

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Hello All,

    I just glanced through this thread and would also like to join. I am 53, as of today, have two grown children, one boy who is still in college junior at Stonehill and a girl who recently graduated from Bridgewater State College. I don't have much time to post but just wanted to claim a spot for now if that's okay.

    I am going upstairs to my gym and working out, I got inspired by reading these message boards. I joined an online trainer site a couple of months ago, I did lose about 5 pounds there and then my daughter showed me MFP and it looked great. It is easier logging in food and workouts than the one I was paying for so I canceled my other plan and joined here. I've lost a total of 10 pounds over past two months and hope to keep going. I joined a challenge and hope to lose 6 more this month, that would be great.

    Have a great day......

    Birthday 5/5/58

    Debbie, welcome and Happy Birthday!:flowerforyou: Not too many people on this site from New England!!:laugh: ! (I'm from Rhode Island) Sounds like you have a great set up with exercising! Good luck!:happy:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member

    To Chicklet, Grace and smwert! (I think that's all the birthday's this week!)

    Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!
  • AEisele
    AEisele Posts: 98 Member
    Good Morning
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    Happy Belated Birthday!
    :flowerforyou: Chiclet ~ Grace:flowerforyou:

    Happy Birthday! :flowerforyou: Smerwt and Debbie:flowerforyou:

    Faye, happy news on the bluebirds. Mine nest in trees just 20 feet from the house and do

    Macmadame, I am sure there is a better job for you. Your employer did not sound like
    the type that was worth any more commitment.

    Cherub, I went through the same thing with my bank card 2 yrs. ago. It took a while to
    resolve, but I did get all the money back. Lots of paperwork to file, PIA, indeed.

    Congratz on the new start Heather, hang in there and don’t give up!

    Natalie, outstanding results on the blood sugar. I bet it's not a fluke!

    Hey Viv, I am in the office myself this a.m. and should be working on an audit.:sick:

    Mimi love the hair color, I was just thinking of letting mine go. DH is opposed!
    Your yellow birds were probably immature Orioles, both Orchards and Baltimores are
    yellow in their first year. I do all my the vaccines for the dogs except the Rabies, it is
    much cheaper.

    Vicki I agree with you on the price of healthy foods. My only defense is the garden, and
    “putting by”.

    I am still kick’n along working out everyday and enjoying everyday. Can not wait to get
    in the garden. Remember I am in the WI and spring is not a yet certain thing . Did
    spread woodchips yesterday and put compost on my rhubarb. Weather is cold and wet.
    I am unable to do long walks outside as everything is to wet. Drive is covered in water,
    water standing on the sand.

    It is always a thrill to see the new buds in the spring. Many of my shrubs and plants have
    been with me for years, even through moves. I brought pieces of my favorites along.
    I still have scilla and coral bells from my Grandmother’s farm, iris, daylilies, and Korean
    lilacs from my parents home among others. How sentimental am I?

    Really must get back to work before the boss comes in, OOPS, she’s already here, it’s

    To all of you I did not mention, I am thinking of you fondly. You all know that I am not
    that good at this. I do read all the posts and appreciate you all. It is not for lack of interest, mostly lack of time.

    Onward and upward! Alice
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Michele, I believe that you are important enough to have a quiet word with the lady who is organising the shower and tell her how you feel. I am sure she would understand? Also, if I was in that situation, I would tend to do what felt right on the day, staying confident that I would get back on track the next day. You may feel happy just eati ng small portions and staying within your cal goals. On the other hand, if you go over, it's not that big a problem, is it, really? You mention 2 slices of rye bread. This may seem like a lot to you but actually, it really isn't such a big hurdle to getting back on track, is it? It's difficult for me to judge, of course, but you always know that we are here to give you support if you have problems. Anything I can do to help, please let me know!
  • wehavethestars
    Debbie, welcome and HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
    Smerwt , HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
  • goldwingrider
    goldwingrider Posts: 25 Member
    Hi everyone...my name is Linda, I am 54 years old (55 on June 23) and I live in NC. I joined MFP in October of 2010 and have lost 28 lbs. I have met and passed my goal so I am trying to maintain now and hopefully tone up my arms a little bit. It's nice to have a post for women my age. Happy Mother's Day to all!
  • edmontonukeplayer
    edmontonukeplayer Posts: 45 Member
    Good Morning to all,

    May 5 is looking very nice here today so I will head out for a walk this PM. I am pleased to tell you I have been very consistent with outdoor walking this spring.

    This week I have not had any 'attacks' of the undiagnosed RUQ pain and fluctuating liver enzymes that plagues me. Note I have left 'yet' off the end of the previous sentence. I am always hopeful this mystery illness will disappear! I do try and be an optimist who manages reality as needed. A pragmatic Pollyanna (is that an oxymoron or just moronic?)!

    Michele, my thoughts on your question of handling a difficult menu. As you may remember, I eat gluten free, etc. etc. in some attempt to feel I am able to manage my health problems, so I have some experience in preparing for challenging menus. Some people don't get gluten-free (even if the person is allergic), just as your hostess may not be able to understand your desire to eat something other that what I am sure will be an expertly prepared menu. "You can ease on your diet just today; it is sooo good" etc. etc. is an oft heard refrain from a hard working hostess. A suggested option for you is too eat your lean protein, etc before you go and then just eat salad/vegs at the event. An avoidance strategy I use (other then not going which I do use too), is to try and get a position at the dinner table/room away from the hostess so she may not fully appreciate you didn't sample her prized zita. My experience has been that most people (beside the hostess) don't really care what you have on your plate as long as there is something on it and you are being social. Some people may feel you should be more direct, but I find it is easier to pick my battles, so I often use the strategy above. For your consideration.

    Happy cinco de mayo to all,
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    Hello again everyone .......a lost sheep has returned!! Ashamed to say a bit heavier too!!
    I can't even begin to read all the posts from when I last logged in. I'm sure I've missed loads of news ...good and bad! I hope you're all ok and enjoying a lighter life!!
    I will let you know that ....I only put on 3lb when we went on our Anniversary cruise in March. But.have since added to that and now I have a higher mountain to climb!!
    Hence ..here I am back in the fold!! I do have a few little holidays to work towards and hope that I can ...with your help ....be good.
    I am finding the evenings when DH is working very tempting, especially as I do not have my mum to occupy my time now.
    But.....I am back doing my little cleaning jobs and will , I promise , extracate the exercycle from under all the rubbish in the garage.
    15 minutes tonight ..... to start. I know it's small fry to some of you but it's better than nowt!! ...don't you think???
    So here's hoping that this time i will go that little bit further. I'll need to change my goals to May's and then off I'll go.
    Take care all!!
    Jackie W
  • amazing_grace♥
    Happy Birthday Debma! Glad you are joining us. I just love this site and enjoy reading all the posts on this thread everyday.
  • lindaj07
    lindaj07 Posts: 347 Member
    Good morning Michelle,
    Maybe you can go early to help and explain to her that you are really trying to eat healthy and the food she is serving does not agree with you. maybe you can bring a side dish that goes along and eat that along with the salad. I really dont have that problem cause I just order or eat what I want. I guess the people around me are either with me on this or they are so busy eating themselves that they dont pay attention to what I eat. I hope it works out for you I know how those cravings can be. As for vince make him buy his own crap. LOL.
    Vicki M
    Ah! Well said Vicki! :laugh:
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Happy Birthday Debbie and smwert!
    Happy Belated Birthday Chiclet and Debbie!
    Welcome back Heather and Jackie!
    Welcome to all newcomers!

    That being said, I have just read all of the posts for the last 2 days. I have not had a great week. My mother is back in the hospital with pneumonia, sepsis, a UTI, and had another heart attack. I am doing everything I need to do as far as eating and exercise, just don't always feel so much like posting. Spending lots of time checking on Mom via phone. But I know all will work out, and I am staying with it. I'll be glad when school is out (May 27th) and I don't have to work for a while.

    See you all soon!
  • wehavethestars

    Very sorry to hear your mom is in the hospital. Prayers go out to you and your mother. Take care of yourself.

  • Cynthiafaron
    Cynthiafaron Posts: 114 Member
    I feel soooo happy:smile: I reached my first 20 lb mark !!!!! It took 2 months ! Can't wait for the next 20
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Hi everyone! I’m trying to keep up with the posts and it’s hard to get to even read them all never mind reply to them all!!!:noway: But I am trying to get through as many as I can:smile: . What a bunch of special ladies!!:flowerforyou:

    Mary, I’m sorry about your mother.:cry: Take care of yourself. I’m sending prayers up for you.:heart:

    So many people have lost weight and that’s wonderful! Congratulations!:flowerforyou:

    If you’re struggling…well you’re here….so that means you’re plugging along on this journey and haven’t quit! Congratulations, too!:flowerforyou:

    If you are new…..welcome!!!:flowerforyou:

    I am having a bit of a situation with my back recently:ohwell: . After working 6 days a week full time during tax season, sitting in the office….I have developed a problem with my back/tailbone. They call it the Coccyx bone (I think) and the only way to get relief is to stand:embarassed: . Not a good situation when you have to sit 8 hours a day!:embarassed: I’m trying to get relief by using a pillow but it’s still aggravated.:ohwell: I usually do the treadmill daily (when possible) and have been using the incline. I’m wondering if using the incline is aggravating it more? Has anyone ever had to deal with this? And are there any suggestions or ideas on something that might have worked for you?:huh:

    My daughter gave me a DVD with CORE exercises that looks like fun, (dancing):happy: but I think you could really throw your back out by doing some of those dance steps!:laugh: All about “engaging” the core!! I think I’ll take it a little slow.:wink:

    The weather in Rhode Island has been cool for this time of the year. I think we’re a month behind.

    I hope you are all safe. So many weather problems with tornados (like Mary’s minister) and flooding.

    God speed!

  • Debma1010
    Debma1010 Posts: 34
    Awesome!!! Congratulations!:drinker:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member

    Happy Birthday to smwert and Debbie, I hope this is the beginning of a year of health, fitness, and fitting into smaller clothes.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • capricorn144
    capricorn144 Posts: 335 Member
    Karlene...are you taking cholesterol meds? My liver enzymes were up and I had to stop the Crestor. I hope this diet and losing weight will bring them back down and keep them there along with improved Cholesterol numbers. Labs in a few weeks again.

    Debbie...happy birthday.

    Birdie...I am a neighbor living in MA.

    hello to everyone and hope your Thursday has been a good one.

    Looking forward to American Idol tonight to see who gets bumped.

    Just bought the 17 Day Diet to read and see if I can do it. Although from what I have read I am eating like I am in Cycle 2.

    have a great evening All.
  • mimi7grands
    mimi7grands Posts: 616
    I'm trying like mad to keep up with you all! I'll be gone for a few days starting tomorrow (going back down to the bay area to see my mom for Mother's Day), so I may be scarce around here. I'll do my best to catch up when I get back.

    BTW, in case I'm not in touch, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL MOTHERS AND DAUGHTERS! :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    SMwert and Debbie, happy birthday! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I’ll wish everyone with a May birthday a happy one right now as I’m sure I’ll miss someone. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: The group changes and grows so fast.

    Alice, I think you’re right. The birds looked like the Baltimore Orioles I saw online. What pretty birds! Must have been migrating through as I haven’t seen them before. I wish they’d stay!

    I can tell you Izzy did not like getting her kennel cough nasal vaccine. :noway: She snorted and rolled and carried on. I think she’s still suspicious of me. I like the savings but I’d rather the vet take the flack! (The savings will probably win out.)

    Goldwingrider, congrats on doing a very good job. :flowerforyou: I’m happy you’re joining in. It’s wonderful to hear from someone who’s maintaining. (There are a few around and I appreciate every one!)

    Karlene, the strategy you suggested to Michele sounds like a good one. I’m sure you’re right that people are not interested in what we have on our plates as long as we have something.

    You reminded me about Cinco de Mayo. I’d have a margarita to celebrate except that I had two the last time I was in the bay area and it took me a full day to recover. My daughter thought it was hilarious that I had a hangover from two margaritas. Very funny. My limit is definitely one, and then not often. :huh:

    Jackie, I missed you! You didn’t do too badly on weight and this is a great place to come back to!

    Mary, I’m sorry your mom is not doing well. I’m thinking hugs and sending prayers. :heart:

    Cynthia, 20 lbs in two months is fantastic. Congrats!! :flowerforyou:

    Birdie, bummer about your back. :sick: Sometimes people have desks where they can raise and lower the height, standing much of the time. I don’t know how complicated it is to set up something like that but it might be worth it. Sending my best wishes for speedy healing. :heart:
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies, got a bit of a problem happening now, my blood sugar is diving I'm so low. Trying to eat better and a bit more better stuff, but I'm so tired, I always say I'll make my lunch in the morning. When I do, I pack less because I am not hungrary nor feeling any headache, and I am afraid to eat more because it is there.. Issues, issues, issues, I'm so tired of my issues. So goes another battle to overcome, and I'm going to take the strength these issues seem to have and use it to fix them. I want my size 12 BACK!

    Thank you for all the good comments on my new job. Yes it will save some money on the gas, and get my waist down some too. Better to strengthen my legs and back too. It has to be a good thing.

    Okay time to get ready for bed, early rise!

    Be true to yourselves!!
