Turbo Fire - i need some buddies!



  • blakgarnet
    blakgarnet Posts: 343
    today was Fire 45 - 500 calories burned!!
  • Zoe9636
    Zoe9636 Posts: 56
    Hello all first day of the program for me, was supposed to be yesterday but had a mini OCD fit and decided as the schedule starts on a Monday so will I LOL. Anyway Fire 30 and stretch 10 just over 400 cal burn. Will also be doing ChaLEAN burn circuit 1 today.

    Zoe ♥
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    Today I did Fire 45 and went for a walk with our baby,I burned 1027 calories.Feeling GREAT today!! Hope everyone has a good week.
  • Chickabittie
    Chickabittie Posts: 272
    Hi there sorry to be a pain, was just wondering if u know of anywhere u can get these DVDs a bit cheaper? I saw them on tv they look fab but just a wee bit pricey for me :)

    hey betharose7,
    i looked all over the internet and ended up ordering from Beachbody. JulianneR is right - you can try Amazon but watch for the trusted dealers. Another option is Ebay or craiglist/kijiji. I found someone selling a half-used DVD set on craiglist for $50. Hope that helps! Let us know if/when you start!

    Yes, just be wary on Ebay, if it sounds too good to be true, it is usually a bootleg copy. Sadly, I think my Chalean Extreme copy is bootleg. A good used copy seems ok. Have fun! I love Turbo Fire!
  • texastae1010
    texastae1010 Posts: 165
    I did TF 55EZ and Stretch 10 and burned almost 800 calories...did a little weight training and that brought it up to 1000 ...I use a heart rate monitor...but you must remember to adjust it with your weight loss because if you do not you will not get an accurate reading...
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Great Job Ladies, on the schedule today fire 45 EZ and Stretch 10, hope u guys have a lovely evening :flowerforyou:
  • sjt1985
    sjt1985 Posts: 2
    Hi, I'm Sandy and I'm a Turbo Addict.

    I would love to join your group! I have done TF before and the TF/CE hybrid, too. Today, I started the Inferno Plan and I will be doing the TF/CE hybrid beginning next Monday. I absolutely love TF, CE and TJ workouts. :love: Chalene Johnson needs to come out with more workouts, in my opinion.

    Wishing you all the best - Stay motivated!

  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Completed fire 45 EZ ,burned 443 cals, it seems like fire 55 is much easier then 45 EZ i have no idea why,i am into week 16 of turbo fire, tomorrow is 45 ez again, have a blessed afternoon ladies:flowerforyou:
  • myroots
    myroots Posts: 120 Member
    Fire 55 today 620 calories according to HRM, but I noticed at one point that it had gone wonky and was showing a resting heart rate in the middle of a FIRE, so I think at least a few more calories burned.

    I officially started the CLX/TF hybrid today but I am subbing cardio for the stretch classes for little extra oomf.
  • justaa
    justaa Posts: 2
    I just signed up on this site yesterday and began TF yesterday. I had a stroke 7 yrs ago and the meds put weight on me. I'm finally now to where I have to push and do this, even if I don't have the energy. The stroke zapped it from me and I've never gotten it back.
    I was only able to do the first 10 minutes of the Fire 30 Class.. probably will be the same today... but that's ok, I've started and it will just take me time to build up my stamina.
    Add Me, you're encouragement will be appreciated and needed.....
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Fire 45 today - burned 517 calories. I actually drooled during one of the fire drills - awesome, glad no one was here to witness that.
    justaa - everybody starts somewhere! Good luck to you and feel free to add me if you would like! The first day I started I literally thought like I was gonna pass out and die. It gets easier every day.
  • blakgarnet
    blakgarnet Posts: 343
    does anyone have someone n the class that they watch? There is a woman who has really long dark brown/black straight hair that is always loose that is so energetic that is a little strange looking.
  • muffintopminx
    muffintopminx Posts: 541 Member
    Week 1, Day 1: TurboFire 30 & Stretch 10: DONE!
    And it was just a teensy weeny bit easier then when I test drove it this past Friday! Had some memory of the moves so I was a bit more coordinated and I actually started cluing in on the patterns. Hooray, now dinner!
  • staclo
    staclo Posts: 511 Member
    I took an unwanted break today. My class ended today, and I stayed up super-late last night trying to finish a 20+ page paper, and I was exhausted this morning and then had to work all day. So I decided to skip my Wednesday break and make today my break day instead. Sigh... I was bummed that I had to do it, but oh well. Back at it tomorrow!

    I hope everyone else is doing well!
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    does anyone have someone n the class that they watch? There is a woman who has really long dark brown/black straight hair that is always loose that is so energetic that is a little strange looking.

    Do u mean the girl with the yellow shorts?
  • daniedee81
    daniedee81 Posts: 155
    Hi lovelies!!!!!

    Hope everyone was fired up and had a fabulous day! I re-did Day 1 today only because I wanted to follow the schedule (OCD much?) and I wasn't sure how many cals I burned yesterday. Have to say, I'm happy to report that I'm getting the hang of the moves! i still hate those sumo burpies!

    @blackgarnet, jessicapages and texasstae - thanks for reccing a HRM. I went out and bought one today...i'm embarrassed to say that it took me about half an hour to figure out how to use it and I'm usually really good with figuring out techie-type of stuff.

    i see that there's a couple new posters! Welcome!!

    To all my ladies that keep pushing play and doing an awesome workout, complete with major calorie burn --- GREAT WORK girls! Thank you for being so motivating!!!!

    so tomorrow is HIIT 15/Stretch 10. am i gonna die? I didn't have a chance to preview that workout. I have to do the workout in the AM because I'm going to see Lion King (the musical) with my sister!

    How are you guys?

  • daniedee81
    daniedee81 Posts: 155
    stacio - i think that's that's perfectly ok -- sometime life gets in the way and we just have to tweak the schedule a bit. you are still on track girl! keep at it!:happy:
  • daniedee81
    daniedee81 Posts: 155
    Week 1, Day 1: TurboFire 30 & Stretch 10: DONE!
    And it was just a teensy weeny bit easier then when I test drove it this past Friday! Had some memory of the moves so I was a bit more coordinated and I actually started cluing in on the patterns. Hooray, now dinner!

    Yahooo! I totally know what you mean. I used yesterday as a test-drive and am counting today as the official Day 1-Week 1. It feels so good to complete these workouts because they are fun but also challenging.
    does anyone have someone n the class that they watch? There is a woman who has really long dark brown/black straight hair that is always loose that is so energetic that is a little strange looking.

    I did turbo jam before this so there are a few familiar faces....I'm only on the first workout but I sometimes follow along with the back-up girls. They have so much crazy energy - i'll sometimes copy their moves. hahaha. i used to do that with TJ too. lol that makes me sound kinda weird huh?

    justaa --- hey girl, i added you back. I'm sorry to hear you had a stroke but I'm glad to hear you have recovered. i know all too well how tough it is to bounce back after a critical illness. take your time and you'll see that you'll get stronger everyday. plus, you've got us as support!
  • SShyladyB
    SShyladyB Posts: 12
    How can you tell how many calories you are burning?
  • daniedee81
    daniedee81 Posts: 155
    How can you tell how many calories you are burning?

    Hey - on the advice of some of these fab ladies, I bought a heart rate monitor. I was expecting to calculate the calories but this one does it for me! That's the only way I know - in all the TF material, it says on average that each workout is roughly 650 calories but that number ranges from person to person.
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