40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • jfeldman92572
    jfeldman92572 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! New to MFP and saw this group. I am 42 and have gained so much weight (close to 70 pounds!) this year that I am just extraordinarily uncomfortable in my own skin. There are a multitude of reasons for this...I had baby #5, I got clean from abusing prescription painkillers as well as alcohol. I spent over 100 days in rehab where the food is all high carb, processed junk. But, now I've logged in over 20 months clean and sober, I have a healthy baby, and 70 extra pounds to lose! I work out 2 to 3 times a week and have just recently started tracking my food. It seems to be helping. Fingers crossed. I go for my next weigh in next week.
  • Crosfitjunkie
    Crosfitjunkie Posts: 127 Member
    edited March 2015
    Whats going on everyone! Just wanted to say hi, as I am new to this on-line site. I am 42 years old and I am 2 years into my lifestyle change. I weighed in at 275lbs in December 2013. I absolutely hated the way I looked. I was constantly out of breath all the time doing the simplest things around the house. I lacked the energy or desire to get outside in such a beautiful city, and I was just generally sick of the way I felt and I just needed a change.

    Since then I have dusted off the running shoes, moving past the aching joints, and taking this change to the next level. I have lost 50lbs over the last 2 years, currently weigh 225lbs and looking to take this lifestyle change to the next level and break through to my goal of 210lbs by the summer of 2015.

    Now I am not going to say it was easy to get to this point. There were many days, I didn't feel like doing the work, making the right food choices, and dealing with the aching body the next couple of days after some of the workouts. I know the next 15 lbs is going to be even tougher. If you are like me, it was critical that I had people to motivate me along the way, people to talk to, share exercise techniques, food plans, and just be there when I needed their support.

    Stay tuned to how I get to my goal, what techniques I use, and how you can do it without starving yourself, and having some enjoyment in eating the things you want. So let's keep it real, get out there and achieve your goals, and get fit!

    Support and comments welcomed and appreciated!!
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    Brandy_d_o - glad you are enjoying the challenge and good luck with the 5k marathon!

    tudor8 - have fun with the P90X3 workout, I've heard it's a killer.

    larro - hope the jets helped the aching shoulders!

    jfeldman - congrats on the baby and the healthier lifestyle. You'll find lots of motivation to move and eat clean here.

    Crosfitjunkie - sounds like you have the right attitude to take you to the next level. I always tell myself that the aches and pains from working out are so much better than from sitting on the couch!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    OMG!!! We are going to freeze to death here in San Antonio!!!!!!

  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    What is the temperature? We're finally starting to warm up, it's -14 today, which is 6.8F!
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    Good morning cool kids!! It got cold for us southerners overnight! I won't complain about it though as I have no idea what real cold and snow are like. By next week we will be back in the 70's again. Hope everyone has a great day!
  • StephannieL
    StephannieL Posts: 198 Member
    Morning Kids!
    It was a balmy 37 degrees here in Vermont yesterday. The snow has started melting which is making all of us happy. LOL
    Did Yoga last evening, running after work today and then doing a boot camp at my friend's gym. Did do my KettleWorx DVD this morning as I plan to do those two workouts this afternoon.
    Hoping to see a difference in the scale tomorrow when I step on it. LOL
    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Good Morning cool kids!
    Well, we have the pleasure of being the coldest spot in the north this morning at -29C / -20F. Yes, it is damn cold! The sun is brighter though and it really does feel like spring is wanting to come, but with snowbanks 12 feet high and such cold temps, it hard to imagine a day without all that. :\

    Welcome brandy - congrats on the weight loss and keeping it off! Good luck with the weight loss challenge and the C25K! You sound determined!

    tudor - good job on the P90X3. I have done P90X and found that tough...not sure I would be able to handle X3!

    jfeldman - congratulations on being 20 months clean!! :awesome: Glad to hear the baby is healthy! If you can clean up, you can lose the 70 lbs. You know what hard work and determination is, so good job!

    crosfit- Congrats to you on the 50 lbs gone. Am sure you will do well with your future weight loss goal - you are well on your way.

    Alf - yes, one can freeze their *kitten* off up here, especially today.

    Larro - very cool pictures. Love the one of the gourd. :smile:

    Did not get a workout in yesterday. Attended a signing ceremony with our local First Nation. We signed a Youth Suicide Prevention Protocol Agreement.This was one of the first in the province, so it was an important, historical moment with Chief and Council and all the partnering agencies in attendance. Maybe not as power house filled as Beeps' dinner, but still pretty neat.

    After the ceremony, headed to listen to a coworker play her violin at an Open Mike night. It was incredible to see....this is your typical small town bar, with people getting up and playing their guitars and singing. All through the entertainers, people are chatting and laughing (lots of background noise). Then, Rebecca gets up there with her violin and you could hear a pin drop as she plays! Honestly, it was rather unnerving. When she finished, the place erupted in cheers. IT. WAS. AWESOME! :smiley:
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good morning Cool kids! Great to see so many new faces as always! My trip to see a different program yesterday was enlightening and fun! So much to think about for my own program.

    Hubby still doing well with his therapy sessions. He has been having some pain in his back so they haven't pushed the standing yet, but it will happen! I am looking forward to going to see him on Saturday.

    More snow today! Yuck! Yesterday it was actually above freezing here and there were some things melting. It is supposed to be warmer tomorrow and through the weekend and into the beginning of next week so hoping to see at least a little bit of snow disappear. There has been way too much this year!

    Hoping to make it to the gym tomorrow morning and Saturday morning if all goes well. Kickboxing class starts next Tuesday night!

    Have a good one all!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    You Northerners would laugh at us in Southern TX when we say we are freezing when the temps are in the low 30's upper 20's with the wind!!! LOL I grew up in Puerto Rico so that is freezing weather to me. I have experienced cold temps, ice and snow though in the past. I've lived in Chicago, Long Island and Germany. Oh and in TN and Kentucky can get pretty cold.
  • michaeldarling2
    michaeldarling2 Posts: 5 Member
    how do I join? and Hi everyone!!
  • scottishgal127
    scottishgal127 Posts: 10 Member
    Count me in! I need all the help I can get these days and I am finding it a lot harder now that I am 40.
  • scottishgal127
    scottishgal127 Posts: 10 Member
    I meant to mention that I have active rheumatoid arthritis and am struggling to be fit. I'm struggling with the aches and pains and fatigue. So, I'm to receive any help or suggestions.
  • ToddPa12
    ToddPa12 Posts: 61 Member
    Can I join in the fun?
    I will be turning 45 next month and have just under a year in from turning my lifestyle around. My goal this year was to work on strength exercises along with my passion of bike riding. This came to a stop yesterday, and my goal will be put off as I just found out I have a tear in a tendon in the shoulder I had just tried recovering from. The torn tendon is in an odd place and I'm still trying to understand how it even happened. I'm hoping to overcome this one faster and get back on track.
  • hard109
    hard109 Posts: 1
    RenCara wrote: »
    I am 42, focus on eating healthy, enjoy working out and just became certified to do group fitness instruction and teach Pilates. I would LOVE to join. Just let me know how. Thanks so much!

  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    If you've posted, you've joined! Just pitch in and share your tips, tricks, daily motivation, vents, etc. We're all helping each other out.

    Saying which, any suggestions when you are tired so you eat everything? I'ts 11:02 and I've already eaten both snacks I brought to work and want to wait until 12:30 to eat lunch. I'm drinking water (which is all I can think of) to fill up until lunch. My own fault, stayed up way to late (specially since I was up yesterday at 5:30) reading a new book. Now I'm sleepy. Must remember to get my workout gear on as soon as I get home. Luckily my mom comes to watch the kids for me while I go at 5 to workout, harder to back out and have a nap that way!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Morning Cool Kids.

    I did my lifting and lifting day cardio for the first time in two or three weeks. I did have to cut the lifting short though. I had thought I would step right up to where I stopped, but it didn't work that way.

    The Larro Ranchero weather report: 78F now with 60% chance of rain. But once the rain pushes through, it's getting colder. 38F is our forecast low. But nothing below 37F in the 10 day forecast.

    Caramel, Mamma and my cousin {who is living with her right now} are getting on each other's nerves. She is also calling everyday to ask when I'm going to till up her garden. She is ready to get seeds in the ground.

    J, congratulation on your sobriety and new baby. Logging my food opened my eyes to just how many calories everything had. My advice is to buy a good food scale, give up all fast foods and don't go overboard with your cardio to start with. I slowly increased as I lost more weight.

    Alf, here is a funny video one of my Tomahawk Nation friends made last year about the snow in Atlanta. It is a hoot.


    Sdereski, Canada has done a good job with the Native population compared to the US. Our local Creek Indian tribe were deeded 49 square miles in and around Blountstown {Chief Blount's Town} for siding US in the Seminole Wars. Now they have about 2 acres of donated land for their Square Grounds.

    Welcome to the new guys, and hello to everyone else.


    PS: my lift day breakfast was pork chop fajitas. Served on a bed of spinach, topped with plain Greek yogurt and 4 cheese Mexican.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,096 Member
    This is my NEW "go to" spot when I want to see pictures.

    Thanks, 40+ group!

  • joniec
    joniec Posts: 5 Member
    Hi. I'm very excited about finding this group. I'm 40 and want to lose 15-20 pounds. I own a small preschool working 10-12 hour days and have 4 kids of my own ages 1, 8, 13 and 15. This doesn't leave much time for anything else so I need all the help I can get to stay motivated. I've started tracking my food intake and getting up between 5-5:30 to do my cardio. I've just finished reading feed the muscle burn the fat. I'm eager to start this program and start strength training again.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Larro~ Too funny! I only wish we had "so much" snow!!!