Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    I read something very offensive today, apparently men who are attracted to obese women, it is considered a "pathology" in the DSM, like a mental disorder.

    A lot of men are secretly attracted to obese women, but don't like to admit to their friends. They laugh about "going hogging", which is apparently a game to pick up a fat girl, who is supposedly horny and desperate for sex...

    Interesting. I don't think I have ever been like are odd.

    I was watching "My 600 Pound Life" tonight on TLC, Paula was talking about her experience of being molested, and how her weight was part her defense mechanism for that experience. I have also had that experience, and wonder how many obese women have that in their past. I am glad Paula feels better about herself now.
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbound‌ - Is it coming on that TOM? I get ravenous about a week beforehand.

    Thanks for all the snack ideas. I did pick up some bananas and Dove dark chocolates at the store. I'm not a big fan of nuts/seeds, but I did get some almonds to keep in the car for those times when I'm starving and want to avoid the fast food joints until I get home.
  • naturawicca
    i made up this diet about 3yrs out of all the diets out there..i dunno about anyone else but im a bored eater..when i get bored i i had to fibd something that was time i spent alot of money paying for all the diets i could get..i looked at all of them wrote down things from each one..from what i got frm all of thwm wasnt what i needed .so i made up my 3yrs i have lost 165lbs..if anyoje wants to know about the diet im still on just ask me..ill tell ya how..and no it wont make you starve between it not gonna make you hungry for those crazy cravers that drive us nuts..but if your interested on how i lost the weight and still on it to loose the last 40lbs just ask ill tell ya how..
  • silver12176
    silver12176 Posts: 70 Member
    @softblondechick‌ I think some of that isn't the fact that the men like overweight women, it's that they only like the woman if she is very overweight and they sabotage the woman if she tries to lose weight. Like on My 600 lbs. the man that became verbally abusive to his wife when she tried to get healthy.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    edited January 2015
    @silver12176‌~If you have the Fitbit Flex it doesn't detect steps well while holding onto something. :frowning: So if you are on the elliptical try and use one with movable arms, it does a little better but still misses. To counteract the problem its wise to enter your caloric burn for those activities manually into MFP.

    @melifornia‌~You received a lot of great snack ideas but I like Luna Protein Bars, thinkThin Bars or Zone Simply Perfect Bars--they all have around 10g of protein, so great for on-the-go snacks.

    @softblondechick~For many that are grossly obese, I think they are genetically predisposed. But others have suffer from a metabolic imbalance, depression or endured a traumatic event. Personally, I went through two traumatic events in my 20s that really caused me to pile on the weight as a “wall” in an effort to protect myself from further damage. It did work but I worked hard (many years) to overcome those situations so that I could be happy and healthy again.

    @Holly~Thanks, yep I think this will be a difficult situation. She’s a hard person to be around anyway, very aggressive personality so isn't easily approachable—if it becomes much of a problem I’ll just deal with her boss directly instead of going to her for stuff like I usually do.

    AFM~Last night’s walk was interesting, the dogs were in rare form and we ran into some kids that were really intrigued by them so it slowed us up a bit. One of them had me running though, since she's scared of kids (has never been exposed to them). We typically walk a 5k but ended up walking 3-1/2 miles yesterday, the weather was gorgeous though—sunny and 80! Sadly colder temps and rain are on the horizon. :frowning:

    I did finally here back from the body shop late yesterday; estimate was about $2k less than its worth. I called and spoke with my dad (aka car guru) about it since I’m concerned about performance and look of my car—it needs to look and perform like “my” car that I’ve worked so hard to maintain. I’m also concerned about diminished value since I plan on trading it in for a new car in 2016—calling my agent this morning to discuss. However, it may not be worth it since car is 9 years old. But based on his input I’ll give the body shop the go ahead to move forward with repairs (which will take two weeks).

    Exercise Goals:
    Monday~Walk w friend/dogs DONE!
    Tuesday~Trainer DONE!
    Wednesday~Walk w friend/dogs DONE!
    Friday~Rest Day
    Saturday~Gym w friend (going to be rainy)
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    @Teresa- So glad to hear that you were cleared for activities
    @Melifornia- It you like chocolate I recently tried the Blue Diamond flavored almonds. I tend to keep fiber one snacks around but I love popcorn over sweets.
    @Karen- I have read “Running With Scissors” but I will have to check out the “The Glass Castle”. I really enjoy the author Jennifer Lancaster. I am ready for spring also.
    @Silver- I know there are some activities the Fitbit won’t actually catch due to the motion your body makes like bike riding. I am sorry you didn’t get that burn record.
    @Softblondechick- I was hurt real bad by my fiancé about 14yrs ago and when that first ended I didn’t date or get emotionally tied to a person for 5 yrs. I ate like a pig and dressed like slob because it left me less attractive so I couldn’t get hurt again. It is odd how things can change our internal thought process to destroy us.
    @Kah- Kids and dogs that is why I have to take my own separate walk in the summer months, Riley loves kids and recognizes all the kids on our walking path. He will pull towards them and sit for petting and hugs it feels like we never get a good walk. But he loves it and so do the kids in return that makes me happy.

    AFM- Thursday truth I am a bit bitter at my friend and my jealousy is starting to show. I have been trying to get my friend to be my walking partner for a year now. She had every excuse not to do it. In Oct she joined weight watchers and became friends with a lady who looked like what my friend dreams of looking like. They have become walking partners and my friend has lost 40lbs since Oct. I want to feel happy for her part of me is mad that she wouldn’t be my walking partner and part of me is jealous she is losing so fast yet I know she isn't eating healthy or enough food to keep her body fueled. She is always complaining about being hungry but can’t eat any more because she doesn't have points. I am a great pretender at times because outside I smile tell her I am proud of her but inside ticked off and slightly jealous. I have to remember my Wed wish and that I have accomplished a hell of lot as a woman, friend, worker, college student and single mom.
  • ereilly311
    ereilly311 Posts: 244 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm back! Sorry I've been MIA for a little over a week. I had a hard time coping with my loss of a friend and kinda just shut down. Last week I gained, but I really didn't try. And it was exam week at work so we went out to lunch every day. This week I'm back on track and back to working out, but I had two days of doing nothing for when we got dumped with about two feet of snow. Just gotta stay strong and keep pushing through it.
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited January 2015
    Thursday Truth ... I thought I had my emotional eating disorder under control, pretty much; partly because I haven't had as much problem with SAD this year as the last few ... so I'm feeling more upbeat. Partly because I have lost weight since having had renewed focus last June about it, and my over-calories day were only awful once in a while. Well ... yesterday I blew it out really big time and ate 2 days worth of calories because I ate calorie dense food.

    Today, I'm trying to reign it in. However, I realize that the days on which I have gone over calories have been going a bit higher in overage each time ... so maybe this was going to happen sooner or later just because I've been eating bigger portions. That's got to stop because I'm due for a calorie cut in my February food log.

    And yes, I have been hit with a series of bad news situations from people who matter to me, it seems like the middle of winter always has the most depressing events. Still ... finding solace in food is not the way to go about capturing the goal I have set for myself.

    I will be posting the February challenge and the standards a.k.a. the way @RobinsEgg does it within the next 24 hours ... with all the red hearts at the start and end ... so watch for it.

    follow-through, Niki
  • Rozie1019
    Well yesterday I went over in calories because I was so starving at lunch time when I went to run my errand I grabbed some mcdonalds because I didn't think I could wait til I got back to eat my salad, then I took my sisters and gma out to dinner last night. So I'm probably close to 500 or 600 over. Just gotta be under the rest of the week and I should be good.

    Thursday truth: I need to remember to keep my water intake up. I've been slacking the past few days. I usually drink between 20 and 24 cups a day past few it's only been about 12-16. I know I'm always getting the recommended 8 but I personally need more. I fee dehydrated when I only drink 8. I really only drink water also, some times tea and some times coffee.

    Will do personals later, super busy!

    Have a great day
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    Hi all! Kinda sounds like we're hitting a mid-week slump, or maybe an end of the month slump after working hard through January. I'll admit, I've kind of already turned my attention toward what I want to accomplish in February. Gotta remember to stick with my January goals for a few more days.

    I subbed for middle school PE this afternoon. That always wears me out - on my feet for 4 hours, no breaks - but I noticed today I don't feel as worn out. Like, on a scale of 1-10 I'm normally around an 8 but today it's more like a 7. My back doesn't hurt as much, either. Thinking that's a NSV. :smile:

    MFP Goals January 25-31

    Diet Goals

    * No fast food 3/7 days - x/7
    * Track food 7/7 days - 5/7

    Exercise Goals

    * 30 mins of cardio (preferably elliptical) 3/7 days - 2/7
    * Yoga daily as part of Miracle Morning routine - 5/7
    * Talk to trainer at rec center about strength training -

    Health Goals

    * Take meds daily - 3/7
    * Refill pill box when needed - DONE
    * Call optometrist about contact Rx -

    Cleaning Goals

    * Declutter kitchen cabinets over sink -
    * Take last tote of kids clothes to BigBro's house -
    * Follow daily cleaning schedule - x/7
    * Set up area for scrapbooking in spare room - DONE

    Personal Goals

    * Complete Miracle Morning routine daily - 5/7
    * Move wake up time back to 6AM daily - 1/7
    * Tweak night time routine to better set up for mornings -
    * In bed, lights out by 10:30 PM at least 4/7 days - x/7

    Work Goals

    * Submit at least 4/8 magazine articles for review - x/8
    * File newspaper article -
    * Invoice newspaper -
    * Invoice magazines -
    * Resolve issue with client's shopping cart -
    * Follow up on PR pitches sent last week -
    * Send 5 LOIs to editors - x/5

    January All-In

    * Login to MFP daily - 29/31
    * At/Under calorie limit 20/31 - 6/31
    * Workout (besides yoga) 12/31 - 11/31

    2015 Mantra: Live Intentionally
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Hi All,
    I had a great workout tonight with a mix of activity including a little running, some biking and the elliptical plus plenty of walking. It felt good to be active tonight after 2 days off from exercise.

    I also experience major hunger and the munchies when TOM is coming to visit. I just try to reign it in but usually end up losing the battle so I just eat what I want. Just keep exercising through it and it will help. I also see major up and downs in weight during this time as well and that is normal for your body.

    Have a great Friday.
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Finally, today I met my calorie goal! Kinda went a bit astray yesterday at over 250 calories. After the confession on Tuesday I thought I would just fall into line. HA! Still I need to work to make this work. Today was a good day though.

    Aside from my calorie goal I got a lot of book work accomplished. Hopefully I will be able to ship it to the CPA tomorrow or Monday at the latest. What a load off my shoulders that will be.

    @Nicole Sorry to hear about your son’s injury. That can really play havoc with everyone.

    @Teresa Neat! You are cleared to be back to normal. Nice to be able to start to put that behind you.

    @niki I was sorry to learn about the loss of your friend/relative. I saw the photo on FB and she looked like a delightful lady. May she rest in peace. I know many will miss her, obviously, including you.

    @skinny Ah, yes spring. I am a little jealous of some of our southern friends who are reporting nice warm sunny walks. Nothing like that here. I will be watching to see how the ground hog does next week too.
    Also, I hope the “hunger monster” from yesterday finally went away for you.

    @Laurie I remember when my son did the raw egg drop at Marquette U. when he was a freshman engineer there. Some of the “gizzmachies” those kids came up with to protect their eggs were amazing. It was just fun listening to the stories. I am sure you will have some similar experiences with this one. It certainly got their creativity going!
    Sounds like you had a good work out tonight.

    @Marypoppins. Great to hear the little ones are better. Now maybe you life will settle down to its normal pace (I am sure it is pretty fast and unpredictable regardless!). Enjoy those little ones; they grow up way too fast.

    @Kaye Your consistency inspires me. I know you eat what you cook for the family and still you consistently make your goals. That is what I strive for and often miss on doing.

    @Kelley I hope the car comes back just as you want it or better.

    @Holly It is hard not to be jealous of your friend, but that won’t help. Just wish her well and do your own thing…you admitted you don’t think she is eating right anyhow. You are doing great just by being HOLLY, no one else. Keep it up.

    @Erin Glad your back. Sorry about the snow, and now it looks like more on the way. Hang in there. The rest of us will eventually see spring….I hope.

    January Challenge:

    Calories under goal: ?? /31
    Cardio Exercise: 0 /31
    Core fitness DVD 1 /31
    De-clutter 15 minutes/365 17/31
    Word for 2015 “TENACITY”

    Thanks every one of you for being here.
  • Teresa_3266
    Teresa_3266 Posts: 298 Member
    Happy Thursday everyone! Went to meet my new doctor today. She is hubby doctor and since he likes her so much I thought I would give her a chance. She is an adorable, tiny, Filipino woman who has such a lovely smile and really looks at you when you talk. She was professional and friendly. I think I just might call her a keeper! :D

    @Niki, I totally relate to your Thursday truth. See below. ;)

    @mnwalkingqueen, your feelings about your friend is just plain and simple human nature. But like you said you know she isn’t eating right and that will bite her in the butt sooner than later. I think it’s important to work on letting go of the jealousy and remembering that you have so much going for you. Maybe there is someone else who would love to be your walking partner. Wish you lived near me and I would go with you! :)

    @softblondechick, men are odd!! I also have wondered if my weight is a defense mechanism. I wasn’t molested but there has been some trauma in my early years and having a mother and father obsessed with weight probably didn’t help me. :\

    Thursday truth: Uggggghhhhh!! :s I have a huge confession to make and as much as I love and trust my husband I just don’t want to confess to him. So it’s God and ya’ll. Today, after I went to the doctor I stopped at Starbucks before going to work and got a coffee and a cranberry orange scone. OK, you would think that was a big enough splurge. But NO!!! I had Chinese with my co-worker for lunch. I would like to say she persuaded me but she does that all the time and I usually always say no. But today, I immediately caved and ate wayyyyy more than I should have. I feel gross and disgusted with myself. I’m also aware that I have to forgive and move on. I think that if I cut a few calories out the rest of the week and up the exercise I won’t see anything negative from today’s binge. I just really wish I wouldn't do this to myself. I'm also about to start TOM. :|

    I do think spring needs to get here so we all can get outside and get some sun and fresh air!

    Motto for 2015: Fit for 50!! B)
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    Better today. :) DH tries really hard to make sure that at least once a week I get to stay in bed until the baby wakes up for the day, and since we cosleep so she has easy access to the milk bar, she will often sleep until 9:30 or 10 if she isn't disturbed, sometimes later. Thanks for the kind words, all. :)

    For the third time in about 10 days, the second number on the scale has been a 1, so I recorded that sucker cuz now I believe it. 219 & change. Pre-preg weight was 218. After that we start working toward One-derland!

    Gads... I haven't seen the scale start with a 1 since I was married... and from there it's only 20 pounds to wedding dress weight.

    @skinnyjeanzbound - when I have a day like that, I try to remember to add high-fiber veg to every. single. meal. Like, I will sit down with the open bin of salad and literally wrap each bite of food in greens. It doesn't add much in the way of cals, but it goes a long way towards that feeling of "full", especially if the meal includes some good fat, like avocado.

    @mnwalkingqueen‌ - try to remember that eventually what she's doing will backfire. She will stall out, or if she gets to her goal weight and stops doing WW, or even just gets more casual about it, the weight will come back. That's why diet plans and programs don't work long term, that's why you're doing it the right way. It's slower, and frustrating, but in the end, you will come out ahead. *hugs*
  • brandonandmonicathach
    Hi everyone! I am new around here and learning my way around! I have about 150 pounds to lose! I have been using MFP for 2 and half weeks and right now I am down 11 pounds! Looking forward to making new friends and staying in touch as we all help each other make it to our goals!
  • loosaedna
    loosaedna Posts: 20 Member
    1200 calories was actually set with the receptionist of my old doctor office. I told the new doctor what I am eating and he didn't seem concerned so I don't know if that is good or not. I have been losing weight but don't know if it is really what I should be eating. I will check with the weight loss surgery doctor when I go on the 5th of February.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Hi everyone, It's been missing in action since the summer. I'm still fighting this weight battle, I was down , and then have gained again during this winter. Love reading your posts, this has always been a popular and supportive thread...will be back
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    edited January 2015
    loosaedna wrote: »
    1200 calories was actually set with the receptionist of my old doctor office. I told the new doctor what I am eating and he didn't seem concerned so I don't know if that is good or not. I have been losing weight but don't know if it is really what I should be eating. I will check with the weight loss surgery doctor when I go on the 5th of February.

    They may want you on such low calories because they want you to get used to not eating much. After you have your surgery, you will be eating much less than that to start ... and will be taking prescribed supplements and foods to eat.

    I worked with a woman, before I retired, who had stomach stapling done and she lost 70 pounds before she returned to work from her recuperation. She told us that she started with a drink that was only a couple of sips and by the time she came to work again she was able to eat about 1/2 cup of solid food at a time. ... However, it saved her life and stopped her Diabetes cold. After about a year, she was eating about 1000 calories a day and still taking supplements, and was down about 150 pounds. ,,,, so, we are all in a different situation than you are, follow your doctors orders ... but do speak up and ask questions.

    The better informed you become, the easier it will be for you as you go through all this.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Thursday truth: I finally took the time to enter my own cookie recipe into the data base instead of using a random one I found already in the data base. The result was not pretty, but now I know that I will have to eat less cookies.
    I did make my goals today. I'm still just squeaking by on my water. I need to do better.
    This morning my DIL loaned me a resistance band and showed me some basic exercises. There are 4 upper body exercises that I am going to do 3 days a week in February. I will also continue walking, concentrating on my water, and keeping my calories in check. I wasn't able to get anyone to take my registration for the Valentines day walk. I am doing much better so I am going to just go ahead and do it myself. I'm walking 3.5 to 4.0 miles each day now. I think I can be ready to walk the 10K, though probably not very fast.
    Thanks to all of you for joining in and sharing.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    Hi everyone, this seems like a really vibrant thread, so I think I'll join in. I have been on MFP for a long time, on and off. Last year in Jan I was doing really well, had lost more than 20 lbs, and was on track and really starting to take care of myself. I started walking a lot at work on my breaks and lunch, and I got with the program and started doing all my routine tests (colonoscopy, physical, gyno, and mammogram). Then everything came to a screeching halt with the diagnosis of breast cancer. I had a lumpectomy in Feb, started 16 rounds of chemo in May, and 33 sessions of radiology in September. I tried to keep up with the walking at first, but it was too much for me. So I basically did nothing after around the middle of June. I am happy to report that now I'm cancer free, just had my first followup appointments with my radiologist and oncologist today. Have my annual mammogram tomorrow, but my oncologist assures me I'm cancer free and healthy, we shall see.....
    Now it's time for me to start paying attention to my other health issues again. I have logged my food for 3 days straight, and will be signing up for the LiveStrong program for cancer survivors at my local YMCA. I have a membership for a small gym & pool at the hotel across the street from my job, so I will also be trying to work out there starting next week. I will be glad for any encouragement and support I can get, I need to lose 100 lbs at least (5'2" and 233 today).