40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • dylangrrrrl
    dylangrrrrl Posts: 64 Member
    Wow, scanning this thread, it looks like you kids are truly making connections on MFP! I have some friends made previously but most are no longer active as I rejoin the game. I'm a 40 yo working mom of two (ages 3 and 1). I'm of advanced maternal age (haha!) and want to be able to keep up with my kids! Savage223, I also have a slim husband (~150 lbs) and know how you feel! 20 lbs to lose and looking for ways to manage work/kids/health. Like pushing your kid on the swing then running around the swingset, repeat. So glad the holidays are over, lol! Also glad that Jan. is the coldest, darkest month for us in TX so it only gets better from here. Feel free to friend me, especially if your diary is open :) I wish you all the very best in 2015! We can do this!!!
  • dylangrrrrl
    dylangrrrrl Posts: 64 Member
    Also does anyone enjoy a nightly glass of wine? Do you feel it slows your metabolism or can it work if you're within calorie goals?
  • Savage223
    Savage223 Posts: 6 Member
    Yes dylangrrrrl I too like to enjoy the occasional adult beverage in the evening! I have tried to limit myself to maybe one on Friday night & maybe one on Saturday. That's hard though
  • Kate7294
    Kate7294 Posts: 783 Member
    Morning Kid's!
    dylangrrrl - Nice to meet someone else who was crazy enough to have young kids at our age . LOL. I'm 42 with one 16 yr. old introverted son and one crazy 3 yr. old daughter.
    I usually forget about the wine coolers in the fridge; I've always heard a glass of wine is good for you.
    Savage & dylangrrrl - My husband finally weighs more than I do so I can relate. LOL he's 5'11" and around 215 lbs. I think ( though we have both been up to the 260 range in the past ). << In his case when he was eating lunch at the Chinese buffet up to 5 days a week back then. Now our 16 yr. old is around 140 lbs. so yes I'd like to eventually weigh less than him though I'm pretty happy were I'm at now. 156 lbs. after losing 56 lbs. ( since June ).
    Welcome Newbies !
    It's been a great weekend here. Josie seems to have finally gotten the hang of using the potty. Tantrums have been minimal. Jonas has been hanging out/seeing friends more. Mom seems okay.

    Larro- I keep seeing people making chicken tortilla soup. I think I may have to make some soon. I've gotten a little lazy lately about meal planning though I'm just trying to find a balance so I'm not making several different things for the kid's, myself, and a picky husband.

    Kelly Sue - I hope the therapy is having an effect on your husband's rehab.

    Courious- I told my husband the other day he needs to get me a Vespa! LOL.

    Anyway I'll check back in later.
  • Mzklutch
    Mzklutch Posts: 39 Member
    Good Morning Cool kids, my day is about to get started. I'm waiting on the Dish Network people to come and install my other box so I don't have to be imprisoned watching the stuff my husband is watching. He has joined me here in Tx finally and now I have to get readjusted to not being the only one in the house. Lol. Once my box is installed then I will head to the gym.
    I am sore from my workout with the trainer on yesterday and now I need to push through it. Caramel I really admire all the hard work you do and now I am facing it too. :)
    Larro - I am with you on the anti-social because I am ok with being with myself so when I have chance to go elsewhere rather than have people come to my house, I go to there's instead.
    Beeps - good luck with the challenge, I know you'll do fine.
    Curious - sounds like you been having fun and I can't wait to get my bike here so I will be hopefully having it shipped to me soon.
    Welcome Savage, dylangrrrl an Tim.
    Dylangrrl - I hope you are right about the weather here in Tx. I must say though, the cold we have had does not even compare to the WI cold I have come from. I have yet to put on a heavy coat. I been wearing my light jacket.
    As for the alcohol, I stay away from it as much as possible because I notice when I drink it and then try to work out, I am just too sluggish. I have followed a lot of fitness building people who have mentioned the same and that is why they also stay away from it. I have something every now and then.
    Good day everyone!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    Cardio done! ZOOM!
  • amyrllin1
    amyrllin1 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi all,
    I am also anti social. I prefer just me and my hubby and like to socialize on my terms, I always joke that I am one cat away from being a crazy cat lady! I am also shy so that does not help.
    I too enjoy my wine but I do try to limit it to one or two nights a week as I find I lose control of my eating when I drink it and I don't want to exercise the next day!
  • kimberlyrayburn
    kimberlyrayburn Posts: 3 Member
    I'd love to join this group and need all the help I can get ;)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    ....newbies whomstop in: put up a picture in your avatar space! Nobody likes "talking" to a shadow....

    At least I don't.

    Yesterday was terrible for eating....got my period and that usually means cravings. Which I don't fight. It is NOT worth the fight....amhik.

    Anyway, fasting until 3 or 4, today and hopefully monday brings me that joie de vivre of new beginnings, heavy lifting, and calorie control!
  • Marzstar
    Marzstar Posts: 7 Member
    I just turned 40 in December and would love to join this group. Picture to follow...
  • Savage223
    Savage223 Posts: 6 Member
    So the routine of going to work & having a schedule Mon. - Fri. make it seem easier for me to 'behave' with my food & exercise. As weird as it seems - I'm almost glad to go back to work tomorrow. With having Thurs. off for New Years, & I had Fri. off too - my food intake is all over the place! I'm honest - I log it all - but it's ugly.....
  • wishiwasarunner
    wishiwasarunner Posts: 202 Member
    Just turned 46. Goal would be to take off 25# this year - but after just a few runs, I have developed some significant plantar fascitis - possibly something worse. I guess at this age, I am going to have to pay more attention to avoiding injury.
  • lt3ag4s
    lt3ag4s Posts: 835 Member
    I may have enjoyed my long weekend more than I should have. I pretty much stayed inside for four days straight playing video games and watching movies and TV. How was everyone else's weekend?
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Hey everybody. I did my morning cardio, but wimped out of any walking once I got to work. I've been on a reading jag again, and wanted to get right into the next book. My sleep and everything else suffers when I do this. Last night I turned my lamp off at 0200. The bad thing is I started another book after supper, so tonight may be more of the same.

    Welcome to all the new guys. I'm with Beeps on the avatar. Looking at the upper two thirds of a snowman leaves something to be desired.

    We had another day of Florida's famed liquid sunshine today. The rainy season is here for sure.

    Hope everyone is well,


  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,985 Member
    Your land looks beautiful to me, larrodarro....ours is under three feet of snow.

    Today, I lift! Thank goodness!

    I am also back to NO food ingestion after supper, drinking ten glasses of water per day, and getting to bed by ten.

    January is my total REfresh month....BOOM!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all, well, we are all back on a restart or refresh month. I too have started a 30 day clean eating and workout challenge. Clean eating and working out for 5 - 6 days / wk for a min of 30 min. This would have been a walk in the park for me a couple of years ago, but now, it will truly be a challenge.

    Went for a walk on Saturday and a nice snowshoe yesterday. It was COLD!

    Larro - the picture is beautiful. My front yard is Lake Superior and with this bitter cold, you can barely see it for the steam coming off it. The back, like Beeps, is covered in 3 feet of snow.

    Have a good day!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Morning Afternoon Everybody.

    It's Monday so I lifted. Also did my lifting day cardio. My New Year's resolution is to spend less time working out. I have scaled back my cardio and lifting by about ten minutes each. Most days I'm searching for calories at bedtime, so I think I'll be alright.

    I always watch sports talk while working out. Today it was tough. Stuart Scott lost his seven year battle with cancer yesterday, so there were tributes on all the shows today. For those of you who don't watch Sports Center, Stew was the guy who broke the color barrier as a national anchor on a sports news program, and brought some of the hip-hop culture to sports coverage. He was one of the good guys and will be missed. Boo-Yah!

    On a brighter subject, I ate breakfast today. The omelette type thing is eggs, ham, sausage, cheese, plain Greek yogurt and milk. Not too bad.

    Hope everyone has a good day,


  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Happy Monday everyone. I hope all of you are well and in good spirits.

    I am under the weather and this cold is NASTY and has me sleeping more than I would like to. Not sure if I will make it to gym tonight.

    Welcome all newbies. I hope all of you stay for the ride. We are a cool group.

    Have a great day.
  • Emmalusmom
    Emmalusmom Posts: 61 Member
    Hello All You Cool Kids,

    I am pleased to say that I made it back to the gym Saturday. It has been way to long since I have seen the inside walls. I went with my oldest son to his gym and really liked it. I may change over once my YMCA membership expires.

    I am also trying to eat at home more often. It seems to be so much easier to stay in control when you prepare the food.

    I have a renewed hope for 2015! I hope the same is for all of you cool kids too.

    Have an awesome day everyone!
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Happy firts Monday Cool Kids!

    E's Mom, way to start the new year! I agree that making your own food is critical for controlling calories. It's not easy to find time to make everything from scratch, that's admirable!

    Caramel, so sorry to hear you've got a nasty bug. Ugh! Take a night of from the gym. Maybe make yourself a veggie juice? I thought of your vegan journey when a co-worker brought in an old memory from the '90s. Back in my militant vegan days I made up a cookbook to sell at the Environmental Center where I worked during college. She strangely had one, and when she cracked it open and saw my name she brought it in to work. Wow. That was almost 20 years ago. The recipes still look good though! ;) I hope you feel better soon.

    Larro, that looks wet! The yard, not the omellet. That looked great! I heard about Stew this morning too, sad thing, and I don't listen to sports at all, but he was known and loved.

    Sdereski, your January plan sounds smart! I think I'll join you. The image of a steamy Superior is amazing.

    Savage, I agree that having a work schedule helps keep you out of trouble. It's the same for me!

    Beeps! You continue to rock, and amen on the fights not worth fighting! Sometimes you just have to make space, or calorie bank or something, to fit in the necessary chocolate, or chips, or whatever keeps you sane.

    Mz, nice to hear your DH is home with you, and you're both thawed out. Enjoy the gym and the girlie TV shows!

    Kate, I can't even imagine having a young kid now, you must be superwoman! You might be my hero.

    Gorgeous NorCal weekend here. Rode both my 250 and Buttercup, and learned how to balance a wheel. Paddled all around my ocean playground on Sunday. A bit lively and lots of bumpy fun.

    B has been living with me full time since his accident in August, and last night he headed home to prepare for his first day back to work after 5 months! Of course I'll miss him, but that also means I won't feel compelled to make full dinners on weeknights either, so hopefully that will help me keep the cals in check.

    KS, thinking about you and hubby. Hope all is well.

    Here's to a great start to the new year! :flowerforyou: