What's your biggest weight loss / fitness pet peeve?



  • lemonlionheart
    lemonlionheart Posts: 580 Member
    Bekk927 wrote: »
    My main pet peeve is now that I've lost the weight my friends think its ok to make fun of overweight people around us in front of me. Being mean is being mean. Now I have to wonder if once upon a time they were saying the same things about me

    :\ That sucks. Get better friends?
  • dammitjanet0161
    dammitjanet0161 Posts: 319 Member
    edited December 2014
    One that hasn't been mentioned yet (maybe it only bugs me) is the stereotypes of fitness on TV/advertising, ie everyone who exercises is either:

    a) a smug mung bean munching bore, or
    b) kitted out in loud colours with sweatbands circa 1986 like Mr Motivator, prancing around like an idiot.

    Gym memberships are always expensive (as in "no more expensive gym memberships"), counting (as in calories or points) is always "tedious" and anybody shown eating anything deemed healthy is picking at a salad with a massively p*ssed off expression.

    I know the diet industry is out to sell products just the same as any other industry, but the lazy cliches they use just set my teeth on edge!
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    Asking myself why didn't I start this sooner? I'd be at a healthy weight by now if I'd started 6 months earlier!
  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    Didn't read all replies, so it may have already been said; but the people who say you have to be extremely restrictive with what you eat. The "i can't lose weight because I don't know what to eat". the "cut everything out of your diet" people. I have lost 34lbs and I have continued to eat what I want and like. No restrictions here.
  • KnM0107
    KnM0107 Posts: 355 Member
    Overweight/obese People who feel that their insecurities about their bodies are more valid because they think they are somehow less privileged than thin people.

    People who say you can't lose weight or maintain without counting calories.

    People who say that you must do a specific type of workout or you shouldn't even bother exercising.

  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    The hypocrites who say "health at any size"-- but only if by "any size" you mean "overweight/obese". As soon as you're underweight, or close to the lower end of the spectrum, you must be unhealthy and dying. Apparently genetics can make you heavier but not thinner -_-

  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    a smug mung bean munching bore

  • IIGuardian
    IIGuardian Posts: 24 Member
    amcook4 wrote: »
    Most of the conversations I've had with extended family over Thanksgiving, oh goodness they were annoying

    "Are you sure you can eat that? You are on a diet!"
    I've lost 59 pounds, I think I've figured out how this works, and I still manage to eat delicious things. Weight loss doesn't have to mean sad food, now hand over the damn pie

    I imagine that everyone in the building I'm in is wondering where that miserable guffawing is coming from. That was great!

  • abatonfan
    abatonfan Posts: 1,120 Member
    edited December 2014
    The diary police who use your food diary to determine if you or they win an argument. It drives me insane if I offer advice to someone, and another person looks at my diary and says something similar to this: "Well you went over your sugar goal three days ago, so your advice is invalid"... when I was using that sugar to make sure I did not die due to hypoglycemia. There's a reason why I keep my diary private.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I cant eat enough food. Well how did you get fat then? Also thanks for saying people complain about gaining weight and eating over, that has been me here lately.
  • yellowlemoned
    yellowlemoned Posts: 335 Member
    1.) I get tired of the "x-thing is the healthiest thing your can put in your body" one week and then the next week the same "x-thing is toxic to your body." Or from my grandma specifically "Dr. Oz says....."

    2.) the "I guess your off your diet?" questioning remarks because I had a piece of pizza for lunch one day.
  • Lalalindaloo
    Lalalindaloo Posts: 204 Member

    2.) the "I guess your off your diet?" questioning remarks because I had a piece of pizza for lunch one day.

    ^^^That. Or, "hey , we're going out to eat at the Mexican restaurant today, but ohhhhh, I guess there isn't anything you can eat there."

    How many times can I say, I eat whatever I want. Most of the time lately, I WANT things that are healthier and that I can fill up on and stay filled up, but I eat every kind of food I love, because I would be miserable otherwise. I just stay (for the most part) within my calorie goals.

    Just because I've lost/am losing weight, please don't assume that I starve myself or only eat carrot slivers. Or that the food I eat is boring or bland. I am an awesome flipping cook and can make things that are filling and delish that are reasonable calorie wise.
  • annehdavis
    annehdavis Posts: 157 Member
    If you lose any more weight you will look sick. I am 173 5'5". I now tell them they are not used to seeing healthy weighing people. BAM BTW my goal is 141 so yes I will look sick in their eyes.
  • mlrtri
    mlrtri Posts: 425 Member
    All of the arguing about what is best/worst, true/false, etc on MFP. It seems like we are adults and should just be able to agree to disagree. You can look at health/weight loss with many different points of view.
  • LeelooX2014
    LeelooX2014 Posts: 157 Member
    Mine is people telling me I'm losing too much weight. I do think they get used to seeing you at a specific size and just react. I am also at the bottom of overweight now and almost barely inside the healthy bmi so I really am still overweight. They'll just have to get over it.

    Also, when my husband will buy things specifically for me that are my weakness like wine or favorite junk foods. It's a nice thought, but I actually think he fears me getting fit while he is going in the other direction. I can only blame myself if I eat or drink those things, but it can also be a bit awkward to say no. I've done it though.
  • ShrinkingMuslimah
    ShrinkingMuslimah Posts: 99 Member
    I haven't read all of the pages, but I'm on page 6 and haven't seen a few of my pet peeves yet.

    - Women who are all "I celebrate my curves" "Big girls do it better", but then are always dieting and trying to lose weight to get down to some ridiculously low number so they can 'look cute in their clothes'. Pick one.

    - Posts that say "REAL women have curves" or "REAL women look like this" (insert picture of size 16 minimum model *must be ridiculously airbrushed*). What makes a large woman any more real than a small woman? What about women who are naturally thinner?

    - Large women who use the term "skinny b*tches" to refer to anyone more than 2 dress sizes smaller than them. Or call anyone who is below a size 4 "anorexic". I was bullied a LOT for my being XXXL while growing up, so I know how hard it is - why would I want to put that same hurt on someone else and bully someone else for being XXXS?
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    mlrtri wrote: »
    All of the arguing about what is best/worst, true/false, etc on MFP. It seems like we are adults and should just be able to agree to disagree. You can look at health/weight loss with many different points of view.

    Also - I know more than you-ism.
  • From this site.. the myth that ´ you cannot gain muscle mass if you have a calorie deficit´.. Which is only true for people with low body fat.

    400lbs guy, never lifted weights before. Starts lifting weight 2 hours a day and has a 1 calorie deficit. You think that guy isn´t going to be putting on muscle mass? Even if he has a 500 calorie deficit he is going to be building muscle mass for many many weeks.

    What bugs me is that people find ´rules´ that are specific to one group of people ( ie, in this case bodybuilders) and try to apply it as a universal rule they can put on a bumper sticker, swear by, and then pass along to everyone they see, without realizing it was a niche rule for a small group of people.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Pet peeve is when someone says they ate cocoa puffs -- they world shuts down and thinks you must crash and burn because you ate sugar for breakfast.

    What ever... I may crash and burn eating too many carrots.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Yes, the deficit you can't build muscle thing.