Slim In 6 Workout Buddies Wanted!



  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Scoobees.. The weather has been so horrid to be out in the last few days, it started to cool down, get windy, thunder and sprinkle the last hr before we left ... it was heaven! LOL :laugh: DS's Cool it Off is the only "cool thing" around here lately! Yes I did my CS, this morn, I'm on a roll w/ Miss D:smile:

    Jill Its winding down for you ... YEA!!! :smile:

    Hi Heather & Ronchika :smile: :smile:
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Callie - Wooohooo! You ARE on a roll! :drinker: Glad to hear your weather gave ya a 'little' break! We've got some storms brewing here again. Tornado warnings all over the place. :sick: Made sure I got my TF in just in case I end up hunkered down in the ole basement soon! :ohwell:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    GOOD FRI morn :smile:

    Scoobees Wooohooo to you for thinking ahead! I hope ya didnt have to hunker! :laugh:

    Dont know quite what I am going to do today...CCE is on the plan... guess I better JUST go do it! :smile:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Thanks Callie - and I didn't have to hunker!!! Whew! :laugh:

    I just wanted to let you guys know that I have to take a break from TF. :sick: My knee went out as I was coming down the stairs yesterday. I'm not in a lot of pain (thank goodness!!) but apparently another sign I should NOT be doing these kinds of workouts. When the doc first diagnosed the OA, he did say no high impact stuff, no heavy weight squats/lunges, etc and I did listen to him for a bit...maybe 5 minutes :wink: ...and I eventually did everything he told me not too. :blushing:

    It's my bad for not following the TF modifications, I know. I hate being an 'all or nothing' type of person. Anyway, it would have been my first day of month #2 yesterday! UGH!

    So, I guess for now I'm resting it and will have to eventually decided what in the world I can do for exercise!

    Sorry for my downer mood! I hope you guys are having a wonderful weekend!! :flowerforyou:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,014 Member
    Hey gals, I just finished posting in my P90X thread. Rather than rehash what I wrote there, I'm going to copy and paste the bulk of it. I know, I'm lazy, but heck, I'm busy and that's more efficient. Here goes:

    Well, I'm done. Today was Day 90, but I ended up skipping my last and final Yoga X. Funny, it's the only day of the whole P90X I've scrapped, but I feel good that I accomplished what I set out to do. Man, I'm pooped!

    I thought before that alternating between P90X and Slim in 6/Slim Series was good for me, because I get the upper-body focus I need from X and the lower-body focus I need from SI6/SS. I think I was on the right track, but I end up losing too much of my good results from either one when I spend a ton of time on the other, so I'm going to combine the two into a hybrid rather than alternate between them.

    I did, however, work out today. My BB coach and good friend loaned me some DVDs to try out from the oldie, but goodie, Great Body Guaranteed series. I did Great Abs Guaranteed, Great Buns Guaranteed, Great Arms Guaranteed, and Thin Thighs Guaranteed. They're pretty impressive for how short they are. There's no warm-up or cool-down, so one should probably do their own version of each (of course, I didn't). The abs one was really good. I think it rivals my favorite ab workout, Slim & 6-Pack, and the nice thing is that the entire series is only $25. The other workouts were OK, but I wouldn't want to replace my regular workouts with them because of the lack of cardio, and I need my heart-pumping, fat-burning exercise too. But I think it's worth the price just for the ab workout, and the others might come in handy when you have only a few minutes and want to at least get something in.

    OK, that's the end of my copy and paste. This next part is original. LOL.

    Scoobees, I am so sorry to hear you reinjured your knee. Next time, you need to follow your doctor's instructions, OK? Sheesh. I hope you heal very quickly and are able to do some kind of a workout soon.

    All right, it's time for me to go do something productive — like a little housework or something. Hope you all have a great weekend!
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Good morning girls

    Scoobees I am so sorry :cry: I know how you LOVE THE CHALLENGE of your w/o's! I completely understand that all or nothing mentality, I suffer w/ it also. Take care, kick back and give yourself time to HEAL! I know its easy for me to say:heart: Hugs :heart:

    Jill CONGRATS and happiness for you on finishing P90X.. and being ok w/ skipping your last Yoga!!! Never heard of Great Body Guaranteed series, sounds like fun!

    Real fast.. Fri I gave my w/o time up to checking out TJ, I did go out and water, though. Sat I cleaned all morning for a showing of our home! ( keep your fingers XXed for us, plez!! ) 2 days of NO DS and to many bites of crappy food later, have probably did away with all my hard work last week.... and a lb lost .:huh: DS Expess is working for me, so I am with her for awhile. My Amazon cert came in yesterday so I am going to order the TJ, and work on the basics also and see how that goes!

    Have a peaceful Sunday :flowerforyou:
  • Scoobees
    Scoobees Posts: 226 Member
    Hi Jill & Callie :flowerforyou:

    Thanks for the well wishes on the knee. I think the worst part about it all is that of course I knew better - and did it anyway. :ohwell: I always lie to myself and say I will modify, but don't.

    Lots of time on my hands right now to think up another exercise plan. I figured I'd be spending all this year w/CJ and now it's back to the drawing board. :tongue: It just seems like all my other options suck all the fun out of exercise. Yes, I have a bike and elliptical here at home, entire olympic bench/weight set, lots of low impact (snooze :laugh: ) dvds, a gym membership, etc...but I want me some TF! :sad:

    I hope this is the last time I need to learn this lesson. I know my joints cannot do high impact exercises; I need to deal with it and move on.

    On the plus side, I did go for a walk (totally slow strolling!!) and it felt nice to be out in the sun & air. I wore my brace and it felt pretty good! It just felt great to DO something I guess.

    Again, thanks for rooting for me! :drinker:
  • callie365
    callie365 Posts: 689
    Sccoobees... Woo- hoo for you to keeping it moving!!

    Have a :happy: day!!
  • Hey!

    I just started the Slim in 6 program on the 1st of May and would love to have a buddy or two to keep me accountable.

    Let me know if any of you are interested in being buddies! I am motivated to get and keep myself in shape.
  • liz827
    liz827 Posts: 193 Member
    I finished Day 3 today! I need some Slim buddies! :)
  • This is my second round of Slim in 6. I used it about 2 years ago and dropped weight but more importantly, I looked toned! Then life changes happened, and I'm worse than I was then. I like the program and I've started it again. (the weight I gained was due to my eating habits and how I completely stopped working out)

    Anyway, today is my 3rd day of Ramp it Up. I started Start It Up last week but wasn't consistent. I've actually started my 6-week countdown when I started RIU. Day 1, 5/17/11.

    I'm in it with you!
  • I've been doing Slim in 6 for @ least six weeks now. I didn't lose the 25 lbs that I wanted to but I'm not going to give up. Joining weight watchers next week so that should give me some extra powers!
    How come I can't find the workouts in the exercise section? Am I looking in the wrong area?
  • purplebookworm
    purplebookworm Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, has anyone else started doing Slim in 6 recently? I just restarted again today and did Start It Up. I did it for a week earlier this summer and then quit, so I would like some buddies to help keep me accountable.
  • FrenchieSF
    FrenchieSF Posts: 4 Member
    Hi!! I just started Slim in 6... Im on day 2 (but umm, day 1 was last Thursday). So ya, I need a buddy to help keep me motivated as well!
  • tweetybirdangel
    tweetybirdangel Posts: 5 Member
    hello everyone!!! i know i'm so late on this topic, but does anyone know how many calories are burned doing the cardio core express workout? also, does anyone have a GOOD regimen with the slim in 6 dvds that worked for toning and weight loss. i can't shake this baby fat :explode: :sad: :cry: thanks!!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,014 Member
    Hi Tweety!

    I'm doing a hybrid of Slim in 6, Slim Series, and P90X right now, but I've found that how I eat has a much greater impact on how fat I am than what workout I'm doing. I'd done both Slim in 6 and P90X before joining MFP and didn't lose a whole lot of weight. I joined here and started a round of Slim in 6, but I was really consistent with tracking my food, and I lost 25 pounds in about seven months. I did the full six weeks of Slim in 6 — one week of Start it Up, one week of Ramp it Up, and four weeks of Burn It Up. I lost six pounds. After that, I worked out six days a week, alternating between Cardio Core Express and Ramp It Up, adding Slim & 6-Pack and Slim & Limber on my Cardio Core days. I just entered my workouts as general aerobics to get my calorie count, and that worked really well for me. I hope that helps, and good luck!
  • deborah253
    deborah253 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Everyone! Today is day 1 of Slim in 6 for me (I'm tracking my nutrition and fitness through here as well, I think I prefer MFP's tracker for my food more. Anyway, I'm really trying to slim and tone a lot over the next 6 weeks. I turn 40 in 7 1/2 weeks and would be thrilled to look better on my 40th bday than today!!! Anyone know how I can enter that workout into my workout tracker here on MFP?
  • If there is anyone in Minnesota who wants to get together to do this, let me know! I'm doing it at my school (Rasmussen college) So there is plenty of room and its on a big screen! Its no fun doing it by myself and my bf doesn't help motivate me. (Grr him and loving me the way I am. I wish he would work with me on this.)
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Will dust off the Slimn6 series and join you. I need more cardio so I will probably do a hybrid version as well. Love that Debbie! She is so encouraging! :happy: :heart:
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