Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • mrshunt3
    mrshunt3 Posts: 13 Member
    @RobinEgg congratulations on your new post! I am making one of my goals this year to check in here every day if I can. I know it will help keep me on track as well as motivated to stick with losing weight. I am so encouraged to see so many others making a commitment to getting healthier this New Year-we can do it!!
    I was reading last night about weight loss and some of the irksome symptoms I've have since my weight gaining days started. My weight has gone up and down over the years but I have consistently gotten a bigger belly and that really concerns me a lot. I'm sure there are many out there who've experienced the same...belly fat, fatique, health issues, etc. While reading, I remembered my husband having an issue with his stomach a few months back and his doctor recommending a probiotic supplement for him. It worked amazingly quickly. He took them for a while then stopped. What I noticed was that while he took them, his intake of sugar, bread, sweets and such was much lower than after he stopped. He doesn't have a problem with his weight-his metabolism is beyond belief for a man in his mid 60's! So, running that through my mind, I am going to try taking a probiotic for a while and see if it will help with the sugar and carb cravings. Mine are fierce-I would ten times rather eat bread and sweets than anything else and that's just not normal, at least I don't think so. Anyone else take a probiotic supplement? I'm sure they're not "miracle pills", no such thing as that, but I'm hoping that they might deal with some of these cravings and other stomach issues I've had from time to time. If I had a pill for motivation to exercise, now, that would be fantastic!
    Hope everyone has a wonderful and on-track day!! I am down 2 pounds this week!!!
  • ereilly311
    ereilly311 Posts: 244 Member

    @erin--welcome! Yes, you can absolutely do it--and you are the only one who can make yourself do it! I have a friend with RA and she also has bad days when moving just plain hurts. As hard as it will be, try not to let that derail you. Just do what you can whenever you feel up to it. Plenty of folks on here lost a lot of their weight without doing any exercise.

    @skinnyjeanzbound‌ thanks for the kind words! I've learned over the years how to deal with my RA pretty well, but this past year my medicines stopped working and my insurance at first denied my new med, so it was a long tough process. I'm finally back to being myself, just now need to get myself back on track.
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    I keep forgetting to post my phrase for 2015! I'm sticking with the same phrase I chose for 2014, Live Intentionally.

    It made a difference last year, even though I wasn't as "all in" with it as I could have been. With a renewed focus and commitment, I intend to continue to live intentionally and build the life that I want.
  • ereilly311
    ereilly311 Posts: 244 Member

    @erin--welcome! Yes, you can absolutely do it--and you are the only one who can make yourself do it! I have a friend with RA and she also has bad days when moving just plain hurts. As hard as it will be, try not to let that derail you. Just do what you can whenever you feel up to it. Plenty of folks on here lost a lot of their weight without doing any exercise.

    @skinnyjeanzbound‌ thanks for the kind words! I've learned over the years how to deal with my RA pretty well, but this past year my medicines stopped working and my insurance at first denied my new med, so it was a long tough process. I'm finally back to being myself, just now need to get myself back on track.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @barbara--yikes! That's a rough couple of days. Sending good thoughts for your mother's recovery.

    @kaye--ouch, bruised ribs are no fun, but glad you weren't more seriously hurt!

    @CRMillsap‌ --yes, strong positive thoughts are a good start!

    @ArmyofMom‌ --just a warning: I'm a horrible friend on the regular newsfeed, but I will support you here in this thread.

    @robin--doesn't your food scale "tare" each time you use it? Mine does so I don't need to weigh all of the plates and do the math (which you know I hate :smile: ). I put the plate on the scale then press the on button, and the scale tares to zero, so the scale is only weighing the food I put on the plate. I also can press the on button again and it will reset to zero, so if I want to weigh multiple foods it's easy. If I make a sandwich, I put the bread on the plate, tare to zero and then add the mayo until I have my serving. Then I tare to zero and add the lunchmeat until I have the amount I want, and so on with each ingredient.

    @MKknits‌ --glad you made it to your yoga class. Here's another good site for checking calories burned--I find it's pretty comparable to the MFP database, but if they are way off, I'll often split the difference.

    @loosaedna‌ --my MIL is way too passive-aggressive to ever say anything like that. At this point though, she's out of our life. For the better part of a year I was nudging my DH to try to repair his relationship with her. However, this fall she started leaving messages on our landline answering machine (so she knows I will hear it) blaming me for the fact that he won't talk to her. However, the reason he won't speak to her is b/c she tried to make me a go-between in their already strained relationship. My husband was livid and when he called to tell her so, she went nuts so he hung up on her and hasn't spoken to her since.


    Saturday Success:
    My 15 minutes of filing turned into about a half hour, but that job is done. Today it is cold and sleeting, so no walk for gunner. It's terribly wet and messy which he hates. I made it to the gym though; did the interval program on the treadmill. It combines walking and running on hills and flats. Oh how I hate hills! I haven't done that program in quite awhile, but had no problem doing the 9 program, I think I was just attempting level 10 last spring when I was doing it more regularly. After 20 minutes of that, I ran for 20 minutes, so overall a good calorie burn.

    2015 mantra = "Just 15 minutes"

    January Challenge:
    Under calorie goal: 2/2 days (goal is 28/31 days)
    All-in: run 2 days/week
    8k at end of month (not sure what day) in 56 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47)

    Cleaning Goals:
    1. file paperwork/bills DONE
    2. clean fish tank

    Grading Goals:
    1. 14/50 AP essays
    2. x/13 Scarlet Letter essays

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + gym DONE
    Mon--rest day
    Tues--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Wed--8k at gym DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE
    Fri--walk gunner DONE
    Sat--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym DONE
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Happy New Year! I wish I could say 2014 was a good year weight loss wise. It was....until I fell off the wagon and regained some weight. But, it's a new year and I'm just going to plug onward. This is not a linear journey, but two steps forward and one step back. As long as I never quit, I will never fail.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited January 2015
    I've been out and about all day. Did some shopping (new sweater, new make-up)--looked at purses (need another one like I need a hole in the head :flushed:), too, but didn't find what I was looking for.

    @Tammy~I've generally logged my workouts while wearing my Fitbit, MFP will adjust your calories accordingly.

    @Barbara~Wow, you've had a lot going on already this year. Hope your mom makes speedy recovery.

    @Robin~Congrats on your new MFP responsibilities, you are the perfect person for that assignment! :wink:

    @mrshunt3‌~Congrats on the loss this week, great job! I take a probiotic, have for several years--not to curb cravings though, just for general over-all health. I have read that probiotics can curb sugar addiction--probiotics battle prebiotics which feed on sugar, so they can, in essence, aid in weight loss. Although I haven't seen any published studies on its affects for cravings, never hurts to try though. :wink: Taking a probiotic, in general, just makes good sense for general gut health.
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @skinny, Thanks Karen! I just folded laundry for 15 minutes. WaLa it was done!
    @Robin, How neat to be a greeter. You are so good and I am sure they saw that. Good for you.
    @Tom, I loved your positive list. That is another I should copy and paste right there with LaurieK's post from last week. I had better do that before it gets so far back I can't find it.
    @Kaye, Ouch! Be careful out there. These darned winter walks are dangerous. I hope you feel better soon.
    @loosaedna Keep it going girl. You are doing great!

    AFM: I just gave up earlier and climbed into bed and took a nap. It felt good. This evening our son and his fiancé are coming over and bringing us "another little gift". The intrigue has me quite curious!
    I am ready for a regular Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday etc with perhaps some normal rhythm and maybe a little boredom.
    I will try then to get the "all in" etc on the bottom of my post.

    Thanks for all the support and encouragement. You are all the greatest.

    Barbara (Mountmary)
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    Oh heavens... MILs & boundaries. My carrying, eternal life resolution for several years has and will always be to NEVER become the MIL that drives my children away by alienating their spouses. (We are moving this year, and we are NOT taking her with us.)

    Mine actually laid claim to my son's first spoken "I love you" over a year ago (clue: he is now three and still hasn't said it to me). I could write an epic novel on the level of boundary stomping in this house, y'all.

    Success Saturday!: Yesterday was the first day fully back on my limits after the holiday break, since New Year's Day is always a "you can still eat whatever, you just have to actually TRACK it" day. So yesterday sucked. I was constantly thinking about food and therefore constantly hungry. I think I squeaked under my limit... barely. Thank God for breastfeeding, I'd be so totally screwed without those extra calories.

    But I did it, and today has been easier. I haven't touched the remaining Christmas chocolate even once, & we're having Crock Pot Chicken Taco Soup for dinner. :)
  • kaihunter45
    kaihunter45 Posts: 192 Member
    Hello Everyone! Wishing you all strength and motivation.

    @RobinsEgg‌ congrats on greeter! Great phrases!

    @skinnyjeanzbound‌ I'm having major food scale envy

    @mrshunt3‌ some things just shouldn't be messed with and coffee is one of these things. I don't think anyone would want to know me if I didn't have my morning coffees, but I do log them.

    @Morgori‌ awesome phrase and list!

    @CRMillsap‌ "stinkin thinkin" I like that!

    @grandmakaye44‌ Take care of you!

    @mountmary84‌ Prayers sent.

    AFM so far 2015 has been good, but I have this weird feeling. I expected yesterday to be horrible at work because I was the only one from my group there, but I was pleasantly surprised. The few other people who were there wanted to order pizza and I said yes when asked. I learned my lesson, they ordered from papa Johns so it was really expensive, they ordered drinks without telling me and it was regular soda so I had to pay for something I couldn't even drink and then when I logged my calories I was left with the defeated feeling that it just wasn't worth it. Next time coworkers ask I'll just stick with my packed and tracked lunch.

    I have one son, he is 20 and has special needs. He is a type I diabetic and for some reason his DME company messed up his pen needle order. I called to check on things right before Christmas, found there was a problem and straightened it out. But this made us cutting things really close with my son's dwindling supply of needles. the new needless were supposed to come today and Ian used his last needle at lunch today. The needles didn't come and Ian doesn't handle obstacles well. I got him calmed down, called his doctor and got an emergency box of needles phoned into a local 24 hour pharmacy. Now my insurance won't pay for them and this had Ian even more upset. I sat down with him and explained that we have to pick our battles. That him having needles so he can have insulin and eat tonight and until his regular order comes is more important than freaking out on his DME company. My DH will pick up the emergency supply on his way home from work. Problem solved. But dealing with my son's stress is a binge trigger for me. Instead of eating, I got caught up on this thread and posted this, so if it seems like TMI I just needed to get it out before I binged to bury it. Thank you!

    January calories 3/3

    January All in Work Goals for 1/2/15

    5 MMPRs -done
    3 MCARE -done (actually did 5 so I'm 2 ahead for next week. )
    Resource Acct - done -blah
    PHMP if delivered by 4:00 pm -done
    Bonus - Nov 7th -done and started 11/10

    I gave it all I had in me!

    His and take care everyone.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Hi all ...
    It's really interesting to me, as a MIL, to read all the gripes against MILs. I guess few of us are ever lucky enough to have gotten ones we like ... but then ... why were they so popular, the ones who are/were well liked, even well loved by their DIL's? But I stray because that's not a weight-loss issue, unless interaction with your MIL makes you over-eat just thinking about her. >:)

    @RobinsE ... congratulations on becoming a greeter. Yes, please don't forget us even if you have to skip a day here or there.

    @everyone ... @mountmary ... I did make a list of 2015 Words to live by that I spotted as I've read through the this past week ... My list has 20 people on it and their phrases. So many good ones and together they tell a story of what we are all striving for in getting our weight under control, and getting our health into a better status. See if you can pick out your own from these phrases ...

    Start Again, Decide, Love yourself, Believe, Don't Sweat the Small Stuff, Follow-Through, Live Intentionally, Positively Tom, Learn to Love Yourself, Just 15 Minutes, Doing the Thing, Determination to try new things and confidence in myself to do anything I want, Eat half of that, you will feel satisfied, Be Consistent, I can do it if I make myself do it, Have half, Do IT, Tenacity, Expect a miracle, but in the meantime work your butt off, Perfect effort and balance, Effort alone is worthy, Mindfulness, Do something new, Get out of the house.

    AFM ... I'm feeling like I have a cold or flu settling in, so I can relate to everyone who has their aches and pains to tend with. It's been coming on all the past week despite my best efforts to flummox it.

    Today I slept until noon and felt better when I woke up that I did all last evening and during the night. Been using home-remedies my doctor approved because I cannot take OTC medications for these illnesses. Starting with get plenty of rest, and adding in: drink plenty of water; eat warm, steamy broth based soup; eat high-vitamic C fruits; gargle with salt water; use the neti-pot to sooth the sinuses, and use a humidifier.

    January Challenge
    Calories at or under goal 2/2 (goal is 28/31)
    All-IN ... signed up at the gym right on schedule. If I am not sick on Monday I will start my first week of going to use the facility 3 times a week.

    Follow-Through, Niki
  • MKknits
    MKknits Posts: 184 Member
    edited January 2015
    Honestly I got along just fine with my ILs for the most part (they treat DH like he's too dumb to function at times which I struggled with, but that is DHs issue with them and he won't stick up to them about it so it isn't mine to fix). Once we had kids though things did a 180 and the boundary issues began right with the name we picked. Mil hates it and told us we were "dooming" our kid with it and actually played the "I won't call her that name ever" card. She does call our oldest by the name we picked, but she refuses to spell it right 10 years later. It is almost like because I wouldn't do things her way exactly she has decided we're unfit parents.

    What is the best calories to use for takeout pad thai? I used one that had 400 for a cup but the calorie count on that dish seems to be all over the place. DH surprised me with take out from our favorite college place tonight. I had calories for it too and it was delicious!

    I also got our last two chickens from last years broiler flock from the freezer and cooked those up then packed 10 lunches for grab and go meals on the freezer for lunch (4 oz roasted chicken, 1/2 cup brown rice, 1/2 cup roasted sweet potatoes and 1 cup broccoli). Chicken broth is simmering now so we get every bit of goodness from them. I love eating food we've raised. Super productive day for me, yoga started me off right. ☺
  • ArmyofMom
    ArmyofMom Posts: 26 Member
    My DH's family still calls me Debbie after 20 years. My name is Michelle.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Wow, a busy 2 days. It is great to see so many active people on here.

    Kaye- Hope your ribs are better quickly.
    MountMary- Prayers for your mother and you.
    Welcome to all the new people, you have found a very supportive group of people.
    Robin- Congrats on becoming a Greeter, you will be fantastic.\

    For those of you starting out, if you go over calories one day don't stress to much about it. Because MFP automatically gives you a calorie reduction when it calculates your total calories for the day. So if you go over by a hundred you are still 400 down. Don't make a habit of it but one day will not throw you completely off the plan.

    I had a good swim today with plenty of endurance swim for 200yds or longer. It is getting better but oh did my arms hurt today. The arms were sore from rock climbing last night since I did some challenging climbs.

    Exercise plans for this week
    Sunday- Gym
    Monday- Trainer
    Tuesday- Gym
    Wednesday- Rest
    Thursday- Gym
    Saturday- Swim

    Sorry, I need to vent this out. Don't feel obligated to read.

    The last two days have been tough not because of exercise but realizing that I need to make a few choices that will not be easy for my parents. The choice to buy my own place versus living with them is coming and it needs to happen. This will allow me to have friends over, entertain as I desire and have a place to call my own. The other hand is that I will not be here at night if my Mom needs help with my dad such as getting him into bed. My Mom is 77 and dad is 83. Dad has multiple health issues including Type 2 diabetes, neuropothy, and mobility issues. Mom is in great health but she gives into easily and lets him get away with not walking as much as he should. I am 44 and want a life outside of my parents and where I am not stressed by my Dad and so I can have patience with him again. The other problem is that if something does go wrong I am here at night to offer support. Mom and I can't pick dad up off the floor so 911 will need to be called whether I am here or not. The bottom line is that I want to be here for my mom and dad but I also want a life where I can do things without feeling guilty about it. Dad doesn't want me to go since he knows he needs help but if I don't my Mom may never agree to have additional support come in when she needs it. The worst part is I don't think they realize how this situation is tearing me apart inside and seeing my dad go downhill does not help. Anyway, I will be looking for places that are close by parents so I can get there quickly if needed or at least to the hospital in a matter of minutes. For those of you that don't know, my dad has spent time in and out the hospital and nursing homes for the past 2 years.

  • ereilly311
    ereilly311 Posts: 244 Member
    ArmyofMom wrote: »
    My DH's family still calls me Debbie after 20 years. My name is Michelle.

    That's insane! Maybe a few years after you've been together is ok, but that long is just insulting! Ugh this is prob why I'm still single, I can't deal with people! lol
  • MKknits
    MKknits Posts: 184 Member
    @Lauriek70‌ that sounds like a really hard choice, but I think a good compromise would be what you are suggesting - moving out but being so close you can skip down to help whenever they need it. Is there anyone else that can come with you to talk over your choice with your dad once it is made? I'm thinking of moral support for you.
  • Hello All. We I'm blessed my ILs are pretty descent. But I'm choosing to have a better mind set this yr. My hearts desire is to show a better example to our kids. I want them to see me deal with difficult situations better this yr. Stay encouraged everybody... :)
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    @Lauriek WOW! That is a tough nut. I do think your idea to move out but close by is a good one. You need to have a life of your own too. Don't feel bad venting here....I sure do that. It will be good for your mom to learn others can and will be helpful too. Good luck coming to your decision. Certainly, you have my support for moving out, but I certainly don't count or get a vote here.

    @Kai, you too have a good reason to vent here. Sure is better than grabbing something inappropriate to eat.

    Thanks for all the prayers and good wishes for Mom. The cardiologist said today she DID NOT have a heart attack. She will stay in hosp until Monday for a stress test.

    @Skinny You taught me how to make a sandwich on my scale. I always tare the weight, but then weigh each item and assemble it. You are a smart lady! Smarter than this one for sure

    @NIki Thanks for getting all the mantras together in one place. I copied and pasted that too as it is a good list to live by.

    @Kah Kelley, interesting info about probiotics. Another to copy and paste. Soon I will be the copy and paste queen!

    Have a nice evening everyone...what is left of it.

    Barbara (mountmary)

    Just for the record: I had a great MIL. I miss her. I hope I am a good one has ever said.
  • MKknits
    MKknits Posts: 184 Member
    @mountmary84‌ I think if no one has ever said anything you can be sure you are a good MIL - we've spoken with my MIL (and FIL he does it too) numerous times about our issues, they just don't want to hear it. I just wish my MIL could accept that our way is not her way and that is okay - we're raising 3 great kids our way and she raised 3 great kids her way. We are just choosing to raise our 3 differently, because as a couple we are different then her and FIL are.
  • @laurie I wIll be praying for you and your parents. Life isn't just about physical health but mental and emotional health as well.