
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    jdhcm2006 wrote: »
    Girl Scout Cookies? I'm guessing a fund raiser like our "Bob A Job"?


    The thin mints are the best! I was going to buy some from a woman I go to pole class with, but she stopped coming to class. I guess that's a good thing, b/c I can do some damage with those things!

    Give me your address...I'll mail you some...*evil cackle*

    :) Don't tempt me! I seriously thought about PMing the woman who said she had 200 boxes and asking if she could spare a few, lol!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    jdhcm2006 wrote: »
    I haven't been able to get below 132lb b/c every time I get to 132.5, I start to self sabotage either eating over my calorie allotment or eating the correct calorie allotment, but not exercising (which means that I'm eating at a surplus and no longer a deficit). This goes on for 2-4 weeks, and then I'm at 136-139lbs.

    I weighed myself today, and I was at 132.5, but I'm not logging it b/c I don't want to psyche myself out. I'm going to make it past that friggin' number!

    I had to laugh at this. I've been stuck at 132 or 132.5 for 6 months. It goes down after my period for a week or two, then I ovulate and it goes back up to 133 or 134. It's like every month when I see 132 I'm so relieved I haven't gained weight (I know the 2 pounds I gain after are water weight), I'm like 'ok I can afford to eat closer to maintenance for a couple days', and during a couple weeks I'm typically not very hungry so I have spare calories for treats, then PMS hits and I get ravenous and destroy my deficit for the month. Every. Single. Month.
  • starryphoenix
    starryphoenix Posts: 381 Member
    I sometimes ask people for advice when I already know what to do to fix hat ever is going wrong. I sometimes feel like asking advice annoys people.

    I at 1000 calories worth of Starbucks items yesterday.

    I know most of my lack of weight gain is due to my lack of water intake lately.
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    jdhcm2006 wrote: »
    I haven't been able to get below 132lb b/c every time I get to 132.5, I start to self sabotage either eating over my calorie allotment or eating the correct calorie allotment, but not exercising (which means that I'm eating at a surplus and no longer a deficit). This goes on for 2-4 weeks, and then I'm at 136-139lbs.

    I weighed myself today, and I was at 132.5, but I'm not logging it b/c I don't want to psyche myself out. I'm going to make it past that friggin' number!

    I had to laugh at this. I've been stuck at 132 or 132.5 for 6 months. It goes down after my period for a week or two, then I ovulate and it goes back up to 133 or 134. It's like every month when I see 132 I'm so relieved I haven't gained weight (I know the 2 pounds I gain after are water weight), I'm like 'ok I can afford to eat closer to maintenance for a couple days', and during a couple weeks I'm typically not very hungry so I have spare calories for treats, then PMS hits and I get ravenous and destroy my deficit for the month. Every. Single. Month.

    We are literally the same person then b/c this has been going on for about 6 months. I consider it a plateau, lol. This is our month!!!
  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    jdhcm2006 wrote: »
    Girl Scout Cookies? I'm guessing a fund raiser like our "Bob A Job"?


    The thin mints are the best! I was going to buy some from a woman I go to pole class with, but she stopped coming to class. I guess that's a good thing, b/c I can do some damage with those things!

    Give me your address...I'll mail you some...*evil cackle*

    I have 2 cases of thin mints in my bedroom closet. I ordered them when I thought they were going to be vegan, but we got last year's leftovers. I haven't decided whether to sell them or just dole them out to the kids for lunch snacks.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Laurend224 wrote: »
    jdhcm2006 wrote: »
    Girl Scout Cookies? I'm guessing a fund raiser like our "Bob A Job"?


    The thin mints are the best! I was going to buy some from a woman I go to pole class with, but she stopped coming to class. I guess that's a good thing, b/c I can do some damage with those things!

    Give me your address...I'll mail you some...*evil cackle*

    I have 2 cases of thin mints in my bedroom closet. I ordered them when I thought they were going to be vegan, but we got last year's leftovers. I haven't decided whether to sell them or just dole them out to the kids for lunch snacks.

    According to my info they are vegan...or were last year's leftovers not?
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Laurend224 wrote: »
    jdhcm2006 wrote: »
    Girl Scout Cookies? I'm guessing a fund raiser like our "Bob A Job"?


    The thin mints are the best! I was going to buy some from a woman I go to pole class with, but she stopped coming to class. I guess that's a good thing, b/c I can do some damage with those things!

    Give me your address...I'll mail you some...*evil cackle*

    I have 2 cases of thin mints in my bedroom closet. I ordered them when I thought they were going to be vegan, but we got last year's leftovers. I haven't decided whether to sell them or just dole them out to the kids for lunch snacks.

    According to my info they are vegan...or were last year's leftovers not?

    My daughter is selling them and that has been the big question--did they change the recipe or have Thin Mints always been vegan?
  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    Laurend224 wrote: »
    jdhcm2006 wrote: »
    Girl Scout Cookies? I'm guessing a fund raiser like our "Bob A Job"?


    The thin mints are the best! I was going to buy some from a woman I go to pole class with, but she stopped coming to class. I guess that's a good thing, b/c I can do some damage with those things!

    Give me your address...I'll mail you some...*evil cackle*

    I have 2 cases of thin mints in my bedroom closet. I ordered them when I thought they were going to be vegan, but we got last year's leftovers. I haven't decided whether to sell them or just dole them out to the kids for lunch snacks.

    According to my info they are vegan...or were last year's leftovers not?

    My daughter is selling them and that has been the big question--did they change the recipe or have Thin Mints always been vegan?

    No, it's a new recipe. Last year's cookies have whey in them.
  • yellowcupcakes
    yellowcupcakes Posts: 12 Member
    I ate half a bacon and provolone pizza last night... and about a liter of Cherry Coke... and some buffalo wings....
  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    Laurend224 wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    Laurend224 wrote: »
    jdhcm2006 wrote: »
    Girl Scout Cookies? I'm guessing a fund raiser like our "Bob A Job"?


    The thin mints are the best! I was going to buy some from a woman I go to pole class with, but she stopped coming to class. I guess that's a good thing, b/c I can do some damage with those things!

    Give me your address...I'll mail you some...*evil cackle*

    I have 2 cases of thin mints in my bedroom closet. I ordered them when I thought they were going to be vegan, but we got last year's leftovers. I haven't decided whether to sell them or just dole them out to the kids for lunch snacks.

    According to my info they are vegan...or were last year's leftovers not?

    My daughter is selling them and that has been the big question--did they change the recipe or have Thin Mints always been vegan?

    No, it's a new recipe. Last year's cookies have whey in them.

    If we actually get any vegan cookies this year we are going to downplay it. In Alabama, vegan = eating bark and twigs. :p
  • delisa8411
    delisa8411 Posts: 13 Member
    Holla4mom wrote: »
    Um, me too. I work out at home when no one's here, so whatever, lol! But yes it feels gross to hang it up to "air out"!
    funjen1972 wrote: »
    I wear the same stinky workout clothes for several days without washing. Ewww gross, I know. Always change my socks though lol

    Me too, but only at home. Since gaining weight I only have a few outfits, so stinky it is.
  • delisa8411
    delisa8411 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm having nachos for breakfast. Right now.

  • delisa8411
    delisa8411 Posts: 13 Member
    Serah87 wrote: »
    Here is my confession: 90% of the time I make my dinner different then what I make for my family, most of the time I eat the same thing day after day, BUT I like it, lol.

    I do that too, nothing wrong with it, however, when co-workers ask me what are you eating for lunch, I feel a little anxious because it's the fifth day of gumbo.
  • delisa8411
    delisa8411 Posts: 13 Member
    I was supposed to go grocery shopping and buy things like organic chicken and veggies for salad and somehow found myself saying, "A cheeseburger and small french fries," into the golden arches box last week. I don't even like McDonald's. Now I'm going to a different market that doesn't have a fast food drive thru in the same parking lot.

    I can relate, I have checked the calories on a Whataburger Jr. and small fries, they aren't to bad, but I'm saving getting it for a special occasion.
  • delisa8411
    delisa8411 Posts: 13 Member
    confession, I judge people big time for spelling "lose" as "loose."

    Me too, and when they are saying/typing "your" for you're. Drives me insane and it happens a lot.
  • delisa8411
    delisa8411 Posts: 13 Member
    randomtai wrote: »
    randomtai wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    randomtai wrote: »
    soloelixir wrote: »
    I resent thin people. I've been fat my whole life, and have no idea what it's like to be thin. I know I shouldn't resent them, but damn, when I see a thin girl complaining about how those jeans make her *kitten* look big, I want to slap her in the face.
    nellysen wrote: »
    Me too!!!!!! In fact it pisses me off. I think it is because I just WISH that the hunt fr the perfect jeans on a perfect body was my biggest issue. Maybe it is jealousy? But either way.... I feel the same!

    This is just damn sad. SMH :noway:

    I don't see it... It does annoy me when I see girls that look fantastic complain that their clothes make them look fat. Although I guess now I just feel sad for them because they don't realize how great they look, and they'll look back one day and realize that they were wasting too much energy on something that wasn't even true and wish they could look that way again lol.

    I totally fail to see how that is body shaming, like some people mentioned above... Being jealous of someone's body is shaming them? How?

    For not washing clothes after working out, some people just don't sweat much. I'm always sweating like crazy at the gym but I see people running in SWEATERS next to me and they seem just fine. So *shrug*.

    Of course you don't. *nod* *shrug*

    You know, the thread title asked for no judgement, and that's pretty much all you've contributed.

    Confession: I judge people for not washing their clothes... that ish is nasty as hell. Better?

    Reality check: All of us wash them. Just not every day. You made assumptions. You also made a leap and assumed that we didn't wipe down gym equipment. What exactly did you plan to do when you came into a thread sharing confessions?

    Question: Do you wash your judgey pants every time you put them on?

    Some people just don't follow instructions.
  • delisa8411
    delisa8411 Posts: 13 Member
    I ate almost an entire dominos pizza on Saturday. And Sunday I had quesadillas Mac and cheese and beer. I feel really guilty and a little sick.

    I'm jealous.
  • I was craving something sweet the other night but had absolutely nothing in the house that would satisfy me except some hot chocolate. So I ate two spoonfuls of the powder. Two spoonfuls. Of the powder.

    I used to do this all the time. With Horlicks as well.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    edited February 2015
    I am going to eat this entire bag of sweet potato chips - gluten free, which I don't need and 5oz. I am also going to log it.
  • delisa8411
    delisa8411 Posts: 13 Member
    So, two years ago my sister wanted me to let her Wii judge my fitness so that she could feel superior. I was in the midst of being fat and a couch potato. I didn't do it. However, a few weeks ago, I made her do a walking DVD with me that does get a little intense and she quit quite a while before it was over. I finished the entire thing. I am still savoring that moment secretly.