

  • pwisely
    When LA Fitness plays that pop song that says "THINK IM GONNA HAVE A HEART ATTAAACKKK" I get paranoid I'm going to if I'm going hard and hurting at that moment. LOL
  • azanders12
    azanders12 Posts: 2 Member
    I log things like stretching and let myself eat back all the calories even though I know the calorie burns from MFP are ridiculous. That's for days I need a little extra flexibility, e.g. if I've gone out and had a drink or two.

    My other confession is that occasionally I've had extra cals after midnight and logged them for the next day.

    Haha, me too! A Fat Boy ice cream sandwich craving always comes around midnight. Eh, at least they're all gone now. :neutral_face:
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    tchell99 wrote: »
    My ex and I used to have two cats who were brothers, Regent and Fagan. Regent had a poshy high-English accent and Fagan had a cockney one. (This really makes no sense, since we rescued them as feral kittens, so shouldn't both of them have been cockney?) We made up a whole scenario about how they ran a tobacco store in London and Regent was constantly chastising Fagan for smoking up the profits and knicking from the till. We would have updates at least once a week in which we would natter on in their respective voices about recent events while the cats looked on with expressions of boredom and/or derision. The ex got the cats. I sometimes wonder if he and the wife carried on with this tradition.

    This makes you my hero.
  • jaysiekemso
    jaysiekemso Posts: 101 Member
    There was one time when I couldn't resist a slice of pizza so I ate it, felt really bad after so I made myself throw up -.-
  • bethouiseevans
    bethouiseevans Posts: 41 Member
    Ive eaten an entire 12in cake and 2 chinese takeaways this week because it was my birthday, lifes been pretty stressful and I have a really awful cold. I weighed in this morning having put on 5lbs. *crosses fingers that at least a bit is water weight from so much sodium* I suck.
  • 52cardpickup
    52cardpickup Posts: 379 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I half pretend I don't read English well aloud (I guess I could make an effort) so my husband has to read those horrible books my kids want to read.

    You should hear my husband try to read to our son in French.... I can't listen to it, it drives me crazy! I will sometimes try to correct him, but he doesn't speak French and he's at least trying, so I feel guilty!
  • snarlingcoyote
    snarlingcoyote Posts: 399 Member
    52cardpickup - I had a truly awful French accent when I took my first French class (I remember almost nothing of this, btw) until a friend stopped me and said "you do know Cajun is French right? Just use a Cajun accent in class!" I immediately got decent marks on pronunciation (even though Cajun French is not at all the same as Modern French) . .it would seem I did know how to pronounce things in French, I just didn't realize I did. . .sooo maybe get husband to pretend he's a character in Ratatouille?
  • JSurita2
    JSurita2 Posts: 1,304 Member
    Ceci_O_K wrote: »
    I secretly judge people in this thread all the time, but never point it out because NO JUDGEMENT. (There has been much rolling of the eyes!)

    Totally this!
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    Talkradio wrote: »
    While we are on pet confessions...My husband was meh about having a pet, but I really wanted a dog. I talked him into it. I love my pup, but it is kind of annoying that now she and my husband love each other more than anything.

    Sometimes I feel left out.

    Me too! I get really jealous that my husband is her favorite!!
  • JSurita2
    JSurita2 Posts: 1,304 Member
    edited February 2015
    I don't like to start my own threads because I'm afraid people are going to attack me. I get my feelings easily hurt from random strangers on the internet.

    I don't easily get my feelings hurt, particularly from strangers. However, I am skeptical of posting how I truly feel sometimes just because people will 'jump down your throat' over opinions which I think is ridiculous. I don't have the energy sometimes to go back and forth with 900 plus people that go on the attack. Nor do I care to do so with complete strangers, it's not that important.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I messed up my lower back somehow, which means I probably shouldn't go to the gym to burn 400 of all the extra calories I ate yesterday and it's pissing me off more than it probably should.
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    I forgot to brush my teeth this morning. Realized when I was about halfway to work and I'm feeling pretty gross...
  • 10alliemarie
    10alliemarie Posts: 66 Member
    samchez0 wrote: »
    shermcm wrote: »
    Sometimes I log just my coffee so I don't lose my days logged in streak or adjust my portions so it doesn't look so bad.

    I'm gluten free on top of making lifestyle changes and I am tired of explaining my choices or that my "diet" isn't all a choice.

    I made my journal private because if I didn't I would never log stuff out of embarrassment that people would see the crap I'm putting in my body. But if just I can see it, I'll log it and figure out how/where I need to change.

    I keep mine private but I'm honest with myself. I definitely see the areas I'm weak.
  • JSurita2
    JSurita2 Posts: 1,304 Member
    scubagram wrote: »
    I made a detour last night through McDonald's drive through window; ordered an Oreo McFlurry! After eating it on the way home I did something even more disturbing to hide it from my husband. I threw the trash out the window! Yup, I littered along the highway! So much for don't mess with Texas! Geesh, what the he!! is wrong with me?

    Something might be wrong with me too because I found this hilarious, lol. I don't think I would actually do that, but I find your reasoning very funny indeed.
  • katalinax87
    katalinax87 Posts: 146 Member
    I'm a 37 year old post-hysterectomy bipolar mom with insomnia, an anxiety disorder and an autoimmune disorder. I'm allergic to nineteen foods. I stalk these forums like it's my job, LOVE sugar addiction threads but am terrified to reply to anything because I don't want to be judged. Took me three attempts to post this. Also my dog is named Tribute after the Tenacious D song, my wedding song was from Buffy's "Once More With Feeling" musical episode and I'm three years sober and often times have dreams where I accidentally drink and when I realize that happened I flip out, wake up and reassure myself it was in fact just a dream. *train wreck*

    I'm a bipolar mum too and have tribute as the first song on my run play list. Not alone
  • Showtime1978
    Showtime1978 Posts: 109 Member
    I had a confession...but it wasn't weight loss related so never mind
  • LitGal14
    LitGal14 Posts: 7 Member
    I was craving something sweet the other night but had absolutely nothing in the house that would satisfy me except some hot chocolate. So I ate two spoonfuls of the powder. Two spoonfuls. Of the powder.

    I've spent the last four evenings thinking about eating Jello powder!

  • lizardbeans
    lizardbeans Posts: 2 Member
    Late nights frustrate me, dinner was so long ago, and I obsess over cheese and crackers. About a quarter pound of swiss and a quarter bag of townhouse crackers later, I think to myself, 'I should have had a banana and gone to bed.' Hardest thing to do is to wake up the next morning with a positive attitude about how I'll approach my eating TODAY. Gotta stop beating myself up.
  • katalinax87
    katalinax87 Posts: 146 Member
    I have Lionel Richie all night long on my I pod.
  • kbsangel1986
    kbsangel1986 Posts: 153 Member
    I hate how my nose runs when I'm exercising (mainly the elliptical at this point in time).

    While on my elliptical (my main form of cardio right now), I watch music videos because I am envious of the toned female bodies in them (My goal is to be healthy, toned and hopefully a shadow of collar bone showing). Actually SEEING a fit body moving in a non workout dvd reminds me why i'm panting and forcing myself through an extra 5 minutes of torture (im lazy and fat, having not yet re-developed my love of exercise)