20 pounds by Easter challenge



  • SingingTiff
    SingingTiff Posts: 7 Member
    I am in! I'm getting over this plateau.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited December 2014
    I am in! I'm getting over this plateau.

    great glad to have you. here with us.
    I need to lose more than 20 like around 50 lbs But the 20 is a start for me.Then I will go from there. Best of luck to you tiff.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    webby314 wrote: »
    Hi Shirley and Marie, thank you for the welcome.
    Congratulations Shirley on your becoming a grandma soon. It is the best! I'm glad to hear of another WW lifetime member. For a long time I just kept trying to make it work again. I'm so glad to be trying MFP, I like the support and the online tools.

    Marie, thanks for the your support, I appreciate hearing about your challenges and how you are managing your weight loss. You're an inspiration!

    I just returned from a long walk, 10,000+ steps. I'm trying to do that minimum each day. I downloaded the PACT app on my phone. I signed up to do the gym pact, which means I decided to do 10,000 steps five times a week. When I successfully meet the 5 day pact, I get paid (amount varies but around $2 per week). The flip side is if I don't meet the weekly pact (10,000 steps for 5 days) then I pay $5 per day that I miss. I enjoy the exercise and this has been motivating for me. The money comes from people who sign up who aren't successful. The money is moved through a paypal account.

    Christmas wasn't too bad. I had a good day and just got back to counting everything today. My youngest son got engaged last night, so we are all happy about that!

    Hope all are doing well on this 2nd day of Christmas!

    <3 (*) <3 hello Webby. Sounds like you are really into it. Sound wonderful. I think I am getting a delay Christmas present of a fifbit and plan to walk more. I don't do any now except walking around the house.. So any that I do is better than nothing. The old hips and leg aren't what they used to be.
    Thanks for dropping bye to chat.
    Hugs Marie

  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Hi Webby,

    Glad you are doing so well with your Steps. I too have a pedometer and measure my steps everyday. I find 10,000 steps very hard to do. If I make between 5 and 6 thousand that's
    a good day but I do try and push it.

    Congratulations on the son's engagement. You must be so happy!

    I am still on the holiday time of eating but slowly cutting down the treats.
    We still have a lunch at my BIL's house tomorrow so I will try and not overeat.
    Going to see family that couldn't make it to our house for Christmas dinner.

    Stay strong everyone and I will be here after the holidays putting my 2 cents in and losing weight.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited December 2014
    Shirley I can hardly wait till you get in full time on this weight lost business. You do so good when you make up your mind. Just a few days now.I had a good day today. not bad on Christmas but the scales was up some this morning.
    My daughter in law sent me a date nut cake using my mother recipe. I will take it out to Kathy Sunday for our family get together.But I can smell it and it smells so good.
    Do you still have issy?
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    my menu for the last 2 days

    Christmas day went quite well but the scales was up this morning. But did not take my water pill yesterday being out on the road so much So double up today Which my doctor told me to do if I gain overnight.
    Christmas day
    Breakfast... 1 sl of raisin bread, 1 T. cream cheese coffee
    Lunch.... turkey, 1 T of corn casserole, 1 T. of Mac and cheese, Brussels sports Tea
    ! very small pie of Red velvet cake and a very small serving of ice cream
    Dinner salad with turkey diet coke
    no snacks

    Today 12/26/14
    Breakfast. ...1 sl.of rasin bread coffee.
    lunch Kale salad with Salad dressing... Eckerd sausage ,tea
    Dinner... another kale salad with turkey salad dressing Tea.
    Snacks none will tho if needed.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :D Hi Webby, I've had a pedometer for many years. At first getting to 10,000 steps was a huge challenge but over time it got easier and my step count got higher. I seek every opportunity to be active. Now I walk at times when I used to sit (like at airports or while watching TV or talking on the phone). There is research that shows that people with pedometers walk more than people who don't.

    :D Barbie

  • golfbrew_matt
    golfbrew_matt Posts: 240 Member
    I am in too! Great idea and the 20 pounds will get me really close to my goal! Looking forward to losing with you all!
  • LuzChely
    I'm in!
  • lizhane
    I'm ready! I am a stress eater and between work and family, I become overwhelmed. I'm 57 and my energy level has really dropped over the past 6 months. I've enjoyed reading all the posts. Liz
  • Darlene4prayers
    Darlene4prayers Posts: 148 Member
    I would like to join. I have problems eating late at night when i get off work at 11p. Also, I need to eat healthy and get off the junk food. I was looking online at the book One on one looks very interesting so I following the doctor on Facebook and Pinterest.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    LuzChely wrote: »
    I'm in!

    <3 (*) <3
    fantastic luz you are so welcome to join us

    I see you are a new member to MFP, such a great place here So thankful for the opportunity to meet so many people Hugs marie

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    edited December 2014
    I am in too! Great idea and the 20 pounds will get me really close to my goal! Looking forward to losing with you all!

    <3 (*) <3
    we are all looking forward to meeting this challenge and have fun and chatting along the way

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I would like to join. I have problems eating late at night when i get off work at 11p. Also, I need to eat healthy and get off the junk food. I was looking online at the book One on one looks very interesting so I following the doctor on Facebook and Pinterest.
    <3 (*) <3
    Welcome to our thread great having you join us This as been a wonderful experience for me.
    Marie <3

    lizhane wrote: »
    I'm ready! I am a stress eater and between work and family, I become overwhelmed. I'm 57 and my energy level has really dropped over the past 6 months. I've enjoyed reading all the posts. Liz
    lizhane wrote: »
    I'm ready! I am a stress eater and between work and family, I become overwhelmed. I'm 57 and my energy level has really dropped over the past 6 months. I've enjoyed reading all the posts. Liz
    lizhane wrote: »
    I'm ready! I am a stress eater and between work and family, I become overwhelmed. I'm 57 and my energy level has really dropped over the past 6 months. I've enjoyed reading all the posts. Liz
    lizhane wrote: »
    I'm ready! I am a stress eater and between work and family, I become overwhelmed. I'm 57 and my energy level has really dropped over the past 6 months. I've enjoyed reading all the posts. Liz
    lizhane wrote: »
    I'm ready! I am a stress eater and between work and family, I become overwhelmed. I'm 57 and my energy level has really dropped over the past 6 months. I've enjoyed reading all the posts. Liz

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Liz Sorry got myself mix up and somehow I posted your quote too many times and do not know how to correct it. .Sorry people
    <3 (*) <3
    But did want to welcome you to this great group
    I se this is your first post on MFP . Do hope you enjoy you visit here and do join us . if you have any problems just let us know.
    And visist us often

  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Hello, everyone! Well, I was excited to get my Fitbit Aria scale in the mail... but, then I got on it. Ugh! According to this scale I am not 182.6, but 185. ICK! I had done so well staying in the low 170s until this past year when it just started to climb. Not exercising will do that!
    So, no loss this week...just a gain! It also told me my BMI and body fat percentage. Sigh. I have much work to do and am feeling overwhelmed at the moment. I will recover, but wow how depressing. I plan to eat well today staying within my calorie allowance and to get outside and walk at least 10,000 steps.
    It is 14 weeks until Easter, so I'm not sure I can get 20lbs off by then. I will do my best, but have my calories set for a 1lb weight loss per week and that gives me just 1290 calories. I really can't go lower than that or I'll lose nothing.
    Have a great day and weekend everyone and here's hoping to a better weigh-in next week.
  • mrsmuckster
    mrsmuckster Posts: 444 Member
    SW: 237.4
    CW: 205.2
    GW: 185 (hopefully more)

    Sat:12/20/14: 202.6 - loss 2.6
    Sat 12/27/14: no loss this week but can live with that after the holiday - not much exercise and did partake in desserts - back on track today
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    <3 Becky... Hang in there. I will come off just keep following your plan. I an at a standstill too but sticking with my 1-1-1- plan After all we did not gain this weight in a week and will not lose it in a week

    <3 mrs mucketer same with me no lost this week.
    Thank you both for posting. love keeping up with you.
  • TracyMarie72
    Hoping to do twice this by easter. But i will be hapoy with 20. Miss the days when i could lose 5 lbs by the weekend without even tryimg lol. I am in. Starting Sunday!!
  • tenpets
    tenpets Posts: 423 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement, Marie. <3 Anyone who would like to friend me, feel free to do so.
