

  • princessnarmor
    princessnarmor Posts: 67 Member
    question: What is a realistic goal weight for someone over 50, 5'5"?
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member
    jan61cook wrote: »
    I am 53 and live in TX. I just got engaged so now my weight management just got real!!!

    Welcome, and congrats on your engagement.

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,945 Member
    question: What is a realistic goal weight for someone over 50, 5'5"?

    This is a tough question, because it depends on so many factors. For long term, I would Google height weight chart for older women and pick a reasonable goal somewhere in the range provided. For short term, I would focus on losing 10% of current weight.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    My granddaughter's team actually won a game! Well, we think they did, because nobody kept score officially, but they were scoring goals! She was so happy.

    I spent some quality time at the studio working on my drafting jobs, and I got over half of it done! I feel so much better having that much done.

    For dinner I made turkey sausage and a baked sweet potato. One of my favorite holiday dishes from my childhood was my grandmother's raisin and sage dressing that went with the turkey. So, as an experiment I put raisins in my sausage. Raisins, sage and turkey all in one! I liked it, ok, but might not do it again. I also baked it in the oven, which I liked. It seemed a little less dry that way.

    Jan, I hope you feel giddy with glee again very, very soon!

    Jan61Cook, welcome! And congratulations on your engagement.

    Princessnarmor, I think it would depend partly on where you are starting and what your physical condition is. I started at 302 and thought my goal would be 155, but when I started feeling better I changed my goal to 145 which will put me in the "normal" range, but I'm a little shorter than you. I'm older, too.

    Well, I need to do something constructive. Have a great evening.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,621 Member
    question: What is a realistic goal weight for someone over 50, 5'5"?

    Well.... I am 55 and I have been at my goal weight over 2 yrs now. I am 5'5" too. My lowest was 131' I put on a few cus I think I was looking too skinny. My clothes are 4-6 depending on the style. I so ride every day during the week and workout every day so I would venture to say I am more continually active than most. But u should not necessarily go by the scale, go with how u feel and how u want your clothes to fit. It's an individual thing
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    princess........I'd say 130 to 150 depending on how YOU feel and think you look. I'm 5'3" on a good day and 115 would be wonderful but 120 to 130 is what I find more realistic (and doable).
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    edited December 2014
    :D Heather, thank you for sharing your strength training routine. I copied it so I can read it at my leisure and see about adding some of your stuff to my routine tomorrow.

    B) Today was one of the laziest days I've had in years and getting to my goal of 18,000 steps was a challenge. Hubby, the pets, and I took a nap this morning and this afternoon we went to what seemed to be an endless memorial event for the wife of one of Jake's friends. It was a small gathering and we all sat around one table that had a lot of food mostly cheese, salami, and crackers (all things I don't eat). We brought cauliflower and cherry tomatoes so I had something to snack on but I was starving by the time I got home.

    :D The dogs are already in bed and hoping that we'll be there soon---sounds like a great idea. :D

    :bigsmile: :love: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did an hour of challenges that I got on another site. Tomorrow's plan is to do a pilates DVD

    pip - that one dog of yours with the haltie on that looks like a golden really reminded me of when we had the service dog. Thanks for the memory

    Tonight Vince and I are going to see "Miracle on 34th Street". It's a play at the Green Room. Last time I volunteered in the box office I was really surprised at how fast the tickets were selling!

    Sassy - thanks so much for sharing your Christmas. How interesting!!!!

    Kim - 183 DOZEN!!!! Boy, I'd be all cookied-out!

    Hopefully, someone can give me a suggestion of what to have. See, next Sunday we're having an open house for the Newcomer bowlers. I have this one dish that has 3 sections. In one I'm planning to put walnuts, in the next cashews. But I'm not sure what to put in the third. One year I put pistachios, but I was the only one eating them probably since they had to be shelled. Another year I put almonds but, again, I was the only one eating them. I was thinking about a cheese, but it has to be something that can sit out for a few hours and not dry out. Minibabybels? But, again, people might avoid it since it has to be unwrapped. I DO NOT want any kind of candy. I have three kinds of cookies, I think that's enough. But any ideas as to what to put in the third section?

    Was rainy/drizzly/plain yukky today so we got the blowmolds down and in the garage. Brought in some of the christmas linens and got them put around the house.

    Sylvia - yea for you setting that record! How great of you friends to do all that for you

    Terri - one time I got the 2. 7, 10 split. That'll probably never happen again! Congrats to your son

    Heather - what a workout routine you had there!

    Jan - bet your daughter enjoyed you having those ravioli, too. That's so very important

    patceoh - that's one of the things I don't like about a cookie swap. If I wanted cookie dough from a store, I'd buy it. I prefer things homemade.

    jan61 - welcome. Congrats on your engagement

    Michele in NC
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Back home after lovely Sunday drive and 2 dog walks. Lamb roasting in oven and need to do the veg.
    I finally can post to FaceBook again Yeah! MUST NOT post on Royal Site
    Looked at Jeannette's sit and meal and exercises not updated yet. Must wait until tomorrow.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,644 Member
    So the deal with the cookies is Mom and I make them together and each get 1/2 of them; we do 2 kinds from a cookie press (one orange flavored baton dipped in chocolate, and one shaped like a wreath), a cream de mint brownie, peanut butter kisses, a cookie with a reeses peanut cup in the center, a chocolate crackle, a mini-pecan pie cookie; a graham cracker almond cookie and rosettes.... I store them all in tupper wear or cans and fill trays the few days before christmas and deliver them to neighbors and friends. this is my first diet over christmas and I am not sure how this will go... but time will tell.

    Cynthia – ((({{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}))))))

    Heather – that menu sounds divine!
    Sylvia – you are blessed by such good potter friends, after reading the article about you I am not surprised that that group is so supportive!

    Jan61cook and princessnarmor – welcome

    Michele – what about an olive in the 3rd section?

    November goals;
    Walk every day – 100% done
    Log all bites everyday – about 80%

    December goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday
    Do a fun thing every week.

    Kim from N. California
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,294 Member
    Michele - brazils? I also love dried apricots or some other dried fruit. Even some really big sultanas.
  • sweetnsassyfied
    sweetnsassyfied Posts: 110 Member
    Just a fly by this morning we have guests coming soon. :D

    Michele... Roasted Chickpea's? lovely crunch fewer calories.

    To everyone posting their workout regimes; Thank you thank you thank you!! They are / You are such a Thinspiration.

    I am copying these into notepad to show myself where I can be in the coming year! :D
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Pat in Ohio: beautiful profile pic! Those are “my” colors.

    Sylvia: glad you have experienced your friends supporting you!

    Michele: radishes? Nice and crunchy. Or strips of yellow and red bell pepper.

    Tomorrow marks one year on MFP. Net result: about 10 kg lost (22 pounds). Maximum was about 17 kg (37 pounds). The gain came AFTER vacation, not during. Suspect stress (job, fixing up house, guy moving in). I want to kick-start myself again, so I can be proud of myself like I was until vacation time. Who has great ideas?

    Hope everyone has a good day!
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,755 Member
    Michelle~ I dont know , how about Olives,or maybe celery sticks,baby carrots, broccoli florets
    went to see DFIL yesterday early afternoon, he was in bed, he is fighting the CNA to stay in bed in the morning, they get him up anyway.. he was totally out of it, I shook him and he wouldnt wake up..
    I will be calling once a day to see how he is when we are in florida ,if they like it or not..
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    CynthiaT60 wrote: »
    I want to kick-start myself again, so I can be proud of myself like I was until vacation time. Who has great ideas?

    Cynthia, on my first day of this current weight loss journey (in January 2009), I planned my food for the day (including portion size) and committed to following the plan "no matter what". I drank a lot of water and looked at the clock a lot waiting for meal time but I accomplished the goal. I did the same thing the next day. By logging my meals on MFP I found out what to leave out that used up too many calories and what to add that gave me a lot to eat with fewer calories and made gradual changes on subsequent days, but stuck to the commitment to plan and log food in the morning and stick to the plan "no matter what".

    I wish you success on your renewed journey :D
    Barbie :D

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,294 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hi all!
    Did no strength training today, but I think it's ok to have a day off occasionally. I walked to the local craft fair and back, so added that to my machine calories and got 556 in total. That'll do! :bigsmile:
    Forgot to say yesterday that I do switch things around a bit and one thing I missed out was Downward Facing Dog and Upward Facing Dog. I hold Downward for 10 seconds and Upward for 5 seconds and usually do that 5 times.

    I enjoyed the craft fair and seeing my yoga friend there. We have missed each other at yoga the last couple of weeks. I bought a few handmade Christmas decorations and a couple of cross stitched cards for the grandchildren. :bigsmile:

    This afternoon I am going to make Easy Crustless Spinach and Feta Pie from skinnytaste.com. We love it and there is always a third left over for lunch the next day. We have a double portion for dinner. No good for the salt avoiders, but delicious! Tomato salad with and I have chilli sauce - DH has mango chutney and I will do him some new potatoes. Any newbies who don't know the website should take a look. Very good for entertaining ideas, dips etc.

    I hope I will have the energy and motivation after I've made the pie (really a sort of cake) to paint my bedside cupboard. The carpet people are coming tomorrow so we could move back in afterwards, even with no blind as it doesn't get light early. It is a Roman blind in a grey, slightly sueded fabric and it has blackout backing as our bedroom is East facing. I can hear DH up there hoovering at the moment! Preparing for the carpet layers. :love:

    Still waiting to get final confirmation from everyone of Christmas dates. I thought this morning I would take Barbie's tip and adopt an attitude of gratitude! :laugh: Instead of grumbling I should be grateful that we have a big enough house, are comfortable with money and are good enough at cooking for people to want to come and visit us. :drinker: I should take it as a compliment and count my blessings. :bigsmile:

    Bye for now, Heather in damp Hampshire UK
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    edited December 2014
    Hi everyone, just stopping by for a sec and wish you all a happy December! Better late than never :bigsmile: I'll try to catch up on some reading here - been busy!

    A quote from "Eating Well For Optimum Health" by Andrew Weil, M.D.

    " Diet has a special significance among lifestyle factors in that people have total control over it, at least potentially. You cannot change your genes, control the quality of the air you breathe all the time, or avoid the stresses of everyday life, but you can decide what to eat and what not to eat, even if you are stuck on occasion in an institutional cafeteria. It is a shame not to take advantage of that control by making wise choices from what is available and by informing yourself about wise and unwise choices of food. "

    jb in Portland :glasses:
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Cold, cloudy, damp with a constant gusty wind......brrrrr. Got our tree today......yesterday was too crowded at the lot. DH also bought himself an Ipad; will be his Christmas gift. And, wonder of wonders, he's consented to getting a cell phone. Small party/get together later. Back still painful depending on how I move; got me awake several times during night so Yoga magic didn't work this time........boohoo!

    Michele..........I think I'd stick with something "nutty" either almonds again (can't believe they didn't get eaten!!!), peanuts, sunflower seeds, or soy nuts.

    Need to get moving!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,218 Member
    Just a quick bump for my friends to say hi. Busy day ahead. Take care all, Meg from foggy Omaha
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,072 Member
    Afternoon friends,

    Reading an interesting book called The Coconut Oil Diet by Maria Bianco. She makes some compelling arguments for adding good fats to your diets and the effect it can have on your overall health. I thought her explanation why sugar cravings are sometimes so high interesting.Her explanation was that your brain is starved for glucose. Eating a high sugar diet doesn't necessarily get the glucose to your brain if your are insulin resistant. She called it Diabetes 3. Diabetes of the brain. I am cautious about jumping on the coconut oil bandwagon, but I do eat avocados and choose moderate amounts of butter over margarine. I do like to use coconut oil as a moisturizer too.

    :heart: MNMargaret