Fit For Future Families - May 2011



  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    3 new people in one day - wow! Welcome! We are super happy to have you :)

    Bissa - You sound exactly like me when we started trying last year! I rushed right out and bought the BBT and the same book and dove in head first! I would like to suggest a different book though - Taking Charge of Your Fertility - it has EVERYTHING you could ever imagine in it, and it focuses on charting (which I'm a big believer in).
    As for you not having a shift yet - that's okay - you may be someone with late ovulation. How long was your first cycle off the BCP? Until it goes for more than 30 days without a shift, I wouldn't worry. After you see your shift you'll feel so much better! And then be sure to keep tracking your days to see how long the phase from ovulation - menstruation is (called the Luteal Phase) - that's super important! Don't stress yet - really - I've had cycles when I don't get a shift until 22 or 23.

    Andrea - love the photos!

    Pam - shotgun! Bahahahahahaha!

    Lele - there's a few gals on here with PCOS - make yourself at home! These are some awesome women.

    Nicole - I LOVE your wedding colours! And the last picture is awesome - attitude!

    1) Upload to PhotoBucket (or another similar site)
    2) Edit for size (likely needs to be made smaller)
    3) Get the code, for example: glutenfree.jpg
    4) Paste into the MFP forum
    5) change the capital IMG that are at the beginning AND the end of the code to lower case.
    6) Finish your post and it should come out fine :smile:

    AFM - had my appointment with the OB today. It started off kind of funny - a med student came in first and had NO idea how what a BBT was, what a luteal phase was and fumbled trying to take my blood pressure (I had to help her). She was really nice though. When asked what I was expecting from the appointment, I told her "help."

    So the doc came in (I love her) and she said she was sorry I had all the effects of the Clomid (which I didn't think I did, but have little CM and super light periods concerned her). BUT am I ready for ANOTHER 3 months of Clomid. Well, if she thinks it will help, I'll do it. She lowered the does to 50 mg though (from 100mg) and is sending me for a battery of tests. Seriously - there are 21 checkmarks on my blood req - and I'm glad!! :laugh: Also, she's very knowledgeable about Celiac Disease and miscarriages, so she was careful to discuss my gluten free lifestyle with me. And she said to ignore the sex every-other-day rule and have more sex!

    I am going back on August 31st, and she said "I will see you pregnant then." She said my bloodwork will take awhile to come back anyway and we'll see what is what then. She also asked that we go to the ART clinic info session (Assisted Reproductive Technologies) so we know what we may be facing. If I'm not pregnant by Christmas, and she can't figure out why, then we'll be moving on to "other" options.

    So that's me for the day - sorry this is so long!
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Hi ladies, time for a real post from me *warning, super long to catch up!* Sorry my other with the pics is so large, I just didn’t have the time to shrink them down!

    Jalara, It sounds like you had a productive appointment! I truly hope she is right in seeing you back in August pregnant! My OB I just met with had the same attitude, which is hard to believe when you have been trying for a while with no result!!! I’m glad she is knowledgeable on Celiacs, that is certainly helpful. If you don’t mind me asking, how did you discover you had that? I have my suspicions that I may be, but also feel like a hypochondriac about it! I’ve continually since early college had an “achy” stomach – like I hate any pressure on it, even my cat laying on my stomach when I lay down. Also, I’ve read that autoimmune diseases are linked, like I am Hypothyroid, so I am more susceptible to Celiac. Also, my brother is Type I Diabetic and Hyperthyroid, which makes more at risk, too. Reading makes you so paranoid!!! Oh, and with your pics – GORGEOUS! I love the two veil ones, and the chair!

    Nicole, I love your colors, and especially your flowers! You looked beautiful!!! Oh, and I am hypothyroid, so I feel your frustration as well on the Thyroid end. I have been treated by my general doctor so far, and have my first specialist appt in August.

    Minni, Can’t wait to see your pics!

    Kim, Thanks! The color was called Sangria and I paired it with the green in the hydrangeas, so I had Sangria and Lime! I kinda wanted one of their dresses myself – the girls looked so cute! They had pockets, too! PS, we’ve missed you on here! Now, where are your pics, missy! Don’t feel like now is a waste of time in TTC. If I remember correctly, Erica was about to go to the next step, and that month she got pregnant. Maybe you just need to not think about it! And June is just around the corner!

    Leled, Welcome!!! I don’t have PCOS, but a lot of the ladies here do, and are a wealth of info! You have a had quite a journey! I hope we can provide the support group that you need!

    Bissa, like Jalara, I also got the thermometer and the Taking Charge of Your Fertility book. I recommend it as well. Also, I started using Fertility Friend, a website that helps you chart your temperatures. I was doing terrible with paper / excel – this was much easier.

    Tessa, glad you responded! Congrats on your recent wedding! We have a few newlyweds – my husband and I married last September. Great job on the weight loss so far! Have you decided when you will go off of the pill?

    Pam, Love the shotgun!!! I eat like crap when I’m sick. Don’t worry about being a Fiona (bad girl), just worry about getting better!

    Luki, I don’t think I had seen your picture before, you are a gorgeous girl! I love the “after the first kiss” picture.

    Alisa, love the sword! You looked beautiful, and your bouquet is so classic! Hugs on your diagnosis. It seems like some of our girls here have a lot a knowledge on the topic, so I hope you can get the support you need! Would you have had PCOS before your son?

    Carina, love the pics!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Jalara, It sounds like you had a productive appointment! I truly hope she is right in seeing you back in August pregnant! My OB I just met with had the same attitude, which is hard to believe when you have been trying for a while with no result!!! I’m glad she is knowledgeable on Celiacs, that is certainly helpful. If you don’t mind me asking, how did you discover you had that? I have my suspicions that I may be, but also feel like a hypochondriac about it! I’ve continually since early college had an “achy” stomach – like I hate any pressure on it, even my cat laying on my stomach when I lay down. Also, I’ve read that autoimmune diseases are linked, like I am Hypothyroid, so I am more susceptible to Celiac. Also, my brother is Type I Diabetic and Hyperthyroid, which makes more at risk, too. Reading makes you so paranoid!!! Oh, and with your pics – GORGEOUS! I love the two veil ones, and the chair!

    Thanks :heart:
    Celiac's - I found out due to an ulcer that led to further investigation - and then they found the answer. My suggestion would be to request the blood test, if it comes back negative request a biopsy (don't take no for answer there - it's the only way to get a diagnosis) and if THAT comes back negative, then see a dietitian or "naturopath" and find out if you could just be intolerant to it. But whatever you do - DON'T give up gluten or the tests will never come back right!
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Sorry in advance for my ramblings - am catching up :)

    Jalara - 3/4 of your exercise cals is a good idea. I'm not sure that they don't take into account the cals you would have burned anyways just living, so I always remove 100/hr when I enter the cals (or I try to) since I burn about 100 cals an hour as part of my BMR. Especially if it's a large burn - the small ones (less than 200) I don't really eat back anyways. And 26 cals over isn't going to matter either way....the PB sounds like it was worth it! And I agree with the doc, if you don't have a medical reason for every other day (like low sperm) and you're not sick and tired of it, then I say every day sounds like fun!!!

    Minni - I think that the only reason I can get up to 18 glasses is because of my water bottle. I try and fill it 3x at work during the day and then at least 2x in the evenings. That gives me 15 glasses just as a matter of course. I also like it really cold....tastes better that way. But if you're having trouble, try herbal teas with no calories and no caffeine. I make my own mint or bergamot teas in the summer with just the leaves out of the garden sitting in hot water for a few minutes and then removed.

    Nicole - I too have PCOS and found that taking my Metformin and Synthroid, cutting out all processed sugars (leaving some fruits and dairy) and really making sure to have protein and fibre throughout the day helped me stabilize my blood sugars which has dramatically improved my symptoms. My cycles have been regular since December so far....looking forward to getting to know you

    Alisa - *hugs* it's not so bad....1 in 5 woman have PCOS that affects fertility. At least know you know what is going on and can work to fix it. Focus on your sugars...that's what I can tell you. PCOS causes your body to overreact to sugar going in and insulin soars through the roof. Insulin also interupts the reproductive hormones hence the fertility're already doing the right things with the exercise and the low carb.

    Karen - those darn hidden candies!!! They're the worst. If I find one of's in my mouth!!!

    Tessa - welcome - you're already well on the way to taking control of your issues. Irregular periods don't always mean infertility, but they certainly don't help.

    Bissa - he's right. Weight may not play into getting pregnant. My doctors have never had an issue with my weight and my fertility specialist didn't even recommend weight loss because our issues are known (PCOS and VLow Sperm Count) and we can't conceive naturally. Staying pregnant at a higher weight is a risk - not one that obviously concerns your doctor, but should be a concern to you. Also things like gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia are more prevalent with mothers who are more than just overweight ;) I think getting healthy for your little ones is absolutely the way to go. BTW, if you did have issues after a year, then they'd tell you to lose weight....silly doctors....Taking Charge of your fertility also got me started and I used to use their software too to chart but was convinced by the ladies here to switch to Fertility Friend.....I love that if I have a question, I can post the link and get feedback on it....

    Leled - My heart completely goes out to you. Already within this journey you've endured so much and I'm inspired that you're still going strong and have a baby to show for it :) We've been trying now for 10 years and we're going to start IVF with ICSI shortly (more on that in a bit guys) so I'm really nervous and glad there is someone else to share it with....

    Kim - I hate that never appearing O.....most frustrating thing in the world. I know the feeling of just wasting the time, but it's about you getting healthier and stronger and being a better Mom eventually.

    Luki - I was thinking the same as Andrea - I've never seen your pic before :) Pretty girl!!!

    Andrea - that song has been stuck in my head since I wrote that.....I think I need to pull the Fiona CD out of storage and listen to it. Maybe it will go away...

    AFM: Went to the GP today to make sure that I was not showing any infections. Quick blood test shows no worries!!! Hopefully my infections streak is at an end. Spent most of my week in the garden so far......I love it....I might be slightly obsessed. I've even turned DH into an obsessed man....I have all kinds of things blooming right now (and our temps are still pretty low during the day 14C or so - which is about 50F) I'll settle down in a bit, but my wallet is goign to take a hit until then, I think....

    Quick goal check for me:
    1. Get to half my body weight in ounces (14 glasses) at least 3 days this week, be over 8 the rest - negatory.....stupid water bottle.
    2. Be packed and ready for trip before good
    3. Make sure that I get at least half the amount of proteins as I do carbs - negatory.....I've felt sick at the thought of protein this week......sugar and carbs and fat all week :( Really not looking forward to weigh in
    4. Get in at least 1500 calories burned over the week. - pretty on track for this thanks to my garden....LOL
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Quick post from my phone-

    Andrea - it is possible that I've had it since puberty. I was pretty irregular the first year or two after I got my very first one and then I've been on birth control since I was 16. When I got preggo with my son it was bc I missed 3days of pills. It is not uncommon to randomly ovulate if you miss more than two days of pills. So who knows how it happened, but now knowing that I have PCOS it makes me appreciate him a lot more.

    For those who have PCOS any nutritional advice for helping to regulate things?

    Also found out that I have to wait until af shows up to make my appointment for the HSG and they do it between CD7-10. I'm right there with Kah...hurry up and wait...I wish my husband could be here w me for that one...
  • andreamichelle82
    andreamichelle82 Posts: 324 Member
    Jalara, It sounds like you had a productive appointment! I truly hope she is right in seeing you back in August pregnant! My OB I just met with had the same attitude, which is hard to believe when you have been trying for a while with no result!!! I’m glad she is knowledgeable on Celiacs, that is certainly helpful. If you don’t mind me asking, how did you discover you had that? I have my suspicions that I may be, but also feel like a hypochondriac about it! I’ve continually since early college had an “achy” stomach – like I hate any pressure on it, even my cat laying on my stomach when I lay down. Also, I’ve read that autoimmune diseases are linked, like I am Hypothyroid, so I am more susceptible to Celiac. Also, my brother is Type I Diabetic and Hyperthyroid, which makes more at risk, too. Reading makes you so paranoid!!! Oh, and with your pics – GORGEOUS! I love the two veil ones, and the chair!

    Thanks :heart:
    Celiac's - I found out due to an ulcer that led to further investigation - and then they found the answer. My suggestion would be to request the blood test, if it comes back negative request a biopsy (don't take no for answer there - it's the only way to get a diagnosis) and if THAT comes back negative, then see a dietitian or "naturopath" and find out if you could just be intolerant to it. But whatever you do - DON'T give up gluten or the tests will never come back right!

    Thank you!!! :flowerforyou: I think I am going to ask my Endocrinologist when I first meet with him in August for the bloodwork. Til then, I'll carb up!
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Just a quick post before Zumba.

    I love all the wedding pictures- we are a VERY attractive group of brides!
    Andrea I have to say I LOVE the green slippers your bride’s maids wore! So cute :smile:
    Tessa, Bissa, and Lele- Welcome to the board, I’m glad you found us.
    Pam- I love the story behind the shotgun, that is such a dad thing to do :laugh:
    Jalara- sounds like a great appointment. I hope your DH can keep up with the new pace :wink:
    Kim- Welcome back…I’ve missed you
    Andrea and Pam- Thank you! I generally don’t post pictures of myself, but I couldn’t resist posting some wedding pictures.
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 530 Member
    OK here are a few pictures... If you can't tell DH and I are a bit goofy! :-) Sorry I couldn't choose which ones I wanted to post :happy:

    Then we took the cake and smashed it in our Best Man and Maid of Honor's faces! He he he
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    WIN for me!

    Today I went over calories (by quite a bit) and I was sitting on the couch with a headache, sore from yesterday's work out and drained from today's events and DH decided to go for a swim at the pool, and I decided to go to the gym. I decided to make a choice - and I did. I worked hard for 45 minutes to work off all the calories I ate today! When I came home and logged it I was under by 1 calorie! I would prefer to be under by more than that, but I'm super pleased with my night! Yahoo!:drinker:

    Goal Check:
    8 cups of water a day - 2/3days
    Workout 5 days - 2 so far
    Get a calorie burn above 500 for 3 workouts - 500 for yesterday (2 workouts), only hit 450 today:grumble:
    Log food every day - 2 so far
    Stay under calories 5 times 2/3 days so far

    Pam - when is it you are starting the IVF cycle? It's really really soon, isn't it?

    KCurtis - love the pics! You're dress looks like so much fun to twirl in!!!
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    More beautiful wedding pics! We ARE beautiful brides! :)

    Welcome to all the newbies! Becoming involved will definitely help you connect with us and motivate you! *hugs*

    Had an interview today. I run a home day care and (excluding my sister's twins) haven't had any clients since my m/c. :frown: So, I'm glad to say I have a 2 y/o girl starting on Monday! :happy: *yay*

    I have lots to do to get ready. Hope you all had a great day!
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Thanks for the picture posting tips, Jalara---it may take me a day or two to find some, but I'm gonna do it!

    Andrea--perhaps it is sad that this is the biggest question i have from your gorgeous wedding pictures, but did I happen to see whoopie pies instead of a big ol wedding cake? Hardly anyone around here knows what those are---I LOVE THEM. Those looked like a different flavor than the regular chocolate and white icing---my fave is pumpkin with cream cheese filling. Mmmm....sorry all. I'm sure this isn't helping!

    AFM: Dinner with mom tonight at the Olive Garden. So I busted my calories way open tonight, but considering the damage I could have done, I'm fairly pleased with myself. Only regret---the breadsticks. Not worth it--they weren't even really fresh.

    Back to it tomorrow!
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    OMG! I just got to look thru everyone's wedding photos....Classic and Gorgeous! Every last one of you guys! I love the idea of cupcakes! Wish we would have done something clever like that! We had a very small wedding (under 50ppl including the wedding party) and i didn't know half of them...they were mostly immediate family and people from my husband's squadron and their SO's. Although i wouldn't have had it any other way as I ended becoming very close with them all and they are now more like family. (I also made my bouquet with silk flowers from Hobbylobby....that was my favorite part too)

    Welcome to all the new faces! I <3 these women and we are a diverse wealth of knowledge...

    Jalara - Great job on finding the motivation! I am pretty sore from running yesterday and i chose to take tonight off too but awesome for you that you went anyway!

    Pam - Glad there isn't an infection! Hopefully you'll get back to normal. I know exactly what you mean about eating garbage when you're sick...something about comfort food when you're sick that soothes all the aches and pains

    Carina - glad to hear you're getting back into the swing of things! I'm sure your sister's kids will enjoy having a new face around your house!

    AFM - I feel like i haven't stopped eating all day but i'm only at 900 calories for the day...I'm trying to figure out what to eat as i haven't eaten a REAL dinner yet....My fridge is pretty bare, so slim pickins' until I can get to the grocery store tomorrow. I am fighting the urge to hop in my car and grab some take out of some sort as i don't have enough fat/calories for an outside meal and i'm over my carbs for the day (although some of them were good carbs)....Grr....Hungry!!
  • jalara
    jalara Posts: 2,622 Member
    Alisa - do you have an apple you could eat with peanut butter? It's super yummy and very filling!
    Also, I meant to say how I'm sorry for your diagnosis, but I think you are in great company here with a lot of knowledgeable women. Hugs to you!
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Kim- love your pics, especially the first one!

    Jalara- Great job- that is a major win!

    Alisa- or an apple with cheese, or quesadilla, or sandwich?

    AFM: I need to figure out what I'm going to eat too. I ended up burning more calories than I was planning- what a great problem! I think I'm going to go with a quesadilla
  • AlisaToth
    AlisaToth Posts: 415 Member
    Unfortunatly due to the carb-cutting sandwiches are out...and based on the fact that i haven't gone grocery shopping in two weeks i have not fruit in the house either...So I went to Panda express....I only ate half of the portion of orange chicken and a veggie spring roll so i was only 20 calories over after two little buckeye chocolates...

    I plan to STOCK UP on fruits and veggies and HEALTHY low-carb snacks so i don't run into this problem again...Suggestions are WELCOME :-)
  • wistfulgirl
    Anyone mind if I join you ladies? You seem like a nice group of girls and this group is perfect for where we are in our TTC journey!

    I'll try to give you a quick background on us - I'm Lynn, 32 years old, married to RIch, 35 years old. Married almost 9 years. Started TTC on our first anniversary, so nearly 8 years now. We've had one positive pregnancy test in that time, but it quickly turned negative, so either not done correctly or the quickest chemical pregnancy I've ever heard of! I was diagnosed with PCOS in 2008 (but suspected it for several years previous), tried 4 rounds of Clomid - all BFN, back to TTC naturally, 1 round of Soy Isoflavones - BFN, Aoption possibility!!, Birthmother was lying to us and allowed someone else to adopt baby boy. Devestated. Back to GYN, 1 round Femara - No O despite having a beautiful 22 mm follie with egg visible, referred to Reproductive Endocrinologist in April 2010, diagnosed with Type II Diabetes, Hypothyroidism, Complex Endometrial Hyperplasia without Atypical cells and Sleep Apnea. D&C performed in July 2010 to remove hyperplasia and put on Megace for 5 months to prevent it reoccuring. Repeat endo biopsy in December, no hyperplasia present!!! Started Provera in January to continue preventing hyperplasia reoccurence. Told by RE he didn't feel comfortable helping me to pursue pregnancy at my current weight (despite having been assured by him since first visit in April 2010 that weight was not an issue). He mentions gastric bypass, we decline. Started dieting, lost 2 pounds. RE visit in March, he's pushing for gastric bypass surgery which both Hubs and I are averse to. Gained 2 lbs back. Started Adipex (Phenteramine - physician monitored) to help with weight loss and upped exercise. Lost 11 lbs while sick with bronchitis. Given Prednisone (steroid tablet) to conteract bronchitis, gained 8 lbs back. Started walking 2 miles per day last week, found MFP today, RE visit tomorrow. Haven't weighed in a couple of weeks. Will see what tomorrow holds.

    That's it for me in a nutshell for now! I'm so ready to move forward with TTC! I hope I can achieve some results by following the plan laid out for me by MFP and exercising more. I really don't want to have gastric bypass and have pretty much decided it is a no go for me.

    I'm looking forward to getting to know you all better! Lovely wedding photos :smile:
  • lukimakamai
    lukimakamai Posts: 498 Member
    Lynn- Welcome to the group! I'm sorry your road has been so long and bumpy. I'm glad you have found us and hope your stay with us will be short ('cause then you can move over to the pregnancy board:wink: )!
  • wistfulgirl
    Luki - Thanks for the welcome! And a short stay would be awesome :wink:
  • fitterpam
    fitterpam Posts: 3,086 Member
    Wow - lots and I didn't take notes today (love the fact that notebook has to come out again - I hated talking to myself....LOL) Let's see if I remember them all....

    Alisa - do a search on low GI foods - keep the GI number to less than 55 and that stuff is pretty much your best bet. Make sure to pair protein and fibre with your sugar intakes - so the suggestions of apple and peanut butter or quesadilla are right on....

    Jalara - good for you for making that made me smile, because I know there are days that I'm way over and decide that I'm not going to take it and work them off after the fact.

    Wistful - readng your story made me smile - it sounds like you and I are very very similar. Hyperplasia was the scariest thing every - doctor was very nonchalent so I looked it up and at the words pre-cancerous, I freaked out! Also, hate the dreaded prednisone....that stuff is like smearing butter right on your hips......guaranteed weight gain!

    Loving the pics!!!! Have to agree with everyone - every time I see a new set first thoguht it "Wow, she's soooo pretty!!!"

    AFM: Thanks for the reminder Jalara. I was supposed to start today. DH has a genetic test he needs to do in downtown Toronto and we put it off because we hate going into the city and then it was too late for her to get the results. Soooooo, he's going on Monday to the big high risk pregnancy hospital downtown on Monday to do his two final tests (that one plus his 6 month SA) and we then book the appointment once they have them. The big bummer here is that the specialist is on holidays for 6 weeks starting Monday, so we're pushed back again, but that's okay I think, it just didn't feel like the right time right now. And who knows, maybe we'll see improvement from DH now......
  • kah78
    kah78 Posts: 391 Member
    Alisa---just to make sure--call and make the appointment for the HSG AS SOON as AF shows!! Just in case your scheduler is like mine and has a stick up her....well, nevermind. Just call on the first day!!

    Other low carb snackies--I currently am loving hummus with veggies (or whole wheat pita, but that might be out for you.)--second the apple with cheese or apple with peanut butter. And nuts. Love the nuts. Ooo...hungry now.

    Welcome to the new friends! Thanks for joining us. May your babydancing be productive and your stay here short. Haha. But, if not, we are here for ya.

    I"m going to try to get some wedding pics today...we'll see. Anyone else going to post some? I love seeing them!!! Wedding pictures are like crack--or chocolate...but with less calories, so KEEP POSTING! :happy: