My boyfriend is 20 so it's fine. :p
  • stuart160
    stuart160 Posts: 1,628 Member
    God it's making me laugh to see 30's and 40's described as old. I think when I was younger I may would have agreed with age ranges but then I was a lot stupider then. Now I tend to agree that age is just a number. I date people, not ages..
  • greenminimalist
    I wouldn't date anyone younger than me, but I would date someone that is the same age if not 13 years old. I once dated a man who was 16 years older than me. That's my max.
  • Coffeeholic8
    Coffeeholic8 Posts: 270 Member
    I'm 54, my girlfriend is 33, we've been together 15 or so months. I broke the age/2+7 rule by one year. Mistake? :p
  • johnmurphymfp
    johnmurphymfp Posts: 2,590 Member
    stuart160 wrote: »
    God it's making me laugh to see 30's and 40's described as old. I think when I was younger I may would have agreed with age ranges but then I was a lot stupider then. Now I tend to agree that age is just a number. I date people, not ages..

    I know right? What they must think of us.
  • chad23jl
    chad23jl Posts: 54 Member
    I dont know if there is an age limit as long as they are both adults. Personally speaking, my wife and I are 16 1/2 yrs apart.
  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,588 Member
    stuart160 wrote: »
    God it's making me laugh to see 30's and 40's described as old. I think when I was younger I may would have agreed with age ranges but then I was a lot stupider then. Now I tend to agree that age is just a number. I date people, not ages..

    yea them evil stupid young people having preferences ...being older means you are much much smarter eh?
  • Brige2269
    Brige2269 Posts: 354 Member
    SGM_Adonis wrote: »
    kshadows wrote: »
    Friend and I were having this debate and I was surprised at how much our opinions differed...

    How much older or younger than you would someone have to be for you to consider them un-dateable?

    I'm female, 25 and I wouldn't really have much interest in dating anyone younger than me but as far as older...I think 36-37 would be the limit that way.

    That means I'm out of the race! : (

    This is age shaming. OP reported.

    At my age, anyone younger than me, for sure. This includes 41 year olds!
  • scarrletti_girl
    scarrletti_girl Posts: 479 Member
    Well I agree that age is just a number and people are as old as they feel and if two people have things in common and get along and share interests and love each other then age doesn't matter. (And I am already happily married and will never have to worry about this.) But if I had to pick an age range I would say as long as he was mature and my type of guy the age could range from 18 to 55. Because there has to be some sort of attraction and be able to understand references. lol