Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    mara- intervals are another way to build endurance. Bike riding is great because you can add a mile at a time to each ride. Spinning, swimming and bike riding is aerobic exercise and can be done in short burst to build endurance. When you are doing this just change one thing at a time- speed, resistance etc. Spinning- you can maintain the same speed (reps) or 15 sec intervals, then 30 seconds and build from there. The other option is to change the resistance up a couple of levels and keep the speed (reps) the same.

    Karen- Good job on getting the grading done. I hope you get your grading free weekend.

    I had a great day, since the kids had a half day due to exams. Then it snowed and they sent the teachers home early. Therefore, I had the opportunity to workout with my trainer and managed to run a mile in about 11:30 minutes, which is fast for me. Normally, I run a mile in 12 + minutes and after that I rode the spin bike for 8 miles in 18 minutes. Then tonight I must have been crazy since I went swimming. The swim was both positive and negative. The negative I was hit with cramps in the calf of my legs and they did not let up until I got to the hot tub. Then it was back to the pool but they started to come back. So I ended up quitting earlier than I wanted. The good news is that I swam with my trainer and while she kicked my butt, I did manage to keep up with her meaning on her heals for the first 50-100 yards. After that I started to get winded and needed to catch my breath again. This was not bad considering my trainer does triathlons at every level including Ironman. I learned that I was faster than I thought but I still need to build my endurance to handle the longer swims. That will take time so I must be patient, not my strength right now since I want to keep up with her.

    Wish- That we have a delay tomorrow morning, so I can sleep later after swimming tonight. They are calling for a freezing rain to fall overnight. The only problem is that I lose the 2 hours of grading time since we are on half days due to exams.

    Have a good night and a wonderful Thursday.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    @RobinsEgg ... hope you stop by and see this ... we are all sending you hugs.

  • bsracer
    bsracer Posts: 35 Member
    Hi folks, sorry I havn't been on in a few days, been kinda busy. I got a bit off track but not too bad and still managed to maintain my loss and not gain any! Lots of stress on me lately and that does not help! I am still gathering meal ideas and trying to make things that are less bland and still healthy so if you have ran across any new great recipies please hook me up!.

    Has anyone heard of Maranga, and if so give me you're thoughts and input.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Having a good week and continuing to meet (and not exceed) my calorie goal every day. Getting back on the wagon sure is harder than falling off. But, I will persevere. This quote sums up nicely how I currently feel:

    "Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did."

    Oh so true. After losing 113 lbs in a year, I think diet fatigue got to me. I was just plain tired of the constant tracking, planning and thinking about food. The "one bite won't hurt" mind set took hold. Then the "one brownie won't hurt" mindset crept in and pounds were regained. But, that's water under the bridge and I can either forgive myself, learn from the set back and move forward or throw up my hands and quit as I have many times in the past. I choose the first option. I refuse to let my disappointment in myself sabotage my current efforts. If I do, I will eventually see every last pound I've lost back on the scale.

    2015 Mantras (because one is not enough):

    Live like someone left the gate open (Live Joyously)

    Have a wonderful day!

  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    Good morning, friends! Feeling so much better today, as though I love the world again. :smiley:

    @lauriek70 - Wow, major exercise yesterday! Be sure to stretch today and give your muscles a rest.

    @skinnyjeanzbound‌ - A modified version of your mantra did wonders for my productivity yesterday! I decided to set a timer for 30 minutes of writing, then 15 minutes of cleaning. Once I actually got started, it was a lot easier to concentrate on the task at hand knowing there was a definite end time. Finished a draft of a long article, started on another article, transcribed an interview, and got daily chores done plus decluttered under the kitchen sink! Using that strategy again today for sure.

    MFP Goals January 18-24

    Diet Goals

    * No fast food 3/7 days - x/7
    * Track food 7/7 days - 4/7

    Exercise Goals

    * 30 mins of cardio (preferably elliptical) 3/7 days - 1/7
    * Yoga daily as part of Miracle Morning routine - 5/7
    * Talk to trainer at rec center about strength training -

    Health Goals

    * Take meds daily - 3/7
    * Refill pill box when needed -

    Cleaning Goals

    * Declutter kitchen cabinet under sink - DONE
    * Declutter kitchen cabinets over sink -
    * Take last tote of kids clothes to BigBro's house -
    * Follow daily cleaning schedule - 2/7

    Personal Goals

    * Complete Miracle Morning routine daily - 5/7
    * Move wake up time back to 6AM daily - 2/7
    * Tweak night time routine to better set up for mornings - getting there...
    * In bed, lights out by 10:30 PM at least 4/7 days - x/7 (so close on Monday & Wednesday! lights out by 11PM!)

    Work Goals

    * Submit at least 4/8 magazine articles for review - x/8
    * File 5/5 newspaper articles - 3/5 (this will end up being 4 b/c the subject of the 5th is unavailable until next week)
    * Invoice newspaper -
    * Invoice magazines -
    * Resolve issue with client's shopping cart -
    * Follow up on PR pitches sent last week -
    * Coordinate with outlet #1 and PR client for coverage - DONE
    * Sub at middle school Friday afternoon -

    January All-In

    * Login to MFP daily - 22/31
    * At/Under calorie limit 20/31 - 4/31
    * Workout (besides yoga) 12/31 - 8/31

    2015 Mantra: Live Intentionally
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Women’s Healthy Weight Day!
    A day to honor American women of all sizes and confirm that beauty, talent and love cannot be weighed. Winners of the Women’s Healthy Weight Awards will be announced—businesses that portray size diversity and reject the national obsession with thinness that is shattering the lives of women, young girls and their families.

    One for the ladies, and a day for husbands to squirm, perhaps. Whilst waking your spouse on Women’s Healthy Weight Day to proclaim your whole-hearted approval of her size may garner some testing looks, it is unequivocally an occasion for female empowerment. Though now an international affair, unsurprisingly it originated in the United States, where whooping it up whilst tipping the scales can be done with a unique Stateside joie de vivre.
    For the rest of the world it has become a more modest day of reflection and a chance to highlight the lady behind the shallow stereotypes they often suffer. In short, it’s a day for the gals get together and celebrate one another in any way they choose. Brunch, barbecue, cheese and wine? At the risk of stating the obvious, it might also be renamed International Diet Amnesty Day. Or for the gents, International Walking On Eggshells Day!

    “If you want to accomplish anything in life, you can’t just sit back and hope it will happen. You’ve got to make it happen.” ~Chuck Norris

  • roberts0719
    roberts0719 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi. I'm late to this discussion, but I really like the motivation and accountability you provide each other. I have 150# to lose and could REALLY use a support team.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    @Newbies- Welcome to the group
    @rototee- Being happy with our choices….well I am learning that statement is a learned process. I will speak on my own issues….it is always a when it’s raining it pours situation lately but I am learning to find the positive in even the worst situations. I was told God never gives us more than we can handle he may push us to the edge but never over.
    @NK1112- Hope you get rest and feel better soon
    @Karen- I am hoping for a grade free weekend for you. I wish that I didn’t like pizza maybe if I worked at Dominos or Pizza Hut I wouldn’t. When I was a teen I worked at Dairy Queen for a summer and never ate ice cream all summer.
    @Jtconst- You animal bath story made me smile. I guess that I have been lucky out cat Dotsin loved taking a bath(died few years ago) and Riley does too. I know you will find a good route and before you know it those pesky hills will be traveled on.
    @maram- I wish you best on your endurance and strength goals. I have no suggestions at this all I do is walk. I don’t know why but I never try different things even though they appeal to me. Laurie K got my mind thinking about rock climbing but yet in a year I have never tried but it still seems cool.
    @Teresa- sounds like you had a busy day on Wed.
    @Lives2Travel- Your loss is awesome and please try not to beat yourself up. I am learning our internal talk is our worst enemy if it isn’t positive

    AFM- My truth today is….I am my own reason for not losing or gaining. My eating habits are not the best but way better than eating out every day like I was for every meal. I am realizing I get a huge high when I see the numbers fall but if they go back up I get a ‘F-it “ attitude. I only weigh once a week because of that thought process but even then I get discouraged. I walk 5-6 miles a day, my doctor tells me I am down from last year which is good and my changes help my body no matter what the scale says. I guess I am just feel blah today.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Thursday Truth - I was going back over my log and realized I didn't report a day of over calorie goal, I have used 2 of my allowed over days thus far this month. I also have higher swings in my caloric intake, with lows that are more than 100 calories below my goal. So, I haven't been as honest with myself or with you. I've been reporting the over days, but it is so tempting to just average out a days over with the previous days low and call it a success if the 2 days averaged out to my target. Now I realize that what I have to work on is more consistency in my intake from day to day. I think it's most likely those days of not enough calories that prompt a day of high intake, and a day of high intake is followed by a day of very low intake ... not good for my diabetes control, not good for my conscience as I am not following one of those intermittent fasting programs.

    Watch you Calories ... 19/21 ... goal is 28/31
    All-In challenge ... ZERO on getting to the gym. The doctor appointment from yesterday got moved to Friday because the doc had an emergency to attend to. No I go tomorrow.

    @mnwalking - I think I've joined you in the blah's today. Still woke up at 3AM and could not fall back to sleep until 5AM, then slept to 10 instead of getting up at 8 ... but I feel more rested than yesterday.

    @roberts0719, @rototee, @nanigyrl4ever, @msbrongilmore, @minnyaerf27, @5girlsandaguy, @msbrittanyhelene, @Bmoy87, @Hippster91, @Balloo134, @nannersp61, @Myrabutler89, @p1xyn1xy, @bluetopazsnake ... I believe all of you have posted for the first time during the previous days in this January on this thread and I wanted to welcome you by name. All of us welcome our 'newbies' or 'newlings' as we go along, and some of you have had mentions from others in their posts. If you just dropped by to say hi, that's find and hi back. If you want to hop in and join us on our journey to better health through weight management ... then we welcome you. Some of you have not completed your profiles or added a photo to represent your face ... and from my perspective, on this our Thursday Truth day, I'm more likely to talk to you if I know a bit more about you on from your profile page ... but that's just me.

    @bsracer - I'm glad you were able to stop back in. In regards to Maranga ... are you talking about the dance or the Pokemon berry? Hope your stress level drops.

    @regularposters ... wanted to do a little to welcome newbies en-mass so I'll do more personals at a later time. I read each and every post you all make and always find something new and interesting in what you say.

    Follow-through - Niki

  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Hi. I'm late to this discussion, but I really like the motivation and accountability you provide each other. I have 150# to lose and could REALLY use a support team.

    Welcome to the BEST thread on MFP! You can lose the weight and we'll all be here to cheer you on.
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    @L2T - Love the quote about perseverance.
    @Lauriek70 I am so envious of your swimming. I really do need to find a coach or teacher to help me with this. The triathlon is only 6 months away.

    AFM - Thursday Truth. I am once again starting to feel fat. I have been about this weight for over 5 weeks now and it is time to get this going again. Tuesday after my weigh in I did indulge a little. This morning I was up. I know I have a dramatic difference from a year ago but I will use this as motivation to carry me on.

    Motivational quotes are such a big part of my day. One of my favorites is
    "A huge part of losing weight is believing you can, and realizing it will not happen over night" Anyone can lose weight, I now firmly believe that. I lost weight and I was a big old couch potato. Convinced I would be fat and lazy forever.

    This is another one of my favorite quotes and I think this one at least 100 times every day -
    Rome was not built in a day - but they worked on it every d*** day.
    I have to work on this every d*** day until I am dead. But I have every day to do it. I can make good choices and pat myself on the back when I do. No one else is going to push me as hard as I can push myself.

    These mantras have power. We all have self talk, I have worked hard at making mine good. It made me lose 100 pounds.

    Once again thanks for listening,
  • slimbluehen
    slimbluehen Posts: 34 Member
    @Lori - Two steps forward, one step back is something I like to remember when it seems I am losing ground.
    @Susan - I hope you are on the mend and feeling better.
    @scrubb - ditto message to Susan.
    @Barbara - You are back to having successful weigh-ins after all the s++t! You go, girl!
    @tototee - I can’t resist a bit of black humor: life happens until it doesn’t (and then you really ARE screwed). Now that that is out of my system, you will find that this is a great group of people. Welcome!
    @Skinny – terrific self-control with the pizza. I have a difficult time when something really delicious pops up in front of me. Congrats on getting the grading done.
    @Tammy - I don’t envy anyone bathing cats; and unless you actually do it, you can’t possibly believe how strong they are, even the kittens!
    @Lives - you’re back on track and that’s what counts. Anyone who can lose 113 lbs. in a year can reach her goal.
    @Mel - Hope you are working up a storm today, using the Timer Strategy. Your list of work from yesterday is amazing.

    Welcome, all the new people.

    Thursday truth - it is true that our mantras have power; I have used mine to remember to complete something I started and then was about to walk away from. Now I need to find some words to make me eat only to satiety and eat fruits/veg. when hungry at nite. Hmmmm. :\
    Another Thursday truth :'( - I keep going over my calorie goal, especially when I get hungry. Low calorie (for me, 1,400) is just tough to adhere to. Help!!!
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    @slimbluehen - If you are consistently going over 1400 calories, then chances are that goal is too low for you. Have you figured out your TDEE? Search the forums for "how to calculate TDEE" and see if you can find the link (I'm still on a loaner laptop, so I don't have it on me). As an example, I'm 5'6" 202lbs with low activity levels and my TDEE calorie goal is about 1700/day. That will change as my weight goes down, but it's way better than the 1200 MFP recommended!
  • Kelly2300
    Kelly2300 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi guys, I just found you. Mind if I join in?? I am a married mom of two, work full time and have 100+ pounds to lose. I am 5'6" tall.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    SICK!!!! It started with a sinus infection last weekend and has gone into a full blown cold. I'm so NOT happy. I never get sick. I know I should never say never, but it's really true. I'm so healthy just plumpy as Cyrus tells me. I've been pushing through my days and going to work, but so exhausted. I'm so glad the weekend is almost here. I plan on doing NOTHING, staying in my sweats all weekend long and getting through Seasons 3-6 of Sons of Anarchy.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Thursday Truth: After I wrote my sick post, I did want to elaborate a little. Just another one of those funks I seem to go through periodically, which I guess is called life. I just don’t care to log, exercise, and get in the right mindset. It’s probably getting adjusted to the relocation, moving 2,000 miles across country AGAIN, getting settled into the new job, new house, Cyrus’ new middle school, and just my new life in general. I’m really not complaining. Life is good. I just know it’s time to get back on track finding a healthy lifestyle balance. I’ve gained a “little”, but nothing that is totally throwing me off kilter. I just know I’m not myself right now. My issues are so minor in the grand scheme of life and what others are going through like our beautiful leader Ellen aka RobinsEgg. HUGE hugs to her right now as she battles through an extremely difficult time. We’ll be holding down the fort and you know we’re here for you in whatever capacity you need or check in.

    @Laurie – Thanks for sharing the picture of Isabella. I’m so happy for Nettie and her husband. What a beautiful little girl!!! Also, congrats on your swimming times. I’m so proud of you and your definitely an inspiration to me in a lot of ways.

    @Teresa – I was in Athens this past weekend. My best friends daughter had a dance competition hosted by the UGA Red Hotz Dance Team. A whole day of teenage girls shaking their thang was quite a day. Of course, my 12 year old son LOVED it. Lord help me!!!

    @Lives2Travel – Congrats on the pending engagement and always a gentleman to ask the parents. He’s a keeper!!!

    @p1xyn1xy – Glad to see you, but sorry to read about your health issues. Yuck!! Baby steps going forward to recovery.

    @Rozie – Thoughts and prayers to your family with your mom’s passing. My best friend lost her husband to cancer on December 9th. He fought too, but it’s an awful disease that is taking too many of our loved ones.

    @NK1112 – I’m pretty much go with the flow on the challenges. I need to make a better commitment at them than I have in the past. Whatever is the consensus I’m game!
    @Hansea – Congrats on the 2.6 lbs!! Woo Hoo!!

    @ Kah68 (Kelley) – Darn dog chasing ducks!!! Glad you weren’t banged up too much more. The sacrifices we make for our health. No pain no gain. Right??!!!

    @clube315 (Lori) – Sooooo proud of you!!!!!! You big loser!!! Of course, I later read your post about feeling fat. This is such an emotional roller coast we're on as we lose weight. You are working so hard and need to reflect on the HUGE accomplishments you've made. YOU did it and no one did it for you. All you baby!!!!

    @Skinny (Karen) – Good job making the right choice with the pizza! Those are definitely moments to be thankful for. You overcame!!! I'm still in awe of your grading and the amount of time it takes. Always amazed.

    @Mountmary (Barbara) – Nice job on your 2.5 lb loss!! Do we know if anyone wrote all the different mantra’s down? I would love to keep the list nearby.

    @MNwalkingqueen – I use to get so hung up on number and how quickly one person loses over another. I’ve learned over time and it’s been tough learning that every single one of us have different bodies. Yes, we all know eating less and moving more we should lose. We will, but everyone will lose at a different rate depending on so many things. That was always my Wednesday Wish was patience. I think if we could blink and all be skinny we would be millionaires selling our secret. It’s not going to happen I’m afraid. Darn!

    @Melifornia – I loved your post that you felt like punching less folks today. Good for you!! It’s those little things in life that make us smile.

  • bsracer
    bsracer Posts: 35 Member
    @NK1112 its a Maranga tree extract.
  • nannersp61
    nannersp61 Posts: 2,315 Member
    edited January 2015
    Truth: I have been getting hungry every couple of hours today. I got up early and ate a bowl of cereal and a half banana, (7:00 am), then at 10:30 I ate a half a sweet potato and a cup of salad with cornbread. It's been snowing, but I was able to talk my husband into driving to the gym. I got a quick 2 miles in before we had to leave. My hubs is a pastor and needed to go visit a member who's losing his long fought battle with cancer. As soon as we got back I was hungry again and ate a ham sandwich and bowl of veggie soup. I realized as I sat there that I was craving chocolate, so I ate some chocolate animal crackers and had a cup of hot cocoa. So now, it wasn't a horrible amount of sweets, but I decided I needed to burn some more calories, so I spent 45 min shoveling heavy, wet snow.
  • Pam3
    Pam3 Posts: 1,687 Member
  • nannersp61
    nannersp61 Posts: 2,315 Member
    cblue315 wrote: »
    Good Morning to all, and thank you for posting. I do treat myself at lunch most days by catching up with all of you.
    Thursday Truth - Struggling these days. Depression wants to grab me. I am fighting with all I can muster. This is the first winter I am without Zoloft in over 20 years. Winter is 1/2 over and I do not want to go back on at this point as it takes a few weeks to kick in. So I am on another anti-depressant and that will have to do. I am still going to the gym about 6 days a week. I am taking vitamin D and doing some tanning. When it is sunny I get outside for at least 15 minutes. But it has been so very cold here in Wisconsin. Sun is hard to come by.

    Food is not the best but is not out of control. I have cleaned out the pantry and freezer so there really isn't anything to tempt me. Going out for lunch today with a friend.

    Not sure if I posted this but last week hubby had an endoscopy and they found a mass. Turns out to be nothing alarming and they want to leave it alone. I am so relieved.

    Work is still going crazy. I am trying not to regret the days off over Christmas. I own a small custom drapery/interior design business in a small town. It is just my sister and I. We do all the sewing ourselves. I do all the selling and installing. Yesterday I was at the store by myself for the day and got a ton of paperwork done. There is still a large pile on my desk but I can see patches of desk top and I have a place to lay my clipboard. I will tackle the EOY paperwork this weekend.

    My house is a mess and I really have no ambition to do anything about it. That is all the energy I have. I live with my husband and two grown sons. They almost keep up after themselves but really do nothing toward the overall cleaning unless I get after them about it. They have learned if they want clean clothes they have to do laundry.

    I am out of time for now.
    Love to all,
    Lori <3

    I am sorry you are fighting the depression demon. I have gone through it before and Zoloft helped me then too. Have you considered going back to your doctor? There's no shame in admitting to yourself that you need help. On the home front, I had to lay down the law with my husband and kids and let them know that their disorganization was contributing to my despair. It sounds like the hubs needs to step up and be the organizer of chaos. Remind him marriage is a partnership for better or worse in sickness and in health. Right now you desparately need him to summon the strength to be more while you get the help you need to heal. Your children need to realize they have to step up as well and begin to show initiative and discipline themselves to keep up with their belongings, dad could teach them that there is pride in this type of behavior. This will also serve them well in their adult lives.