40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    cherylann that is an awesome pic of the castle! I'm hoping to take my kids to England and Scotland some day. Hubby and I have been and loved it.

    Stephanie, congrats on the weightloss, great job!

    Sdereski, wonderful picture. You tell I hibernated yesterday, didn't even notice the moon! Though I got home from my workout at 6 so it wasn't out yet, kind of nice to still have a little light in the sky at 6, clocks go ahead this weekend so we'll have more light in the morning.

    KellySue, glad you got to the gym and that your husband is liking the new facility.

    Another -18C day today, they say we'll get to 0 this weekend, that would nice, time to melt some of this snow! Got to kickboxing last night and my knee wasn't too bad so that's good. Got my sweat on. Off to kickboxing tonight and possibly becoming a grandparent! My step-daughters mom called last night that she was taking her to the hospital (she was due on Feb. 25) but they came back home as she is not really in labour yet, but they're talking about starting an induction today. I will hopefully be a Nana by tomorrow!! Eeek, Nana at 43! Hopefully everything goes well!
  • StephannieL
    StephannieL Posts: 198 Member
    Sdereski- Beautiful moon shot!

    Cheryl- LOL I have no idea. I will leave which castles he would like to see up to him. It doesn't matter to me which ones. I think they are all pretty cool.

    KellySue- Love the puppy!!!! It's supposed to "warm" up here in Vermont too. Low to mid 20's today. Into the low-30's this weekend.

    SLW19- (Those are my initials as well LOL) Thanks! And awesome job on your loss as well!
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    @3furballs‌- congrats on becoming a Nana!! I became one about the same age. It is wonderful. Enjoy the grands!!
    Things are chilly here in Texas but nowhere near as cold as some of you. I hope you all stay safe in that weather. My husband has some sort of surprise planned for me. It is a late birthdaytrip of some kind. All I know is he wants me to dress in layers and it possibly involves wearing boots of some kind. We shall see. I also lost another pound this week. Trying to keep the good vibrations going in that direction!
  • StephannieL
    StephannieL Posts: 198 Member
    I wish that there was a like button for the message boards! LOL
  • nickpnh
    nickpnh Posts: 111 Member
    Happy Friday! Lovely sunny (cold 4F this morning) day. I have 1 week left at this job and then on to new challenges. Feels quite unbelievable. New place has lots of 'snacks' so I am a bit worried. Have had some snow melt this week, actually can see wood on my deck in 2 places and concrete on parts of my driveway. Wondering if we'll be able to get seeds in the ground before June as garden is still under several feet.

    Everyone have a fantastic day!
  • misscrish
    misscrish Posts: 10
    Where's the join link? And its been 3 yrs since anybody posted anything
  • misscrish
    misscrish Posts: 10
    Hello 40+ Cool Kids! I'm new to MFP(4 days)and I've already lost 8lbs (13 lost total since Jan 12, 110lbs to go!) I'm 48 (268.1lbs)and I've been obese ( hate that word ) my whole adult life! I'm so tired of being fat. Now that I'm older it's become uncomfortable. Both physically and mentally. I used to pretend I was happy in my plus sized frame but I've never really been ok with it. Like most overweight women the sideways compliment of "You have such a pretty face" has well worn out and it's not enough anymore. My Fiance' has ran 3 marathons. He loves me regardless, but of course he wants to see me healthy and happy fat or slim, (slimmer, I would suspect) but he has a horrible junk food habit. We don't live together so I do get a break from watching his bad habits. But like alot of men, He drops weight very quickly due to his naturally slim frame. I am really enjoying the success stories and pics. They are so inspiring. I want to reach my goal without surgery if I can. I really want this to be the time I reach this goal. I see through you all that it can be done. Hopefully MFP will be the answer. I really want a great " After" picture. Okay, I see, you have to go to the last page for recent post ( dah..).
  • spartridge89
    crosbylee wrote: »
    @3furballs‌- congrats on becoming a Nana!! I became one about the same age. It is wonderful. Enjoy the grands!!
    Things are chilly here in Texas but nowhere near as cold as some of you. I hope you all stay safe in that weather. My husband has some sort of surprise planned for me. It is a late birthdaytrip of some kind. All I know is he wants me to dress in layers and it possibly involves wearing boots of some kind. We shall see. I also lost another pound this week. Trying to keep the good vibrations going in that direction!

  • spartridge89
    Congrats on your weight loss!! Enjoy your trip.
  • Ginaaa71
    Ginaaa71 Posts: 61 Member
    Not sure how to join, but would like to. I'm 43, married, and mother to 2 girls and 2 boys. I'm going to say it like it is...I'm fat. Grossed out and determined to change. I used to be athletic and my fast food diet caught up to me when I had my ACL repaired after a softball fail. From there, I steadily gained weight and began having major back problems. I need to lose this weight, for myself and my children. I don't want to die fat before I'm 50! I have made the changes in my eating habits and lost just over 15lbs, in about 20 days. I'm trying to walk for exercise 30 minutes 4 days a week. I'm hoping by joining this group I can learn from those who have achieved success. I'm looking for tips from food to exercise and anything else you may be willing to share to make those pounds drop. Thank you
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    @misscrish‌, welcome!!!!! Following MFP WILL be of great help to you. I can tell by your post that you are very determined this time to lose the weight. You can do it!!!!!
  • Nightfly01
    Nightfly01 Posts: 85 Member
    alf1163 wrote: »
    @misscrish‌, welcome!!!!! Following MFP WILL be of great help to you. I can tell by your post that you are very determined this time to lose the weight. You can do it!!!!!

    How can I join?
  • StephannieL
    StephannieL Posts: 198 Member
    @misscrish and @Ginaaa71- welcome!!!!!
    @3furballs- thanks for the congrats! I missed it earlier. :)
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello!!! Sooo many posts do little time!!!! Hard to keep up. Congrats to all who have lost weight and have reached their goals this week!!!

    3furballs, how is your step daughter? I became a Nana at 45. My granddaughter is 6 yrs old. Love her!!!!

    Cherylann, I love castles. I lived in Germany for 6 yrs and travelled all over Europe and looking at castles never got old.

    Sdereski, thanks!! So true, I'm really tired of the injuries. I do get frustrated, it is always something setting me back. I hurt from my neck down to the tips of my toes but I refuse to give up!!!

    I'd better get to bed and rest. Take care everyone!!!!! <3
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Oh those of you asking. No need to formally join, this is not a group just a thread. Bookmark it so it's easy to find and join us whenever you need help, support, or just be heard. :D
  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    Special diet control this week- oral surgery for a tooth implant. Oh Joy
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Good Evening Cool Kids.

    I just about let this Friday get away from me without posting. I had office relief today, so having all day with nothing to do, I've done nothing. I did get to take Margie to lunch, which is pretty rare with out split schedules.

    I've got the high school prom tonight at work. It will be over in another hour, then I have to turn the setup around for tomorrow's party. It's been a long day, and I still have hours to go. But a couple of months ago I was bitchin' work was too slow.

    Here are the numbers for the week:

    21.0% Body Fat
    24.0 BMI
    171.4 Pounds

    That is 0.5 pounds gained for the week. Maybe this calorie goal stuff does work after all.


    If I had not have had office relief I was going to transplant tomato and pepper sprouts into cups this morning. But if frogs had wings . . . . . . .


  • ddconney7
    ddconney7 Posts: 18 Member
    I'd like to join this group. Today is my birthday and I'm 47 years old. I'm about 145 pounds and 5'1.5". My goals are to decrease body fat and build muscle. I love working out and eating healthy but tend to be inconsistent when stress hits.

    I live in Houston but today I am vacationing with hubby in Puerto Rico. Yesterday we hiked in the El Yunque Rain Forest. It was amazing. Hubby and I are becoming more active together, so I am hoping for more consistency. Looking forward to getting to know everyone.
  • Ginaaa71
    Ginaaa71 Posts: 61 Member
    Good morning fun people! I'm determined to make this day count, in a negative way! Exercise is my goal for the day in hopes that the scale will have good news on Sunday! Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing a strange phenomenon? I'm craving...wait for it... Weight for it.... Veggies! I don't even know who I am anymore! I haven't felt this way about food since I was a kid. So glad that I'm returning to normal. Seeing @larrodarro‌ tomato plants made my mouth water
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    I'm a Nana!!! Ainsley was born around 4 this morning, 7.1lbs. We're going to the hospital to see them in a bit. Hubby was there until 4:45 for the birth this morning (this is his daughter, she's 20 and was 4 months old when we met!). Just can't believe she's a mom! So excited and hoping I'll get to spend time with the baby. I looovvvveeee babies.

    I did manage to get to kickboxing last night and kettlebell and kickboxing this morning too. My knee is still stiff and a bit sore but for the most part I did everything.

    Geena, sounds like you are on the right path to a healthier lifestyle!

    Allenpriest, good luck with surgery, hope it all goes well.

    Alf1163, I keep telling myself I'd rather be achy and sore from working out then from getting older!

    Larro, I haven't even thought of planting our seeds indoors yet. Just seems like the snow will never melt.

    ddconney7, if you can find ways to be active together and make it fun it makes it so much easier to make a lifestyle change, not just lose some weight. I'm so jealous! I would love to get to go hiking in a rain forest!