

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone; lots of arthritis pain today, so not in a very good mood. Eating has not been great recently. Soliciting hugs!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,755 Member
    morning ladies, getting ready for work,
    Tori~ we have a place in a 55 park in North Port ,Florida, is is inland next to Engelwood.Port Charlotte and Punta Gorda.. southwest Florida, we will be down there for 3 weeks, although 4 days will be travel, 2 down 2 back...
    this week is going to be tough.. the DH gets cranky as the days go by until we get on the road.. just alot to do before we go...
    I just love all the pictures of the puppies <3
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,295 Member
    edited December 2014
    Joyce - lovely heart warming story! :flowerforyou:

    Cynthia- hope the pain clears up soon. :flowerforyou:

    Carol - sending hugs! I presume they've checked for aneurysm. I know she had a brain scan so I assume they did that. I knew several people who had it. Horrible to see the ones we love in pain. :flowerforyou:

    Well, I have now committed myself to cooking for the painter and his wife as walkeable pubs are full next Friday. Christmas parties madness! ! ! They were concerned that I wouldn't enjoy myself if I were jumping up and down cooking and serving, but I have PROMISED them I will have everything as simple as possible to serve on the day, so no fiddling at the stove , , , o:):D
    Menu - pesto, parma ham, mozzarella, sundried tomatoes and basil on toasted sourdough. (It will be prepared and on the table on a large white plate when they arrive. :bigsmile: )
    Moussaka, made the day before in my lovely red cast iron deep dish. Just got to get it out of the oven and put it on the table. Salad, in a big white bowl with french dressing ready prepared in a jar to throw on and toss.
    Yoghourt Panna Cotta - one of my signature dishes - made the day before. Only have to dip the dariole moulds in hot water and turn out. Throw a few fresh raspberries on the plates. I have also ordered some crispy orange Spanish biscuits to put on the table.
    Job done! ! ! !
    The painter is a recovering alcoholic, so I have looked up some mocktails for him. We will have wine and fizzy water from my Soda Stream.

    Then today I got an invitation from one of my old school friends ( the other blond one in the photo of us all at the beach). I will be going down on the train next Sunday to Portsmouth to see her flat (apartment) renovations. It has all been gutted and completely redone. We will be dining on her new cork floor and having a picnic and then I will help her play house! ! :bigsmile:

    Later today I will post the details of my strength training, but I think I've gone on long enough!

    Heather in colder Hampshire UK (heavy frost last night)

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies :flowerforyou:

    I love all the pics of the dogs!!!! I will try to post a pic of Noel in her new Christmas dress later today or tomorrow.

    Robin :) Glad the new meds seem to be working!!!

    Cynthia :) Big hugs for you my friend <3 !!!

    Thinking of you all and wishing you a wonderful day!!!

    DeeDee in soggy NC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning ladies! I woke up about 3am and couldn't get back to sleep, so finally got up at 5.

    The pottery show went well yesterday. It rained all day. That sounds bad, but when the weather is nice people do other things, like play golf. When it's rainy they must think, well, there's nothing else to do, so why not go to the pottery show. As a group we set a new first day sales record this year. So we were pretty happy.

    I have to tell you how wonderful my friends are. I had a talk with one friend and told her how much stress I've been under and that I might cancel my own open house. She asked for details and I told her that I've been so busy that I have not gotten enough work to fill my gallery, that I have not gotten a poster or postcard done yet, and the time is too short to send them out anyway, that if I did do the open house I'm not sure I could physically handle it (the sales, wrapping, refreshments, etc) by myself, that I have a HUGE drafting job that is due Monday, and that my granddaughter's basketball game is today (Saturday). Well, she got some of the others together and they told me that I don't need to come to the show at all today. That I am to take my DGD to her game, then get to work on drafting. Then, when our show closes on Sunday, they will all send pots home with me to fill my gallery, and the night of the show three of them are coming to help. They also told me to forget about the postcard and poster, and just do the newspaper ad, an e-mail blast, and put up my big sign from 2 years ago with the holiday hours, just changing the date for the open house. I can't tell you how much better I feel about the whole thing. Maybe I can do this after all. My friends are just SO wonderful!

    My other friend, the one with pancreatic cancer, came in to see the show yesterday with his wife. He was having a pretty good day. He was buying pottery, which we know he doesn't need and can't really afford to buy, and I was talking to his wife and she said this might be his last Christmas, so if he wants to buy pottery, then he can buy pottery. She and I were both crying. I'm worried about her too. She is so thin she is all bones when you hug her.

    Sassy, I love the pictures of you and your dogs!

    Kim, have fun baking cookies!

    That reminds me of my cookie story. I may have told some of you, but there are so many new people, I'll tell it again.

    When my son was about 5, my special thing to make was peanut butter cookies. We were sleeping one night when the smoke alarm went off about 3am. The battery must have been low or something, because there was no fire, so I was up on a chair pulling the battery out when my sleepy little son stumbled out of his bedroom. He said, "can I have a peanut butter cookie?" I said I hadn't made any cookies, and he said "I know you did! I heard the smoke alarm!" So much for my delusions about being a good cookie maker.

    Well, I think I'll do some laundry, since I'm up anyway. I hope you all have a great Saturday!

    (Ps: I tried the hydrogen peroxide, and it really worked! My jammies are saved! Thanks for the tip.)

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    On way out the door to yoga.....hoping she can fix my back again, it's the exact same issue.

    Cynthia........(((((((Major hugs))))))))))

    Sylvia........Glad you have such great friends!!!

    Sassy........Thanks for posting pics and about Austrian Christmas; very interesting!!!

    Heather..........As always, your food sounds sooooooo delicious!

    Best to all,
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
    edited December 2014
    Good Morning Friends,

    smiley-hug008.gif Cynthia and all who need one including me.

    Carol hope your daughter is getting the care she needs. I know first hand how difficult it can be to get the medical system to do right by your child. You know her best and can be her advocate.

    Toni for the reasons you stated that is why subbing works for me. It is not always easy going into others space and trying best to follow their routines. Discipline can also be an issue. Most days when I go in with a confident attitude and forgiveness for mistakes things go fine. If it is a particularly difficult class I just tell myself I will only be here a day and do not have to come back.

    Yanniejannie so sorry about the policeman so close to home. :frown:

    Sassy loved hearing about your Christmas time traditions. Loved the idea of creating memory corners. When I taught Kindergarten I would have the children make what looked like a wooden shoe out of brown paper and when then went to another teacher during the day I would put a small candy cane in the shoe on Saint Nicolas Day. I taught at a school that focused on the humanities, so we tried to incorporate as many cultures and how they celebrate their different traditions. I have a Swedish friend who celebrates Santa Lucia. She includes me in her party. These are memories and traditions that I enjoy this time of year.

    Last night we went with some friends to a classical choral holiday concert. I let the music flow over me and transport me to heaven while my feet stayed here on earth. Sublime.smiley-happy096.gif

    rose.gif MNMargaret
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Cynthia - Hugs. my arthritis is flaring in my hands, knees, and neck, so last night I actually dreamed I was getting a massage, and awoke in an awkward position with my hand in the air, like it was getting massaged. :D DH had a weird look on his face.

    Jane - Hooray for water.

    Sylvia - Helpful friends are such a treasure. I am so happy that you found a successful option.

    Sassy - Thanks for sharing the cultural stories. I tried to teach my kids about different cultures and such, and I am proud of how open-minded they are about all the differences in our world.

    Today DS and DH have High School bowling at Centers 45 minutes apart from each other, so DS needed a "car pool". He is riding with his coach, while DH goes to coach his Varsity Girls team. I will meet DS when I am done working. Last night we took DS to pre-bowl for the League he will be missing. He was "on" for sure, because his final series was 640, and that included 4 missed splits (and one successful 3,6,7,10) split). It really has his confidence level up for today !

    My Dad's "date" cancelled for A Christmas Carol tonight at The Milwaukee Theater, so if I get home in time to change clothes, I will attend with him. Then, yes, tomorrow is the big 5-0. I will sleep in until 6am, take DS to his Travel Bowling League while DH sleeps (third shift work tonight), then join DS, DH, Dad, and youngest sister for catered lunch at home. They still won't tell me where it is catered from, so I will just have to find time to exercise, and watch my quality and quantity. Then, I am excited to take my sister to my favorite Mexican Grocery Store. The people there are SO nice, and I think one of the cashier's has a little crush on DS. And they have amazing prices on produce.

    Prayers for everyone with needs and congrats to everyone with successes.

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,295 Member
    edited December 2014
    So interesting to hear everyone's news :flowerforyou: Love to hear about Austrian traditions. We have a German market at our cathedral city at the moment. I hope to get there sometime - not sure when though. :ohwell:

    Sylvia - hooray for friends! :drinker:

    Terri - hope you feel better soon! :flowerforyou:

    My Cauliflower Cake is just finishing baking in the oven. Some of you asked about it last time I made it. The recipe is online. It is by Ottolenghi. I find it very useful as you can freeze it and rewarm it. It caters for a lot of people so I will cut it in two. One half will be for 23rd lunch when my family arrive and the rest will come out for my son for lunch after the 28th. Nice with chilli jam or mango chutney. So another two meals sorted!
    Tonight is chicken in black bean sauce with stir fried pak choi and carrots in oyster sauce. No rice for me. :bigsmile:

    Today I did 613 calories of exercise. I will write out my stats for strength training in case anyone wants some ideas. I do it after my machines, in my bedroom, on a small area of carpet, while I am watching morning TV. Today it took 24 minutes.
    I did 20 full push ups. Then I did a few cat stretches from yoga. Then I planked for 1 minute. More cat stretches. Then I stood up and did a forward bend.
    Then I lay down again and did 30 clam leg raises for my left leg with the bad knee. Then two foot support from yoga x 4. Then a one leg raise using my left leg to raise me x20. Then I did iiron bound ankle pose from yoga x4. Then I stood up and fid my alphabet exercise, standing on my left leg, bottom out, knee bent and drawing the alphabet with my right leg. Then I balanced on the balls of my feet, holding my arms up high and looking up (for balance), then I continued on my balls and twisted from side to side, raising and lowering my arms as in yoga.
    Then I did 12 squats with a 20 pound dumbbell. Then I sat on the edge of the bed and did bicep curls with two 20 pound weights x 7. Then I did overhead tricep curls x 9 with one weight of 20 lbs in both hands. Then I put one foot on the bed and did tricep curls with a 20 lb weight x 16 and the same for the other side. Then side arm raises with 4.4 pound weights x 10, but waving them up and down a bit. Then 12 pound weights for arm rows x 8. Finally did a yoga tree on each leg for 30 seconds.
    The only thing I didn't do today is leg raises with weights. I do that every three days, puttng 5 lbs on my left leg.
    I hope you can see that, even with a dodgy knee, arthritic hips, pronation of the feet and an arm with lymphodema it is possible to do strength training at home. MFP gives me about 79 calories for that when I log it under cardio as Strength Training. Not a lot, but the benefits are huge, both in strength, fitness and shape. For the first time in my life I have arm definition and I am 65! ! ! ! ! :bigsmile: I also have a 4 pack, not quite a 6 pack! :laugh:

    Love to all, Heather in very cold Hampshire UK

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Yanniejannnie: It sounds as though the horse your DD is working with has been severely traumatized. I hope your daughter stays safe and unhurt. Saving the horse would be nice, but not as important as your daughter’s safety. My riding lesson went well, but I started out sore and stiff. It showed in my performance. :ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    Sweetnsassyfied: It sounds like your DH is a keeper. You’re lucky to have each other. My Grandma was from Austria, but I’ve never heard of Krampus before. Her family emigrated here when she was about 14, so perhaps that tradition was forgotten. Many people who immigrated to the US back then left behind traditions and customs in an effort to fit in. In Grandma’s case some things went by the wayside when she married DGF, a Lutheran. Grandma was raised a Catholic and returned to the Catholic Church after DGF passed away. It sounds as though your city would be a great place to visit during the Christmas season. :flowerforyou:

    Kim: 183 dozen cookies! I would have a tough time staying on track if I was baking them. Nothing beats cookies fresh out of the oven. Mostly I’m a moderator, but some things are on the abstain list and that includes home baked cookies. :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: The Christmas program sounds wonderful. :flowerforyou:

    Alison: I hope you are able to enjoy your vacation in Florida. Please give yourself permission to rest and enjoy your time away. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: Your dinner plans for the painter and his wife sound wonderful. Enjoy your visit with your dear friend who has redone her flat. I am so impressed with your exercise regime! Perhaps I’ll join a gym after New Years. By February most of the Resolution crowd will thin back out and it won’t be too crowded. I need to become supple to improve my riding skills. Yoga is great but not enough for this job by itself and I have to find a new Yoga class, too. :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Your potting friends are amazing. I’m so happy that you mentioned your concerns to them. It sounds like things will be fabulous. I love the cookie fire alarm story! :flowerforyou:

    Terri in Milwaukee: I Love “A Christmas Carol.” You are lucky to have the chance to go with your dad. :flowerforyou:

    Yesterdays riding lesson was without a saddle and included trotting. I need to work on balance! I really need to become more supple as I mentioned to Heather, so that I don’t clamp down on the poor horse at a trot. My back is still dodgy and that means I was doing something wrong. I’d appreciate exercise advice from any horsewomen out there.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Tradition is not to preserve the ashes but to pass on the flame.” sweetnsassyfied

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    December Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    How can I post a picture from my iPad here. It is on facebook so it is on my computer?
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Have a great sat!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    How can I post a picture from my iPad here. It is on facebook so it is on my computer?
    If it's on your Facebook, pull up the pic from your iPad, then on the bottom you should see options, one will be save photo. You have to save the pic on your computer, iPad or phone FIRST. Then when you come here and u wanna attach the pic, it will b there for u to pick
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,622 Member
    I am so pissed u don't even know. My heart rate monitor didn't work so I don't know how many calories I burned!!!!! I am lucky that I have ridden this ride b4 (or close to it) so I went to see the calories I butned those topimes and took an average. At least those 22 hilly miles weren't for nothing.
    Riding- hm to puyallup school- 51.49min, 12.9amph, 11.1mi
    Riding from school to hm- 56.02min, 11.6amph, 10.8mi
  • jeanniebeanie59
    jeanniebeanie59 Posts: 141 Member
    have a good Sat everyone, goin for a walk with hubby now!! 30 min.
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Sunday here and thank goodness my Rest and Re-feed day. Stan is cooking bacon and eggs, then drive out and doggy walk. Home for roast lamb dinner.
    Weight has stayed the same all week, so will do weigh/tape/BF% Monday morning.
    Start week 3 of Jeannette's challenge tomorrow and all going well. LOVE the food for breakfast and lunch and the training. Will see what she has me down for next week.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,861 Member
    Hi all, Good day today. Went horseback riding this morning and to the women's Christmas tea at church this afternoon. The entertainment was lots of fun, a trio of men from our church playing guitar and banjo and singing. They did some bluegrass, some gospel and some Christmas songs.

    Katla - There is a book out called The Rider's Fitness program by Dianna Dennis, John McCully and Paul Juris. It has good explanations and illustrations of the exercises. They may not all be appropriate for you but you can pick and choose, that is what I do.
    Allison - Safe traveling to Florida and enjoy your time there.

    Lesley - I really admire the way you stick with your program.

    Kim - Where on earth do you store 183 dozen cookies?

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Well, another cloudy, gloomy , and (add) rainy day done. But for whatever reason my mood is OK again.....those "down" days don't happen often enough (and let's face it---I'm too stubborn and anti meds) to actually go on a something long term but they sure are bothersome when they do happen........and generally, I am pretty upbeat. (I think.)

    Katla........My daughter also said yoga, yoga and more yoga; also one of those air filled balance balls.

    Margaret.........Update on the policeman and the robbers; this group of three are serial bank robbers, responsible for at least 13 in the area in the past few years; very fast, very dangerous........the second one was caught, so that leaves only one on the lam........also, it turns out the policeman had a bad graze on his head from a bullet and it was reported that he had several holes in his clothing from others. One of the men arrested is a neighbor of the woman (my old boss) who I took for the colonoscopy last month; small world, and not in a good way.

    Good news......DD came home from lifeguarding and cooked; bad news 4 cheese ravoili with alfredo sauce.....I had the very smallest amount and enjoyed it.

    Well, DH has started a mystery on Netflix; bye until tomorrow.

  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Someone mentioned cookies. Our cookie swap was canceled. All are supposed to be home made.Last year,several of the younger women were using cake mixes & cookie dough from the store.I didn't care,cause DH is a cookie expert & I bake his favs.Several of the older ladies have started a new swap,of home made cookies.Won't go this time...plan to finish shopping this wk & baking too.Will send cards Monday.
    Seems like once we get started,holidays come all in a rush!
  • jan61cook
    jan61cook Posts: 1 Member
    I am 53 and live in TX. I just got engaged so now my weight management just got real!!!