

  • delisa8411
    delisa8411 Posts: 13 Member
    So, two years ago my sister wanted me to let her Wii judge my fitness so that she could feel superior. I was in the midst of being fat and a couch potato. I didn't do it. However, a few weeks ago, I made her do a walking DVD with me that does get a little intense and she quit quite a while before it was over. I finished the entire thing. I am still savoring that moment secretly.
  • obscuremusicreference
    obscuremusicreference Posts: 1,320 Member
    I know you can't spot reduce but I try really, really hard to spot reduce
  • Dionysos4
    Dionysos4 Posts: 63 Member
    djmclay4 wrote: »
    When I splurge, it's common for me to eat 5,000 calories in a sitting.

    I'm sorry! I forgot that it was against the rules to mention that you have a problem here.
  • AllTheNoms
    AllTheNoms Posts: 135 Member
    edited February 2015
    I know you can't spot reduce but I try really, really hard to spot reduce

    ^^ THIS! My mind knows that I can't spot reduce, but the rest of me refuses to believe it. Too bad I can't truffle shuffle my way out of these big thighs.
  • SoManyCookies
    SoManyCookies Posts: 31 Member
    I was craving something sweet the other night but had absolutely nothing in the house that would satisfy me except some hot chocolate. So I ate two spoonfuls of the powder. Two spoonfuls. Of the powder.

    its really amazing mixed into whipped cream... just sayin

  • TracyeS4
    TracyeS4 Posts: 746 Member
    ksmi141 wrote: »
    Sometimes I wonder if my friends notice that I only do long and vigorous cardio sessions on weekends when my husband is home...

    Nice! That sounds healthy to me.
  • Holla4mom
    Holla4mom Posts: 587 Member
    Holla4mom wrote: »
    Me too! I feel badly about it, but I'm an English major and I was just wondering today if the moderators could make an announcement post about using lose instead of loose, and losing instead of loosing.
    confession, I judge people big time for spelling "lose" as "loose."

    No, you feel BAD about it.

    --English Instructor

    Lol! You're right. Unless of course I mean I feel around badly, lol!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    edited February 2015
    Sometimes, the only reason that I wear a bra is so that I have a place to put my Fitbit and iPod.
  • Holla4mom
    Holla4mom Posts: 587 Member
    This is pitiful. Yesterday morning I was a little late for work because I can't running around the house, hoping to get things moving along so I could poop and then weight myself because I knew it would show a loss if I did. It didn't happen, lol. I weighed this morning though and was down two pounds. It apparently happened eventually:)
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Lately I have been craving Cool Ranch Doritos. Do those even exist anymore? I was thinking about it and realized that the last time I had those was 28 years ago.

    For some random reason, I can remember that the last time I had a donut was on March 3, 2004. I don't usually like such things, but it was free and it had really awesome pastry cream and raspberry filling.
  • lyndseysolar
    lyndseysolar Posts: 6 Member
    Hello, my name is Lyndsey, and I have a sprinkle addiction. I love ice cream, but i view it mostly as a vehicle for sprinkles. None the less, i gained a lot of "comfort weight" once i got engaged over the summer due to this addiction. I started this in an attempt to help me lose weight before my wedding in September. I've been diligently tracking everything I consume. The first day, I realized I was eating a disturbing amount of calories. After that, I cut my calories down to 1200. At this point, I'm down to between 600-900 calories a day. I lost 8 pounds this week.
  • Holla4mom
    Holla4mom Posts: 587 Member
    I had DH put a lock on the refrigerator and the pantry because after taking my nighttime meds I was zombie eating entire bags of nacho chips, containers of cookies, boxes of crackers and was waking up to mystery dishes wondering, "What in the world happened last night?" The first night with the lock on, I went to the fridge and realized I couldn't open it and apparently fell back asleep, but I Dreamed about food all night long! After the second night, I don't even go in the kitchen anymore. Prior to the locks, this had been going on for 3 years and had resulted in a weight gain of 30 pounds. :o

    (BTW, not ambien- trazadone)
  • lyndseysolar
    lyndseysolar Posts: 6 Member
    AllTheNoms wrote: »
    I torture myself watching food-related TV. I can't stop watching Top Chef, Masterchef, Chopped, The Taste, Cutthroat Kitchen.....

    It's like I have to be near food even if I'm not eating it.

    Bro.... I feel your pain. My fiance is a chef, and he is constantly making these gorgeous meals.. while I'm eating raw spinach. As in, he made filet mignon with an Asiago Parm Crab sauce... kill me now. And brownies for desert.... he's a horrible human being. MUST BE NICE TO BE NATURALLY THIN!
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    delisa8411 wrote: »
    So, two years ago my sister wanted me to let her Wii judge my fitness so that she could feel superior. I was in the midst of being fat and a couch potato. I didn't do it. However, a few weeks ago, I made her do a walking DVD with me that does get a little intense and she quit quite a while before it was over. I finished the entire thing. I am still savoring that moment secretly.

  • BodyByButter
    BodyByButter Posts: 563 Member
    Hello, my name is Lyndsey, and I have a sprinkle addiction. I love ice cream, but i view it mostly as a vehicle for sprinkles. None the less, i gained a lot of "comfort weight" once i got engaged over the summer due to this addiction. I started this in an attempt to help me lose weight before my wedding in September. I've been diligently tracking everything I consume. The first day, I realized I was eating a disturbing amount of calories. After that, I cut my calories down to 1200. At this point, I'm down to between 600-900 calories a day. I lost 8 pounds this week.
    Honey that's not healthy. :(
  • lsereduk
    The days I don't finish logging or don't log at all are the days I drink 4+ alcoholic drinks. I need to log those days to acknowledge the caloric reality of it. And I just need to quit drinking so damn much.

    I watch the clock so I can add the last of my alcohol to the next day once it's hit midnight. I, too, need to stop drinking. I can log more calories with beer than I can with food any day of the week so I've cut back a bunch.
  • slbobe
    slbobe Posts: 28
    I wish I was running everyday and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I wish I knew what "healthy" looked like in my fridge. I wish my feet didn't hurt so much for walking an hour and I wish...I could start and maintain this great habit of eating healthy and excercicing without craving pizza and ice cream. Today is my day #1 and I ate a small slice of pizza before walking for an hour
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I was craving something sweet the other night but had absolutely nothing in the house that would satisfy me except some hot chocolate. So I ate two spoonfuls of the powder. Two spoonfuls. Of the powder.

    Confession: After reading this post, I tried it.
  • kyta32
    kyta32 Posts: 670 Member
    edited February 2015
    slbobe wrote: »
    I wish I was running everyday and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I wish I knew what "healthy" looked like in my fridge. I wish my feet didn't hurt so much for walking an hour and I wish...I could start and maintain this great habit of eating healthy and excercicing without craving pizza and ice cream. Today is my day #1 and I ate a small slice of pizza before walking for an hour

    Stay strong. You don't need to run everyday to be healthy. Log, eat in a deficit, give it time, and you will see the changes you want to. I found I was only realy hungry for the first few days of dieting, and while I get cravings, it is something that can be tolerated. You can google healthy plate or read the road to sexypants sticky if you want some ideas for starting out. Good for you for deciding to take care of yourself :)
  • Holla4mom
    Holla4mom Posts: 587 Member
    FitGeekery wrote: »
    Jolinia wrote: »
    When they get older they'll figure out to leave haribo sugar free hellbears out where you can find them. Then you'll really think life isn't fair!

    Google that if you don't know about them. The Amazon reviews are delicious, but not necessarily safe for work!

    ... oh dear, I just read the top 3 reviews at work and I'm pretty sure my coworkers think I'm crazy. I've had tears streaming down my face for a good hour and I think I might have done some damage to my internal organs from desperately trying to suppress the laughter XD
    Oh my goodness! Yes hilarious!!