40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • LouLouStBijou
    LouLouStBijou Posts: 987 Member
    Less than a week now until the wedding so I am in full count down mode. It's really weird though, I am sticking (as much as possible) to my old routines of logging foods and burning calories and I am doing okay. I feel good, my fiancé says I look great and nothing has really changed since this time last week but for some reason I feel as though I am not doing as well or working as hard at this whole "healthy lifestyle" thing. It feels like a different head space for me for sure. I wish i could figure it out but all i can do is keep tracking and moving and hope that the "gung ho" comes back to me. We've had crazy weather here, which doesn't help if I want to exercise outside, last week it was F F F FREEZING and walking was brutal and then yesterday it was so mild and muggy and windy that I almost got blown off the bridge I was walking across.

    Anyway, that's my check in, the wedding is Saturday and then the honeymoon is the following weekend (in Savannah) and then we're back home and skiing the weekend after that and then the cottage to prep for Christmas and then Christmas and it feels like the year is over already. Yikes!!!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    edited November 2014
    Good Morning Cool Kids.

    Laura, welcome to the club. We are a fun bunch.

    Louisa, a healthy lifestyle is all about routine. It might sound boring, but just chugging along doing the right thing day after day is what it takes in the long run. It takes a while to find the foods you love that also makes you feel good. The same with your cardio and lifting. I keep changing my workouts trying to find what works best for me. Hope you have a great wedding and honeymoon.

    Sderski, I was going to complain about the cold rainy weather here this morning, {it's 54F} but after reading of you walking in the ice and snow, I will refrain. Enjoy your curling.

    Kelly Sue, hope your daughter gets through all the snow around Buffalo alright. It's crazy what they have been through.

    E's Mom, so sorry for your loss. My college sweetheart lost her father to suicide during the Holiday season 30 something years ago. It takes a huge toll on everyone left behind. Prayers for you and your whole family during this difficult period.

    Moya, welcome.

    Beeps, bottle some of that blue water and bring it home with you. See if it turns into blue ice :'(

    Hello to everyone else.

    It is rainy and cold chilly here this morning. I'm off to do the weeks shopping, so I've got a few cold showers ahead of me.

    Hope everyone has a good day,

  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Hey kids, hope all of you are well and in good spirits.

    Thanks to all of you who took the time to send me air hugs and words of comfort. Sean has no idea how much he was loved. There was hardly a dry eye in the gym last night. I am the type of person who grieve alone and serve as the pillar to others during distress. During extreme fit, I channeled that grief into my lifting heavier and running faster. It was hard to look in the area where he trained. His picture was posted in front of the gym at the counter and of course the gym's FB page had all kinds of tributes to him. His funeral is tomorrow. I think of his son especially because he is 13 and goes to school with my daughter. The holidays for them will be filled with emotions. We never know what goes on in a person's life. I will always remember an elderly lady who could barely walk and could hardly move. Each week we saw her progress and one day we actually saw him walk around the complex with her. Sean was so patient with her and she started to smile and look like she was happy to live again. I could sit and tell you so many stories about him. He loved to listen to my playlist during boxing because he love Metallica and so do I. My training schedule will be in beast mode the remainder of the week, as I can not allow myself to stay in this slump. I have extreme fit tomorrow and training with my PT. Thanksgiving I have a boxing/bootcamp challenge. I even have plans for participation for classes over the weekend.

    Please keep me in your thoughts. I am fighting to get out of this slump.

    Never forget the power of encouragement and a kind word. It may be just what a person needs to lift their spirits.

    Hugs to you all......KYM
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Louisa- Good luck with all of your wedding plans. Larro is right, it's all about the routine. Sometimes even when we don't feel as motivated, sticking with the plan is the best.

    Caramel- Way to channel those feelings! It is OK to grieve though and does play an important role in the healing process. I give you credit just for doing all that you are planning on doing- that is amazing! You will definitely be in my thoughts! P.S.- Don't forget to enjoy some Thanksgiving Yumminess though! :heart:
  • stef123633
    stef123633 Posts: 16 Member
    Louisa, congrats on your upcoming wedding!!

    Larro, how long have you been doing TKD? I just started my 2 daughters back at class....the instructor is trying to talk me into joining, but I don't want to give up my boxing club membership and can't join them without doing that ($)...I think I'll stick to my routine and they can do theirs :-) Makes a happier mom not having to exercise with them since I'm with them all day everyday at home.

    Welcome Laura!

    Sederski, that is a lot of periogies! I'd have to give them all away or I'd eat them - that is if I ever made homemade ones. Have a friend that makes fabulous ones.

    I'm off shortly to pick-up my parents at the airport. They're flying in from FL for a week (we live in Houston). Chaos is about to ensue, I can feel it, LOL.

    Have a great day everyone!!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    stef123633 wrote: »

    Larro, how long have you been doing TKD? I just started my 2 daughters back at class....the instructor is trying to talk me into joining, but I don't want to give up my boxing club membership and can't join them without doing that ($)...I think I'll stick to my routine and they can do theirs :-) Makes a happier mom not having to exercise with them since I'm with them all day everyday at home.

    I don't take the Taekwondo class, they are held at the Civic Center, where I work. I have pretty bad knee, feet and hand pain when I have too much contact with immovable objects. I've had arthritis since I was 13, so I have had to work around it for most of my life. That means no kicking or punching anything for me. Doing the 2 minutes of jumping rope every morning is even causing me a little knee and foot pain this week.

    I didn't get rained on too much during my shopping. I was able to get everything on the list, so I guess we are set as far as holiday cooking. This is the last time I work until Saturday afternoon. That sounds good now, but I will be ready to come back work by then.

    Hope everyone had a good day,

  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Still over 40, though I am trying to change that.
    Still not cool, though I've given up on changing that.
  • terikate3
    terikate3 Posts: 6 Member
    edited November 2014
    I would love to be part of the cool kids and need friends!

    I just wrote a long post but I lost it for some reason! Bummer!!! I will have to reintroduce myself later. I'm over 40 so hopefully I can be one of the crowd! Looking forward to meeting you all!
  • Mzklutch
    Mzklutch Posts: 39 Member
    Beeps I am soooooo jealous. Enjoy it though.
    Louisa I hear ya, that's why I was sooo glad to get out wisconsin because the weather didn't help motivation to exercise, Larro is right. We have to look at this as being a journey to health - wherever it may take us. Congrats on the wedding.
    Larro you're busy
    Caramel hugs
    Laura welcome
    Just was able to sit down and log in, first day back to work. I'm still doing good with logging. Tried to be as active as I could today. Didn't manage to work out today.
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Morning Kid's!
    I've caught a case of the "Lazy A-s" this week. LOL. Thought of putting myself in maintenance over the Holiday but will probably just let things run their course. Will probably see some red numbers this week.
    It's a rainy nasty day outside. I'll probably just stay home and prep for tomorrow's cooking. I guess I should clean some too. Managed to get a few presents over the weekend which makes me feel a little better. I used to be one of those people who had all my shopping down by September at the latest. Now I find myself getting them last minute which perturbs me greatly.
    May be getting another dog soon. A friend's daughter has a 1 and 1/2 yr. old beagle whom has never been to a vet. She's looking for a home. Jeff and I are such suckers for animals. Though I dread paying for all those vaccines ( she hasn't had ).

    Carmel- Sending more Cyberhugs! A guy Jeff knew just passed from Cancer at 42 leaving behind a wife and daughter. Another passed earlier this year. I pray for their families nightly. :( So sad.

    Beeps- That place looks so awesome. I'm jelly!

    Larro- Enjoy your time off.

    Loiusa- Wishing you a beautiful day for your nuptials.

    Hoping everyone has a lovely Holiday!

  • Hi all, I am 55 year old male 5'7". I speed walk every day with a 15 pound pack, was ill a bit back and could not train which drove me crazy, and put the pounds on nearly a stone. I train for about an hour walking and jogging starting at 0430 every day except Sunday when I take my grandson for a couple of hours walk in the forest. I do a sponsored walk every year of 58 miles that ends with a climb up Slieve Donnard Northern Irelands highest mountain, thus the training regime.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Happy Hump Day all! Last day of work for me this week and I come in early so I get to leave early- 4:30- not early to some, but I am normally here until 6:00 so early for me. I will be heading to spend the weekend with my parents and be closer to my hubby. He is supposed to have a PT evaluation today to see how much work needs to be done to get him walking again. Hopefully the surgery has taken care of the severe pain he has been in previously and it will be a much better process this time.

    I did not make it to the gym today like I had planned. I have been so exhausted I just could not get up early enough. Also, I had a ton of stuff to do this morning before leaving for the next four days. I did a bunch last night, but couldn't do everything.

    Welcome to the new folks.

    Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving. I'm not sure I'll be on the forums between now and next Monday, but I will be around!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    edited November 2014
    Good Morning.

    Chaelaz, TeriKate, O&B, welcome.

    I've finished my cardio and breakfast, and have three loads of laundry behind me. We are having the family here for Thanksgiving {on Friday night}, so I need to pay a little more attention to cleaning this week. It was going to be a small group, but more people keep getting invited, so we may run out of seating. I doubt we will run out of food. I bought a small turkey and a ham, plus Margie will be doing a green bean casserole, her famous pineapple casserole, dressing, gravy, etc, etc. I'm thinking about a pot of peas, and I'm sure Sister will bring her sweet potato, pecan and brown sugar thingie.

    One of my thrift store treasures from yesterday was a Lodge cast iron skillet for $3.00. It has a little rust, but looks like it hasn't been used at all. I'll clean it up when I get to the dishes, then season it with a little bacon fat.

    Today is the last day of bow season, so I hope to get a couple of hours in the shooting house this afternoon. Tomorrow is the first day of gun season, so I will be back 1/2 hour before sunrise.

    Hope everyone has a good day today and holiday tomorrow if I don't see you before then.

  • Hello all,

    I joined MFP recently after buying a Microsoft Band. (LOVE IT !!!!)

    +1 on the 40+ Just thought I'd check in..

    411 is ... 46, single, 5'5" 132lbs I don't eat the best but good health numbers.. Insantity every day of the week.. occasionally I skip on Sunday if I play golf (walk, carry bag) or do both :) . Been doing insantity for 11 months. Feel great though have about 2-3 lbs I'd like to lose and get body fat below 15% .

    Hope everyone has a great holiday !
  • kareneastwood865
    kareneastwood865 Posts: 132 Member
    edited November 2014
    Hey Everyone! In the middle of my 3rd week here. Loving it so far and starting to pick up some support and motivation. I've been doing Bootcamp/Crossfit classes since May. This is the longest I've stuck with any fitness routine in years.

    Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,099 Member
    Sunset - our last night here. Cold reality tomorrow as we return to -16 C and a big dump of snow.

    I will hit the gym a day or two after I return home. And will be back to "regular routine" in no time.

    Hello all. Peace to Americans as they celebrate Thanksgiving.

  • Mzklutch
    Mzklutch Posts: 39 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
    I plan on working so I will share a thanksgiving meal with my staff. I'd rather do that then sit around and focus on what foods I should or shouldn't eat.
    Stay strong and eat sensibly.
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving.

    We are eating the big meal tomorrow night, so I'm not doing my blimp imitation {yet}. A simple sandwich for lunch, and I will be cooking a big pot of peas for supper tonight, with the leftovers for tomorrow. Margie has been in the kitchen since early, and will do the same tomorrow.

    I slept late so I didn't get to the shooting house early. The wind had picked up by the time I got out, so I didn't see anything. Margie and I had a nice walk down to the graveyard to say hello to all the family who is no longer with us. It's 60F now, but it was a windy and brisk 55F when we went.

    I did about 2/3 of my lifting and cardio. But it has been strung out over a longer period of time with everything else that is going on, so it didn't feel like much.

    Since today is Thursday, here are the numbers for the week.

    21.5% Body Fat
    57.2% Body Water
    24.3 BMI
    173.6 Pounds

    I have been stacking low calorie days all week so I could indulge over the holiday. Ironically 173 pounds was my goal weight when I first joined MFP. It's a prime number and I'm one of those math nerds. As I got closer to it, I changed it to 176. Who knows, I might try to stay here for a couple of weeks and see how I wear it. {everyone tells me I'm too skinny @ 176}

    Hope everyone is having a great day,

  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Hey Kid's!
    Wow. All in all I thought I had done pretty good with my protein shake for breakfast, watching my portions, skipping the rolls, skipping the mac & cheese, skipping the mash potatoes, and having no pie. Now I look like I'm pregnant with a small turkey. I may need my husband's help getting this dress off. LOL. I guess the bacon blanket really was a calorie bomb.

    So got my cholesterol labs back this morning.
    Total 205 down from 222 on 6/13/14 and 234 on 5/31/13
    Triglycerides 80 down from 195 ( ) and 163 ( )
    HDL 52 up from 37 ( ) and 42 ( )
    VLDL 16 down from 39 ( ) and 33 ( )
    LDL 137 down from 146 ( ) and 159 ( )
    LDL/HDL ratio 2.6 down from 3.9 ( ) and 3.8 ( )
    Work in progress.

    Was at my 163 lbs. this morning but scared to visit the scales any time soon.

    I'll try to get on the treadmill once I give birth. LOL. Have a lovely day everyone.

  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member