40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Good Tuesday morning or almost afternoon! Had a meeting this morning as soon as I got to work-UGH! But on a brighter note, spent the morning with my favorite little guy! He is so much fun! We had to read all of his favorite books today- I am waiting for the day that he is able to recite them back to me because he knows them by heart!

    Hubby is making progress everyday! Yesterday they had him standing with the aid of a standing lift and today he stood four times during PT using the wall to stabilize himself!! So exciting! Hoping he will be home very soon! It will be five months on Thursday since he has been home- YIKES!

    Kickboxing tonight!
  • cheweychester
    Hi I'd like to be a cool kid. I'm 54 year old female that has lost 30 pounds and looking to lose 45 more.
  • cherylann11
    cherylann11 Posts: 67 Member
    @cheweychester‌ welcome to the group!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    larrodarro wrote: »
    Beeps, are trying to say you want to be "drop dead gorgeous" at the funeral?

    {Sorry for the bad joke}

    Yes, I DO want to look my BEST!

    (And, yes, I got the joke....I didn't think it was a bad joke, at all....a bit of a "groaner", but that's it, lol!)

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    KellySue67 wrote: »
    It will be five months on Thursday since he has been home- YIKES!


    That sounds like a VERY long time....I would not want to be without my husband for that long...poor you!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,973 Member
    I lifted yesterday. BOOM! I ate NOTHING after supper last night!! Boom-chicka-boom-boom!!

    I lifted today. BOOM! And, I have my son's band-share day this evening, so I won't be eating anything tonight, either.

    I am wearing a skin-tight dress, today, and my tummy is FLAT, so it is just a matter of keeping it that way!!

  • allenpriest
    allenpriest Posts: 1,102 Member
    Snow melting in Ky, so now it is flooding
  • JackieUnlimited
    JackieUnlimited Posts: 93 Member
    Just finished walk #2 with my dog tonight. Between walk I had a chance to eat really quick. Had 3 rice papers that had hummus, total of half an avacado, shredded carrot and kale. They were delicious.
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Got my Bikram done!!!! Yeah!!! Today I did my first "fasting" day. I only ate right under 500 cals and most after Bikram. Not sure if thats how is supposed to be done but I liked the challenge. Best part not having to have to pack food to work.
  • vomckey
    vomckey Posts: 37 Member
    Two dog walks for me today too .. 4.5 miles at 17 minute pace.. Dog is ready for me to start jogging.

    Cooked a fabulous salmon supper.
    Started a group for foodies with a recipe sharing thread if anyone is interested.

  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    I spent most of today transplanting sprouts again. I set all of them outside so they could get a little sun. {But hopefully not too much} Just before dark I got the disc on the tractor and cut up Mamma's garden and my gourd patch.


  • ddconney7
    ddconney7 Posts: 18 Member
    Hello Everyone. Just checking in. Thank you all for the birthday wishes...I appreciate it. Now I'm trying to get back on track from no workouts for four days. I started the P90X Lean on Monday to get my cardio up.

    Will definitely check out Vomckey's recipe thread because I just love trying out new recipes.
  • caramelgyrlk
    caramelgyrlk Posts: 1,112 Member
    Evening kids, hope all of you are well.

    3furballs, congrats on your new grand-baby. She is gorgeous just like you.

    Larro--Bottle up your energy and sell it. I cracked up with the joke to beeps. What are we going to do with you? Love you more of course....The cat in the bag pic is priceless.

    KellySue---Love to hear the Jake stories. I know he is special to you. I can't believe its been 5 months already. We all wish him a speedy recovery so you and him can be together again. Here is hug for you.

    Alf--When is your cruise? I want to try Hot yoga. A nurse manager I work with takes it several times a week and she swears by it.

    sdereski--Love to also read your stories about your grand daughter. The pictures are beautiful and of course the Alaskan Malamute touched my heart.

    CG--9 miles in a day....WOW, but I know you survived nonetheless.

    Beeps--Sorry about the funeral. You have my condolences. You will look smashing in your dress. LIFT HEAVIER...BOOM

    Have a great night everyone.

  • mommylern5
    mommylern5 Posts: 37 Member
    Hi, I'm a 49 year old stay at home mom, & co- own a small irrigation & landscape business with my husband. We live in michigan so winter fitness is tough. Not to mention we plow snow which is even tougher. In the past I have done really well maintaining a healthy weight but I've gotten lazy & older lol. My goal is to be healthy! Stay motivated! Keep excercising & I need to lose around 8-10 lbs. I am also registered for my first 5k in June!
  • 3furballs
    3furballs Posts: 476 Member
    So far this week I've managed to get to Kickboxing twice and kettlebell this morning plus I've been walking to and from work as hubby is working 12 hours shifts and it's not-25!

    Caramel Thanks!
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    It's Hump Day!! Went to my first kickboxing class last night. Whew! It was a workout, but I did enjoy it. I can't go on Thursday as that is my late night at work-once a month until 8pm-2nd Thursday of every month- and the instructor is on vacation next week, but I will be back after that! Now to get a handle on what I am eating!!!

    Snow is slowly melting here and our parking lot at work was completely snow free for the first time in weeks! I am looking forward to some spring weather. I know we will still get some snow here and there, but hoping that the majority is gone.

    Hope everyone is doing well. Have a great day!!
  • Nataliegetfit
    Nataliegetfit Posts: 395 Member
    Good morning all. I just did my level 1, 30 day shred, and then 20 minutes on the elliptical. Feeling really good, it's getting a little easier. I still don't enjoy doing it, but feel like I have accomplished something when I'm done, and feel myself getting stronger. I am down another pound this morning, it's great when the hard work pays off, even if it is slowly.
    My sweet hubby is turning 49 Friday and had me order his favorite cake from a small restaurant. I am a little worried..... It's a carrot cake with pineapple and nuts and raisins and is so good. I am hoping to have a small piece and call it done. He is working with a guy who's birthday is actually the same day, so he is bringing some into work to share, which I am glad of. I haven't been baking at all because when I do, it seems like I like it and eat it more than anyone else. It's hard to have temptations around and I definitely don't want to undo anything I've done, I work so hard for every stinkin pound off, but don't want my husband to think I am totally depriving myself from now on either. I just want to be able to have a small piece, be happy and satisfied and not want more..........
    I think I will do a lot of extra excercising for a few days too.
    Well, its laundry time around here, and need to get down in the quilt room and start cutting out a new quilt and get started packing for a retreat next weekend. Need to get organized and get projects figured out.
    Hope you all have a great day.
  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Hey Stepannie,
    I haven't had any problems with syncing. Lucky I guess. My only FitBit gripe is that mine doesn't hold a charge for more than 16 hrs, so I have to plug in overnight and can't use the sleep tracker part.

    @Curiousgeorgianna- Have you had any issues with your FitBit not synching with MFP? I keep having to disconnect it and reconnect it.[/quote]

  • Curiousgeorgianna
    Curiousgeorgianna Posts: 187 Member
    Happy Hump Day Cool Kids!
    Beeps, way to go on the eating avoidance! Flat tummies tell the tale of hard work and heavy lifting!
    Allenpriest, hope your house is on a hill! Flooding is no fun (unless you're in a kayak! ;) ).
    Jackie, your meals are looking great!
    Alf, like Caramel, I've always been interested in Bikram. They don't offer it at my gym though :\ . I love yoga in general. Ashtanga is what I usually practice.
    Vomckey, dogs are the best workout buddies! love the foodie pics. I missed where to find your recipe thread...
    Farmer Larro, you're really good at shaping up a room! I could have used you last weekend! What were your sprouts?
    KS, Hurray! Standing is great progress. Hope he's home soon! Kickboxing sounds kick-butting!
    furballs, you're keeping up a great workout routine!
    Natalie, isn't that the most illusive goal...just a little, and satisfied with that. I wonder if hypnotherapy would help?
    Welcome to all the new folks.

    Today I got up at 0430 and headed to the gym. The early workout is a great way to go. There's only a handful of other folks, so plenty of space to play. I peddled in yesterday, and did a walking meeting, and did Hard CORE at lunch. Hit my 10K steps by the end of lunch! Drove today, and have a dinner meeting, but should be able to get out for a walk at lunch. Hard CORE and gym tomorrow... might ride Buttercup. I haven't quite got to the level where I can ride my bike, do Hard CORE and hit the gym. Should be able to keep a good workout schedule through the weekend.

    Have a great day everybody.
  • KellySue67
    KellySue67 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Hey Stepannie,
    My only FitBit gripe is that mine doesn't hold a charge for more than 16 hrs, so I have to plug in overnight and can't use the sleep tracker part.

    I have the same issue. I haven't used mine in months because I found this to be very frustrating! When I first got it, it was great, but after several months it just would not hold a charge for anything!