May Exercise Challenge 360 Minutes per Week of Moving It



  • tethomas73
    tethomas73 Posts: 249 Member
    Week 2

    Monday: Bicycling:20 minutes calories:125, Elliptical: 20 minutes calories:649
    Strength Training: Dual axis row 4 set 15 reps 50lbs and bench press machine 4 set 15 reps 50lb
    Total minutes 75 calories 774

    Tuesday: Elliptical: 40 minutes 1410 calories and treadmill: 20 minutes calories 258
    Strength Training: Triceps pulldown 4 set 25 reps70lbs and dual axis row 2 set 10 rep 50lbs
    Total minutes 75 minutes calories 1668

    Wednesday: Elliptical: 40 minutes 1323 calories bicycling: 15 minutes calories 150
    I did a boxing class but forgot to put my HRM back on.. Do not know how to count the calories 1 hr. 15 minutes
    Total minutes:130 calories burn1473
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    360 min week of 5/9/11:

    Mon: 70 min Leslie Sansone 4 miles..........................................................................290 min left!
    Tue: 55 min LS 4 miles DVD........................................................................................ 235 min left!
    Wed: 70 min = 30 min elliptical, 10 min bike, 30 min weights............................... 165 min left!
    Thu: 32 min LS 2 miles DVD.........................................................................................133 min left!
  • VJ150
    VJ150 Posts: 453
    360 Moving Minutes - Week 2

    Monday (May 9) 67 minutes walking/jogging - 460 calories burned (HRM)
    Tuesday - 54 minutes walking - 335 calories burned
    Wednesday - 31 minutes walking - 252
    Thursday -
    Friday -
    Saturday -
    Sunday -

    Minutes Left - 208
    Total Calories Burned - 1047
  • NHGirl23
    NHGirl23 Posts: 2,657 Member
    Week #2:

    Mon (5/9): 100 min – Zumba class – 100 min done
    Tue: 48 min - walking brisk pace (16), EA Active Sports/Kinect (32) - 148 min done
    Wed: 50 min - 30-Day Shred level two (20), Cardio/Strength DVD (30) - 198 min done
    Thu: 40 min - walking brisk pace - 238 min done/122 to go
  • VJ150
    VJ150 Posts: 453
    360 Moving Minutes - Week 2

    Monday (May 9) 67 minutes walking/jogging - 460 calories burned (HRM)
    Tuesday - 54 minutes walking - 335 calories burned
    Wednesday - 31 minutes walking - 252
    Thursday - 80 minutes walking/jogging - 481 calories burned
    Friday -
    Saturday -
    Sunday -

    Minutes Left - 128
    Total Calories Burned - 1528
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Peeps, I'm all ready for the garage sale tomorrow...It's like the biggest one of the year in St. Paul area

    I don't officially open up until tomorrow; but, while setting up we sold $130.00 worth of stuff...I went to Sam's club and purchased 108 hamburgers and 120 hotdogs to sell during the event...also, have pops, water and other snacks to sell as well.

    So, today was cleaning the attic out, setting up for garage sale, shopping for $300 worth of products to sell...yep, I have been moving all day...don't think I burn lots of calories...but, I am moving

    Tomorrow will be more sitting than moving

    Saturday and Sunday, I need to get some good calorie burn. I am loving all the stuff that I have organized and gotten rid of; but, it is not enough high calorie burnage.

    Oh, lunch is on me tomorrow if you want to swing by..
  • NHGirl23
    NHGirl23 Posts: 2,657 Member
    Wow, Kim, it sounds like quite an event. I am sure you are going to sell a ton of stuff, that is great. You must feel like you have gotten so much accomplished, awesome!

    Save a burger for me!! :smile: Good luck!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    360 min week of 5/9/11:

    Mon: 70 min Leslie Sansone 4 miles..........................................................................290 min left!
    Tue: 55 min LS 4 miles DVD........................................................................................ 235 min left!
    Wed: 70 min = 30 min elliptical, 10 min bike, 30 min weights............................... 165 min left!
    Thu: 32 min LS 2 miles DVD.........................................................................................133 min left!
    Fri: 120 min = 30 min elliptical, 30 min bike, 60 min weights....................................13 min left!
  • AliceLMS
    AliceLMS Posts: 2,428 Member
    It's time for applied exercise!

    Monday~ 68/608 Agricise HRM
    80/594 Gardening HRM
    Tuesday~68/548 Hauling Woodchips HRM
    Wednesday~40/335 HRM


    Lots more minutes without a super high burn this week. Hmmmmmm?
  • Konpeito
    Konpeito Posts: 82
    Week one for me ~

    Friday May 6th: 35 minuets/113 calories burned
    Saturday May 7th: 70 minuets/331 calories burned
    Sunday May 8th: 120 minuets/813 calories burned
    Monday May 9th: 120 minutes/706 calories burned
    Tuesday May 10th: 71 minuets/481 calories burned
    Wednesday May 11th: 90 minuets/610 calories burned
    Thusday May 12th: 215 minuets/1457 calories burned

    Total minuets: 726
    Total calories: 4,511

  • leix
    leix Posts: 176

    can i join? missed beginning may like lol

    monday 55mins
    tuesday 25mins
    wednesday 60mins
    thursday 103mins
    friday 55mins

    71mins left
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    The sale is done!!! We started at about 7:30 this morning and finished about 2:00 sitting, lots of standing and back is now killing me. All I want is a NAP. However, I have to get ready to take my son and his friends for a birthday get-together at the local bowling alley (where I will be drinking a beer and eating an appetizer) and then they will sleep over. Hopefully, I will be in bed by 10 PM.

    So, tomorrow I will start real exercise...definitely 1 hour of some sort of cardio with an HRM...can't wait to get back on a normal-ish sort of schedule.
  • professor142
    professor142 Posts: 9 Member
    I try to vary my exercise every few days between, biking ( 5-6 mile), walking (2-3 miles) or jogging/ walking on a track (1 - 2 miles). That helps keep me motivated.
  • NHGirl23
    NHGirl23 Posts: 2,657 Member
    Week #2:

    Mon (5/9): 100 min – Zumba class – 100 min done
    Tue: 48 min - walking brisk pace (16), EA Active Sports/Kinect (32) - 148 min done
    Wed: 50 min - 30-Day Shred level two (20), Cardio/Strength DVD (30) - 198 min done
    Thu: 40 min - walking brisk pace - 238 min done
    Fri: 38 min - walking brisk pace - 276 min done/84 to go
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member

    can i join? missed beginning may like lol

    monday 55mins
    tuesday 25mins
    wednesday 60mins
    thursday 103mins
    friday 55mins

    71mins left

    Welcome Leix!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    The sale is done!!! We started at about 7:30 this morning and finished about 2:00 sitting, lots of standing and back is now killing me. All I want is a NAP. However, I have to get ready to take my son and his friends for a birthday get-together at the local bowling alley (where I will be drinking a beer and eating an appetizer) and then they will sleep over. Hopefully, I will be in bed by 10 PM.

    So, tomorrow I will start real exercise...definitely 1 hour of some sort of cardio with an HRM...can't wait to get back on a normal-ish sort of schedule.

    Cool beans Kim!!!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    360 min week of 5/9/11:

    Mon: 70 min Leslie Sansone 4 miles..........................................................................290 min left!
    Tue: 55 min LS 4 miles DVD........................................................................................ 235 min left!
    Wed: 70 min = 30 min elliptical, 10 min bike, 30 min weights............................... 165 min left!
    Thu: 32 min LS 2 miles DVD.........................................................................................133 min left!
    Fri: 120 min = 30 min elliptical, 30 min bike, 60 min weights....................................13 min left!
    Sat: 43 min LS 2 miles DVD...........................................................................................DONE!!:bigsmile::bigsmile: (30 min over)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    360 min week of 5/9/11:

    Mon: 70 min Leslie Sansone 4 miles..........................................................................290 min left!
    Tue: 55 min LS 4 miles DVD........................................................................................ 235 min left!
    Wed: 70 min = 30 min elliptical, 10 min bike, 30 min weights............................... 165 min left!
    Thu: 32 min LS 2 miles DVD.........................................................................................133 min left!
    Fri: 120 min = 30 min elliptical, 30 min bike, 60 min weights....................................13 min left!
    Sat: 43 min LS 2 miles DVD, 30+ min walking & not going to count dancing tonight ..:bigsmile: :bigsmile: 60 min over!
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    The sale is done!!! We started at about 7:30 this morning and finished about 2:00 sitting, lots of standing and back is now killing me. All I want is a NAP. However, I have to get ready to take my son and his friends for a birthday get-together at the local bowling alley (where I will be drinking a beer and eating an appetizer) and then they will sleep over. Hopefully, I will be in bed by 10 PM.

    So, tomorrow I will start real exercise...definitely 1 hour of some sort of cardio with an HRM...can't wait to get back on a normal-ish sort of schedule.

    hope your sale went amazingly well :)
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    monday: 3 mile run 31/269, clean 60/146
    tuesday: 3.3 mile run 33/293
    wednesday: 3.17 mile run 31/308, 4.5 mile walk 75/254
    thursday: 2 mile run 35/137
    friday: nada-resting up for the big race
    saturday: riverbank 25k run 154/1498

    total so far: 419 minutes/2905 calories

    the race went really well!!!! finished in 2:33:55 which is a 9:56 minute pace...i am quite happy :) relaxing the rest of today and hoping for a short run tomorrow to stretch out my sore muscles

    great work this week everyone :)